Minolexin in etiotropic therapy for 58 urogenital chlamydial infection

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Urogenital chlamydiasis is one of the most incident urogenital diseases transmitted sexually and through everyday contacts. Chronic chlamydial infection can lead to male and female infertility, intrauterine and postnatal infection, and promote the development of cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune processes. Chlamydial invasion in various tissues is responsible for a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, presented by more than 20 syndromes and a spectrum of urogenital diseases: nongonococcal urethritis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, proctitis, and extragenital chlamydiasis. Specific etiotropic therapy for chlamydiasis is carried out by antibacterial drugs penetrating into the cell. Among most effective antichlamydial drugs are tetracyclines, the drugs of choice, prescribed with combined therapy. Accumulated clinical experience experience accumulated by today demonstrates high activity of this antibiotic group in acute uncomplicated cervicitis and urethritis and in subacute chlamydial infections, in asymptomatic disease, in sexual partners without history ofprevious therapy, and in postgonorrheic chlamydiasis. Minolexin is a second-generation tetracycline. It is a highly effective antichlamydial drug, characterized by better pharmacokinetics than other tetracyclines, with high adsorption, long half-life period, lipolytic activity, no cross resistance, and with inhibitory effects on the matrix metalloproteinases. A clinical case with minolexin therapy is presented.

About the authors

Elena Sergeevna Snarskaya

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow Medical University

Email: snarskaya-dok@mail.ru
MD, PhD, D.Sc, prof. 119991, Moscow, Russia

Maria Emmanuilovna Minakova

Center of Skin and Sexually-Transmitted Diseases

главный врач КВД 140105, Ramenskoye, Moscow Region, Russia


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