卷 20, 编号 2 (2015)


A set of activities carried out by the medical organization to prevent the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, causing an emergency situation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population

Suranova T., Chikova S., Shirokov A., Nikiforov V.


There was considered the set of activities being implemented by the medical organization to prevent the carrying and spread of infectious diseases, which give rise an emergency situation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. It is indicated to the need to advance the readiness of medical organization by means of holding exercises and thematic improvement for special programs.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):4-11
pages 4-11 views

Features of tissue reactions of immunocompetent organs in disseminated tuberculosis at different stages of HIV infection

Babaeva I., Avdeeva M., Gedymin L., Chumachenko G., Adamchik N., Konchakova A.


The purpose of the study. The improvement of the diagnosis oftuberculosis in HIV-infected patients on the basis ofa comparative study of tissue reactions of immunecompetent organs in disseminated tuberculosis and changes of the immunological status at different stages of HIV infection. Materials and methods. Pathological studies were performed on autopsy material of 11 cases oftuberculosis with HIV infection, and 6 autopsy observations of HIV infection. Studies of indices of the immunological response was performed in 60 patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (DPT) agedfrom 18 to 49 years, associated with HIV infection - 30 people (DPT + HIV) - the first group; and DPT without HIV infection - 30 people - the second group. The result of the study Progression of tuberculosis in patients on the background of HIV infection leads to the death both at the early and late stages of HIV infection. Histopathological features of lymphoid tissue response to tubercular process, depending on the stage of HIV infection were revealed. The structure of the granulation tissue of immunocompetent organs forming even at the terminal stage of the course of HIV infection testifies to the presence of residual immunological reserves. Damage to the immune system in tuberculosis and HIV infection has an systemic manifesting by a deep suppression of T- and B- cellular components of the immune system. In the course of HIV infection in patients with disseminated tuberculosis regular there are in process changes of quantitative and qualitative indices of the cellular component of l immunity, humoral immunity, nonspecific protection factors, and the functional activity ofneutrophils. Along with a decline in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, the serum level of immunoglobulins and circulating immune complexes increases. Immunodeficiency determines a more severe course of tuberculosis. Conclusion The evaluation of the immune status and pathologic response of lymphoid tissue in patients with tuberculosis and HIV infection is needed for the diagnosis of the stage of the process, the choice of the method of the treatment, the estimation of its effectiveness and outcome prediction for the disease
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):12-18
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Polymorphism of interleukin 28b gene as the monitoring parameter of the epidemiological surveillance system for Hepatitis C

Kuzin S., Kudryavtseva E., Korabelnikova M., Horuzhenko A., Glinenko V., Bogomolov P., Mantrov A., Dubodelov D., Polonsky V., Lavrov V., Semenenko T.


The ratio of gene IL28В genotypes (rs12979860 C>T, rs8099917 T>G) were studied in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and in the comparison group (patients with chronic hepatitis B) in the Moscow region. Genotypes СС (rs12979860) and ТТ (rs8099917), which are the predictors ofsustained virological response to the antiviral therapy, were found in 26% and 55% of CHC patients and in 45% and 71% patients in the comparison group, respectively. The differences in these groups are statistically significant..There was reveled an absence of differences in the frequency of detection of gene IL28В genotypes in CHC patients, in dependence on the HCV genotype. There was advanced an opinion that that the inclusion of Simple Nucleotide Polymorphism in the gene IL28B, as another parameter to be monitored, will increase effectiveness of the monitoring. The monitoring of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in IL28B gene in the system of the epidemiological surveillance for hepatitis C, as another parameter to be monitored will allow to increase its efficacy. There was determined the place of the monitoring for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) in IL28B gene in the system of the epidemiological surveillance for hepatitis C an the parameters which extend the information base required for the formation of an epidemiological forecast.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):19-25
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Modern possibilities for the prediction of the efficacy of antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C

Ryumin A., Korochkina O., Sobchak D., Sobolevskaya O., Butina T., Kuznetsova I., Koreyvo E.


Despite numerous investigations, the problem ofpredicting of efficiency of the antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) remains to be actual. As recent investigations showed polymorphism of IL-B28 gene in large part determines the achievement of the sustained virological response. In this study in 70 CHC patients there were evaluated factors which influence on the results of the treatment, their occurrence in the population, and the use the control them as a predictor of the efficacy of the therapy. There is considered the possibility of correction of some of them. This allows you to predict the achievement of sustained virological response. There has been confirmed the need for the accounting of IL-B28 gene polymorphism in the relation to the wide spread occurence in the population of normal genotypes in loci Rs12979860 and Rs8099917.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):25-29
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Method of DNA-comet assay in the diagnosis of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C

Popov A., Mikhailov A., Ivanova N., Simakova A.


In the study there were included 100 patients, which were selected in 5 group in dependence on the degree of liver fibrosis: I - F0, II - F1, III - F2, IV- F3, V - F4. Sixth (control) group was consisted of 43 healthy volunteers. The performed research has shown the relationship between the stage of fibrosis and the degree of DNA degradation in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The biggest level of DNA destruction in peripheral blood lymphocytes was established in group V patients with chronic viral hepatitis C. This allowed to consider method of DNA-comet assay as promising auxiliary method in the assessment of the formation of liver fibrosis.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):29-33
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Diversity of detected pathogens from patients with erysipelas

Troitskiy V., Erovichenkov A., Potekaeva S., Svistunova T., Belaya O., Volchkova E.


Objective To study the etiological structure of the disease in patients with various forms of erysipelas of the lower extremities by using bacteriological method. Materials and methods A total of 50 in-patients with erysipelas of the lower limbs, mainly with bullous hemorrhagic form, were examined. Using bacteriological method we examined blood, smears from the skin in the area of the hearth and bulls punctate. The study demonstrated the preferential identification of staphylococcus, mainly - in smears from the skin, while the informativeness of blood culture and bulls punctate was low. Conclusion The positive results of bacteriological research can serve as an objective criterion of therapy correction based on identified microbes.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):34-37
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Assessment of the intensity of the epidemic process of ventilator-associated respiratory tract infections in patients of surgical intensive care unit

Orlova O., Akimkin V.


The urgency of the problem of ventilator-associated respiratory tract infections is stipulated by the ever-increasing number of diseases caused by nosocomial polyantibiotic-resistant strains and high mortality rate. Purpose - to give an assessment of the intensity of the epidemic process of ventilator-associated respiratory tract infections in patients of the surgical intensive care unit. In the base of the analysis there were put the results of a comprehensive epidemiological, clinical, and instrumental study of 137 patients (100 patients with severe injuries and 37 patients with diseases of the abdomen and thorax) with ventilator - associated respiratory tract infections received medical treatment in the surgical intensive care unit. The proportion of respiratory tract infections in the structure of nosocomial infections in these patients varies from 34.6 to 58.9 %, in that there was revealed the prevalence of nosocomial pneumonias (63.5 %). When using a ventilator with viral-bacterial filters signs of nosocomial respiratory tract infections were manifested on the 10th day and later in 50.8 % of patients. In cases with the duration of artificial ventilation more than 10 days the risk of the development of these infections in patients with diseases of the abdominal cavity and thorax was 2.1 times higher than in patients with injuries. There was shown the necessity of the development of a set of measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections of the respiratory tract.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):37-42
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From colonial and Military medicine to Tropical medicine: Road of temporary defeats and famous victories. Historical overview

Bronshteyn A., Malyshev N., Lobzin Y.


Analysis of historical data shows the inextricable link between Military and Tropical Medicine, and the analysis of the political and economic situation - the possibility of conflict in the present and the future. If earlier the main purpose ofthe wars was the territory, now - it is a struggle for resources. In tropical countries the presence of huge mineral resources availability creates a basis for the continuation of the old and the emergence of new centers of military conflicts. The interrelationship between Military and Tropical Medicine is obvious and can receive a new impetus to its development. Military physicians will continue to be at the first turn to fight tropical infections and share their experience in civil medicine
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):43-48
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Dengue fever fatal case

Saifullin M., Kelly E., Bazarova M., Larichev V., Karan L., Akinshina Y., Butenko A.


The article presents data about the clinic, postmortem studies and specific diagnosis of the first registered in the Russian Federation fatal case of dengue fever that is associated with the first and only trip to Indonesia. The patient had hemorrhagic form of dengue fever with shock syndrome.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):49-51
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Seasonal and regional features of the distribution of rotavirus incidence in the Russian Federation

Podkolzin A., Kurochkina D., Shipulin G.


In the work there was performed an analysis of the indices of recorded incidence of rotavirus infection (RVI) in the territory of 40 subjects of the Russian Federation for the period 2008-2012. For the identification of the monthly peak of the incidence there was evaluated the temporal distribution of the relative indices of the RVI incidence within each subject of the observation. There was revealed the independent beginning of the winter-spring seasonal rise of the RVI incidence in three groups of territories of the Russian Federation (1 - Kirov, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod region; 2- Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo region; 3 - Amur region). In the territory of the South and the North Caucasus Federal District (Krasnodarsky and Stavropolsky Krai, Rostov region) there was noted the second, summer-autumn seasonal rise in the RVI incidence. The obtained data provide an overview of the seasonal-geographical distribution of the RVI incidence in the territory of Russia in conditions of the absence of the use of rotavirus vaccines
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):52-54
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Tendency of the development of the epidemic situation on tuberculosis in the Tver Region and pathways of its enhancement

Makarov V., Krylov V., Korolyuk E., Stepanova Y., Starikov S., Grishkina N.


In the beginning of the present century the epidemic situation on tuberculosis in the Tver region after a long period of deterioration under the influence to implemented medico-social and anti-epidemic measures received the tendency to the gradual improvement.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):55-60
pages 55-60 views

Pages of history of domestic military epidemiology (to 70 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War)

Knopov M., Taranukha V.


Great patriotic war was the most essential stage in development of domestic military epidemiology - the stage, characterized by creation of the slender and effective, scientifically reasonable system of the anti-epidemic assurance of troops in accordance with a concretely appearing battle epidemiological situation. In the years of war military epidemiology along with the organizational progress was enriched by new theoretical conceptualization, new different methods of work, that, undoubtedly, provided further development of medical science and the elevation of the level and efficiency of epidemiology work in troops.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):60-64
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In memory of Yuriy Aleksandrovich Il'inskiy

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Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(2):65-65
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