
Environmental State of Water in the Blagopoluchiya Bay of Solovetskii Island According to Hydrochemical and Hydrobiological Parameters
Mokhova O., Makedonskaya I., Novikova Y., Mel’nik R.
Hydrochemical Regime of the Kiliya Delta of the Danube River in Retrospective and Modern Conditions: I. Main Indicators of Water Chemical Composition
Linnik P., Zhezherya V., Linnik R.
Activation of molecular oxygen on copper(II) complexes of 5-hydroxy and 5-aminoorotic acids
Mishinkin V., Grabovskiy S., Kabal’nova N., Murinov Y.
Еxcitation Energy Relaxation Processes Involving Chlorophyll Molecules In Vitro: Solutions and Self-Organized Nanoassemblies
Zenkevich E.
Specific features of phase equilibriums in Ln–Ba–Fe–O systems
Volkova N., Urusova A., Gavrilova L., Bryuzgina A., Deryabina K., Mychinko M., Lebedev O., Raveau B., Cherepanov V.
Iron Removal from the Groundwater by Aeration
Kitaeva N., Skobeev D., Merkov S., Pestov S.
On hydrolysis of Ba–Bi–O and K–Ba–Bi–O oxide systems
Barkovskii N.
CuCl2-Mediated Hydroxylation of 2,3-Dimethyl-5-hydroxy-6-aminopyrimidine-4(3H)-one with Molecular Oxygen in Aqueous and Non-Aqueous Solutions
Mishinkin V., Grabovskii S., Kabal’nova N., Murinov Y.
Synthesis, structure, and antioxidant activity of anabasinium O,O-dimethylthiophosphate
Kabieva S., Nurkenov O., Seilkhanov T., Bakibaev A., Gazaliev A., Takibaeva A., Voronova O., Plotnikov E.
Synthesis of 3,5-Di-tert-butyl-1,2-dihydroxybenzene Derivatives and Their Effect on Free-Radical Oxidation of Hexane and Oxygen Activation Ability of Neutrophils
Ksendzova G., Ostrovskaya N., Semenkova G., Sorokin V., Shishkanova P., Shadyro O.
Flame-retardant finishing of different textiles
Vladimirtseva E., Smirnova S., Odintsova O., Vinokurov M.
Spectrophotometric study of dehalogenation of benzyl halides with nickel in aprotic dipolar solvents in the presence of oxygen
Egorov А., Novikova А., Stepanova Е.
Chromato–Mass Spectrometric Identification of Unusual Products of 4-Isopropylphenol Oxidation in Aqueous Solutions
Zenkevich I., Pushkareva T.
Epilimnion, Metalimnion, and Hypolimnion of a Mesotrophic Aquatic Ecosystem: Functional Role of the Vertical Structure of the Reservoir Ecosystem in Terms of Hydrochemical and Biological Parameters
Sadchikov A., Ostroumov S.
Oxidation of 5-aminouracil with molecular oxygen in aqueous solution in the presence of copper(II) chloride
Murinov Y., Mishinkin V., Akchurina O., Grabovskii S., Kabal’nova N.
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