
Study of the Adsorption Activity of Skeletal Nickel with Respect to Reactive Hydrogen by Simultaneous Thermal Analysis Mass Spectrometry
Prozorov D., Afineevskii A., Smirnov N., Sukhachev Y., Chelysheva M.
Redox Activation of Hydrogen Sulfide, Thiols, and Sulfur in Electrosynthesis of Organic Di- and Polysulfides
Shinkar’ E., Smolyaninov I., Kuzmin V., Berberova N.
Solubility of salts of d-elements in organic and water-organic solvents: V. Inner-sphere chalcogen S–S contacts in the [Ni(DMSO)4(H2O)2]Cl2 solvate
Bogachev N., Tsyrulnikov N., Starova G., Skripkin M., Nikolskii A.
Catalytic epoxidation of β-pinene with aqueous hydrogen peroxide
Fomenko V., Bakhvalov O., Kollegov V., Salakhutdinov N.
Specific features of oxidation of ferrocenylmethanol with hydrogen peroxide in acidic media
Fomin V., Zaitseva K., Sharova M., Klimova M.
Mesomorphic and Dielectric Properties of Supramolecular 3,5-Diamino-1-dodecyl-1,2,4-triazole
Novikov I., Aleksandriiskii V., Kudayarova T., Danilova E., Burmistrov V.
Hydrogen Peroxide as a Polymerization Initiator for Silicate Bleaching Solution Stabilizers
Sharnina L., Vladimirtseva E., Odintsova O.
Effect of protonation on the photocatalytic activity of the layered titanate Rb2Nd2Ti3O10
Rodionov I., Fateev S., Zvereva I.
Interaction of hydrogen peroxide and thiourea or its oxides with terephthalic acid
Vlasova E., Kuznetsova A., Golovashova E., Makarov S.
Synthesis and structure of tris(3-methylphenyl)bismuth bis(3,4-dimethylbenzenesulfonate)
Sharutin V., Sharutina O.
Effect of the Nature of Organic Solvent on the Association of N-[3-(Dimethylamino)propyl](meth)acrylamides
Kamorina S., Sadikov A., Kamorin D., Kazantsev O., Rumyantsev M., Korotaev M., Postnikova I.
Antioxidant Activity of 2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol Derivatives in Lipid Peroxidation and Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition by Human Erythrocytes in vitro
Kolyada M., Osipova V., Berberova N., Shpakovsky D., Milaeva E.
Rhodium(I) bisaldimine complexes in transfer hydrogenation
Nindakova L., Badyrova N., Sadykov E., Ushakov I., Vanzarakshaeva S.
Complexes of 2-(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)-5-methyl-2н-pyrazol-3-ol with phenols: Formation, structure, stability
Erkin A., Gurzhii V., Klaptyuk I., Firsanova T., Krutikov V.
Multiple hydrogen bonds-mediated formation of supramolecular polysiloxanes based on oligoamide duplexes
Luo K., Wang W., Cao R., Feng W.
Negative Photochromism of Solutions of Functionalized Spiropyrans in a Water—Acetonitrile Mixture
Valova T., Barachevsky V., Khuzin A., Tuktarov A.
Rearrangements and Tautomeric Transformations of Heterocyclic Compounds in Homogeneous Reaction Systems Furfural–Н2О2–Solvent
Badovskaya L., Poskonin V.
Preparation and catalase activity of gold-ceria composites
Eryomin A., Abakshonok A., Agabekov V., Kvasyuk A.
The interaction of gaseous SiF4 and HF with surface of aqueous solution of LaCl3 leading to the formation of the LaF3–SiO2·nH2O nanocomposite and microtubes on its basis
Gulina L., Tolstoy V., Lobinsky A., Petrov Y.
Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial activity of some thiazoles derived from allyl thioureas
Khare R., Sharma J., Sharma A.
N-(2,3-Dihydroxy-4-iodo-2,3-dimethylbutyl)trifluoroacetamide: Hydrogen Bonds in Crystal and Solution
Sterkhova I., Lazarev I., Shainyan B.
Reaction of Thiourea Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide with Coumarin
Molodtsov P., Makarova A., Makarov S., Kuznetsova A., Koifman O.
Thermal behavior of binary complex сompounds сontaining the hexacyanoferrate anion
Pechenyuk S., Domonov D., Shimkin A., Semushina Y., Ivanov Y.
Computer modeling of triterpene glycosides interaction with natural polymer chitosan
Mironenko N., Smuseva S., Brezhneva T., Selemenev V., Nechaeva L.
Features of homolytic organophosphorus synthesis and its application
Novakov I., Rakhimov A.
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