
Comparison of Regional Atmospheric Model Forecasts under Different Initial and Boundary Conditions
Ignatov R., Zaichenko M., Tolstykh M., Rubinshtein K., Kurbatova M.
Simulation and Analysis of Sea Floods in the Don River Delta
Fomin V., Alekseev D., Lemeshko E., Lazorenko D.
Studying Resonance Oscillations in the Eastern Part of the Posyet Bay
Smirnov S., Yaroshchuk I., Leontyev A., Shvyrev A., Pivovarov A., Samchenko A.
SL-AV atmospheric model version using σ-p hybrid vertical coordinates
Shashkin V., Tolstykh M., Ivanova A., Skriptunova E.
The System for Numerical Prediction of Weather Events (Including Severe Ones) for Moscow Megacity: The Prototype Development
Rivin G., Vil’fand R., Kiktev D., Rozinkina I., Tudriy K., Blinov D., Varentsov M., Samsonov T., Bundel’ A., Kirsanov A., Zakharchenko D.
Multiscale Global Atmosphere Model SL-AV: the Results of Medium-range Weather Forecasts
Tolstykh M., Fadeev R., Shashkin V., Goyman G., Zaripov R., Kiktev D., Makhnorylova S., Mizyak V., Rogutov V.
Numerical Simulation of World Ocean Effects on Temperature and Ozone in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere
Jakovlev A., Smyshlyaev S.
Roshydromet supercomputer technologies for numerical weather prediction
Bedritskii A., Vil’fand R., Kiktev D., Rivin G.
Analysis of effects of constant wind on the velocity of currents and seiche oscillations in the Azov Sea level
Demyshev S., Cherkesov L., Shul’ga T.
Satellite observations and numerical simulation results for the comprehensive analysis of ash cloud transport during the explosive eruptions of Kamchatka volcanoes
Sorokin A., Girina O., Lupyan E., Mal’kovskii S., Balashov I., Efremov V., Kramareva L., Korolev S., Romanova I., Simonenko E.
Large-scale Ocean Circulation and Sea Ice Characteristics Derived from Numerical Experiments with the NEMO Model
Stepanov V., Resnyanskii Y., Strukov B., Zelenko A.
Application of the COSMO-CLM mesoscale model to assess the effects of forest cover changes on regional weather conditions in the European part of Russia
Kuz’mina E., Ol’chev A., Rozinkina I., Rivin G., Nikitin M.
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