
Soil Temperature Dynamics in Transbaikalia under Changing Climate Conditions
Balybina A., Trofimova I.
Thermal Regime of the Troposphere, Stratosphere, and Lower Mesosphere in the Northern Hemisphere in 1979–2016
Perevedentsev Y., Shantalinskii K., Vasil’ev A., Gur’yanov V.
Climatic Changes in Thermal Conditions of Sea Areas in the Eastern Arctic at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Rostov I., Dmitrieva E., Vorontsov A.
Contribution of Greenhouse Gas Radiative Forcing and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation to Surface Air Temperature Trends
Mokhov I., Smirnov D.
Climate changes in atmospheric radiation parameters from the MSU meteorological observatory data
Gorbarenko E.
Analysis of temperature variability in the mountain regions of the North Caucasus in 1961–2013
Tashilova A., Kesheva L., Teunova N., Taubekova Z.
Trends in Hazardous Phenomena over the Far Eastern Seas Caused by Tropical Cyclones
Mezentseva L., Evdokimova L., Vrazhkin A.
Estimation of surface air temperature trends over the Russian Federation territory using the quantile regression method
Sterin A., Timofeev A.
Hydrometeorological Hazards in the Volga Federal District
Perevedentsev Y., Shumikhina A., Shantalinskii K., Gur’yanov V.
Long-term projection of main parameters of regional climate till the year 3000
Vetrov V., Borisova O., Velichko A.
Нәтижелер 10 - 1/10
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  • Нақты фразаны табу үшін, мысалы, тырнақшаларды қолданыңыз. "ғылыми зерттеулер"
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  • мысалы, нұсқа ретінде * қолданыңыз. ғылым* "ғылыми","ғылыми"және т. б. сөздерді қамтиды< / li> < / < / к-сі>

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