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Vol 51, No 2 (2016)


On the А-dependence in J⁄ψ-mesons productions processes in proton–nucleus collisions

Zhamkochyan V.M.


A description of FNAL E866 experimental data on pAJX processes is given in the model of intermediate leading states. The agreement attained with experimental data is an argument in favor of the model used and of the validity of its generalization to the case of nucleus–nucleus interactions.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):99-101
pages 99-101 views

Theoretical justification of the possibility of cryocooling of a solid target at irradiation with proton beam from cyclotron C18

Harutyunyan G.S.


The thermal physics processes of solid target cooling at proton beam irradiation in С18 cyclotron were calculated. The calculations were made with the help of finite-elements method using ANSYS program for beams with nonuniform density of particle distribution in the beam profile. It was shown that the radiation efficiency and conditions of target cooling essentially depend on distributions of particles in the beam and on efficient size of beam. A principal possibility of the cryocooling of target is shown that would essentially increase the radiation efficiency and the yield of final product–the medical isotope 99mTc. The developed calculation method may be of use also for other processes of target irradiation with charged particle beams.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):102-107
pages 102-107 views

The Faraday law of induction for an arbitrarily moving charge

Mekhitarian V.M.


The Faraday law of electromagnetic induction for an arbitrarily moving charge is generalized and the expression for the force acting on the charge in an alternating magnetic field is obtained. It is shown that besides the Lorentz force perpendicular to the velocity of the particle, the Faraday force parallel to the particle velocity and proportional to it is acting on the charge, too. The equations of motion of the charged particle and the magnetic moment are obtained in the time-varying magnetic field. The problems of induction acceleration of charged particles (betatron) and induction heating of medium (plasma, plasma betatron) are considered.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):108-126
pages 108-126 views

Formation of metastable molecular states at the resonance scattering of two atoms in a laser radiation field

Gazazyan E.A., Gazazyan A.D.


Using the Dirac’s method, the formation of metastable molecular states at the resonance scattering of two atoms in the laser radiation field is considered. Expressions for the metastable level populations and the resonance scattering cross sections are obtained. In the case of an exact resonance with the laser radiation, the graphs for populations and resonance scattering cross sections, which have two peaks due to the Autler–Townes effect, are obtained. These results play an important role in the study of the controlled chemical reaction and for the understanding of the processes in the quantum systems of the Bose–Einstein condensate at low temperatures, as well as in the various optical processes in atomic gases.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):127-135
pages 127-135 views

On the problem of quantum tunneling of a singular potential

Muradyan G.A., Hakobyan H.R., Balasanyan B.V.


The problem of quantum tunneling through the singular potential barrier \(V(x) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {V_0 (b/x - x/a)^2 ,} & {0 < \left| x \right| \leqslant \sqrt {ab} } \\ {0,} & {\left| x \right| > \sqrt {ab} } \\ \end{array} } \right.\) is discussed on the subject of the possibility to replace the singular behavior of the problem at the point x = 0 by a limiting process at the top of the truncated potential. The validity of such a replacement and, on this basis, the zero transparency of the quantum potential barrier are shown.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):136-142
pages 136-142 views

Study of nanocomposite thick-film butanol vapor sensors

Adamyan Z.N., Sayunts A.G., Khachaturyan E.A., Aroutiounian V.M.


Gas sensing characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated with tin dioxide nanoparticles nanocomposite thick-film structures (MWCNTs/SnO2) prepared using hydrothermal synthesis, sol–gel technique and their combined process were investigated. Gas response test measurements of all studied nanocomposite structures carried out in air/target gas mixture showed that the most and at one time selective response to butanol vapor exposure in comparison to other mainly toxic and harmful gases such as acetone, toluene, formaldehyde, dimethylformamide, and others is observed for samples obtained by hydrothermal synthesis with 1:4 and 1:200 weight ratios of the nanocomposite components, respectively. These sensors are characterized by relatively short response and recovery times about 12 and 100 s, respectively, as well as low operating temperatures in the range of 150–200°C.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):143-149
pages 143-149 views

Intrasubband light absorption in a parabolic quantum well with consideration of scattering on the three-dimensional optical phonons

Gevorgyan A.H., Kazaryan E.M., Kostanyan A.A.


Within the frameworks of the second order perturbation theory the light absorption by free carriers in a parabolic quantum well (QW) is investigated taking into account the scattering by the three-dimensional optical phonons. An analytical expression for the absorption coefficient is obtained taking into the consideration two processes, with initial absorption of a photon and further scattering by optical phonons, and with the initial scattering by the optical phonons and the subsequent absorption of the photon. Frequency characteristics and dependences on the temperature and the width of QW are examined.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):150-156
pages 150-156 views

Quantum model of the prolate spheroidal Thomson hydrogen atom

Baghdasaryan D.A., Hayrapetyan D.B., Kazaryan E.M.


In a uniformly charged prolate spheroidal Thomson hydrogen atom the electron states have been investigated. It has been shown from the mathematical point of view that the problem is equivalent to a spheroidal hydrogen atom in a parabolic potential with the cylindrical symmetry. In the framework of adiabatic approximation, the energy of ground state has been calculated. Comparison with the case of uncharged spheroidal quantum dot has been made, and the analytical form of wave function of electron has been also obtained.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):157-161
pages 157-161 views

Diamagnetic susceptibility of the electron gas in the cylindrical nanolayer

Ghaltaghchyan H.T., Kazaryan E.M., Sarkisyan H.A.


Diamagnetic properties of the electron gas in cylindrical nanolayer have been investigated. The dependence of mean energy, mean magnetization and mean magnetic susceptibility on the values of magnetic field is obtained. Comparison of these dependencies with the case, when the electron gas is localized in the cylindrical quantum dot, is carried out. In a nanolayer, the character of an effect of size quantization on the magnetic properties of the electron gas has been revealed.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):162-167
pages 162-167 views

Resistive switching effect in metal–oxide–metal structures with ZnO:Li oxide layer

Igityan A.S.


The resistive switching effect in metal–oxide–metal (MOM) structures has been investigated, where the 10% Li-doped ZnO layer was used as an oxide layer, as well as Pt and 20% fluorine doped SnO2 (SnO2:F) were used as a bottom electrodes. The current–voltage (IV) and switching (It) characteristics of Ag/ZnO:Li/Pt and Ag/ZnO:Li/SnO2:F structures were investigated. The unipolar resistive switching is detected in the structures with the Pt, while the use of transparent conductive SnO2:F electrode instead of Pt, results to the bipolar memory effect.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):168-173
pages 168-173 views

On mechanism of the growth of the optical transitions strengths in Ge-quantum dots embedded in Si matrix

Mkrtchyan A.R., Alexanyan A.G., Aramyan K.S., Alexanyan A.A.


The Si/Ge heterostructure, the active area of which is composed of the Ge quantum dots (QD), is investigated theoretically. The high density of the Ge QDs array cannot be the dominant feature in the choice of an adequate model that can explain the experimentally observed increase in the intensity of luminescence. In the basis of such model the conditions are laid that increase the oscillator strength of exciton due to the ‘retraction’ of electronic states into the Ge QD core.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):174-180
pages 174-180 views

Investigation of processes of heat propagation in multilayer sensor of thermoelectric single-photon detector

Kuzanyan A.A., Kuzanyan A.S., Nikoghosyan V.R., Gurin V.N., Volkov M.P.


The results of computer simulation of the processes of heat propagation inside the multilayer sensor of thermoelectric detector after absorbing the single photons with the energies 1 keV and 100 eV are presented. The variants are considered for different geometries of the sensor which consists of the tungsten absorber and of the thermoelectric layer of the cerium hexaboride. The differences of temporal dependence of the signal arising in the thermoelectric layer when the photon is absorbed in the various areas of absorber are studied in details. The energy resolution and the count rate of the sensor are estimated. It is shown that the multilayer sensors have a number of advantages as compared to the single-layered, and their use is promising in the various fields of science and technology.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):181-190
pages 181-190 views

Characterization of zinc and zinc cyanide nanoparticles in carbon matrices prepared by solid-phase pyrolysis of zinc-phthalocyanine

Mirzakhanyan A.A., Manukyan A.S., Gyulasaryan H.T., Ginoyan A.K., Nurijanyan M.K., Yuzyuk Y.I., Kaniukov E.Y., Sharoyan E.G.


Using solid-phase pyrolysis of Zn-phthalocyanine (ZnC32H16N8), we have prepared zinc and zinc cyanide nanoparticles in carbon matrices with a zinc concentration of 3 at %. The structure and composition of samples were investigated by the methods of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that at low pyrolysis temperature (700°C) only the Zn nanoparticles are formed, whereas at higher temperature (900°C) a certain amount of Zn(CN)2 nanoparticles are also synthesized. The mean diameter of nanoparticles is about 150 nm, and their size distribution has a logarithmically normal shape.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):191-195
pages 191-195 views

Control of the parameters of a beam of thermal neutrons

Mkrtchyan A.R., Kocharyan V.R., Wagner A.R., Bagdasaryan A.S., Kiziridi A.A., Movsisyan A.E.


The reflection of thermal neutron beams from a quartz single crystal was investigated in the Laue geometry under the external influences. The controllability of a neutron beam in space and time is analyzed and its parameters are estimated (relative maximum intensity, the angular and energy distribution of obtained beams etc.).

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):196-201
pages 196-201 views

Two-dimensional coordinate-sensitive photodetectors based on (p)InSb–(n)CdTe heterojunction

Margaryan A.V., Petrosyan S.G., Matevosyan L.A., Avjyan K.E.


Photosensitivity of locally irradiated (n)CdTe–(p)InSb heterojunction formed by the pulsed laser deposition of CdTe thin layer was investigated. Two-coordinate sensitive IR photodetectors based on such heterojunction were fabricated, and it was shown that they have the linear output characteristics. The measured value of coordinate sensitivity is about 30 nA/μm.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(2):202-209
pages 202-209 views

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