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Том 68, № 11 (2019)


Methane oxidation catalysts based on the perovskite-like complex oxides of cobalt and nickel

Mazo G., Shlyakhtin O., Loktev A., Dedov A.


The results of the last 20 year research on the development of rare earth cobaltate- and nickelate-based catalysts of the partial oxidation of methane (POM) are summarized. New way of synthesis of these catalysts based on the decomposition of complex oxide precursors in the reducing environment is discussed. It was found that the high mobility of oxygen in LaSrCoO4 is accompanied by a significant catalytic activity of this complex oxide in methane oxidation. High catalytic performance of NdCaCoO4 in POM might be caused by the reductive decomposition of this complex oxide at a temperature above 900 °C and the formation of closely packed agglomerates of nanoparticles of metallic cobalt, Nd2O3, and CaO. The studies focused on decreasing POM temperature via substitution of cobalt by nickel in complex oxide precursors as well as the works considering decomposition processes in order to obtain metal-oxide nanocomposites with the optimum catalytic performance are discussed. This work shows that the reductive decomposition of Nd2−xCax(Co1−yNiy)O4−d and of the related complex oxides opens up new possibilities for the development of metal-oxide catalysts of the partial oxidation of methane and other catalytic oxidation processes.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):1949-1953
pages 1949-1953 views

Interactions of uracil and its derivatives with polyfunctional acids

Zimin Y., Borisova N., Mustafin A.


The previously obtained experimental and quantum chemical data on the composition, structure, stability, and thermodynamic properties of complexes of uracil and a series of its derivatives with different high- and low-molecular-weight carboxylic acids are summarized and analyzed. Interactions of uracil derivatives with polyfunctional acids (apple pectin, the oxidized fraction of apple pectin, the oxidized fraction of arabinogalactan from Siberian larch, as well as succinic, fumaric, 4- and 5-aminosalicylic acids) were studied by spectroscopic methods. The compositions and stability constants of the resulting complexes were determined. Electron-donating substituents at position 5 of 6-methyluracil increase the stability of its complexes with polyfunctional acids. The temperature dependence (293–323 K) of stability constants was studied using eleven complexes, and the thermodynamic parameters of the complexation were calculated. Quantum chemical calculations demonstrated that COOH groups of acids are involved in complexation with uracils. The H—N(1)—C(2)—O(7) moiety of uracil molecules is the most preferable for complexation with polyfunctional acids.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):1954-1961
pages 1954-1961 views

Macrocycle-based oligo- and polylactides: synthesis and prospects of application

Stoikov I., Padnya P., Mostovaya O., Vavilova A., Gorbachuk V., Shurpik D., Evtugin G.


The review considers methods for modifying oligo- and polymers of lactic acid by macrocyclic moieties (cyclodextrin, tetrapyrrole, and calixarene) and the effect of modifiers on the complexing, thermal, and aggregation properties. Analytical characteristics of oligolactide-based sensors and biosensors are discussed, with particular emphasis on the mechanism of signal generation and the contribution of modified materials to the selectivity and sensitivity of analysis.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):1962-1982
pages 1962-1982 views

Full Articles

Chemical vapor deposition of boron-containing films using B(OAlk)3 as precursors: thermodynamic modeling

Shestakov V., Kosyakov V., Kosinova M.


Thermodynamic modeling of the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of boron-containing films in the chemical system B—C—O—H was carried out. The possibility to use trialkyl borates B(OAlk)3 (Alk = Et, Pri) and their mixtures with helium, hydrogen, and ammonia to fabricate films of different composition was demonstrated. The CVD phase diagrams of the systems in question were calculated. The nature of the boundaries on these sections was analyzed. The chemical reaction equations determining the position of such lines are derived. Chemical equilibria corresponding to these reactions can be used to control the CVD process.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):1983-1990
pages 1983-1990 views

Structure and dynamics of photoactivatable adenylyl cyclase

Kulakova A., Khrenova M., Nemukhin A.


The full-atom 3D model of the dimer of the photoregulated adenylyl cyclase is constructed. It contains a molecule of flavin mononucleotide chromophore in the photoreceptor domain and a molecule of adenosine triphosphate substrate in the catalytic domain of each monomer. The performed molecular dynamics simulations show that monomers in the dimer are not equivalent, as well as that the conformation of the dimer changes upon substrate binding to the active site and also after transition of the photoreceptor domain from the dark to the light form.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):1991-1996
pages 1991-1996 views

Kinetics and mechanism of anodic dissolution of gold in aqueous solution of 1,4-diaminobutane

Vedenyapina M., Kuznetzov V., Makhova N., Rodikova D.


The corrosion of the Au anode in aqueous solution of 1,4-diaminobutane (DAB) was studied by gravimetric analysis. The corrosion products were found to reduce at a steel cathode under galvanostatic conditions to form electrolytic precipitate of Au. Complex of Au with DAB was found to form in the solution, the structure of the complex was suggested. The kinetic of electrochemical corrosion of the Au anode in the DAB solution was also studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):1997-2001
pages 1997-2001 views

Adsorption of gases on a polymer adsorbent MN-200 in the region of supercritical temperatures and pressures

Pribylov A., Murdmaa K.


Adsorption of nitrogen, argon, and methane in a polymer adsorbent MN-200 was studied in the pressure range of 0.1–40 MPa at temperatures of 303, 323, 343, and 363 K. The excess adsorption isotherms were measured, the adsorption volumes were determined, the adsorption isotherms of total content and the characteristic adsorption energies were calculated. Isosteric, integral, and average heats of adsorption were determined.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2002-2008
pages 2002-2008 views

Diethylamine-based ionic liquids: quantum chemical calculations and experiment

Shmukler L., Fedorova I., Gruzdev M., Fadeeva Y., Safonova L.


The structural and energetic characteristics of the compounds formed by the reaction of diethylamine (DEA) with protic acids (sulfuric (H2SO4), methanesulfonic (MsOH), trifluoromethanesulfonic (TfOH), and para-toluenesulfonic (TsOH)) were examined using quantum chemical computations (B3LYP-GD3/6-31++G(d,p)). The strength of the hydrogen bonds in the ion pairs formed was quantitatively estimated by the QTAIM theory and NBO analysis. The results of the quantum chemical computations and the obtained thermal (phase transition and decomposition temperatures) and physicochemical (viscosity and conductivity) characteristics indicate that the reactions of DEA with the acids afford salts. The salts with the melting points higher than 100 °C are formed in the case of DEA/OTf(OTs), while protic ionic liquids are produced in the case of DEA/OMs(HSO4).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2009-2019
pages 2009-2019 views

Laser-induced continuous generation of Ni nanoparticles for organic synthesis

Smikhovskaia A., Kochemirovskaya S., Novomlinskii M., Fogel’ A., Lebedev D., Kochemirovsky V., Ermakov S., Menchikov L.


The possibilities of laser-induced liquid phase chemical deposition (LCLD) of metal for continuous generation of nickel nanoparticles, the sizes of which allow their use as a catalyst for organic reactions are considered. The conditions for obtaining Ni nanoparticles by this method were optimized.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2020-2027
pages 2020-2027 views

Transformation of graphene oxide in supercritical media

Groshkova Y., Buslaeva E., Gubin S.


Graphene oxide (GO) synthesized according to the modified Hummers method was reduced by supercritical isopropyl alcohol (SCI), supercritical acetone (SCA), and supercritical water (SCW). Methods free of toxic reducing agents were developed for the graphene production. The composition, morphology, and structure of synthesized graphene were determined using CHN analysis, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The best results were acquired in the case of GO reduction in SCA and SCI at high parameters.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2028-2032
pages 2028-2032 views

Catalytic effect of hydroxyl-containing compounds at the propagation step of the chain reaction of thiophenol with quinone imines

Varlamov V., Krisyuk B.


Hydroxyl-containing compounds (water, methanol, and phenol) act as efficient catalysts of the chain reactions of thiophenol with quinone imines at their propagation steps as it was found previously for thiols. The results of quantum chemical analysis of isomerization of a radical adduct into phenoxyl radical or corresponding aromatic aminyl radical are considered. The adduct was formed at the rate limiting step of the chain propagation by thiyl radical addition to quinone imine. Enthalpies and activation energies for mono- and bimolecular isomerization of the adduct with participation of hydroxyl-containing compounds were computed and matched. For comparison, analogous reactions with participation of thiols (hydrogen sulfide, metahnthiol and thiophenol) were also studied. In both the cases, the catalytic effect is caused by transforming the four-membered cyclic transition state of the monomolecular isomerization reaction into the energetically favorable six-membered transition state by the O—H or S—H groups of the indicated compounds. This considerably reduces the activation energy.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2033-2038
pages 2033-2038 views

Complexes of palladium(II) with N-heterocyclic carbenes from adamantylimidazole as precatalysts for thiophene and imidazole arylation

Denisov M., Dmitriev M., Gorbunov A., Glushkov V.


Complexes of palladium(II) with N-heterocyclic carbenes of the PEPPSI-type were synthesized by the reaction of PdCl2 with 1-adamantyl-3-(R-methyl)-1H-imidazolium salts. These complexes were used as productive precatalysts for substituted thiophene and imidazole arylation by C—H-activation.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2039-2047
pages 2039-2047 views

Low-temperature copper hydrosilicates: catalysts for reduction of aromatic nitro compounds with molecular hydrogen

Kirichenko O., Shuvalova E., Redina E.


The catalytic reduction of aromatic nitro compounds with hydrogen was carried out for the first time over low-temperature copper hydrosilicates synthesized at 92–110 °C as catalysts. Copper hydrosilicates demonstrated high catalytic activity and selectivity towards nitrobenzene hydrogenation to aniline and p-dinitrobenzene hydrogenation to p-nitroaniline and p-phenylenediamine under relatively mild conditions (150–170 °C, hydrogen pressure of 1.3 MPa).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2048-2052
pages 2048-2052 views

Bis(15-crown-5)-1,4-distyrylbenzene and its complexes with metal perchlorates: photonics and structure

Atabekyan L., Avakyan V., Chibisov A., Gromov S., Vatsadze S., Nuriev V., Medved’ko A.


Photoprocesses of bis(15-crown-5)-1,4-distyrylbenzene (DSB) and its complexes with barium and lead perchlorates in MeCN were studied by absorption, luminescence, and laser kinetic spectroscopies. Triplet DSB complexes are involved in the degradation of electronic excitation energy along with the trans—cis-isomerization and fluorescence processes. The most effective intersystem crossing was observed for the complex with lead perchlorate. The process is accompanied by a decrease in the quantum yield of DSB fluorescence and no trans—cis-isomerization is observed in this case. Shifts of spectral bands observed in the absorption and fluorescence spectra and the changes in the band intensities as well as the ability of DSB to form the 2: 2 bisandwich complex with barium perchlorate were explained using the results of quantum chemical calculations.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2053-2064
pages 2053-2064 views

Polyelectrolyte nanoparticles based on functionalized silica and pillar[5]arene derivatives for recognition of model proteins

Ziatdinova R., Nazarova A., Yakimova L., Mostovaya O., Kalinin V., Osin Y., Stoikov I.


The paper reports the first synthesis of positively charged hybrid organic-inorganic silicon dioxide nanoparticles with an average particle diameter of 28 nm modified with 1-[3-(diethylamino)propyl]-3-[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]urea and pillar[5]arene derivatives containing negatively charged groups, which form nanoparticles with an average diameter of 40 nm in an aqueous solution. These nanoparticles were utilized in a new procedure developed for the preparation of mixed polyelectrolyte particles. Spectroscopic studies (UV spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering) showed that the resulting compounds are able to recognize biopolymers, proteins (bovine serum albumin and lysozyme).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2065-2074
pages 2065-2074 views

Polymer microspheres for replacement of biological carriers in test systems operating on the principle of latex agglutination reaction

Gritskova I., Sivaev A., Gusev S., Levachev S., Lobanova N., Andreeva A., Chvalun S.


The results of the study of various modification methods of polymer microspheres for their use in immunochemical reactions as bioligand carriers are reported. Ion etching and electron microscopy were used to show that the copolymer microspheres have a porous structure non-uniform in density. The Maillard reaction was used for the first time in the modification of copolymer microspheres by dextrans of different molecular weight as a simplest way of covalent immobilization of saccharides on their surface. The physicochemical properties of polystyrene-divinylbenzene and polyglycidyl methacrylate-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate microspheres modified with diamines and dextrans were determined for the first time. The conditions under which the bioligand (diphtheria toxoid) immobilized on their surface retained the native conformation and the diagnostics obtained on their basis have high sensitivity were revealed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2075-2082
pages 2075-2082 views

Mesoporous aromatic frameworks modified by metal chlorides in phenol alkylation with oct-1-ene

Talanova M., Guojun M., Karakhanov E., Anisimov A.


Mesoporous polyaromatic frameworks (PAF) based on tetraphenylmethane were synthesized. The PAF/AlCl3 and PAF/FeCl3 catalysts were prepared by impregnating the synthesized products with aluminum and iron chlorides, respectively. The resulting materials were characterized by low-temperature adsorption—desorption of nitrogen, IR spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The catalytic activity of PAF/AlCl3 and PAF/FeCl3 was tested in the phenol alkylation with oct-1-ene. The tests showed that the use of these catalysts gave both alkylphenols (C-alkylates) and alkyl phenyl ethers (O-alkylates) in the total yields up to 78 and 65% for PAF/AlCl3 and PAF/FeCl3, respectively. The fraction of alkylphenols depends on both the catalyst amount and reaction temperature.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2083-2087
pages 2083-2087 views

First example of [3+2] cycloaddition of azomethine ylides to 5-methylidene-3-phenylhydantoin

Kukushkin M., Kondratyeva A., Zyk N., Majouga A., Beloglazkina E.


New type dispiroindolinones, dispiroimidazolidine-4,3′-pyrrolidine-2′,3″-indolinones unsubstituted at position 4′ of the central pyrrolidine ring, were synthesized by the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azomethine ylides, generated from N-alkyl-substituted amino acids and isatines, to 5-methylidene-substituted 3-phenylhydantoin.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2088-2091
pages 2088-2091 views

Synthesis of gem-dichlorocyclopropane and 1,3-dioxane derivatives from divinylbenzene

Raskil’dina G., Borisova Y., Spirikhin L., Zlotskii S.


The Prins reaction and cyclopropanation of the light fraction obtained by distillation of the technical grade divinylbenzene and consisting of a mixture of 1,3- and 1,4-divinylbenzenes with admixture of 3- and 4-ethylstyrenes were studied. These reactions quantitatively give the corresponding gem-dichlorocyclopropane and 1,3-dioxane benzene derivatives. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2092-2097
pages 2092-2097 views

Lactic acid copolyesters with carboxyl derivatives of p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene: synthesis and effect of macrocycle conformation on the physicochemical properties

Vavilova A., Gorbachuk V., Shurpik D., Padnya P., Gerasimov A., Mostovaya O., Stoikov I.


An approach to p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene derivatives functionalized with lactic acid fragments in three conformations (cone, partial cone, 1,3-alternate) was developed. The use of tetraglyme as a solvent and magnesium sulfate with p-toluenesulfonic acid as co-condensation catalysts made it possible to obtain the desired products without admixtures of oligolactic acid. The structure of the synthesized macrocycles was characterized by a complex of physico-chemical methods. The thermal properties of the synthesized lactic acid copolyesters were studied by simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. Significant effect of the p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene platform on the thermal stability of the obtained products was demonstrated. Nanoscale particles of the synthesized macrocycles with a low polydispersity index were obtained using nanoprecipitation from methanol or acetone into a buffer solution.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2098-2104
pages 2098-2104 views

Synthesis of 5-phosphoryl-substituted 1,3,4(3H)-thiadiazolones

Kozlov M., Volkova Y., Zavarzin I.


Reactions of various phosphorylthioformic acid morpholides with hydrazine afford phosphorylthioformhydrazides. The latter react under mild conditions with N, N′-carbonyldiimidazole to form novel 5-phosphoryl-1,3,4(3H)-thiadiazol-2-ones.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2105-2107
pages 2105-2107 views

New synthesis of 3,3-disubstituted piperidin-2-ones from esters and 1-(3-halopropyl)-2,5-dimethylpyrroles

Gvozdev V., Shavrin K., Nefedov O.


3,3-Disubstituted piperidin-2-ones were obtained by alkylation of carboxylic acid esters with 1-(3-halopropyl)-2,5-dimethylpyrroles using lithium diisopropylamide as a base followed by the removal of 2,5-dimethylpyrrole protection and intramolecular cyclization. The overall yields of the target products amounted to 78% in two synthetic steps.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2108-2113
pages 2108-2113 views

Ethylene polymerization using immobilized fluorine-containing bis-salicylidenimine-titanium complexes

Gagieva S., Tuskaev V., Takazova R., Buyanovskaya A., Smirnova O., Bravaya N., Bulychev B.


A fluorine-containing bis-salicylidenimine-titanium(iv) complex TiCl22-1-[C(H)=NC6F4]-2-O-Ph(But)2}2 has been synthesized and immobilized on silica gel, polysorb, and magnesium chloride. The catalytic properties of heterogenized complexes activated by organoaluminum compounds (OAC) have been studied in ethylene polymerization. it has been demonstrated that the activity of the catalytic systems obtained by simultaneous immobilization of the complex, OAC, and [Me2NHPh]+[B(C6F5)4] is an order of magnitude higher than in the absence of perfluorophenylborate. Catalysts on inorganic supports exhibit higher activity than catalysts on polymer supports. The use of anhydrous magnesium chloride as a support makes it possible to obtain a highly efficient catalyst for the synthesis of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (activity up to 1350 (kg of polymer) (mol Ti h atm)−1, melting point 140–143 °C).

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2114-2118
pages 2114-2118 views

Synthesis, structures, and thermal properties of terpolymers of propylene oxide, carbon dioxide, and cyclohexene oxide

Nysenko Z., Said-Galiev E., Buzin M., Nikiforova G., Il’in M., Rusak V., Sakharov A.


High molecular weight block terpolymers with different contents of polypropylene carbonate and cyclohexene carbonate units in the polymer chain were synthesized by the copolymerization of carbon dioxide, propylene oxide, and cyclohexene oxide. Zinc adipate was used as a catalyst. The terpolymerization products were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, GPC, DSC, and DMA methods. The influence of the reaction conditions on the composition, microstructure, and molecular-weight and thermal characteristics was studied.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2119-2125
pages 2119-2125 views

Glycosylation in flow: effect of the flow rate and type of the mixer

Myachin I., Orlova A., Kononov L.


The influence of the flow rate and the mode of mixing of reagent solutions on the result of glycosylation of isopropyl alcohol with glycooxazoline in 1,2-dichloroethane in the presence of (±)-camphor-10-sulfonic acid was studied. No reaction products were observed at low flow rates (⩽0.043 mL h−1) when using two Comet X-01 micromixers. Under these conditions, the disaggregation of supramers of the reagents is apparently inefficient for the reaction between them to occur. However, when one of the Comet X-01 micromixers was replaced with a T-shaped adapter (at the same flow rate), the expected reaction products, glycoside and glycal, appeared in the reaction mixture. This apparently suggests a higher disaggregation of the supramers reagents under these conditions, which allows the chemical reaction between them to occur.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2126-2129
pages 2126-2129 views

Synthesis of bacterial cellulose nitrates

Gismatulina Y., Gladysheva E., Budaeva V., Sakovich G.


The conceptual possibility to synthesize bacterial cellulose nitrates with the use of commercial mixed acid was demonstrated. The initial bacterial cellulose was produced by the Medusomyces gisevii Sa-12 symbiotic culture in a synthetic nutrient broth in a Binder constant climate chamber. The resulting bacterial cellulose nitrate sample had 11.45% nitrogen content, 1900 cP viscosity, 15.8% solubility in ethanol—diethyl ether mixture, and 0.10% ash content. An extremely high sample viscosity (organogelation) in a ∼2% solution in acetone was observed.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2130-2133
pages 2130-2133 views

Brief Communications

Regio- and stereoselective reaction of sodium benzeneselenolate with 3-(trimethylsilyl)prop-2-ynamides

Andreev M., Potapov V., Musalov M., Larina L., Amosova S.


Sodium benzeneselenolate adds regio- and stereoselectively to 3-(trimethylsilyl)prop-2-yn-amides to give (Z)-3-(phenylselanyl)prop-2-enamides.

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2134-2136
pages 2134-2136 views

Letters to the Editor

pages 2137-2139 views

“Metal-free” electrooxidative C—H thiocyanation of arenes

Kokorekin V., Mel’nikova E., Yaubasarova R., Gorpinchenko N., Petrosyan V.
Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2140-2141
pages 2140-2141 views


To the memory of Gleb Arsent’evich Abakumov (1937–2019)

Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019;68(11):2142-2142
pages 2142-2142 views

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