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Том 94, № 1 (2016)


Integrability and continuity of densities of stationary distributions of diffusions

Bogachev V., Shaposhnikov S.


New results concerning improved local integrability and continuity of the densities of solutions to stationary Kolmogorov equations with diffusion matrices of low regularity and with locally unbounded drift coefficients are obtained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):355-360
pages 355-360 views

Regularized modified α-processes for nonlinear equations with monotone operators

Vasin V.


For a stable approximation of the solution to a nonlinear irregular equation with a monotone operator, a two-step method based on Lavrent’ev scheme and nonlinear regularized α-processes is constructed. These processes are shown to have a linear convergence rate when used to approximate the solution of a regularized equation. The error of the regularized solution is estimated, and the two-step method is shown to be order optimal in the well-posedness class of sourcewise representable solutions.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):361-364
pages 361-364 views

Asymptotic stability analysis of autonomous systems by applying the method of localization of compact invariant sets

Krishchenko A.


The asymptotic stability and global asymptotic stability of equilibria in autonomous systems of differential equations are analyzed. Conditions for asymptotic stability and global asymptotic stability in terms of compact invariant sets and positively invariant sets are proved. The functional method of localization of compact invariant sets is proposed for verifying the fulfillment of these conditions. Illustrative examples are given.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):365-368
pages 365-368 views

Differential equations in spaces of abstract stochastic distributions

Melnikova I., Alshanskiy M.


Stochastic Itô equations with additive and multiplicative noise in separable Hilbert spaces are studied by reducing them to differential-operator equations in spaces of generalized Hilbert space-valued random variables. Results on the existence and uniqueness of solutions in these spaces are obtained by using the S-transform technique and methods of the theory of semigroups of linear operators.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):369-373
pages 369-373 views

On the basis property of a two-part trigonometric series

Moiseev E., Likhomanenko T.


Conditions are presented under which two-part trigonometric systems arising in mixed type equations form a Riesz basis in the space of Lebesgue square integrable functions. For such systems, biorthogonal systems can be obtained in explicit form. As a result, an integral representation of the solution to the Frankl problem in a special domain can be found. The results are extended to two-part systems of broader functions.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):374-377
pages 374-377 views

Control of displacement front in a model of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media

Akhmetzyanov A., Kushner A., Lychagin V.


For the Buckley–Leverett equation describing the flow of two immiscible fluids in porous media, an exact parametric representation of the solution is constructed with the help of the Bäcklund transformation. As a result, the advance of the displacement front can be controlled to a high degree of accuracy. The method is illustrated using an example of a typical oil well with actual parameters.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):378-381
pages 378-381 views

On exact dimensional splitting for a multidimensional scalar quasilinear hyperbolic conservation law

Bragin M., Rogov B.


A dimensional splitting scheme is applied to a multidimensional scalar homogeneous quasilinear hyperbolic equation (conservation law). It is proved that the splitting error is zero. The proof is presented for the above partial differential equation in an arbitrary number of dimensions. A numerical example is given that illustrates the proved accuracy of the splitting scheme. In the example, the grid convergence of split (locally one-dimensional) compact and bicompact difference schemes and unsplit bicompact schemes combined with high-order accurate time-stepping schemes (namely, Runge–Kutta methods of order 3, 4, and 5) is analyzed. The errors of the numerical solutions produced by these schemes are compared. It is shown that the orders of convergence of the split schemes remain high, which agrees with the conclusion that the splitting error is zero.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):382-386
pages 382-386 views

Homogenization of the p-Laplacian with nonlinear boundary condition on critical size particles: Identifying the strange term for the some non smooth and multivalued operators

Diaz J., Gómez-Castro D., Podol’skii A., Shaposhnikova T.


We extend previous papers in the literature concerning the homogenization of Robin type boundary conditions for quasilinear equations, in the case of microscopic obstacles of critical size: here we consider nonlinear boundary conditions involving some maximal monotone graphs which may correspond to discontinuous or non-Lipschitz functions arising in some catalysis problems.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):387-392
pages 387-392 views

Elliptic expansion–contraction problems on manifolds with boundary

Savin A., Sternin B.


Expansion–contraction boundary value problems on manifolds with boundary are studied. The trajectory symbols of such problems are calculated, an analogue of the Shapiro–Lopatinskii condition is obtained, and the corresponding finiteness theorem is given.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):393-395
pages 393-395 views

Subdifferential inclusions with unbounded perturbation: Existence and relaxation theorems

Tolstonogov A.


The paper studies an evolution inclusion in a separable Hilbert space whose right-hand side contains the subdifferential of a proper convex lower semicontinuous function of time and a set-valued perturbation. Together with this inclusion, an inclusion with convexified perturbation values is considered. The existence and density of the solution set of the initial inclusion in the closure of the solution set of the inclusion with convexified perturbation are proved. This property is usually called relaxation. Traditional assumptions for relaxation theorems are the compactness property of the convex function and the boundedness of the perturbation. In the present paper, such assumptions are not made. Assumptions for subdifferential inclusions described by polyhedral sweeping processes and variational inequalities with time-dependent obstacles and constraints are specified.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):396-400
pages 396-400 views

On the oscillation of eigenvector functions of the one-dimensional Dirac operator

Aliev Z., Rzaeva K.


A spectral problem for the one-dimensional Dirac system is considered. The question of the number of zeros for the components of the eigenvector functions of this problem is studied.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):401-405
pages 401-405 views

On nonlinear analogues of the Phragmen–Lindelöf theorem

Kon’kov A.


For solutions of quasilinear elliptic inequalities containing lower-order derivatives, we obtain estimates of the growth that take into account the geometry of the domain. Corollaries of these results are nonlinear analogues of the Phragmen–Lindelöf theorem.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):406-410
pages 406-410 views

New computational model of an isotropic “broken” exponentially correlated random field

Mikhailov G., Ambos A.


A numerically implementable mathematical model of a positive isotropic “broken” exponentially correlated field is constructed. A one-dimensional field distribution is determined by the first two moments for a given probability of zero, which defines the “degree of the breakage.” The corresponding distribution density of nonzero values is studied numerically.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):411-414
pages 411-414 views

Lyapunov unstable milnor attractors

Shilin I.


We show that the Lyapunov instability of Milnor attractors is a locally topologically generic dynamical phenomenon that accompanies persistent homoclinic tangencies associated with sectionally dissipative periodic saddles.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):415-417
pages 415-417 views

The Lyusternik‒Sobolev lemma and the specific asymptotic stability of solutions of linear homogeneous Volterra-type integro-differential equations of order 3

Imanaliev M., Asanova K., Iskandarov S.


Sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability on a half-line of the solutions of a linear homogeneous Volterra-type integro-differential equation of order 3 in the case where the solutions of the corresponding linear homogeneous differential equation are asymptotically unstable are determined. A new method is proposed, and an illustrative example is constructed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):418-422
pages 418-422 views

On new spatial discretization of the multidimensional quasi-gasdynamic system of equations with nondecreasing total entropy

Zlotnik A.


The multidimensional quasi-gasdynamic system of equations written in the form of mass, momentum, and total energy balance equations for a perfect polytropic gas with allowance for a body force and a heat source is considered. A new conservative symmetric spatial discretization on a nonuniform rectangular grid is constructed for this system. The basic unknown functions (density, velocity, and temperature) are defined on a common grid, while the fluxes and viscous stresses, on staggered grids. The discretization is specially constructed so that the total entropy does not decrease, which is achieved by applying numerous original features.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):423-429
pages 423-429 views

New classes of integral functionals for which the integral representation of lower semicontinuous envelopes is valid

Mandallena J., Sychev M.


M.A. Sychev has recently shown that conditions necessary and sufficient for the lower semicontinuity of integral functionals with p-coercive integrands are W1,p-quasi-convexity and the so-called matching condition (M). Condition (M) is so general that there is the conjecture that is always holds in the case of continuous integrands. The paper develops relaxation theory (construction of lower semicontinuous envelopes) under the assumption that condition (M) holds. It turns out that, in this case, the theory has very good structure. Applications of general relaxation theory to particular cases, including the theory of strong materials, are also discussed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):430-433
pages 430-433 views

Theory of (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces and coincidence points

Arutyunov A., Greshnov A.


We introduce (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces and examine their properties. Covering mappings between (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces are investigated. Sufficient conditions for the existence of a coincidence point of two mappings acting between (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces such that one is a covering mapping and the other satisfies the Lipschitz condition are obtained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):434-437
pages 434-437 views

Strong solutions to stochastic equations with a Lévy noise and a non-constant diffusion coefficient

Bogachev V., Pilipenko A.


The goal of this study is to prove an existence and uniqueness theorem for the solution of a stochastic differential equation with Lévy noise in the case where the drift coefficient can be discontinuous. Additionally, the differentiability of the solution with respect to the initial condition is proved.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):438-440
pages 438-440 views

An elementary proof that classical braids embed in virtual braids

Manturov V.


The purpose of this paper is to prove that the natural mapping of classical braids to virtual braids is an embedding. The proof does not use any complete invariants of classical braids; it is based on a projection from (colored) virtual braids onto classical braids (which is similar to the projection in [6]); this projection is the identity mapping on the set of classical braids. It is well defined do not only for the group of (colored) virtual braids but also for the quotient group of the group of (colored) virtual braids by the so-called virtualization motion. The idea of this projection is closely related to the notion of parity and the groups Gnk introduced by the author in [3].

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):441-444
pages 441-444 views

On the structure of the Jacobian group for circulant graphs

Mednykh A., Mednykh I.


The Jacobian of a graph is defined as the maximal Abelian group generated by flows obeying two Kirchhoff’s laws. This notion, also known as the Picard group, sandpile group, or critical group, has been extensively studied by many authors in the past decade. This is an important algebraic invariant of a finite graph. At the same time, the structure of the Jacobian is known only in particular cases. The paper is devoted to the study of the structure of the Jacobian group for circulant graphs. For the simplest graphs in this family, the Jacobian group is explicitly described, and in the general case, and effective algorithm for calculating it is proposed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):445-449
pages 445-449 views

Strictly singular operators in pairs of Lp space

Semenov E., Tradacete P., Hernandez F.


Let E and F be Banach spaces. A linear operator from E to F is said to be strictly singular if, for any subspace QE, the restriction of A to Q is not an isomorphism. A compactness criterion for any strictly singular operator from Lp to Lq is found. There exists a strictly singular but not superstrictly singular operator on Lp, provided that p ≠ 2.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):450-452
pages 450-452 views

Membership of distributions of polynomials in the Nikolskii–Besov class

Bogachev V., Zelenov G., Kosov E.


The main result of this paper asserts that the distribution density of any non-constant polynomial f12,...) of degree d in independent standard Gaussian random variables ξ1 (possibly, in infinitely many variables) always belongs to the Nikol’skii–Besov space B1/d (R1) of fractional order 1/d (see the definition below) depending only on the degree of the polynomial. A natural analog of this assertion is obtained for the density of the joint distribution of k polynomials of degree d, also with a fractional order that is independent of the number of variables, but depends only on the degree d and the number of polynomials. We also give a new simple sufficient condition for a measure on Rk to possess a density in the Nikol’skii–Besov class Bα(R)k. This result is applied for obtaining an upper bound on the total variation distance between two probability measures on Rk via the Kantorovich distance between them and a certain Nikol’skii–Besov norm of their difference. Applications are given to estimates of distributions of polynomials in Gaussian random variables.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):453-457
pages 453-457 views

Multiscale approach to computation of three-dimensional gas mixture flows in engineering microchannels

Podryga V.


A multiscale approach to computing real gas flows in engineering microchannels on high-performance computer systems in a wide range of Knudsen numbers is described. The numerical implementation of the approach combines the solution of quasigasdynamic equations and the molecular dynamics method. Following the approach, the parameters of the real gas equation of state are found at the molecular level, the kinetic gas properties are calculated, and the form of boundary conditions on the microchannel walls are determined. The technique is verified by computing several test problems. The results agree well with available theoretical and experimental data.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):458-460
pages 458-460 views

Uniqueness of reconstruction of the Sturm–Liouville problem with spectral polynomials in nonseparated boundary conditions

Sadovnichii V., Sultanaev Y., Akhtyamov A.


Uniqueness theorems for solutions of inverse Sturm–Liouville problems with spectral polynomials in nonseparated boundary conditions are proved. As spectral data two spectra and finitely many eigenvalues of the direct problem or, in the case of a symmetric potential, one spectrum and finitely many eigenvalues are used. The obtained results generalize the Levinson uniqueness theorem to the case of nonseparated boundary conditions containing polynomials in the spectral parameter.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):461-463
pages 461-463 views

Equivalence of the trigonometric system and its perturbations in Lp(−π,π)

Sedletskii A.


Let B be one of the spaces Lp(−π,π), 1 ≤ p < ∞, p ≠ 2, and C[−π,π]. Sufficient conditions under which the “perturbed” trigonometric system \({e^{i{{\left( {n + {\alpha _n}} \right)}^t}}}\), n ∈ Z, is equivalent in B to the trigonometric system eint, n ∈ Z, are found. Under an additional requirement on (αn), a necessary condition is obtained. One of the results is as follows. If (αn) ∈ ls, where 1/s = 1/p - 1/2, then the equivalence specified above takes place, and the exponent s is exact; the space C corresponds to p = ∞. The proofs are based on the application of Fourier multipliers.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):464-467
pages 464-467 views

Mathematical Physics

Exact solutions of an integro-differential equation with quadratically cubic nonlinearity

Rudenko O.


Exact solutions of a nonlinear integro-differential equation with quadratically cubic nonlinear term are found. The equation governs, in particular, stationary shock wave propagation in relaxing media. For the exponential kernel the shapes of both compression and rarefaction shocks having a finite width of the front are calculated. For media with limited “memorizing time” the difference relation permitting the construction of wave profile by the mapping method is derived. The initial equation is rather general. It governs the evolution of nonlinear waves in real distributed systems, for example, in biological tissues, structurally inhomogeneous media and in some meta-materials.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):468-471
pages 468-471 views

Models with virtual force carriers in classical particle physics

Malyshev V.


A mathematically rigorous model of the interaction of two classical point particles without fields or forces is described. Under certain scaling, it is proved that the trajectories converge to classical ones obtained in the case of the Coulomb or gravitational interaction of two particles. The model resembles the intuitive idea of virtual particles frequently used in quantum particle physics.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):472-475
pages 472-475 views

On exact solutions to the Kolmogorov–Feller equation

Rudenko O., Dubkov A., Gurbatov S.


The integrodifferential Kolmogorov–Feller equation describing the stochastic dynamics of a system subjected to a regular “force” and a random external disturbance in the form of short pulses with random “amplitudes” and occurrence times is considered. The equation is written in differential form. A method for finding the regular force from a given stationary probability distribution is described. The method is illustrated by examples.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):476-479
pages 476-479 views

Maslov complex germ and high-frequency Gaussian beams for cold plasma in a toroidal domain

Dobrokhotov S., Cardinali A., Klevin A., Tirozzi B.


Asymptotic vector solutions describing, in the linear approximation, the passage of high-frequency Gaussian beams through an electroneutral plasma occupying a toroidal domain T (modeling a tokamak chamber) are constructed in a fairly effective form by using the Maslov complex germ theory. The particle density and the magnetic field in T are assumed to be given. Based on Radon transforms, the reconstruction of the particle density and the magnetic field from measurements of the characteristics of Gaussian beams after their passage through T is discussed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2016;94(1):480-485
pages 480-485 views

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