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Том 58, № 5 (2019)

Control in Deterministic Systems

Time Quasi-Optimal Deceleration of Rotations of a Gyrostat with a Moving Mass in a Resistive Medium

Akulenko L., Kozachenko T., Leshchenko D.


The problem of time quasi-optimal deceleration of the rotations of a rigid body that includes elements with distributed and lumped parameters is studied. It is assumed that the body contains a spherical cavity filled with a highly viscous fluid (at small Reynolds numbers) and a viscoelastic element that is modeled by a moving mass connected to the body by a strong damper. The moving mass models loosely attached elements in a space vehicle, which can significantly affect the vehicle’s motion relative to its center of mass during a long period of time. In addition, the body is affected by a small medium resistance torque and a small control torque localized in a ellipsoidal domain. The problem is solved asymptotically based on the procedure of averaging the unperturbed precession over the phase. A numerical solution is obtained.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):667-673
pages 667-673 views

Data Processing and Identification

Confidence Analysis of Linear Unbiased Estimates under Uncertain Unimodal Noise Distributions

Arkhipov A., Semenikhin K.


The estimation problem for a linear parametric function in a linear regression model with uncertain symmetric unimodal noise distributions and given noise covariances is solved. The quality of estimation is determined by the probability that the error exceeds specified limits. For taking the uncertainty into account, a minimax optimization problem is formulated. The main result of this paper is that the Gauss inequality defines a tight upper bound of the error probability for any linear unbiased estimate. The worst-case distribution of the noise vector is constructed by using a linear transformation of a Gaussian random vector and a uniform random variable. The estimate that is minimax with respect to the probability criterion coincides with the least-squares estimate. The obtained solution is illustrated by the example of estimating motion parameters for several hypotheses about noise distributions.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):674-683
pages 674-683 views

Control in Stochastic Systems and Under Uncertainty Conditions

Moment Characteristic Method in the Optimal Control Theory of Diffusion-Type Stochastic Systems

Khrustalev M., Tsar’kov K.


In this paper, we provide a substantive description of one of the methods for solving problems of the optimal programmed control of diffusion-type stochastic systems with a quadratic quality functional on a finite time interval that allows reducing the stochastic formulation of the question to a deterministic one. We try to present the main ideas, advantages, and disadvantages of the method, as well as to outline as widely as possible the range of problems, to which this method can be applied in an accessible (but mathematically rigorous) form. Here, we do not provide technical details of using the method for solving specific problems. However, there are references in the paper, where these details can be found. New results, which are illustrated by examples that are directly related to the well-known applied problems of optimal control, are obtained. A rather comprehensive review of the current practical applications of the moment characteristic method is provided.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):684-694
pages 684-694 views

Optimal Control

Asymptotics of the Solution to the Minimization Problem of the Integral Quadratic Performance Index on Trajectories of a Quasi-Linear System

Kalinin A., Lavrinovich L.


The problem of minimizing an integral quadratic performance index on the trajectories of a quasi-linear dynamic system with a small parameter multiplying the nonlinearities subject to terminal constraints is considered. Asymptotic approximations of the optimal control in this problem in the form of open loop control and feedback are constructed. The computations are reduced to solving the unperturbed linear-quadratic problem, integrating systems of linear differential equations, and finding the roots of nonsingular linear algebraic systems.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):695-706
pages 695-706 views

Control over a Resource Source with Minimization of Its Required Capacity

Mozzhechkov V.


A method for searching for an optimal law of control over a limited resource source is proposed. Among the examples of sources from the considered class are capacitor-type electrical power sources, cylinder gas sources, and water towers. It is assumed that the source is divided into several sections. The sought law of control minimizes the required capacity of the source based on the rational disconnection and connection of the sections of this source to its outlet main at the calculated time moments in compliance with a known resource consumption schedule. The law of control is sought in the form of a piecewise constant time vector function, whose elements are equal to unity or zero. An example of implementation applied to the problem of control over a gas source is considered for the proposed method.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):707-717
pages 707-717 views

Systems Analysis and Operations Research

Analysis and Optimization of Systems with Heterogeneous Servers and Jump Priorities

Melikov A., Mekhbalyeva E.


Markov models of systems with heterogeneous servers, various types of requests, and jump priorities are proposed. It is assumed that there are high and low priority requests; the high priority requests are assigned to the server with the high service rate, and the low priority requests are assigned to the server with the low service rate. Models of two types are studied: with separate queues and the shared queue for requests of different types. Jump priorities determine the rules according to which the type of low priority requests changes depending on the state of the queue. Methods for calculating the distribution of the probability of the system states are developed, formulas for the calculation of the characteristics of the system are derived, and the problem of the optimization of these characteristics is solved. The results of numerical experiments are presented.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):718-735
pages 718-735 views

The Cross-Impact Analysis of Innovative Projects in a Portfolio

Topka V.


Interactions between pairs of projects inside the constructed portfolio are considered. These interrelations can be technological, resource, probabilistic, budgetary, etc. The binary probabilistic cross-impact of projects within the portfolio leads to a synergetic outcome: joint implementation of two or more projects can strengthen (or weaken) their resulting effect. The approach to the analysis of such interrelations, their cross-impact (the analysis of mutual influences) is presented in the form of a logistic model. In these conditions, the problem of finding the joint probabilities of the successful technical implementation of innovative projects inside a portfolio sensitive to perturbations of the initial data that are known with a certain error is formulated. The regularized Newton method corresponding to the specificity is used for its solution.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):736-746
pages 736-746 views

Artificial Intelligence

Model of Representation and Acquisition of New Knowledge by an Autonomous Intelligent Robot Based on the Logic of Conditionally Dependent Predicates

Melekhin V.


The model for the representation of declarative and procedural knowledge of an autonomous intelligent robot is developed without reference to a specific subject area. The logic of conditionally dependent predicates underlies the construction of this model. Procedures that allow an autonomous intelligent robot to automatically generate new knowledge needed for a readout in the process of planning goal-seeking behavior in undetermined conditions of a problem-solving environment are proposed. The method of proving the satisfiability of the formulas under the logic of conditionally dependent predicates with linear complexity is based on the attribution of object variables in them as objects of the problem-solving environment and serves to process knowledge that is used by an autonomous intelligent robot to automatically build plans for goal-seeking behavior under undetermined operating conditions.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):747-765
pages 747-765 views

Navigation Systems

Current Problems of Improving the Coordinate-Time Support of GLONASS and Promising Methods for Their Solution: II. Alignment of Coordinate Systems Used by Various Information Technologies to Refine the Universal Time

Krasil’shchikov M., Kruzhkov D., Pasynkov V.


The article considers the problem of further improving the coordinate-time support of GLONASS, which implies refining the models of a wide range of errors caused by inaccurate knowledge of the geodetic and geodynamic parameters. The problem of aligning coordinate systems on which the application of a particular information technology is based that arises from using this approach is discussed, since such a problem can be solved only by processing navigation measurements using various information technologies, as was shown in the previous article. The results of experiments on aligning the coordinate systems used by global navigation satellite systems and very-long-baseline radio interferometers containing estimates of the misalignment between measurements generated by various information technologies are presented.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):766-773
pages 766-773 views

Control Systems of Moving Objects

Passive System for the Angular Damping of the SAMSAT-QB50 Nanosattelite

Belokonov I., Ivanov D., Ovchinnikov M., Pen’kov V.


The angular motion of a nanosatellite equipped with a hysteresis damping system is studied. The required number and sizes of hysteresis rods needed to achieve the specified transient time and aerodynamic orientation with a given accuracy are chosen. Laboratory measurements of parameters of the chosen hysteresis rods are presented. The transient time in the case of abnormal launch of the nanosatellite is estimated.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):774-785
pages 774-785 views

Application of The Method of Optimized Delta-Transformations in the Control Landing Problem for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Kravchenko P., Kulikov L., Scherbinin V.


The control landing problem for an aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the vertical plane is considered. In this paper we propose a discrete method of controlling a continuous object, called the method of optimized delta-transformations, which is based on the choice of the control parameters at each step of discretization, which allow minimizing the time duration of the transient process when deviating from the program trajectory, taking into account the restrictions imposed on the control signals. We also made a comparison with the classical method of control generation in the proportional-derivative control circuit. The goal of both methods is to compensate the deviation of the center of mass of the unmanned aerial vehicle from the program flight trajectory. Comparative results of the numerical simulation of the flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle at the landing stage with ideal and noisy measurements of the flight parameters are given.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):786-800
pages 786-800 views

Algorithm for Controlling a Spacecraft’s Engine with Preventing the Angular Momentum Accumulation

Ulybyshev S.


An algorithm for controlling a multinozzle engine of a spacecraft operating in the cycle mode that makes it possible to vary the engine’s operation time and thrust in a wide range while accurately maintaining the desired mean thrust is presented. The results of simulation for an axial propulsion unit of the spacecraft consisting of four engines with the identical nominal thrust are presented. The application of the proposed algorithm for the propulsion unit arrangement indicated above makes it possible to prevent the accumulation of angular momentum about all three central axes of inertia of the vehicle simultaneously with producing a correction impulse, while maintaining the given mean thrust. A control algorithm is outlined and specific features of using the improved mathematical model of the engine’s operation in the cycle mode are described.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):801-810
pages 801-810 views


Forming the Braking Trajectory of a Manipulator under the Malfunction of an Actuator

Kartashev V., Kartashev V.


If a malfunction of equipment is detected, the manipulator control system switches off the power supply of actuators and applies brakes. The resulting motion can significantly differ from the programmed one because the relations of the velocities of the degrees of freedom undergo significant changes. It is proposed to form the emergency braking trajectory by switching on brakes with certain delays. Analytical estimates show that this can reduce the deviation from the programmed trajectory almost by an order of magnitude.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):811-817
pages 811-817 views

Wall-Climbing Robots with Permanent-Magnet Contact Devices: Design and Control Concept of the Contact Devices

Syrykh N., Chashchukhin V.


The basic types of wall-climbing robots that use permanent magnets as locking devices are reviewed. The robots that use various locomotion techniques, viz., walking, wheeled, and caterpillar robots are considered. Special attention is paid to the design and control concept of the magnetic contact devices.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(5):818-827
pages 818-827 views

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