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Vol 58, No 1 (2019)

Control in Deterministic Systems

Reducibility of Linear Time-Varying Systems of Special Form with Control and Measurements

Kalenova V.I., Morozov V.M.


This paper considers some classes of linear time-varying systems with control and output vectors that can be reduced to time-invarint systems using a constructive transformation with state-space extension. As an illustrative example, the calibration problem of a gimballess inertial navigation system on a single degree-of-freedom turn table is solved.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):1-11
pages 1-11 views

Data Processing and Identification

Controllable Markov Jump Processes. II. Monitoring and Optimization of TCP Connections

Borisov A.V., Miller G.B., Stefanovich A.I.


The article considers the practical application of the analysis and estimation of the controlled Markov jump process states by continuous, discrete, and counting observations in the development of state monitoring algorithms for network connections operating under the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A specific feature of the applied problem is the physical heterogeneity of the channel providing the TCP connection under study: along with the wired section, there is a wireless “last mile” of the channel. The current state of the entire connection cannot be directly observed, and there is just indirect statistical information in the form of a flow of acknowledgements of successful packet transmission, as well as packet loss counting processes and timeouts. In this part of the work, not only the controlled stochastic dynamic observation system was used for the mathematical description of the TCP New Reno connection but also the developed high-precision algorithm for tracking this connection state according to the available statistical information. The numerical examples make it possible to define causes of channel losses, such as congestion in the wired section or signal attenuation in the wireless section, and as a result modify the TCP algorithm so as to significantly increase the bandwidth.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):12-28
pages 12-28 views

Optimization of Sequential-Parallel Search for Objects for the Model of the Distributed Poisson Flow of Their Appearance

Khutortsev V.V.


Mathematical models of the optimized fictitious dynamical systems for the probabilities that there are undetected observation objects in various sectors of the search area are formed. The invariance condition of the search control that allows combining the current and terminal quality criteria is stated. The procedure for synthesizing the optimal control law for the sequential-parallel search is specified and its properties analyzed. An example is given.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):29-39
pages 29-39 views

Control in Stochastic Systems and Under Uncertainty Conditions

Control of a Rigid Body Carrying Dissipative Oscillators under Perturbations

Anan’evskii I.M., Ishkhanyan T.A.


This paper considers a system consisting of a carrier body and two linear dissipative oscillators attached to it. The body moves in a straight horizontal line under the action of a bounded control force and a small unknown perturbation. It is assumed that the coordinate and velocity of the body are known at all times and the phase states of the oscillators cannot be measured. A control law which stops the carrier body at the origin of coordinates in finite time is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed control law is illustrated by numerical modeling.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):40-49
pages 40-49 views

Optimal in the Mean Control of Deterministic Switchable Systems Given Discrete Inexact Measurements

Bortakovskii A.S., Nemychenkov G.I.


We consider the problem of the optimal-in-the-mean control of a switchable system whose continuous change of state is described by differential equations, whereas instantaneous discrete changes of the state (switches) are described by recurrent equations. Discrete changes in the control process simulate the operation of an automaton (with a memory) that switches modes of the continuous motion of a control plant. Switching moments and their number are not set in advance. The quality of the control is characterized by a functional that takes into account the cost of each switch. The state of the control plant is not known exactly; however, this state is refined as a result of discrete inexact measurements. Therefore, in addition to the problem of the optimal control, the problem of the optimal-in-the-mean control of bundles of trajectories is also studied. Sufficient conditions for the optimality of control are obtained; based on them, algorithms for constructing the suboptimal control of bundles of trajectories of switchable systems given discrete inexact measurements are proposed. The use of the algorithms is demonstrated by academic examples.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):50-74
pages 50-74 views

Optimal Control

Search for the Optimal Control over Current Regimes in Electroplating Processes with Multi Anodes at a Diversified Assortment of Treated Articles

Dutov A.V., Litovka Y.V., Nesterov V.A., Solovjev D.S., Solovjeva I.A., Sypalo K.I.


Methods of controlling electroplating processes are considered, and the shortcomings in the use of basic engineering and structural configurations for this purpose are revealed. An original approach consisting of controlling current regimes in a multianode bath is proposed. In implementing this approach, the problem of the optimal control over electroplating processes in compliance with the criteria of the coating’s nonuniformity and process duration is formulated. The electroplating process in a bath with multi anodes is considered as an object of control, for which the input and output vectors of the process are specified, together with the external disturbances and the control vector. The control vector is related with the optimality criterion by composing a mathematical model with the distributed coordinates based on an elliptic partial differential equation with different ways of correcting the corresponding current in every anodic section. A series of experiments with a complicatedly shaped article are performed to prove the adequacy of this mathematical model and the efficiency of the proposed approach and demonstrate a “ravine” character of the target criterion function. A three-level architecture is selected for the control system to implement the optimal control. The procedure of the preliminary search for the optimal control with the formation of a corresponding matrix is proposed due to the very time-consuming character of the solution of the formulated problem. The actions to be performed in the cases when the control matrix contains or does not contain the found solution for an incoming lot of articles are considered.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):75-85
pages 75-85 views

Protection of an Object on a Movable Base Using Anticipating Control under the Worst Disturbances

Korneev V.A.


The problem of constructing a guaranteeing anticipating control for a shock isolator that protects an object on a movable base from impacts acting on this base is considered. It is assumed that the shape of the impact is not known but its duration is given and the base acceleration is described by a sign definite function of time the integral of which over time is also given. The anticipating control acts between the base and the object to be protected, it has one switching, is bounded, and the absolute acceleration of the base may exceed this bound only on one time interval. The performance index to be minimized is the peak displacement of the object relative to the base for various disturbances from the class of impacts under consideration. Optimal and near-optimal solutions are obtained. These solutions are compared with each other and with the solutions obtained based on the controls designed in previous studies.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):86-94
pages 86-94 views

Optimal Control in a Nonlinear Sequential Rendezvous Problem

Berdyshev Y.I.


An algorithm for constructing the time optimal control of a nonlinear fourth-order system that must visit two fixed points in the prescribed order is proposed. This system describes the motion of a car or an aircraft in the horizontal plane with a variable controllable speed and controllable steering angle.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):95-104
pages 95-104 views

Control of Systems with Distributed Parameters

On a Boundary Controllability Problem for a System Governed by the Two-Dimensional Wave Equation

Romanov I.V., Shamaev A.S.


The boundary controllability of oscillations of a plane membrane is studied. The magnitude of the control is bounded. The controllability problem of driving the membrane to rest is considered. The method of proof proposed in this paper can be applied to any dimension but only the two-dimensional case is considered for simplicity.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):105-112
pages 105-112 views

Systems Analysis and Operations Research

Optimizing Insertions in a Constraint Routing Problem with Complicated Cost Functions

Petunin A.A., Chentsov A.G., Chentsov P.A.


An iterative method for solving routing problems subject to constraints and possible dependence of the cost functions on the list of tasks that have not been accomplished is considered. Such statements occur in some problems of nuclear power engineering and in developing optimizing programs for sheet cutting on programmable numerically controlled machines (in the first case, the dependence on the list of tasks can occur due to sequential dismantling of radiation sources, and in the second case it can be due to taking into account technological constraints using penalties). It is assumed that the problems under examination are large, which calls for the use of heuristic methods. The approach proposed in the paper makes it possible to design an iterative procedure based on optimizing insertions that use widely interpreted dynamic programming. The proposed algorithm is implemented on a multicore personal computer.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):113-125
pages 113-125 views

Control Systems of Moving Objects

Restricted Quadratic Optimal Control of a Spacecraft Turning in a Fixed Time Period

Levskii M.V.


A dynamic problem of a spacecraft (SC) turning from an arbitrary initial position to the required terminal angular position with restricted control is considered and solved. The termination time of the maneuver is known. The control program is optimized using the quadratic criterion of quality; the minimized functional characterizes the energy consumed in the turn. The construction of the optimal control of the turn is based on quaternion variables and Pontryagin’s maximum principle. It is shown that during the optimal turn, the moment of force is parallel to the straight line fixed in the inertial space, and the direction of the angular momentum in the process of the SC’s rotation is constant relative to the inertial coordinate system. The formalized equations and computational expressions for determining the optimal turning program are obtained. A special mode of control is studied in detail, and the conditions of the impossibility of occurrence of this mode are formulated. The control algorithms allow performing turns over a fixed time period with the minimum angular kinetic energy. A comprehensive solution to the control problem is given for a dynamically symmetric SC: the dependences as explicit functions of time for the control variables and relations for calculating the key parameters of the turn maneuver’s control law are obtained. A numerical example and the results of the mathematical modeling of the SC’s motion with the optimal control are given, which demonstrate the practical feasibility of the method for controlling the attitude of the SC.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):126-146
pages 126-146 views

Online Two-Dimensional Route Planning for a Group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Goncharenko V.I., Lebedev G.N., Mikhailin D.A.


This paper suggests a novel approach to online two-dimensional route planning for a coordinated flight of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that complexifies the modified heuristic and integer matrix algorithms using a new nearness criterion of analyzed points to each route. As demonstrated below, this approach guarantees the maximal speed of coordinated flight planning. The modified Dijkstra algorithm that considers the consequences of choosing the nearest point on all future segments of a flight plan is proposed as the heuristic algorithm. For avoiding mistakes in the case of conflict (i.e., assigning a proper route for an analyzed point among the existing options), a modified integer branch-and-bound method is developed that includes the following operations: an alternating analysis of two distance matrices for each UAV; route choice for adding an assigned minimal-length element in each of the matrices. In case of conflict, this method removes short cross connections between paths and their intersections from the flight plan.

Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2019;58(1):147-158
pages 147-158 views

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