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Том 64, № 7 (2019)


Fractal Electrodynamics: Numerical Modeling of Small Fractal Antenna Devices and Fractal 3D Microwave Resonators for Modern Ultra-Wideband or Multiband Radio Systems

Potapov A.


This review is devoted to the main results of the FRACTALCOMS international research program in the field of fractal electrodynamics and designing modern ultra-wideband or multiband fractal antennas and other basic electrodynamic structures for breakthrough information and communication technologies. Promising directions of further research are presented. The main results obtained by the author in research institutes of Russia and China in the fields of radio electronics and radio physics on the basis of the theory of fractals and scaling effects are outlined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):629-663
pages 629-663 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves on a Subwave Lattice of Square Strip Conductors

Belyaev B., Tyurnev V., Volkov N.


Simple formulas are obtained for calculating the scattering matrix of a plane electromagnetic wave incident normally on an infinite 2D lattice formed by square strip conductors and located at the interface of two dielectric media. For the first time, the vortex behavior of the electric field of the lattice was taken into account, which made it possible to repeatedly reduce the computation error at high frequencies. This is confirmed by the close agreement of the amplitude-frequency responses of the structure calculated by the formulas with the characteristics obtained by the numerical electrodynamic analysis of the 3D model when the lattice period is less than half the wavelength.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):664-674
pages 664-674 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Waveguide-Linear Antenna Array with a 180° Frequency Scanning Sector

Kaloshin V., Kalinichev V.


Abstract—The paper proposes and investigates a linear waveguide-slot antenna array with a 180° frequency scanning sector, made in the form of a rectangular metal waveguide filled with a dielectric with periodically arranged pairwise transverse slots in a wide wall. In the frequency band corresponding to a single-mode waveguide, the waveguide-slot array in the low-frequency part of the range emits at a zero spatial harmonic, and in the high-frequency part, at the minus first harmonic. An approximate theory is used to determine the waveguide parameters that satisfy the frequency scanning requirement in a 180° sector. The results of the approximate theory are confirmed on the whole by the results of numerical simulation of the scanning characteristics using a finite element method.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):675-679
pages 675-679 views

Transceiver Module of Ultrawideband Polarization Radar for Sensing Objects behind a Wall

Balzovsky E., Buyanov Y., Koshelev V., Nekrasov E.


A transceiver system consisting of scanning receiving and transmitting antenna arrays is developed to study the detection of objects and measure the polarization structure of ultrawideband (UWB) electromagnetic pulses. The possibility of determining the angular location of metal objects and a human behind a wall constructed of light building materials is shown. The change in the polarization structure of pulses reflected from objects at different angles of the positions of objects is investigated, which is an additional informative feature.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):680-688
pages 680-688 views

Theory and Methods for Signal Processing

Statistical Characteristics of the cosGBOC Signals of Promising Satellite Radio Navigation Systems

Yarlykov M., Yarlykova S.


Properties and statistical (time and frequency) characteristics of the cosGBOC signals for new generations of satellite radio navigation systems (in particular, GPS (USA), Galileo (EU), and BeiDou (China)) are considered. Analytical expressions for correlation functions (CFs) of single elements of modulating function (MF) of the cosGBOC signals are derived for typical pulse multiplicities of \({{N}_{{\text{p}}}}\) = 2 and 4 and different values of duty cycle ρ (ρ ∈ [0, 1]). It is shown that general formulas are valid for important particular cases in which ρ = 0.5 (meander-type noise-like signals (cosBOC signals)) and ρ = 0 or 1 (binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) signals). Direct Fourier transform of the CF is used to calculate energy spectra (power spectral densities) of single elements of MF of the cosGBOC signals for \({{N}_{{\text{p}}}}\) = 2 and 4.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):689-704
pages 689-704 views

Theory of Radio Circuits

Stochastic Synchronization and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in an Oscillator with a Film VO2 Switch

Boriskov P., Belyaev M., Velichko A.


The results of the experimental exposure of an RC oscillator with a film element based on vanadium dioxide to a harmonic signal and noise are presented. The effect of stochastic synchronization with a resonance signal-to-noise ratio, which is estimated using a new purposefully developed technique, is observed in the self-oscillation regime. It is demonstrated that this technique is suitable for the study of the spectral parameters of oscillatory circuits with stochastic dynamics.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):705-711
pages 705-711 views

Microwave Electronics

Transportation of Electronic Flows in Magnetic Periodic Focusing Systems with an Anharmonic Magnetic Field Distribution Designed for Millimeter-Range Wave Traveling Lamps

Efremova M., Morev S.


Abstract—The paper considers theoretical and practical problems on developing electron-optical systems of traveling wave tubes (TWTs) that focus an intense electron flow via a magnetic periodic focusing system (MPFS) upon advancement into the millimeter-wave range. An analytical solution has been found for the magnetic field distribution in an MPFS TWT combined with a retarding system with magnetically soft inserts that form a passage channel with a diameter substantially less than the internal diameter of the tip. The stable focusing zones of the electron flow are determined for the considered MPFS, which makes it possible to focusing the flow with magnetic field parameters exceeding the critical values of a conventional MPFS.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):712-719
pages 712-719 views


Growth Features of Thin Epitaxial Magnesium Oxide Films on Sapphire

Luzanov V.


Abstract—Epitaxial (111) MgO films on sapphire with (0001) orientation were grown by high-frequency magnetron reactive sputtering. The X-ray structural analysis of the films obtained in combination with layer-by-layer plasma etching showed the presence of a thin transition layer with lattice parameters corresponding to the cubic structure of MgO with signs of rhombohedral strain.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(7):720-721
pages 720-721 views

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