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Том 63, № 6 (2018)

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

On the Condition for Transformation of a Fast Surface Wave into a Slow Surface Wave

Davidovich M.


Surface plasmons (polaritons) along the boundary between vacuum and a dissipative half-space with given complex permittivity, including the case of placing an electrically thin dielectric layer (system of layers) on the boundary, are considered. Conditions for transformation of a fast gliding Zenneck surface wave (polariton) into a slow wave (slow surface plasmon) are considered. The behavior of the group velocity and the energy velocity of motion (transfer) in such structures are analyzed. The reflection coefficient of the Zenneck wave along the sea for the ice pack of a given thickness is determined. It has been shown that rigorous solution of the Sommerfeld problem by means of numerical calculation of integrals in the near zone allows obtaining the solution of the inverse problem of the structure of the surface region on the basis of redundant experimental data on components of the electromagnetic field on the surface at different ranges from the antenna.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):497-504
pages 497-504 views

Application of the Pattern Equation Method to the Analysis of Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by a Thin Cylinder of an Arbitrary Cross Section

Demin D., Kleev A., Kyurkchan A.


An approximate approach based on application of the pattern equation method is developed for solution of the problem of scattering by a thin cylinder. Explicit formulas for integral scattering characteristics that are applicable to cylindrical scatterers of a complex shape are derived. The accuracy of these formulas is controlled by checking fulfillment of the “optical theorem.”

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):505-511
pages 505-511 views

The Method of Calculation of Open and Closed Waveguides, Which Is Based on the Modified Method of Discrete Sources

Manenkov S.


The problem of calculation of eigenmode characteristics is considered for 3D open dielectric waveguides and waveguides with the anisotropic impedance boundary condition. An efficient algorithm is proposed for finding eigenmodes of waveguides having different cross-sections. It is based on the solution of the auxiliary problem of diffraction of the field of a filamentous source located inside the waveguide. The method is tested using weakly directing dielectric waveguides having circular and elliptical sections and a waveguide with the two-sheeted section. The results of calculation of dielectric waveguides obtained with the help of the proposed method, the method of finite elements, and the method of the integral equation over the waveguide section are compared. The circular and elliptical waveguides and the waveguide having a two-sheeted section with an anisotropic impedance are also investigated. The calculation results are compared with the results obtained with the use of the method of separation of variables and the Galerkin method.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):512-520
pages 512-520 views

A Surface Electromagnetic Wave on a Plane Ribbon with a Highly Conducting Surface

Shevchenko V.


The properties of a surface wave directed by a plane ribbon made of a nonmagnetic material with a high surface conductivity are investigated. Using the model of an equivalent ribbon with an elliptical cross section, the complex slowing (corresponding to the real part) and attenuation (corresponding to the imaginary part) ratio is approximately calculated in the case when a wave propagates along the ribbon. Approximate estimation values for the phase, group, and energy velocities of the surface wave are also obtained.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):521-523
pages 521-523 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Theoretical Study of a Two-Section Ultrawideband Antenna Array

Bankov S.


The paper presents a theoretical consideration of a two-dimensional array consisting of two series-connected parts: an infinite system of one-dimensional arrays of strip horns and an array of planar horns. The eigenwave problem for an infinite one-dimensional array of strip transmission lines k]which reduces to a singular integral equation with respect to the current on the strip k]is solved. An analytical solution for the current and an expression for the characteristic impedance of the principal T-wave of the array k]which is valid in the scanning mode k]are found. A model of an array with smoothly varying parameters that describes the operation of a one-dimensional array of strip horns in the approximation of a microwave transmission line is developed. In the same approximation k]a model of an array of planar horns and the entire two-dimensional two-section array is developed and its numerical study is performed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):524-536
pages 524-536 views

Evaluation of Electromagnetic Compatibility of Onboard X- and Ka-Band Radars

Kanashchenkov A., Ponomarev L., Vasin A., Terekhin O.


A two-stage method for calculation of the input crosstalk of two airborne radars is considered. Electromagnetic compatibility of two closely located onboard X- and Ka-band radars is evaluated and a possibility of simultaneous work is assessed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):537-549
pages 537-549 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Sliding-Spectrum Calculation Algorithm Intended to Detect OFDM Signals in Synchronization Systems

Nazarov L., Zudilin A.


The results concerning the development and investigation of the algorithms for incoherent detection of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing signal preambles, which are used to synchronize processes in synchronous systems of discrete data transmission over single- and multibeam channels, are presented. It is demonstrated that the developed detection procedures rely on the stable algorithm of calculation of the sliding spectrum and are alternative to the detection technique based on the fast spectral transform in the Fourier basis with respect to their throughput.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):550-556
pages 550-556 views

Monostatic Location of the Radiating Slot under a priori Uncertainty Conditions on the Basis of Angle and Energy Measurements

Bulychev Y., Mozol’ A., Nasenkov I.


The modification of the known angle and energy method of passive location, which makes it possible to determine the position of a radiating source moving through a space from the angles and energies measured by a fixed monostatic system, is developed. It is demonstrated that the given modification does not require to a priori know the main parameters of the radio-link equation characterizing the source‒system radio contact conditions. The conditions of application and accuracy characteristics of the developed modification are analyzed. Practical recommendations of its usage are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):557-565
pages 557-565 views

Potential Accuracy of Estimation and Compensation of Ionospheric Errors of Radar Measurements of the Ranges of Space Objects Using Chirp Pulses

Lagutkin V.


The expression for the complex envelope of the reflected chirp pulse at the input of the radar receiver is derived taking into account the dispersion distortions in the ionosphere in the geometric optics approximation. The relations for the lower limits of the rms values of fluctuation errors of estimates of the radar range and the ionospheric correction as functions of the signal-to-noise ratio, the wavelength, and the relative deviation frequency are obtained. The possibilities of refinement of estimates of the ionospheric correction with the use of empirical models of the ionosphere are considered.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):566-569
pages 566-569 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Dispersion Properties of Magnetostatic Surface Waves in a Ferrite Plate with Dissipation

Keller Y., Makarov P., Shavrov V., Shcheglov V.


Dispersion of forward and backward (dissipative) magnetostatic surface waves is analyzed in the geometry of a plane-parallel in-plane magnetized ferrite plate with dissipation. The results of calculation of dispersion curves and characteristics of the group velocity as a function of the real and imaginary parts of the wave number are presented. A limitation on the dispersion curves and the group velocity with respect to the maximum value of the wave number has been revealed and interpreted on the basis of the aperiodic propagation mode. Practical recommendations for lowering of this limitation are given.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):570-576
pages 570-576 views

Microwave Electronics

Investigation of the Electrodynamic Properties of a W-Band Double-Gap Cavity

Grigor’ev A., Muchkaev V.


The results of the calculation of the electrodynamic parameters and of the structural optimization of an in-phase-mode double-gap cavity for a W-band klystron with a strip electron flow are presented. The effect of the dimensions of the drift space on the characteristic impedance and interaction coefficient is investigated, and the conditions for obtaining a uniform distribution of the longitudinal component of the electric field over the width of the drift space are determined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):577-581
pages 577-581 views

Electron and Ion Optics

On the Theory of Compensated Bipolar Beams

Zav’yalov M., Sapronova T., Syrovoi V.


One-dimensional flows of charged particles with opposite charge signs moving in the same direction are investigated, including an electron diode (or a diode with negative ions) shot by positive ions and an ion diode pierced by relativistic electrons. Variants with different degrees of space charge compensation at the diode output and the case of full charge, current, and magnetic-field (electromagnetic) compensation are discussed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):582-587
pages 582-587 views

On the Theory of Bipolar Beams of Charged Particles

Zav’yalov M., Sapronova T., Syrovoi V.


The characteristics of unipolar and bipolar flat diodes in the ion fountain regime have been thoroughly investigated. It is shown that, in these cases, the concept of partial compensation of the electron space charge by ions is inapplicable and transition to relativistic energies always leads to a decrease in the electron current gain.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):588-595
pages 588-595 views

Physical Processes in Electronic Devices

Mixed Coupling on Stripline and Microstrip Bandpass Filters

Zakharov A., Il’chenko M.


The problems of designing stripline and microstrip bandpass filters with mixed coupling, including the magnetic and electric components of the interaction, are considered. It is shown that the transmission zeros corresponding to mixed coupling coefficients can be shifted along the frequency axis by changing the shape of the stepped-impedance resonators. It is confirmed that N-resonator planar filters can have (N–1) transmission zeros. Designs of microstrip filters with combined coupling, which include mixed coupling and the traditionally used magnetic and electric coupling, are proposed. It is shown that the number of transmission zeros of such filters is smaller than for filters with only mixed coupling, but their designing and tuning are less labor-consuming. The data of the experiment and computer simulation are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):596-606
pages 596-606 views

Novel Radio Systems and Elements

Model of the Radio Images of Objects in Holographic In-Plane Surveillance Radar Systems Based on an Analytical Approximation Method

Solov’ev N., Slukin G., Chapurskii V.


A simple analytical approximation for computing radio images of 3D objects is proposed for an airborne MIMO-type holographic in-plane surveillance radar systems (PSRSs). The model is intended for realtime estimation of the quality of 3D images in such PSRSs during selection of the main parameters of the MIMO antenna system, the frequency band, and the bandwidth of the sounding signal. The results can also be applied to conventional PSRSs, a factor that makes it possible to perform a comparative analysis of PSRS versions and select the PSRS embodiment.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):607-611
pages 607-611 views

Mathematical Models and Computational Methods

Restoration of Noisy Multispectral Images with a Geodetic Distance Filter

Karnaukhov V., Mozerov M.


A number of algorithms for image filtering based on the geodetic distance kernel have been proposed recently. When applied to noisy images, some of them yield restoration results that are comparable to those provided by the best modern algorithms. An algorithm of this class that improves the restoration result for multispectral images is proposed. The algorithm uses a convolution kernel based on the geodetic distance and offers a number of advantages, since it allows for recursive computation and, consequently, rapid image processing. The quality of image restoration by the proposed algorithm increases as a function of the number of image channels, which is important for restoration of multispectral images. Several criteria are used to estimate the quality of image restoration.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):612-615
pages 612-615 views

Numerical Analysis of Improved Access Restriction Algorithms in a GI/G/1/N System

Konovalov M., Razumchik R.


The paper is devoted to the description and experimental analysis of the new active queue management strategies. Construction of strategies is based on developing the idea of the dropping function, which is used in the classic series of RED accesses restriction algorithms. Three modifications of the dropping function are used: with randomization of parameters, with abandonment of structuring and with account for the service time of tasks. The G/G/1/N queue system, for which results of numerical experiments are given, has been chosen as an object of management. In all experiments, the efficiency of the strategies (according to various criteria) has been increased as the mentioned improvements have been implemented. The advantage of new algorithms is particularly evident in the cases of high loads.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):616-625
pages 616-625 views

Generalization of the Fast Hough Transform for Three-Dimensional Images

Ershov E., Terekhin A., Nikolaev D.


This study is devoted to the analysis of algorithms of calculating the fast Hough transform for two- and three-dimensional images. A method for calculating the fast Hough transform (FHT) for straight lines in a three-dimensional image is proposed; its space and time complexity are Θ(n4), where n is the characteristic linear size of the input image. The FHT algorithms for approximation in two- and three-dimensional spaces are considered, and properties of the accuracy and completeness of the corresponding sets of dyadic patterns are investigated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):626-636
pages 626-636 views

Theory and Methods of Information Processing

Application of Metrical and Topological Image Characteristics for Distortion Diagnostics in the Signal Restoration Problem

Milukova O., Chochia P.


The causes of the appearance of distortions in the image formation and the approaches to correction of these distortions are considered. The motion blur, optical aberrations, and atmospheric scattering are used as distortion models. The applicability of metrical and topological characteristics of the distorted signal in distortion diagnostics and image restoration is examined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):637-642
pages 637-642 views

Analysis and Synthesis of Control Systems

Underwater Target Tracking Using Bearing-Only Measurements

Miller A., Miller B.


The purpose of this work is to estimate target coordinates and velocity. Target tracking is performed by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The observer is equipped with the direction finder that measures the azimuth and elevation angles of the target and the target range. Such problems are normally solved with the aid of non-linear filters due to nonlinearity of measurements. However, most filters produce estimations with unknown bias in the absence of estimations of accuracy. An important problem is related to unobservability of the target. A pseudomeasurement method is proposed to transform the problem of estimation into a linear problem. Such an approach makes possible to estimate coordinates and velocity of a moving target and solve the problem of unobservability. Results of computer simulation prove efficiency of the proposed algorithm in the problem of passive target tracking when only angles are measured.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):643-649
pages 643-649 views

Determination of the AUV Velocity with the Aid of Seabed Acoustic Sensing

Miller A., Miller B.


An original algorithm for the measurement of the velocity of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is based on the range measurement using acoustic sensing. As distinct from conventional procedures that make it possible to determine velocity relative to water, the proposed algorithm yields absolute velocity of AUV relative to seabed. The method can be used for additional correction in data fusion with information obtained with the aid of modern velocity sensors, in particular, Doppler lag.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):650-654
pages 650-654 views

Information Technology in Engineering Systems

Bin Packing Problems (Promising Models and Examples)

Levin M.


The paper is devoted to the promising bin packing problems and some applications. A system view on the formulation of problems based on a set of elements (objects), a set of containers, and binary relations over the specified sets (precedence, dominance, and correspondence of elements to containers) is suggested. Special versions of packing problems with estimations of elements (objects) based on multisets are described. Examples in communication networks, such as the choice of information messages and two-dimensional packaging of messages in WiMAX systems are also briefly considered.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):655-666
pages 655-666 views

On Combinatorial Models of Generations of Wireless Communication Systems

Levin M.


In this paper, the following issues are considered: (i) a brief review of wireless mobile technologies including their evolution (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and 6G system generations), (ii) the use of hierarchical combinatorial models for the description of wireless communication system generations, and (iii) the use of a twostage modular method for improving (predicting) the version of the 5G wireless system generation (based on the block pack problem). The presented examples illustrate the proposed approaches to modeling and improvemen of wireless communication systems.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):667-679
pages 667-679 views

Geoinformation Technologies

Earthquake Prediction Learning Using the Least Alarm Method

Gitis V., Derendyaev A.


An approach to organization of a system for automatic earthquake prediction is developed. This approach is not bound to any particular type of data, and all data on seismotectonic processes are displayed using the spatial and space-time fields. The prediction field is learned from the feature fields and the sample of predicted earthquakes. The learning method proposed here is the least alarm method. The results of modeling of earthquake prediction for the regions of Japan and Mediterranean are presented. Modeling implied the analysis of prediction fields reflecting stationary and dynamic properties of the seismic process. The results of modeling demonstrate the efficiency of application of the least alarm method to earthquake prediction.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):680-690
pages 680-690 views

Technology of Monitoring and Analysis of the Hydrometeorological Situation in the Arctic

Gitis V., Derendyaev A., Petrov K., Weinstock A., Dumanskaya I., Zatsepa S., Zelenko A., Ivchenko A., Nesterov E.


A new geoinformation technology for monitoring the hydrometeorological situation in the Arctic is considered. This technology combines two levels of the geodata analysis. The first level supports automatic loading and processing of data, providing the operator with simple tools of the analysis with an intuitive interface and visual representation of results available to a wide range of users. The second level is designed for the comprehensive analysis of hypotheses that experts can formulate at the first level. The monitoring platform has two software applications: (1) climatic processes in the Arctic and (2) operative and forecast conditions in the regions of the White and Barents seas with the possibility of analyzing the environmental threats during extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2018;63(6):691-705
pages 691-705 views

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