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Том 61, № 8 (2016)

On the 60th Anniversary of the Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics

Correlation functions of BOC and AltBOC signals as the inverse Fourier transforms of energy spectra

Yarlykov M.


The navigation signals with sine binary offset carrier (sinBOC), cosine BOC (cosBOC), and alternative BOC (AltBOC) modulations are discussed. A technique for calculating the correlation functions (CFs) of the single components of modulating functions (MFs) inherent to the given signals, which is based on the inverse Fourier transform (IFT) of energy spectra, is proposed. This technique makes it possible to derive analytical expressions for the CFs characterizing the single components of the MFs of sinBOC and cosBOC signals and complete AltBOC waveforms with a constant envelope at the multiplicity coefficients Nm = 2‒4. The graphs of CFs are constructed. Several illustrating examples, in which most attention is paid to sinBOC, cosBOC, and AltBOC signals employed in the Galileo satellite radio-navigation system and the global positioning system, are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):857-876
pages 857-876 views

The influence of a metal screen and magnetic wall on the vector line pattern of the high-frequency field of a surface spin wave

Lokk E., Vashkovskii A.


Equations for vector lines of the magnetic field and magnetic induction of a spin wave propagating perpendicularly to an external magnetic field in a dielectric–ferrite–dielectric structure tangentially magnetized to saturation and bounded on both its walls by a perfect conductor or a perfect magnetic wall are obtained. The vector line patterns of these magnetic quantities are calculated for the case when one of the dielectrics is a vacuum half-space. It is shown that the spin wave in a ferrite plate and in such structures may be considered as vortices of magnetic induction propagating in time and space. A relationship between the position of vortices of magnetic induction and the variation in the electric field of the spin wave is found. It is established that, in the structures under consideration, the vector lines do not form vortices.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):877-886
pages 877-886 views

Plasmon resonances in a quartz nanofilament covered with gold of variable thickness

Anyutin A., Korshunov I., Shatrov A.


A two dimensional problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a cylindrical gold shell is considered in the case when the boundaries of the shell are circular cylinders with displaced centers. The influence of the excentricity of the boundaries on the properties of plasmon resonances in the optical band is studied. The near and far fields and scattering spectra are calculated by rigorous methods. It is found that the excentricity of shell’s boundaries gives rise to additional resonances. Analytical theory of scattering for thin shells is developed in the quasi-static approximation. It is shown that, in this case, the scattering and absorption spectra essentially depend on the displacement of the centers of the cylindrical boundaries but are independent of the direction of this displacement.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):887-893
pages 887-893 views

Interaction and navigation of robots based on ultrawideband direct chaotic communication

Gulyaev Y., Dmitriev A., Lazarev V., Mokhseni T., Popov M.


The possibility of using both standard narrowband and ultrawideband wireless communication technologies for groups of robots is considered. It is shown that the use of direct chaotic communication systems for both robot-to-robot communications and robot navigation is promising. Experimental results are presented that confirm that these systems can be used in solving robot navigation problems.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):894-900
pages 894-900 views

Beam control algorithm for an active phased array antenna with dome lens

Kashin V., Zheleznyak M., Shumilov V.


An algorithm for control of the phases of an active phased array antenna (APAA) with dome lens that takes into account distorting influence of the lens and combines tabular and computational methods for control of the antenna element phases is proposed. An algorithm for control of the amplitude transmission coefficients of receiving channels of the APAA modules for formation of a difference pattern with deep direction- finding null is also proposed.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):901-908
pages 901-908 views

Implementation of information security and confidentiality at a physical level of grid wireless interface

Kurskii V., Proklov V.


A new method for information protection using acousto-optic processing of broadband signals in the spectral domain is proposed to provide wireless access to spatially distributed information and computational resources of a grid network. The method allows network capacity of up to 11.5 Gbit/s, which is impossible for wireless access based on conventional digital electronics.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):909-914
pages 909-914 views

Simulation of a three-millimeter-band pulse travelling wave tube

Azov G., Efremova M., Solntsev V., Khritkin S.


The results of numerical simulation of electrodynamic characteristics of a slow-wave structure shaped as a folded waveguide and an electron–optical system of a three-millimeter-band pulse travelling wave tube with an output pulsed power of up to 50 W are presented. The matching devices, the interaction space, and the electron–optical system are calculated, which allows determination of their constructive parameters. The effect of loss caused by the roughness of the surfaces of the walls of the electrodynamic system on the output characteristics of the device is estimated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):915-919
pages 915-919 views

Numerical modeling of amplitude maps for the corrected IRI-2012 model with smooth ionospheric disturbances

Kryukovskii A., Kurkin V., Laryunin O., Lukin D., Podlesnyi A., Rastyagaev D., Chernyak Y.


Propagation of short waves along a short path is modeled numerically using the bicharacteristic method with the IRI-2012 global model of ionospheric electron density, which was corrected in accordance with the experimental data, and the model of the Earth magnetic field (World Magnetic Model). It is demonstrated that periodic ionospheric disturbances may produce vertical structures in amplitude maps. Ray structures typical of the case under study and numerically calculated amplitude maps are obtained. The calculated data are qualitatively compared to experimental results.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):920-925
pages 920-925 views

Image reconstruction by deconvolution using a wavefront sensor

Kuriksha A.


Conditions for reconstructing a distorted image by the deconvolution from a phase distribution over the aperture, detected by a wavefront sensor, are studied.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):926-931
pages 926-931 views

Anticollision protection of distant radio-frequency identification tags based on surface acoustic waves

Suchkov S., Nikitov S., Yankin S., Nikolaevtsev V., Komkov S., Pilovets A., Suchkov D., Shatrov Y.


Effect of time delay with respect to electromagnetic channel for identified group of distant objects on recognition of anticollision radio-frequency tags based on surface acoustic waves is analyzed. An extended code zone is proposed to improve identification reliability under limitations on the localization region of tags.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):932-936
pages 932-936 views

On excitation of waves over a plane surface of a highly conductive medium, the Zenneck wave

Shevchenko V.


Effective excitation of a surface wave, in particular, the Zenneck wave, over a plane boundary of a highly conductive medium is considered.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):937-941
pages 937-941 views

Limiting amplitude–frequency characteristics of the output cavities of klystrons

Komarov D., Morev S., Paramonov Y., Yakushkin E.


An analytical ratio determining the maximum possible amplitude of the interaction impedance of the output cavity of the klystron generally connected to N passive cavities forming a filter system is obtained.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):942-945
pages 942-945 views

Dynamics of an ensemble of cyclotron oscillators in the field of a charged filament

Kornienko V., Cherepenin V.


The effect of an external static radial electric field on the characteristics of a superradiation pulse of an ensemble of cyclotron oscillators is investigated in a numerical experiment. It is demonstrated that this external field alters the amplitude, the width, and the peak time of the radiation generated by this active medium.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):946-948
pages 946-948 views

Microstrip antenna–generator based on gallium arsenide

Lyubchenko V., Bryantseva T., Markov I., Radchenko D., Yunevich E.


A design of the microstrip antenna with an epitaxial structure used as a dielectric substrate is developed. The epitaxial structure contains a thin layer of n-type gallium arsenide of on a GaAs semi-insulating substrate. The layer thickness is selected with consideration for the carrier depletion region that appears at the interface between the metal layer, which forms the antenna, and the doped semiconductor layer. We demonstrated experimentally the possibility of application of this design as a FET antenna–generator in a frequency range of 10–15 GHz.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):949-951
pages 949-951 views

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

Study on the validity of the formalism of norton to describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves on the surface of the body

Barake R., Harmouch A., Kenaan M.


In this paper, we focus on the study of electromagnetic waves that allow the communication between two antennas located on the surface of the human body. The link between the antennas leads to the appearance of space wave, whose level increases with height above the skin, and a surface wave which, on the contrary, decreases with the altitude. We use the wave propagation model of Norton with the notion of Somerfield’s attenuation. We give the limits of validity of this formalism in the area containing mainly surface waves. To generate this type of waves, the excitation sources used are small elementary electric dipoles with normal polarization.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):952-956
pages 952-956 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Double-plane pattern enhancement of rectangular slotted waveguide antennas using slotted concave surfaces

Harmouch A., Haddad H., El-Sayed Ahmad A.


Conventional slotted waveguide antennas are well known and prominently used for many military and even marketable applications. This is due to their different advantageous electrical and mechanical characteristics. It is also well known that this type of antennas is a typical array of slots with which the width of the main beam can be controlled in only one plane by using a different number of elements in such antennas. Numerous research, discuss the capability of using an array of such antennas in order to narrow down the main beam in both planes and even achieve a scanning phased array. In this paper, a new and broader approach is presented concerning beam width control of the typical configuration of such antennas. This work presents the ability to control the main lobe in both planes using only one slotted waveguide to a certain extent. Different simulation results are considered at the 2.4 GHz frequency demonstrating improved effectiveness in terms of directivity and high gain as well as minimizing the side-lobe level and mechanically controlling the main lobe of the antenna.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):957-962
pages 957-962 views

Theory and Methods of Signal Processing

Efficient decision based algorithm for the removal of high density salt and pepper noise in images

Karthikeyan P., Vasuki S.


In this paper, an efficient decision based scheme is proposed for the restoration of grayscale and colour images that are heavily corrupted by salt and pepper noise. The processed pixel is examined for 0 or 255; if found true, then it is considered as noisy pixel else not noisy. If found noisy the four neighbours of the noisy pixels are checked for 0 or 255. If all the four neighbours of the corrupted pixel are noisy, the mean of the four neighbours replaces the corrupted pixel. If any of the four neighbours is a non-noisy pixel, calculate the number of corrupted pixels in the current processing window. If the count is less than three then the noisy pixel is replaced by an unsymmetrical trimmed median. If the current window has more than three noisy pixels, then unsymmetrical trimmed mean replaces the corrupted pixels. If all the pixels of the current processing window are noisy then instead of unsymmetrical trimmed mean, global mean of the image is replaced as output. The uncorrupted pixel is left unchanged. The proposed algorithm is tested on various grayscale and colour images and found that it gives excellent PSNR, high IEF and lowest MSE. Also it consumes average time with excellent edge preservation even at higher noise densities. The quality of the results of proposed algorithm is superior when compared to the various state of the art methods.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):963-970
pages 963-970 views

Dynamics Chaos in Radiophysics and Electronics

Frequency modulated radar signal with combined chaotic sequence based on Bernoulli map

Zhang Z., Wang H., Zhao Y., Liu J., Yang L.


Chaotic signal shows amounts of advantages in the application of radar systems for its easy generation and control. The model of combined chaotic maps based on Bernoulli map is proposed in this paper. Then, the chaos based frequency modulated (FM) radar signal is put forward and the frequency spectrum, ambiguity function are also analyzed in theory. In simulation, the phase spaces, Approximate entropy (ApEn) and balance of the combined chaotic maps are investigated, which shows the combined maps sequences have greater performances than the initial sequences. Additionally, the Peak side-lobe level (PSL) and Integrated side-lobe level (ISL) of signal autocorrelation are discussed, and they drop greatly with the combined chaotic maps after frequency modulation. Simulation results also show that the FM signal based on combined chaotic maps has flatter frequency spectrum in the whole frequency band and a thumbtack ambiguity function.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2016;61(8):971-979
pages 971-979 views

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