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Vol 64, No 5 (2019)

Electrodynamics and Wave Propagation

The Natural Waves of a 1D Lattice of Rectangular Dielectric Rods

Bankov S.E.


The problem about the eigen waves of the infinite periodic lattice of rectangular dielectric rods located in a plane waveguide is considered. The boundary value problem is solved with the partial domain method, and the dispersion equation for the propagation constant of an eigen wave is obtained. The fields of eigen waves are found. The expression for the characteristic impedance of the fundamental wave is obtained. Results of the numerical investigation of the behavior of the moderating ratio and the characteristic impedance of the fundamental wave of the lattice are presented.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):439-448
pages 439-448 views

Calculation of the Velocity of the Electromagnetic Field Propagation in a Medium with Inclusions

Ivanov V.P.


Two variants of the method of calculation of the electromagnetic field propagation velocity in a medium with inclusions are investigated. The multiple scattering theory based on the electromagnetic wave diffraction by spherical particles in a Q-layered lattice and by Q-particles located inside a waveguide along its axis is considered.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):449-456
pages 449-456 views

Artificial Dielectric Based on Resistive Squares

Ponomarenko V.I., Lagunov I.M.


Based on the solution to the problem of diffraction of an electromagnetic wave normally incident onto a multilayer array of resistive elements, the dispersion of the effective permittivity of a structure comprised of resistive squares placed into a dielectric layer is calculated. It is established that the dispersion has a relaxation character. The feasibility of controlling the dispersion characteristic in a wide range by varying the parameters of the structure is shown. The ratio of the wavelength to the period of the structure at which the structure under consideration is adequately represented by a homogeneous layer is estimated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):457-462
pages 457-462 views

Antenna and Feeder Systems

Analysis of Scanning Characteristics in the H plane of Ultrabroadband Cylindrical Antenna Arrays of Biconical Elements

Kaloshin V.A., Le N.T.


Finite-element method is used to construct electrodynamic models of cylindrical phased antenna arrays using bicones and fragments of bicones. Numerical experiments are used to study scanning characteristics of cylindrical phased antenna arrays with different numbers of biconical elements. Phase relationships of the elements are optimized for minimization of side lobes. It is shown that the ultrabroadband regime of the cylindrical phased antenna arrays can be implemented using circular scanning in the Н plane.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):463-470
pages 463-470 views

Detection of Ordinary and Extraordinary Waves Using an Antenna Array with Controlled Polarization Characteristic

Adzhemov S.S., Repinskii V.N.


Results on detection of waves with oppositely rotating electric vectors using a phased antenna array with controlled polarization characteristic that can be rotated in the plane of the incident wave are presented. Owing to the stroboscopic effect, the wave that is split upon ionospheric propagation into ordinary and extraordinary components can be detected at two frequencies: difference frequency that is equal to the rotation frequency of the polarization characteristic of the antenna and sum frequency depending on the type of the interacting component (ordinary or extraordinary).

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):471-476
pages 471-476 views

Synthesis of a Three-Channel Waveguide Microwave Multiplexer with a Modified Structure

Vorob’ev A.V., Kats B.M., Komarov V.V., Meshchanov V.P.


The synthesis procedure of a waveguide multiplexer with a modified structure is considered. Compared with standard methods, the approach to the synthesis of this structure is based on the principle of decomposition, to simplify and accelerate the development of complicated devices. To check the performance ability of a proposed structure, the three-channel X-band waveguide multiplexer with a modified design of channel filters was synthesized. Design and experimental results are compared.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):477-483
pages 477-483 views

Theory of Radio Circuits

Effect of Higher Harmonics on the Accurate Calculation of Dynamic Phase-Locked-Loop Characteristics Using the Quasi-Harmonic Method

Gribov A.F., Shakhtarin B.I.


Abstract—The effect of higher harmonics on the accurate calculation of the dynamic characteristics of piecewise-linear phase-locked-loop frequency control using the quasi-harmonic method has been demonstrated at exactly known values of the lock-in range and the frequency of rotational motions.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):484-491
pages 484-491 views

Radio Phenomena in Solids and Plasma

Multiplicative Frequency Conversion in a Scheme of Magnetostrictive Transducer. Frequency Multiplication in the Relaxation Regime

Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.


Stimulated oscillations of magnetization and elastic displacement in a normally magnetized ferrite plate with magnetoelastic properties are considered. Frequency multiplication at the ratio determined by the multiplicity of the resonance frequencies of the magnetic and elastic subsystems is analyzed. Time and amplitude characteristics of the effect are studied using a model of the impact excitation of the elastic system due to short-term effect of the magnetic system. Frequency division in the same scheme of the magnetostrictive transducer is employed for comparison.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):492-502
pages 492-502 views

Dispersion of Surface Waves at the Interface between a Dielectric and a Finely Layered Ferrite–Graphene Medium

Evseev D.A., Sementsov D.I.


The propagation of guided ТМ- and ТЕ-polarized waves along the interface between a dielectric and a finely layered ferrite–graphene plasmon-polariton medium have been investigated. Based on the long-wavelength approximation, expressions for effective permittivity and permeability of a layered medium have been derived and used to establish dispersion relations for these waves and build frequency dependences of propagation constant real and imaginary parts. Where the waves are surface or radiation have been determined.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):503-509
pages 503-509 views

Electron and Ion Optics

On Simulation of Sheet Electron Beams with Regard to the Initial Transverse Thermal Velocities of Electrons

Gamayunov Y.G., Patrusheva E.V.


A technique to take into account the initial transverse electron thermal velocities in converged sheet electron beams has been developed. This determines the main integral characteristics of a thermal beam in a gun and transportation region of the paraxial approximation via chosen characteristic electron trajectories. We have equations of characteristic electrons motion, initial conditions to solve equations, and formulas for the current density distribution in the thermal beam cross-section and current fraction in conventional boundary. The derived equations and formulas may be used in modeling electron-optical systems and choosing parameters in which the effect of heat electron motion on beam characteristics will lie within tolerable limits.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):510-516
pages 510-516 views

Microwave Electronics

Designing a Beam-Plasma Traveling Wave Tube

Kravchenko N.P., Mukhin S.V., Kasatkin A.D., Presnyakov S.A., Borisov N.


The method of equivalent systems is used to simulate resonator slow-wave structures of beam-plasma devices. A collisionless plasma is considered as a filler for the drift channel. The adequacy of the model is shown by comparing the calculation results with known experimental data. The dispersion characteristics of slow-wave systems are analyzed. The structure of the high-frequency unit of a beam-plasma traveling wave tube is developed, and the parameters of the tube are evaluated using the VEGA code.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):517-523
pages 517-523 views

Physical Processes in Electron Devices

Dependence of Microcontroller Failure Parameters via Ultrashort Radio Pulses under Operation Conditions

Stepovik A.P., Armanov M.M., Shamaev E.Y., Kondrat’ev A.A., Sorokin I.A., Zavolokov E.V.


In this paper, we studied the functional failure of microcontroller (MC) ATmega8515 under ultrashort pulse series action at clocking frequencies of 1, 8, and 15 MHz. We analyzed the probabilities of occurrence in various types of failure and their connection with clocking frequency and magnitude of field strength. The correlation of MC failure with its operation phase is shown. The possibility to study, at least qualitatively, the behavior of complex electronic systems using well-known mathematical models was demonstrated.

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. 2019;64(5):524-532
pages 524-532 views

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