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Том 44, № 7 (2018)


Gated-Viewing System with an Electronic Shutter on a CCD Image Sensor

Alantev D., Golitsyn A., Golitsyn A., Paulish A., Seyfi N., Chiburun S.


The results of the development and experimental investigation of the gated-viewing method without the using an image intensifier as a fast shutter are presented. The device for implementing the method consists of an interline CCD image sensor with an input lens and 906 nm pulsed laser diode with an output lens that forms an illumination beam. The gated-viewing method is based on the original CCD control procedure, which allows observing multiple pulses without lowering the frame rate. Experimental studies have shown the method feasibility under conditions of smoke and fog.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):555-557
pages 555-557 views

Relaxation Losses of Magnetic Excitations in Nanoscale Films of Yttrium Iron Garnet

Lutsev L., Suturin S., Korovin A., Bursian V., Sokolov N.


Relaxation losses of magnetic excitations in nanoscale films of Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) were studied. The films were obtained by laser molecular-beam epitaxy (LMBE). Ferromagnetic resonance linewidth ΔH was found to increase sharply as the temperature decreased from 300 to 77 K. The observed growth of ΔH is explained by typical relaxation processes caused by the presence of Fe2+ ions. This effect is not observed in thick films of YIG grown by liquid-phase epitaxy and containing Pb4+ ions, and, hence, we have concluded that the presence of acceptor ions in YIG films obtained by LMBE will facilitate decreasing the concentration of Fe2+ ions and, a result, diminishing relaxation losses.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):558-561
pages 558-561 views

X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Epitaxial Layers with the Properties of a Dislocation Filter

Loshkarev I., Vasilenko A., Trukhanov E., Kolesnikov A., Petrushkov M., Putyato M.


An approach to instant testing of epitaxial films with a sharp decrease in the threading dislocation density is proposed. High-resolution X-ray diffractometry, including reciprocal space mapping, has been used. The structure of GaAs/Si(001) heterosystems with low-temperature GaAs layers has been analyzed. A decrease in the density of threading dislocations in the GaAs film with the formation of a small-angle boundary has been detected.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):562-565
pages 562-565 views

A New Approach to Calculating the Potential Energy of Interaction between Two Atoms

Koshcheev V., Shtanov Y.


A Fourier component of the potential energy of interaction between two atoms has been presented as a polynomial of the biquadratic atomic form factor. A numerical calculation has been performed in the screened Coulomb potential approximation. It is demonstrated that the account for the Pauli principle leads to the occurrence of a potential barrier and an additional region of attraction of two atoms. This model is shown to agree qualitatively with the results of the density-functional-theory calculation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):566-569
pages 566-569 views

Pulsed Activation of a Fuel Cell on the Basis of a Proton-Exchange Polymer Membrane

Galitskaya E., Gerasimova E., Dobrovol’skii Y., Don G., Afanas’ev A., Levchenko A., Sivak A., Sinitsyn V.


The influence of pulsed activation on the electrochemical characteristics of fuel cells based on the Nafion proton-conducting membrane is studied. The activation was a repeated pulsed operation of the membrane–electrode assembly (MEA), which was characterized by alternating a constant load of the MEA near a short-circuit current at voltage UL = 0.1 V and its “idle time” corresponding to the open circuit voltage of the MEA, UOCV ≈ 0.95 V. It is shown that there is an optimal ratio of the time parameters of the pulsed load at which the activation is much more efficient than in the case of constant potentiostatic or galvanostatic regimes often used in practice.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):570-573
pages 570-573 views

The Effect of Dose of Nitrogen-Ion Implantation on the Concentration of Point Defects Introduced into GaAs Layers

Sobolev N., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Kalyadin A., Karabeshkin K., Mikoushkin V., Sakharov V., Serenkov I., Shek E., Sherstnev E., Shmidt N.


Secondary-ion mass spectrometry and Rutherford proton backscattering have been used to measure the concentration profiles of nitrogen atoms and examine the defect structure of epitaxial GaAs layers implanted with 250-keV N+ ions at doses of 5 × 1014–5 × 1016 cm–2. It was found that no amorphization of the layers being implanted occurs at doses exceeding the calculated amorphization threshold, a concentration of point defects that is formed is substantially lower than the calculated value, and a characteristic specific feature of the defect concentration profiles is the high defect concentration in the surface layer.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):574-576
pages 574-576 views

The Effect of the Method by Which a High-Resistivity GaN Buffer Layer Is Formed on Properties of InAlN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures with 2D Electron Gas

Lundin V., Sakharov A., Zavarin E., Zakgeim D., Nikolaev A., Brunkov P., Yagovkina M., Tsatsul’nikov A.


AlGaN/AlN/GaN and InAlN/AlN/GaN structures with 2D electron gas have been grown on sapphire substrates by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy. The suppression of the parasitic conductivity of buffer GaN layers was provided either by intentionally raising the density of edge dislocations or by doping with iron (GaN:Fe). It was shown that using GaN buffer layers with a better crystal perfection and more planar surface results in the electron mobility in the 2D channel for carriers becoming 1.2–1.5 times higher.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):577-580
pages 577-580 views

A Superconducting Resonator with a Hafnium Microbridge at Temperatures of 50–350 mK

Merenkov A., Shitov S., Chichkov V., Ermakov A., Kim T., Ustinov A.


A high-quality superconducting resonator with a microbridge of hafnium film for use in a circuit for readout a terahertz-band imaging array with frequency division multiplexing is demonstrated experimentally. The variability of the impedance of the bridge at a frequency of 1.5 GHz, which is a key factor in the control of the quality of the resonator, is studied. The bridge, having a thickness of about 50 nm, a critical temperature TC ≈ 380 mK, and a plan size of 2.5 × 2.5 μm, was connected as a load of a resonator made of niobium film with a thickness of about 100 nm (TC ~ 9 K). It is shown that the bridge smoothly changes its impedance proportionally to the bias power in the entire temperature range. The effective thermal insulation of the bridge was measured in a dilution cryostat at temperatures of 50–300 mK. Thermal conductivity G of the bridge was calculated and found to be ~4 × 10–13 W/K, which gives an estimate of the sensitivity of the structure in the bolometric mode NEP ≈ 8 × 10–19 W/Hz1/2 at a temperature of 150 mK.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):581-584
pages 581-584 views

The Influence of Dipole Polarization of an Emitting Surface on Autoemission Thresholds of a Multitip Silicon Cathode Matrices

Yafarov R.


Regularities of changes in the structural-phase composition and morphological and field-emission characteristics of surface-structured silicon wafers with various types of conductivity have been studied. It is shown that the use of a fluorocarbon plasma in the process of structuring, along with a carbon mask coating, allows obtaining preset autoemission currents of silicon cathode matrices when the external electric-field strength varies in a wide range irrespectively of the change of the gain factors of the fields of the emitting protrusions. The dominant role of dipole polarization in autoemission of electrons in surface-modified silicon structures has been established.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):585-587
pages 585-587 views

The Correlation between Characteristics of Macrolocalized Plastic Deformation and Parameters of the Electronic Structure of Metals

Zuev L., Danilov V., Ploskov N.


The correlation between lattice characteristics of a deformed medium and parameters of autowaves of a localized plastic flow in metals at the stage of linear strain hardening is considered. Such correlation testifies for the existence of a close connection between elastic and plastic deformations of the medium and, more generally, between characteristics of plasticity and electronic structure of elements.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):588-590
pages 588-590 views

The Influence of Ultraviolet Exposure and Humidity on the Photoluminescence Spectra of Zinc Oxide

Abdullin K., Gabdullin M., Kudryashov V., Kumekov S., Saitova N.


The structure and electrical and luminescent properties of arrays of zinc-oxide nanorods grown by the hydrothermal method are studied. It was found that the exposure of samples to ultraviolet light or the presence of water vapor in a gaseous atmosphere significantly change the photoluminescence spectra. The exposure of samples leads to a substantial increase in intrinsic photoluminescence and a decrease in impurity photoluminescence. The presence of water vapor leads to the opposite effect. It is shown that the observed effects are caused by the change in the surface-band bending and the thickness of the depletion region.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):591-594
pages 591-594 views

Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Ultrathin Polycrystalline Fe Films Grown on SiO2/Si(001)

Balashev V., Ermakov K., Chebotkevich L., Korobtsov V.


Ultrathin polycrystalline Fe films have been grown on the oxidized surface of a Si(001) substrate. The resistivity and magnetic hysteresis of Fe films have been measured in the range of thickness from 2.5 to 10 nm. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, it is suggested that there is a transition to the structurally continuous film at a thickness of ~6 nm. It is found that Fe grains in this film acquire the preferred (111) orientation during this transition.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):595-598
pages 595-598 views

Interfacing of a Coordinate-Sensitive Detector Based on Charge-Coupled Devices for Recording Ions with a Portable Static Mass Spectrograph

Kogan V., Chichagov Y., Bogdanov A., Antonov A., Tubol’tsev Y., Aruev N., Lebedev D.


An IDS 2030 IonCCD coordinate-sensitive detector (Analytical/CMS Field Products) is interfaced with a small-sized mass spectrograph developed at the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. The measurement data obtained with the mass spectrograph using an IonCCD detector and a Magnum-5901-37029PS channel secondary electron multiplier (Photonics USA Inc., United States) are compared. The results of measurements are discussed, and the prospects for using the IonCCD coupled with a microchannel plate are assessed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):599-601
pages 599-601 views

A Magnetic Shutter for a Trap Made of Permanent Magnets for Ultracold Neutron Storage

Ezhov V., Ryabov V., Andreev A., Bazarov B., Glushkov A., Knyaz’kov V.


A design of a magnetic shutter for a trap made of permanent magnets for the ultracold neutron storage in experiments on measuring the neutron lifetime is proposed. The data of shutter testing and comparison with the calculated magnetic fields are reported.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):602-604
pages 602-604 views

Using Multichannel Laser Complexes for Incoherent Pumping of X-ray Compton Free-Electron Lasers

Ginzburg N., Kocharovskaya E., Vilkov M., Sergeev A.


It is used that there is great potential in the use of multichannel laser complexes for incoherent pumping of X-ray Compton free-electron lasers based on stimulated wave backscattering on high-current moderately relativistic electron beam. The relative width of the pump spectrum must be comparable with that of the energy spectrum of the electron beam, which ensures involvement of a significant fraction of particles into the scattering process and, hence, high efficiency of their kinetic energy conversion into X-ray radiation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):605-608
pages 605-608 views

The Phase Transformation Wave and Conditions of Its Realization in Deformable Austenitic Steels Irradiated in a BN-350 Reactor

Maksimkin O.


Experimental data on the influence of neutron irradiation on the plasticity characteristics of chromium–nickel austenite steels have been analyzed. Special attention is devoted to detection of anomalously high plasticity levels attained at some parameters of irradiation and deformation, which is explained by the formation and propagation of a “phase transformation wave” in the metastable steel. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the realization of this wave are formulated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):609-611
pages 609-611 views

Zinc Diffusion into InP via a Narrow Gap from a Planar Zn3P2-Based Source

Petrushkov M., Putyato M., Chistokhin I., Semyagin B., Emel’yanov E., Esin M., Gavrilova T., Vasev A., Preobrazhenskii V.


An original technology of zinc diffusion into InP via a narrow gap is described, which allows reproducible formation of p–n junctions with preset depth of doping and retained surface morphology of the doped layers. Using the proposed method, desired charge carrier distribution profiles in Zn-doped InP layers were obtained. It has been experimentally confirmed that the method of cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy allows to precision measure of the zinc diffusion depth.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):612-614
pages 612-614 views

Boron Carbide Synthesis in Low-Voltage DC Electric Arc Initiated in Open Air

Pak A., Mamontov G.


We describe a method of obtaining ultrafine boron carbide (B13C2) powder using the effect of a dc electric arc on a mixture of initial reactants containing carbon and boron. A peculiarity of the proposed method is that it can be implemented using arc discharge operating in open air without any vacuum equipment and protective inert gas atmosphere. X-ray diffraction data showed that the synthesized product in the general case contained three crystalline phases: boron carbide (B13C2), graphite (C), and boron oxide (B2O3). Electron-microscopic examination showed that the average size of boron carbide particles ranged from ~50 nm to ~2 μm.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):615-617
pages 615-617 views

Conditions of Ion Motion Confinement in an Electrostatic Trap with Separation of Variables in Parabolic Coordinates

Solov’ev K., Vinogradova M.


Refined conditions for the confinement of ion motion in the trapping field admitting separation of variables in parabolic coordinates are formulated. The simplicity of equations allows some results to be obtained in an elementary form, which makes it possible to consider the issue of particle confinement in these systems in detail.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):618-621
pages 618-621 views

Upconversion Luminescence of Gd2O3 Nanocrystals Doped with Er3+ and Yb3+ Ions

Pustovarov V., Trofimova E., Kuznetsova Y., Zatsepin A.


The upconversion luminescence (UCL) of nanocrystalline gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) doped with Er3+ and Yb3+ ions has been studied in the temperature range of 90–400 K. The nanocrystals were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition and possessed a cubic crystalline structure with an average particle size within 48–57 nm. It is established that the USL intensity in the red (4F9/24I15/2 transition in Er3+ ion) and green (4S3/24I15/2 transition) spectral regions depends on the sample temperature and concentration of dopant ions, as well as on the additional structural defects (anion vacancies) created in the crystal lattice by the introduction of Zn2+ ions or irradiation with high-energy (10 MeV) electrons. The luminescence efficiency and spectrum of the upconversion phosphor are determined by energy transfer processes.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):622-625
pages 622-625 views

A Fluorescence Spectrum Analyzer Based on a Fiber-Optic Y-Circulator

Algazinov E., Shul’gin V., Lavrinenko I., Sirota A.


We consider a method of probe analysis employing fiber-optic a composite Y-circulator design for the implementation of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy diagnostics. The proposed principle of the LIF analyzer is based on spatially separated directed optical beams of excitation and fluorescence radiations. Conditions of the effective Y-circulator operation as a passive fiber-optic switch are determined. Experimental investigation of the switched radiation losses is performed. An example of using the proposed analyzer for LIF diagnostics of biological media is presented.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):626-629
pages 626-629 views

Singularities of Silicon Surface Nanostructuring due to Ultrafast Heating in Water by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse

Romashevskiy S.


Silicon surface morphology induced by a femtosecond laser pulse at near-threshold fluences in water environment is investigated by means of atomic-force microscopy (AFM). With increasing fluence, the silicon surface transforms into nanoscale ring-shaped and blister structures, as well as smooth and nanostructured microcraters with a minimum depth of 1 nm. The formation of starlike patterns imprinted at the surface of microcraters at fluences above the ablation threshold is observed.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):630-633
pages 630-633 views

Template Synthesis of Iron Microstructures Based on Track Membranes

Semenov V., Bedin S., Asadchikov V., Vasil’ev A.


Iron nanowires (NWs) were obtained by template synthesis using polymer track membranes in the framework of development of a general method for the synthesis of regular metal nanostructures. The surface topography of NWs was studied by scanning electron microscopy, and the local state of iron atoms was determined by Mössbauer spectrometry.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):634-636
pages 634-636 views

Synthesis of Titanium Nanoparticles in Liquid Xenon by a High-Voltage Discharge

Akimov D., Belov V., Bobkov S., Bolozdynya A., Dzhumaev P., Galavanov A., Gusakov Y., Kdib D., Khromov A., Kolpakov M., Konovalov A., Kovalenko A., Kozlova E., Kumpan A., Lukyashin A., Melikyan Y., Nepochataya O., Rudik D., Savinov M., Shakirov A., Simakov G., Sosnovtsev V., Vasin A., Volkov N.


The formation of titanium nanoparticles (NPs) in a high-voltage electric discharge between titanium electrodes in liquid xenon at a temperature of –105°C has been observed. It has been shown that these titanium nanoparticles have a spherical shape with an average diameter of <50 nm and they possess high chemical activity. This makes it possible when a relative mass concentration of NP reaches ~10–6 to efficiently purify xenon from electronegative impurities for its use as a working medium for a new generation of high-efficiency nuclear radiation detectors.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):637-639
pages 637-639 views

The Influence of Data Loss on Diagnostics of Complex System Dynamics

Pavlova O., Pavlov A.


We consider the problem of quantitative description of the dynamics of complex systems using experimental data records containing various breakdown regions related to artifacts, violations of the operation conditions, or monitoring of equipment malfunctions. Elimination (rejection) of these regions can lead to modification of the signal structure, which makes it necessary to assess the influence of this procedure on the quantitative characteristics that are to be determined. An example of multiscale analysis of cerebral blood flow is presented, which shows that the correct diagnostics of the regime of system functioning may be possible even with extreme loss of data.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):640-642
pages 640-642 views

Photoinduced Reversible Local Deformation of the Surface Relief in Bulk Single Crystals of TlInSe2, TlGaTe2, and TlSe

Shim Y., Asahi T., Wakita K., Mamedov N., Alieva E., Abdullaev N.


Giant macroscopic expansion of the surface relief, localized within a laser spot size, has been observed in bulk single crystals of TlInSe2, TlGaTe2, and TlSe at room temperature and laser radiation densities lower by at least two orders of magnitude than the material optical damage threshold. Quantitative estimations of the deformation magnitude in this local region were obtained using an interference dilatometer. The photon absorption length was determined with the aid of spectroscopic ellipsometry. It is established that the surface deformation amounts to 2.6 × 10–3 at a laser radiation intensity of 19 mW/mm2. The observed phenomenon has a thermal nature and is probably related to a low thermal conductivity of the materials studied.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):643-645
pages 643-645 views

A Prism Mass-Spectrometer for Isotope Analysis of Hydrogen–Helium Mixtures

Gall L., Yakushev E., Nazarenko L., Antonov A., Semenov A., Gall N.


An original scheme of a special magnetic mass-spectrometer for isotope measurements in a mass range of hydrogen–helium mixtures and their main impurities is proposed. The ion optics system contains a two-dimensional magnetic prism supplemented with two identical cylindrical electrostatic capacitors matched so that the system operates in the regime of complete triple focusing of the ion beam in two orthogonal directions and with respect to ion energies. The system ensures high dispersion and allows the mass resolution (no less than 3500) required for analysis at high brightness and a central ion trajectory length on the order of 1 m.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):646-649
pages 646-649 views

Influence of Cobalt and Molybdenum Additives on the Structure and Shape Memory Parameters of Reaction-Sintered Porous Nickel Titanium Alloys

Artyukhova N., Yasenchuk Y., Garin A., Gyunter V.


We have studied the structure and properties of porous nickel titanium (TiNi) alloys obtained upon reaction sintering of Ti and Ni powders with Co and Mo additives. It is established that Co and Mo doping additives retain the compaction of Ni powder achieved at the initial stage of sintering. The maximum deformation of porous samples loaded in the austenite state was observed upon adding Co, while the addition of Mo resulted in minimum deformation. The addition of Co leads to single-stage martensitic transformation in TiNi phase, while the addition of Mo leads to the two-stage transformation that is more homogeneous over the volume. Both Co and Mo additives lead to increase in the maximum accumulated strain due to the formation of favorably oriented stress-induced martensite and reoriented quench-induced martensite.

Technical Physics Letters. 2018;44(7):650-653
pages 650-653 views

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