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Vol 43, No 9 (2017)


Electroluminescent study of the efficiency of silicon heterostructural solar cells

Verbitskii V.N., Panaiotti I.E., Nikitin S.E., Bobyl’ A.V., Shelopin G.G., Andronikov D.A., Abramov A.S., Sachenko A.V., Terukov E.I.


A strong (by more than an order of magnitude) change in the electroluminescence intensity is observed for the first time in high-quality heterojunction solar cells that are based on a single-crystal silicon and have an efficiency of 18 to 20.5%. This effect occurs due to the sharp change in the concentration of the recombination centers on the surface of single-crystal silicon wafers in the course of their pyramidal texturing and also due to the rise in the series resistance. The effect can be used for a quantitative highly sensitive characterization of the texturing, which is a fundamentally important stage in fabricating highly efficient silicon solar cells.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):779-782
pages 779-782 views

Preparation and investigation of composite transparent electrodes of poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate/single-wall carbon nanotubes

Voronin A.S., Simunin M.M., Ivanchenko F.S., Shiverskii A.V., Fadeev Y.V., Tambasov I.A., Nemtsev I.V., Matsynin A.A., Khartov S.V.


The preparation of composite transparent electrodes of poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate/single-wall carbon nanotubes by the spray method is described. The influence of the successive treatment of each functional layer in acid media with different activities on the optical and electric film characteristics is considered. The composite with the surface resistance of 89 Ω/sq at the transparency of 85.3% (550 nm) on a polymer substrate is obtained.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):783-786
pages 783-786 views

Highly efficient X-range AlGaN/GaN power amplifier

Tural’chuk P.A., Kirillov V.V., Osipov P.E., Vendik I.B., Vendik O.G., Parnes M.D.


The development of microwave power amplifiers (PAs) based on transistors with an AlGaN/GaN heterojunction are discussed in terms of the possible enhancement of their efficiency. The main focus is on the synthesis of the transforming circuits, which ensure the reactive load at the second- and third-harmonic frequencies and complex impedance at the fundamental frequency. This makes it possible to optimize the complex operation mode of a PA; i.e., to reduce the scattering power and enhance the efficiency. A microwave PA based on the Schottky-barrier-gate field-effect transistor with 80 electrodes based on the GaN pHEMT transistor with a gate length of 0.25 nm and a gate width of 125 nm is experimentally investigated. The amplifier has a pulse output power of 35 W and a power-added efficiency of at least 50% at a working frequency of 9 GHz.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):787-789
pages 787-789 views

Influence of hydrogen on the thermoelectric voltage signal in a Pt/WOx/6H-SiC/Ni/Pt layered structure

Zuev V.V., Grigoriev S.N., Fominski V.Y., Volosova M.A., Soloviev A.A.


The possibility of detecting H2 by registering the thermal electromotive force signal, which arises between the surfaces of 6H-SiC plates with a thickness of 400 μm, is established. The working surface of the plates is modified by deposition of a WOx film and catalytic Pt. An ohmic contact (Ni/Pt) is created on the rear surface of the plate, and this surface is maintained at a stabilized temperature of 350°C. The temperature gradient through the plate thickness arises due to the cooling of the working surface with the air medium. The delivery of H2 into this medium up to a concentration of 2% gives rise to a 15-fold increase in the electric signal, which considerably exceeds the Pt/WOx/SiC/Ni/Pt system’s response registered in the usual way by measuring the current–voltage dependence. In this case, an additional power source for the registration of the thermal electromotive force is not required.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):790-793
pages 790-793 views

The influence of nonequilibrium vacancies generated by high-power laser pulses on the high-speed plastic deformation of metals and alloys

Malashenko V.V.


The effect of nonequilibrium vacancies generated by laser pulses on the motion of dislocations under the conditions of high-speed deformation is studied. An analytical expression is obtained for the contribution of these vacancies to the dynamic yield strength of metals and alloys and it is shown that the dynamic drag of dislocations by nonequilibrium vacancies leads to a significant increase in the yield strength.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):794-795
pages 794-795 views

Intrusion features of a high-speed striker of a porous tungsten-based alloy with a strengthening filler in a steel barrier

Ishchenko A.N., Afanas’eva S.A., Belov N.N., Burkin V.V., Rogaev K.S., Sammel’ A.Y., Skosyrskii A.B., Tabachenko A.N., Yugov N.T.


The complex problem of increasing the penetrating power of strikers based on highly porous tungsten composites is considered by improving their strengthening properties by alloying the hardening components under high-speed collision conditions. Using the method of liquid-phase sintering, we fabricated samples of strikers based on a porous WNiFeCo alloy (tungsten + nickel + iron + cobalt), alloyed with tungsten carbide with cobalt (WCCo8) and titanium-tungsten carbide (TiWC). Dynamic tests of the strikers from the developed alloys were carried out at the collision velocity with a steel barrier of the order of 2800 m/s. The penetration depth of the striker based on a porous WNiFeCo alloy doped with tungsten carbides is 30% higher than the penetration depth of a striker of a monolithic WNiFe-90 alloy (tungsten + nickel + iron with a tungsten content of 90%).

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):796-799
pages 796-799 views

Mixing of vaporizing droplets on liquid substrates caused by festoon instability

Tarasov O.A., Tarasova N.A., Ivanova N.A.


A new configuration for a microfluid mixer, in which a mixed volume in the form of a volatile liquid droplet rests on a layer of water, is proposed. The mixing occurs owing to the injection of festoons emerging in a droplet under the influence of evaporation themocapillary convection from the periphery of the droplet to its central part. A linear relationship between the injection rate and the injection layer temperature is established, and it is shown that a droplet has time to repeatedly mix during its lifetime.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):800-803
pages 800-803 views

Variation of the beam parameters of runaway electrons in a gas discharge under the conditions of nonuniform preliminary ionization

Kozyrev A.V., Baranova E.M., Kozhevnikov V.Y., Semenyuk N.S.


Within the theoretical model of a high-pressure hybrid nanosecond discharge with runaway electrons, a strong dependence of the electron beam amplitude, duration, and energy spectrum on the conditions of the preliminary ionization of a gas in the discharge gap is demonstrated. The conditions with uniform and nonuniform distributions of initial electrons in a coaxial diode filled with sulfur hexafluoride at atmospheric pressure are simulated. It is shown that the amplitude and current pulse profile of the electron beam substantially change upon the variation of the initial distribution of the electrons in the discharge gap.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):804-807
pages 804-807 views

Investigation of dynamic resistance to the shear of water-saturated sand according to the results of the inverse experiment technique

Kotov V.L., Balandin V.V., Bragov A.M., Balandin V.V.


The results of an investigation of the shear resistance for compacted dry and water-saturated sand are presented on the basis of the experimental-calculation analysis of the drag force at the quasi-stationary penetration stage of a cylindrical impactor. We used a method proposed earlier based on the inverse experiment technique and using a measuring rod with a flat end. It is shown that with almost the complete water saturation of sand its shear properties decrease but remain significant in the practically important range of penetration rates.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):808-810
pages 808-810 views

Directional emission from beryllium doped GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires

Talalaev V.G., Shtrom I.V., Samsonenko Y.B., Khrebtov A.I., Bouravleuv A.D., Cirlin G.E.


The emission directionality of self-catalytic GaAs nanowires in an AlGaAs shell, produced by molecular-beam epitaxy with a varied level of beryllium doping, is studied. It is shown that an undoped sample possesses pronounced waveguide properties along the growth direction. With increasing doping level, the intensity of the emission directed perpendicular to the lateral nanowire walls grows.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):811-813
pages 811-813 views

Effect of scattering of sputtered atoms on the growth rate of films fabricated by magnetron sputtering

Mitin D.M., Serdobintsev A.A.


The results of the theoretical calculations of the fraction of unscattered sputtered atoms in magnetron sputtering are presented. The experimentally obtained pressure dependence of the growth rate of silicon films reveals a correlation with the theoretically calculated dependence of the fraction of unscattered sputtered atoms. If the pressure is raised from 1.5 to 8.5 mTorr, the growth rate of silicon films decreases by 25%, while the fraction of unscattered sputtered atoms over the cathode–substrate distance decreases by as much as 90%.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):814-816
pages 814-816 views

Remote diagnostics of soft solids using nonlinear acoustic methods

Korobov A.I., Izosimova M.Y., Nenarokomov K.A., Odina N.I.


A prototype of a new flaw detector for remote noncontact diagnostics of soft solids is proposed. The operating principle of the flaw detector is based on the features of the nonlinear interaction of two ultrasonic waves in the test material with defects. Ultrasonic waves in the test material are excited remotely by ultrasonic beams focused in air. It is demonstrated experimentally that with the help of the proposed flaw detector, subsurface defects with dimensions much smaller than the wavelength of the probing ultrasound can be remotely detected and localized.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):817-820
pages 817-820 views

Flow structure in three-dimensional waves on a vertically falling liquid film

Kvon A.Z., Bobylev A.V., Guzanov V.V., Kharlamov S.M., Markovich D.M.


We have simultaneously measured the velocity vector and film thickness fields in three-dimensional (3D) waves formed upon the decay of regular 2D waves on a liquid film flowing down a vertical plate. Velocity fields at various distances from the plate surface in various regions of a 3D wave are constructed. It is shown that the liquid flow in the wave has a complex structure with regions of backflow and spanwise streams, which mainly occur under the main crest of the wave.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):821-824
pages 821-824 views

A new type of gas sensor based on the thermovoltaic effect in zinc oxide inhomogeneously doped with mixed-valence impurities

Pronin I.A., Yakushova N.D., Dimitrov D.T., Krasteva L.K., Papazova K.I., Karmanov A.A., Averin I.A., Georgieva A.T., Moshnikov V.A., Terukov E.I.


We propose a new type of potentiometric gas sensor operating on the basis of the thermovoltaic effect in uniformly heated (without temperature gradients) ZnO/ZnO–Fe sandwich structures obtained by the sol–gel method. It is established that a significant contribution to the gas responsivity of sensors is related to the thickness of the upper doped layer of the structure.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):825-827
pages 825-827 views

An image-brightness amplifier based on copper bromide vapor for operation at increased superradiance pulse duration

Trigub M.V., Vlasov V.V., Torgaev S.N., Evtushenko G.S.


We present data on the development and application of an image-brightness amplifier based on copper bromide vapor intended for the visualization of objects occurring at distances above 5 m from the detecting equipment. An increase in the superradiance (gain) pulse duration was achieved by decreasing the repetition frequency of pumping pulses (to 3 kHz) and increasing the capacitance of the capacitor bank (up to 3.4 nF) so as to increase the deposited pulse energy. The basic possibility of creating active optical systems with brightness amplifiers (laser monitors) for the visualization of objects and processes occurring at large distances from a registration system is demonstrated.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):828-830
pages 828-830 views

Generation of ultrashort microwave pulses in the sub-THz and THz range based on the cyclotron superradiance effect

Rozental R.M., Ginzburg N.S., Zotova I.V., Sergeev A.S., Tarakanov V.P.


The possibility of generating ultrashort microwave pulses in the sub-THz and THz range using the mechanism of cyclotron superradiance (SR) from electron bunches moving over helical trajectories in a homogeneous magnetic field is demonstrated in the framework of averaged model description of the electron–wave interaction and by particle-in-cell (PIC) numerical simulations. In a significantly oversized waveguide tract, selective excitation of the working mode is ensured for an electron bunch propagating at a velocity close to the group velocity of the SR pulse.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):831-834
pages 831-834 views

A sensor system based on a luminescent protein complex in a biopolymer matrix for detecting small concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in aqueous solutions

Sergeev A.A., Leonov A.A., Kamenev D.G., Voznesenskii S.S., Kul’chin Y.M.


We have studied the properties of luminescent protein complexes based on myoglobin with covalently bound CY3 luminophore, which were incorporated into polysaccharide agarose films, as potential elements sensitive to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in aqueous solutions. The presence of this analyte changes the absorption spectrum of myoglobin, which influences the efficiency of luminophore excitation while having almost no effect on its emission spectrum. This effect shows that a luminescent sensor system with the optical response determined by analyte-induced changes in the efficiency of luminescence excitation in the sensitive element can be created. For the system studied, the limit of detection of H2S dissolved in water amounted to 100 pM.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):835-838
pages 835-838 views

Designing a chevron unit for a microelectronic position-sensitive detector with two microchannel plates

Kosulya A.V., Verbitskii V.G.


The dependence of the transverse section of an electron beam on the distance between plates and on the accelerating potential difference is determined for a chevron unit of a microelectronic position-sensitive detector (MPSD) with two microchannel plates. The geometry of the MPSD chevron unit is designed and optimized.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):839-841
pages 839-841 views

Generation of periodic high-power ultrashort pulse sequences in a chain of coupled traveling-wave tubes operating in the regimes of amplification and nonlinear Kompfner suppression

Ginzburg N.S., Abubakirov E.B., Vilkov M.N., Zotova I.V., Sergeev A.S.


We have studied the dynamics of an electron microwave oscillator with a feedback loop containing two coupled traveling-wave tubes, the first operating in the regime of amplification and the second in the regime of nonlinear Kompfner absorption. It is established that oscillations generated in this system can take the form of a periodic sequence of ultrashort pulses. The proposed mechanism of pulse generation is analogous to the well-known method of passive mode locking.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):842-845
pages 842-845 views

Study of the relaxation rate of photoexcited indole molecules by the interferometric pump-and-probe method at picosecond resolution

Glazov A.L., Il’ina A.D., Sukharev A.A., Vasyutinskii O.S.


We present a new interferometric method that can be used for studying the dynamics of photoinduced processes in biologically important molecules at ultrahigh temporal resolution. The method is based upon the detection of changes in the refractive index of a substance excited by pulsed radiation of a femtosecond laser, which are measured by the pump-and-probe technique using time-delayed pulses of the same laser. The high sensitivity and stability of the interferometer allow this method to be used for monitoring variation of the concentration of short-lived excited states of biomolecules in solution. The proposed method has been verified by application to indole solutions in propylene glycol. The upper estimate of the lifetime of photoexcited indole molecules in solution amounted to about 40 ps.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):846-848
pages 846-848 views

Transport properties of graphene films grown by thermodestruction of SiC (0001) surface in argon medium

Lebedev S.P., Eliseyev I.A., Davydov V.Y., Smirnov A.N., Levitskii V.S., Mynbaeva M.G., Kulagina M.M., Hähnlein B., Pezoldt J., Lebedev A.A.


We present the results of investigations of the transport properties of graphene films obtained by thermodestruction of a 4H-SiC (0001) surface in argon. The charge-carrier concentration in the graphene layer was within 7 × 1011–1 × 1012 cm–2, and the maximum mobility of electrons approached 6000 cm2/(V · s). The achieved parameters of mobility are close to theoretical values calculated for graphene films with intrinsic conductivity on the Si face of SiC at Т = 300 К in the absence of intercalated hydrogen.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):849-852
pages 849-852 views

Peculiarities of the formation and development of ionization fronts in a pre-ionized gas medium

Kurbanismailov V.S., Omarov O.A., Ragimkhanov G.B., Tereshonok D.V.


The influence of the initial conditions on specific features of the formation and development of a cathode-directed ionization wave between two flat electrodes in helium at atmospheric pressure was studied at nanosecond time resolution using an FER2-1 high-speed photoelectron monitor. Results of numerical simulations based on a two-dimensional axisymmetric diffusion–drift model are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):853-856
pages 853-856 views

Numerical and experimental study of the slug-flow regime in a mixture of castor and paraffin oils in a T-type microchannel

Minakov A.V., Shebeleva A.A., Yagodnitsyna A.A., Kovalev A.V., Bilsky A.V.


The slow-flug regime in a mixture of castor and paraffin oils in a T-type microchannel with crosssectional dimensions of 200 × 400 μm has been studied by numerical and experimental methods. The domain of existence of the slow-flug regime in this system has been determined. Dependence of the paraffin-oil slug length on the ratio of flow rates of the mixture components is established. Comparison of the calculated and experimental data shows their good agreement.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):857-859
pages 857-859 views

Spectral and temporal characteristics of Ba I emission in femtosecond laser-induced breakdown on the surfaces of aqueous solutions

Ilyin A.A., Golik S.S., Babiy M.Y., Biryukova Y.S., Lisitsa V.V., Burov D.V., Kulchin Y.N.


Temporal behavior of the intensity of Ba I emission lines (413.24 and 553.55 nm) in plasma of optical breakdown induced by femtosecond laser pulses (800 nm, 45 fs, 0.82 mJ) on the surface of BaCl2 aqueous solution was experimentally studied as dependent on delay time td relative to the breakdown onset. The maximum intensity of the Ba I (413.24 nm) line was observed at td = 20 ns, while the intensity of the Ba I (553.55 nm) line reached a maximum at td = 40 ns. At td = 10 ns, the intensity of the Ba I (413.24 nm) line was almost three times as large as that of Ba I (553.55 nm) line (despite the about two orders of magnitude lower probability of spontaneous transition for the former line), which is explained by the recombination cascade. It is established that, in the subsystem of 5d6p3D0 and 6s6p1P0 levels, the Boltzmann distribution is not valid and the local thermodynamic equilibrium is absent.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):860-862
pages 860-862 views

The influence of metamorphic-buffer layer design on the retention of characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs metamorphic HEMT

Nikitina E.V., Lazarenko A.A., Pirogov E.V., Sobolev M.S., Berezovskaya T.N.


We have studied the influence of metamorphic-buffer layer design on the temporal (storage) stability of electrical characteristics of InGaAs/GaAs metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistors (MHEMTs). Using measurements of the Hall effect, it is established that transistor heterostructures with a metamorphic buffer based on In(Al)GaAs/InAlAs superlattices possess maximum values of the concentration and mobility of electrons in the MHEMT channel and show minimum susceptibility to temporal degradation.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):863-865
pages 863-865 views

Nonlinear transformation of magnetic noise in a magnetoelectric structure

Burdin D.A., Fetisov Y.K., Chashin D.V., Ekonomov N.A.


The phenomenon of transformation of the spectrum of magnetic noise in a Metglas/PZT/Metglas magnetoelectric (ME) planar composite structure has been experimentally discovered and investigated. It is established that a narrowband noise with central frequency fN leads to the linear generation of electric noise voltage at the noise frequency and the nonlinear generation of noise voltage in the vicinity of zero frequency and in the region of 2fN. The experiment is well explained by the theory of magnetic-field mixing in ME composites with nonlinear field dependence of the ferromagnetic-layer magnetostriction.

Technical Physics Letters. 2017;43(9):866-869
pages 866-869 views

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