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卷 64, 编号 5 (2019)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Self-Induction of a Fine Cylindrical Metallic Wire Versus a Mechanism of Electron Surface Scattering

Zavitaev E., Kharitonov K., Yushkanov A.


The self-induction of a thin cylindrical metallic wire has been calculated. A general case when the ratio of the electron free path to the wire radius may take an arbitrary value has been considered. The dependence of the regular reflectance on surface defect density and angle of incidence of electrons on the wire’s inner surface has been taken for boundary conditions of the problem.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):593-595
pages 593-595 views

Gases and Liquids

Barodiffusion in Slow Flows of a Gas Mixture

Zhdanov V.


Barodiffusion in slow flows of a gas mixture is studied with an approximation using hydrodynamic equations of motion for the individual mixture components. It is shown that consideration of the viscous momentum transfer and the contribution of Knudsen layers for the mixture flowing in a channel has a considerable effect on the value of the barodiffusion factor. The relations are obtained for the mean diffusion fluxes of components and for the total flux of the mixture in a circular cylindrical capillary; these relations are valid for moderately small Knudsen numbers used for calculation of the diffusion baroeffect and separation effect when the gas mixture flows in a set of capillaries connecting two volumes. The modification of the relations for the barodiffusion factor (and for the diffusion slip coefficient cross-linked with it) allows interpreting the sign alteration of these effects observed experimentally for some gas mixtures at intermediate Knudsen numbers.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):596-605
pages 596-605 views


Structure of Magnetic Plasma Fluctuations in the Uragan-3M Torsatron at Rare Collision Frequencies

Pashnev V., Sorokovoy E., Petrushenya A., Ozherel’ev F.


Fluctuations of the poloidal component of the plasma magnetic field in the frequency range of 0.5–50 kHz are studied in the Uragan-3M (U-3M) torsatron. Hydrogen plasma is produced and heated by RF fields at frequencies close to that of the ion cyclotron. The studies are carried out using a set of 15 magnetic sensors installed in one of the torus cross sections. RF heating provided the plasma with rare collision frequencies and the presence of the bootstrap current. The study is carried out when the maximum amplitude of magnetic fluctuations is observed and their connection with the plasma energy content is noticeable. Two types of vibrations are observed. In the first type, the current structure rotates with a certain frequency mainly in the direction of the rotation of electrons in the magnetic field, and the amplitude varies slowly with time (the rotating structure). For the second type, the spatial structure does not rotate, but its amplitude changes with a certain frequency (the standing structure). The frequencies of fluctuations and rotations are close for structures with a given poloidal wave number. The standing vibration structures with different poloidal wave numbers in this frequency range are correlated. The maximum amplitude of the rotating structures is observed with m = 2, and for the standing structures with m = 3 and reaches the values of \(\tilde {B}\) ≤ 0.3 G in the confinement region. The vibration frequency does not depend on poloidal wave number m for the studied cases; m = 0, 1, 2, 3.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):606-614
pages 606-614 views

Solid State

Analysis of the Dependence of the Break-Down Point on Temperature of Microwave Heating of Loaded Heterogeneous Materials (Rocks) Based on the Formation of Growth of Microcracks

Menzhulin M., Makhmudov K.


Analysis of the dependence of the break-down point of granite on the temperature of microwave heating allows identification of the following characteristic areas: hardening is observed at low temperature heating up to 390 K; a decrease in strength appears in the temperature range from 390 to 460 K, which is due to generation, growth, and coalescence of smaller cracks and their redistribution to the boundaries of grains with the formation of intergranular microcracks; there is a significant decrease in the strength at the temperature range from 460 to 550 K, which is caused by the separation of grains into blocks with a small area of crack density as a result of their coalescence, and the destruction and splitting of granite samples occurs at temperatures above 593 K due to the development of all kinds of microcracks. The developed method of determining the rational parameters of the microwave energy impact on the softening of hard rocks in the field of standing electromagnetic waves allows justification of the effective parameters of the impact of microwave energy on quartz-containing hard rocks for their softening and destruction based on the study of the dynamics of induced microcracks.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):615-619
pages 615-619 views

Strength Performance of 1230 Aluminum Alloy under Tension in the Quasi-Static and Dynamic Ranges of Loading Parameters

Evstifeev A., Volkov G., Chevrychkina A., Petrov Y.


Experimental and theoretical data for the strength performance of 1230 aluminum alloy under tension in the quasi-static and dynamic ranges of loading parameters are presented. Using the structural temporal approach and the sign-perturbed sums algorithm, the feasibility of raising the strain rate of a specimen by decreasing its geometrical size has been estimated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):620-624
pages 620-624 views

Anisotropy of Magnetoelectric Properties of Ferrite–Piezoelectric Bulk Composites

Laletin V., Filippov D., Yanushkevich K.


The anisotropy of magnetoelectric properties of lead zirconate–titanate and nickel ferrite based bulk composites has been experimentally studied. It has been shown that a ratio of longitudinal to transverse magnetoelectric coefficients is affected by the piezoelectric constant of a composite. The mechanism that explains the obtained dependences has been suggested; the mechanism is based on the assumption that the anisotropy of magnetic properties is caused by the deformation occurring at electric polarization of a sample.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):625-628
pages 625-628 views

Resonance Variations of the Microwave Refractive Index in YIG Plates

Kuznetsov E., Rinkevich A., Perov D.


The influence of microwave resonance phenomena on complex refractive index in YIG plates has been theoretically and experimentally studied in the frequency range 26–38 GHz. It has been shown that a change in the magnetic field causes severe resonance-type changes in transmission and reflection factors. These changes are due both to effective interaction between millimeter electromagnetic waves and YIG plates (specifically, under ferromagnetic resonance conditions) and to the fulfillment of geometrical resonance conditions (when an integer number of half-waves or an integer odd number of quarter-waves are accommodated on the thickness of the plate). An algorithm to calculate complex refractive index with regard to the tensor-type magnetic permeability of YIG is suggested. The field and frequency dependences of complex refractive index have been analyzed. Geometrical resonance fields have been compared with extrema in the field dependences of the transmission and reflection factor moduli.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):629-634
pages 629-634 views

Destabilization of High-Speed Jet Penetration into Brittle Materials

Rumyantsev B.


The results of penetration of a high-speed metal jet (with a velocity of 3–7 km/s) into brittle materials (ceramics and glass) have been analyzed. The data on jet destabilization as a result of the response of the brittle material to the high-speed penetration are presented. The generalized dependence of the high-speed jet absorption efficiency on the bending strength of the brittle material has been constructed in the hydrodynamic approximation.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):635-641
pages 635-641 views

Experimental Evaluation of Structural and Temporal Characteristics of Material Fracture Based on Magnetic Pulse Loading of Ring Samples

Morozov V., Petrov Y., Sukhov V.


The study of fracture of thin aluminum rings due to shock loading generated by magnetic-pulse method was performed. This method provides experimental results on dynamic fracture under conditions of pure tension for a wide range of loading conditions. To simulate rapture of the ring samples a structural-temporal fracture criterion was applied. This criterion allows for analysis of the effects which are characteristic for the dynamic experiments. The fracture incubation time value and ultimate stresses are calculated for the aluminum rings subjected to pulse loading. An analytical relationship between the critical stress and the fracture time are obtained and this relation is in good agreement with the experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):642-646
pages 642-646 views

Physical Science of Materials

Magnetohydrodynamic Principle of 3D Printing for Non-Ferrous Metal Melts

Oshurko V., Mandel’ A., Karpova E., Sharts A., Solomakho K.


In this paper, we propose a new principle of high-performance 3D printing for non-ferrous metal melts. The crystallization temperature may increase in the lower part of the tapering jet of liquid metal due to the pressure produced by the Ampere forces caused by a specially applied current. The fundamental possibility of this crystallization with regard to additional heating produced by this current was studied. The introduction of ferromagnetic additives was found to allow creating a range of parameters in which such crystallization is possible.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):647-653
pages 647-653 views

Composition, Structure, and Mechanical Properties of (Ti–Hf)N Coatings on Titanium Alloy

Prokhorov V., Gladkikh E., Ivanov L., Aksenenkov V., Kirichenko A.


Variations of the composition, structure, and mechanical properties (hardness, elastic modulus) of (Ti–Hf)N coatings with increasing Hf content (Ti : Hf ratio) are reported. As test samples, VT6 titanium alloy plates covered by a magnetron-sputtered titanium hafnium nitride coating have been taken. To see how the coating characteristics depend on Hf content, samples with rated compositions (Ti0.9Hf0.1)N, (Ti0.85Hf0.15)N, (Ti0.8Hf0.2)N, and (Ti0.7Hf0.3)N have been studied. The surface and depth element distributions have been found, and the phase composition and the dependence of the titanium nitride lattice parameter on Hf content in the coating have been determined. The depth profiling of a coating’s hardness and elastic modulus has been conducted by instrumental indentation. Hardness and elastic modulus have been found to be maximal (~35 and ~500 GPa, respectively) in (Ti0.85Hf0.15)N and (Ti0.8Hf0.2)N coatings. In addition, the depth distribution of Hf in these coatings has turned out to be most uniform.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):654-659
pages 654-659 views

Negative Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Obtained by Photoanodization of Solar-Grade Silicon

Li G., Astrova E., Preobrazhenskii N., Rumyantsev A., Pavlov S., Beregulin E.


Negative electrodes for lithium-ion batteries prepared by electrochemical etching of single-crystalline silicon crystals demonstrate a high specific capacity per gram of the material and per unit of nominal anode area as well as a high stability during several hundreds and even thousands of cycles. However, industrial application of such structures is inexpedient in view of the high cost of the material and technology used. In this work we have investigated anodes based on disordered macropores in solar-grade n-Si obtained by photoanodization in a 4% HF solution in dimethyl formamide. The use of this organic electrolyte leads to the formation of layers with a porosity higher than in an aqueous electrolyte and ensures spontaneous separation of these layers from the substrate. The anodes have been prepared from macroporous membranes with a thickness of 48–86 μm and a porosity of 52–75%, and their electrochemical parameters have been studied. It is found that the geometrical parameters of the porous structure and experimental conditions determine the charge and discharge capacity and the cycle life of the anodes. In the regime of the charge capacity limited by 1000 mA h/g and charge/discharge rate C/5, the obtained anodes can stably operate during several hundreds of cycles, preserving a high (greater than 98%) Coulombic efficiency.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):660-665
pages 660-665 views

Formation of a ZnO–C Composite with a Nanocrystalline Structure

Abduev A., Akhmedov A., Asvarov A., Rabadanov K., Emirov R.


The formation of a nanocrystalline composite of a ZnO–C system with simultaneous mechanical activation of a mixture of zinc oxide and graphite powders in a ball mill in an inert atmosphere is studied. It is shown that the presence of graphite reduces the efficiency of dispersing ZnO crystallites. The following principal dispersion mechanisms of graphite are determined: the fragmentation of particles due to the impact of grinding bodies and the exfoliation of flakes by submicron zinc oxide particles. It has been established that a composite system is formed as a result of the prolonged mechanical activation effect on the ZnO–graphite mixture, which is a nanocrystalline zinc oxide powder with uniformly distributed inclusions of micro- and nanocrystalline graphite, turbostratic carbon, exfoliated graphene structures, and amorphous carbon.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):666-673
pages 666-673 views

Influence of High-Temperature Annealing on the Resistance to High Strain Rate and Fracture of Tantalum at Temperatures of 20 and 500°C

Garkushin G., Savinykh A., Razorenov S., Kanel G.


Two series of shock-wave experiments have been conducted in order to measure the Hugoniot elastic limit and determine the strain rate dependence of critical fracture stress for tantalum experiencing spall fracture. Tantalum specimens have been preannealed in vacuum at 1000°C. The evolution of elastoplastic compression shock waves at room and elevated up to 500°C temperatures has been presented from complete wave profiles recorded by a VISAR laser Doppler velocimeter. The spall strength dependence on the strain rate during the expansion of the material in a rarefaction wave has been determined.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):674-679
pages 674-679 views

X-Ray Diagnostics of Microstructure Defects of Silicon Crystals Irradiated by Hydrogen Ions

Asadchikov V., D’yachkova I., Zolotov D., Krivonosov Y., Chukhovskii F.


Features of formation and transformation of radiation defects in near-surface layers of silicon plates that are implanted with hydrogen ions are studied. Using the method of high-resolution double-crystal X-ray diffractometry, values of the main parameters, such as mean effective thickness Leff and mean relative deformation Δa/a of a doped layer, are determined depending on the implantation dose and substrate temperature.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):680-685
pages 680-685 views

Solid State Electronics

Current Transmission Mechanisms in the Semiconductor Structure of a Photoelectric Transducer with an n+p Junction and an Antireflection Porous Silicon Film Formed by Color Etching

Tregulov V., Litvinov V., Ermachikhin A.


We have studied experimental samples of photoelectric transducers with an n+p junction based on a silicon single crystal and an antireflection porous silicon (por-Si) film formed by color chemical etching in a HF : KMnO: C2H5OH etcher. It is shown that for KMnO4 oxidant concentrations of 0.025 and 0.040 M, the por-Si film growth time at which the maximal efficiency of the photoelectric transducer is reached can be substantially increased as compared to that attained using anode electrochemical etching. For investigating the current transmission mechanisms, we have measured the temperature dependence of forward- and backward-bias current–voltage branches. The existence of several current transmission mechanisms has been established. It is found that traps with activation energy distributed in a continuous range of values considerably affect the current transmission.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):686-692
pages 686-692 views

Physics of Nanostructures

New Technology of High-Sensitivity Ferro/Piezoelectric Materials Based on Micro- and Nanostructured Hybrid Polymers

Kurbanov M., Tatardar F., Safarov N., Ramazanova I., Dadashev Z., Faradzhzade I., Azizova K., Gochueva A.


Fabrication of composites based on micro- and nanostructured hybrid polymers have been studied. A new technology for nanoparticle immobilization in the polymer matrix of the composite has been suggested. Its essence is to produce functional electronegative polymer segments in the polymer matrix, which are the main agents preventing nanoparticle mobilization in the polymer phase of a composite.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):693-697
pages 693-697 views

Optical Analog of Zone Melting at Room Temperature

Strekalov V.


The conditions at which the birth of photoelectrons in a semiconductor or transparent dielectric leads to the appearance of a force causing drift of impurities are found. Drift occurs in the same direction as the displacement of the focal region of the radiation, which excites minority charge carriers. The use of this condition made it possible to show that drift can be more noticeable than diffusion. This process, which can be considered an optical analog of zone melting, is especially important for thin films.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):698-700
pages 698-700 views


Prediction of Radiation-Induced Light Absorption in Optical Fibers with an Undoped Silica Core for Space Applications

Kashaikin P., Tomashuk A., Salganskii M., Azanova I., Tsibinogina M., Dimakova T., Gur’yanov A., Dianov E.


Radiation-induced absorption (RIA) of light in five isotropic optic fibers (OFs) with a core of undoped silica glass (SiO2) and a fluorosilicate cladding and one birefringent OF of the “PANDA” type of the same chemical composition was measured at a wavelength λ = 1.55 μm under γ-irradiation to a dose of 1 kGy (∼ 1 Gy/s), 15–45 min after completion of irradiation, and in a few months at temperatures +25 and –60°C. An extrapolation of the RIA after irradiation in the framework of the kinetic model of the nth order, which gave a forecast of the RIA for isotropic OFs of ∼1.1 and ∼ 0.3 ± 0.1 dB/km at –60 and +25°C, respectively, was made to assess the RIA at the end of a 15-year mission in space. It has been concluded that it is possible to use at least 4–5 km of OF in space under conditions of temperature variation within ±60°C at a maximum dose of 1 kGy and a mission duration of 15 years. It has also been established that the RIA will not have been higher in the birefringent OF than in the isotropic ones by the end of such a mission.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):701-707
pages 701-707 views

Physical Electronics

Electronic and Optical Properties of NiSi2/Si Nanofilms

Tashatov A., Mustafoeva N., Umirzakov B., Tashmukhamedova D.


Optimum conditions for ion implantation and subsequent annealing for the fabrication of NiSi2/Si (111) nanofilms with a thickness of 3.0–6.0 nm are determined. It is demonstrated that the energy-band parameters and optical properties typical of thick NiSi2 films start to set in at d = 5.0–6.0 nm.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):708-710
pages 708-710 views

Bragg Deflectors of Wave Fluxes for High-Power Relativistic Masers

Arzhannikov A., Ginzburg N., Zaslavskii V., Kalinin P., Peskov N., Sergeev A., Sinitskii S.


Quasi-optical Bragg structures that represent sections of planar waveguides with tilted (with respect to the beam propagation direction) corrugation are studied. It is shown that such structures may serve as efficient deflectors for high-power wave fluxes and, hence, can be used for separation of microwave radiation and electron beam in relativistic masers. The corrugation configuration is optimized to increase the efficiency of transformation of wave fluxes to the transverse direction and improve uniformity of the spatial distribution of scattered radiation. The simulated results are verified using cold electrodynamic tests.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):711-719
pages 711-719 views

Physical Operating Principles of Palladium–Barium Cathodes of Microwave Devices

Kapustin V., Li I., Shumanov A., Moskalenko S., Bush A., Lebedinskii Y.


High-resolution X-ray diffraction method (XRD) is used to determine sizes and crystallographic orientation of the nanocrystallites of the Pd and Pd5Ba phases in palladium–barium cathode. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) is used to study Ba and Pd chemical states in cathode material and determine the phase composition including dissolved microimpurities in the phases. The comparison of the XRD and ESCA data makes it possible to reveal effects related to the formation of the BaO crystallites in the cathode material, which are responsible for the emission properties. Electron-energy loss spectroscopy is used to determine the concentration of oxygen vacancies in the BaO crystallites that are formed in the cathode material due to activation. An original crystallite model of the working palladium–barium cathodes that is based on the results of this work may serve as an alternative to the known film model and makes it possible to optimize technology of cathode fabrication and activation.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):720-729
pages 720-729 views

Dependence of Texture Tilt and Excitation Efficiency of Shear Waves for ZnO Films on Working Gas Pressure in a DC Magnetron System

Veselov A., Elmanov V., Kiryasova O., Nikulin Y.


Dependence of the texture tilt and excitation efficiency of shear waves on the working gas pressure in an interval of 0.14–0.74 mTorr that corresponds to the transition from collisionless to almost diffusion deposition is studied for the ZnO films with a thickness of about 0.45–1.2 μm that are synthesized in a planar dc magnetron system. It is shown that an increase in the pressure from about 0.14–0.24 to 0.74 mTorr causes a decrease in the tilt angle of the column texture from ~25°–27° to ~7° and a decrease in the efficiency of acoustic excitation. Films that are synthesized at pressures of ~0.14–0.24 mTorr close to the transition from the Townsend to glow discharge exhibit the highest excitation efficiency of shear waves. For such films, the insertion loss reaches a minimum level at thicknesses of 0.45–0.75 μm and the number of echo pulses amounts to 20–40, so that the reflected sound can be observed with a delay of up to 80 μs at a length of an acoustic guiding crystal of 10 mm.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):730-736
pages 730-736 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Neutron Guide System for Ultracold and Cold Neutrons at the WWR-M Reactor

Serebrov A., Lyamkin V., Pusenkov V., Onegin M., Fomin A., Samodurov O., Oprev A., Ilatovskii V., Zhuravlev Y., Shchebetov A., Syromyatnikov V., Gordeev G., Aksel’rod L., Zabenkin V., Golosovskii I., Smirnov O., Lebedev V., Chernenkov Y., Runov V.


The results of calculation of fluxes of ultracold (UCNs), very cold, and cold neutrons at the output of neutron guides of the UCN source with superfluid helium at the WWR-M reactor are presented. UCN density ρ35L = 1.3 × 104 n/cm3 in the trap of the electric dipole moment (EDM) spectrometer was obtained by optimizing source parameters. This UCN density in the EDM spectrometer is two orders of magnitude higher than the UCN density at the output of the available UCN sources. The flux density of cold neutrons with a wavelength of 2–20 Å at the output of a neutron guide with a cross section of 30 × 200 mm2 should be as high as 1.1 × 108 n/(cm2 s), while the flux density of very cold neutrons (50–100 Å) at the output of the same neutron guide should be 2.3 × 105 n/(cm2 s). An extensive program of fundamental and applied physical research was mapped out for this source.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):737-744
pages 737-744 views

Compact Multichannel Charged-Particle Energy Analyzer Based on a Conical Cut Electrode

Fishkova T.


An electrostatic compact analyzer for obtaining the energy spectrum and for detecting simultaneously charged particles in a wide energy range, which is especially important for fast processes in various materials, has been proposed and designed. The energy analyzer consists of an outer conical electrode with closed end faces, which is cut into parts and fed in accordance with the law of odd numbers, and an grounded inner electrode on the surface of which charged particle beams with a wide energy range are focused. To increase the sharpness of low-energy beam focusing, an auxiliary, very small conical electrode is introduced. In spite of the small energy dispersion factor, the optimal regime of operation of the proposed analyzer with energy resolution not worse than 1% has been found.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(5):745-747
pages 745-747 views