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Volume 64, Nº 10 (2019)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

May Kink Solution to the Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equation be Classified as a Soliton?

Zav’yalov D., Konchenkov V., Kryuchkov S.


Existence of the soliton solution to the generalized sine–Gordon equation (also known as the Kryuchkov–Kukhar’ equation) is numerically studied. The equation can be used to describe propagation of electromagnetic waves in a graphene-based superlattice. Calculation errors related to implicit representation of the kink solution to the equation under study are estimated. Variations in the shapes of kinks that move in opposite directions are studied prior to and after collision. The results show that the kink solution is not a soliton.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1391-1394
pages 1391-1394 views

Mutual Energy of Gaussian Rings

Kondratyev B., Kornoukhov V.


A problem of mutual potential energy of two elliptical gravitating (or electrostatically charged) Gaussian rings is formulated and solved. The rings are coplanar, and their apsid lines generally have an angle of inclination to each other. The mutual energy of the rings is found in quadratic approximation with respect to ring eccentricities e1 and e2. At the first stage, the potential of the Gaussian ring is represented as a series in terms of eccentricity and determined at the points of another elliptical ring (note theoretical importance of such a result). Linear (with respect to quantities e1 and e2) terms are absent in the expression for the mutual energy of the rings, and the coefficients of the second-order terms (\(e_{1}^{2}\) and \(e_{2}^{2}\)) are equal to each other. Only one coefficient of mixed term (e1e2) is determined by the tilt angle of the apse lines. Such a result can be used to easily determine the moment of force between the rings that is needed for the study of small mutual oscillations of the Gaussian rings.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1395-1399
pages 1395-1399 views

General Properties of Collision Integral Kernels of the Nonlinear Boltzmann Equation

Bakaleinikov L., Flegontova E., Tropp E.


We consider general properties of kernels of the inverse collision integral, as well as kernels of integral operators appearing in the expansion of the collision integral in spherical harmonics. The recurrent relations between kernels obtained earlier are generalized to the case of interaction of particles with different masses. It is shown that the obtained properties ensure additive invariance of the number of particles, energy, and momentum.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1400-1408
pages 1400-1408 views

Thermoelectric Mechanism of Field Emission from Carbon Nanostructures

Eidelman E.


A model describing peculiarities of field emission from carbon nanomaterials is considered. The model is based on inclusion by drag of electrons by ballistic phonons in the temperature gradient range in the emission center. The model does not require any additional assumptions concerning a special energy structure of the emission center. Quantitative estimates of the thermopower coefficient obtained based on the emission model are in good agreement with experimental results.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1409-1417
pages 1409-1417 views

Gases and Liquids

Nonlinear Effects in a Viscous Wave Field Excited by a Finite-Size Plate

Pavlov V., Pavlovskii A., Semenova N.


We have numerically investigated nonlinear nonstationary velocity and pressure fields in a viscous incompressible fluid near an oscillating absolutely rigid plate of an infinitely small thickness and a limited length in the direction of oscillations. It is shown that the limitation imposed on the plate size along the direction of its oscillations leads to nonlinearity of the problem even for a small amplitude of surface oscillations of the plate. We have analyzed the velocity and pressure fields for large amplitudes of plate oscillations. The emergence of displacement flows during oscillations of an infinitely thin plate of a finite length is explained. The mechanism of formation of instantaneous vortex motions in the viscous fluid is investigated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1418-1423
pages 1418-1423 views

Diagnostics of Density Fields in Hypersonic Flows around a Cone in a Light-Gas Gun by the Shadow Photometric Method

Khramtsov P., Vasetskii V., Grishchenko V., Doroshko M., Chernik M., Makhnach A., Shikh I.


A novel approach to obtaining hypersonic flows is proposed and the results of experimental study of hypersonic flows around cones with semivertex angles τ1 = 3° and τ2 = 12° and inflow Mach numbers M = 18 (τ1 = 3°) and 14.4 (τ2 = 12°) are presented. The use of a light-gas gun where a de Laval nozzle is mounted instead of an acceleration channel allows obtaining a hypersonic flow with a high value of optical density of the outflowing gas sufficient for visualization and diagnostics of the flow by optical methods. The flow pattern is visualized by the shadow method. Shadow images are registered using a high-speed Photron Fastcam camera with an exposure time of 1 μs and frame rate of 300 000 fps. The inflow Mach number is computed using the shadow images based on the angle of shock wave inclination.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1424-1429
pages 1424-1429 views

Detailed Comparative Analysis of Interaction of a Supersonic Flow with a Transverse Gas Jet at High Pressure Ratios

Beketaeva A., Bruel P., Naimanova A.


The interaction of a 3D supersonic turbulent gas flow with a transverse sonic jet injected from the wall has been studied in detail both numerically and experimentally. However, the main drawback of such studies is the lack of detailed description of formation and propagation of vortex structures for moderate and large parameters n (ratio of pressure in the jet to pressure in the flow). Analysis performed in this study is aimed at revelation and detailed explanation of mechanisms of formation of vortices behind the injected sonic jet in a supersonic oncoming flow depending on n for improving the effectiveness of mixing of the jet with the flow. As initial equations, we have used 3D Favre-averaged Navier–Stokes equations closed by the k–ω model of turbulence; these equations are solved using the algorithm based on the essentially nonoscillatory scheme of the third approximation order. We have demonstrated the presence of the following vortex structures known from a number of theoretical publications: two oppositely rotating vortices in front of the jet, a horseshoe vortex; and two pairs formed in the mixing zone between the jet and the flow (one in the wake behind the jet and the other on the lateral line of the jet). We have determined the pressure ratios for which extra pairs of vortices appear (one pair emerges at the Mach disk edge as a result of interaction of a retarded flow of the jet behind the Mach disk with a high-velocity ascending flow behind the barrel and the other pair is formed due to the interaction of the ascending jet flow with the incoming main gas flow). As a result of comparative analysis, the pressure ratios for which a clear pattern of additional horn vortices is observed near the wall in the region behind the jet, have been determined. The dependence of the slope of the bow shock on the pressure ratio has been plotted. It is found that the pressure distribution at the wall in front of the jet in the symmetry plane is in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1430-1440
pages 1430-1440 views

Change in the Space Potential in Glow Discharge Plasma during the Motion of the Shock Wave

Baryshnikov A., Basargin I., Bezverkhnii N., Bobashev S., Monakhov N., Popov P., Sakharov V., Chistyakova M.


It has been established in experiments on the interaction of a shock wave with a glow discharge that the motion of the shock wave is accompanied by an increase in the potential of discharge plasma. A relatively small change in the potential is observed ahead of the shock wave front and a significant one behind this front. The varying potential in the glow discharge plasma distorts the current of the dual probe. A method of its correction is proposed, which consists in the joint processing of two signals obtained in separate experiments with different surface areas of ​​the negative probe electrode. The method makes it possible to determine the ionic current and the change in the potential of space. The ionic current determined by the concentration of charged particles remains unchanged ahead of the arrival of the shock wave at the measurement point. A gradual increase in the ionic current is observed behind the wave front unlike the abrupt change in gas-dynamic parameters on the wave front.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1441-1445
pages 1441-1445 views


Combustion Dynamics of a Propane–Air Gas Mixture when It Is Ignited by a Streamer Microwave Discharge

Bulat P., Grachev L., Esakov I., Ravaev A., Severinov L.


The results of experimental studies of combustion of propane–air gaseous mixture when it was ignited by a microwave discharge have been described. The mixture with different propane content fills a sealed radio-transparent tube placed along the axis of a focused linearly polarized quasi-optical microwave beam at atmospheric pressure. Multi-point ignition of the mixture is carried out near one end of the tube by a pulsed microwave discharge with a surface-developed streamer structure. The growth of gas pressure in the tube as propane burned was recorded in the experiments. The microwave pulse energy being invested in high-temperature discharge plasma has been estimated in them. The minimum percentage of propane in the mixture at which the microwave discharge ignites it has been determined in experiments. The time dependence of the pressure increase in the tube as the propane burns determines the combustion process dynamics.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1446-1451
pages 1446-1451 views

Stable and Unstable Regimes of Plasma Diodes in the Presence of Electron Collisions

Pramanik S., Kuznetsov V., Chakrabarti N.


A thermionic energy converter as the Pierce diode of which the interelectrode space is filled with a uniform background of immobile ions is considered. The features of stability of its time-independent solutions are investigated under electron collisions with background gas. The solutions are obtained analytically by the Lagrange method. A dispersion equation is derived using a perturbative approach. The aperiodic solutions of this equation, as well as the oscillatory ones, are obtained and their properties are studied too. The regions of unstable aperiodic modes are determined. It is shown that all the oscillatory modes are stable.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1452-1461
pages 1452-1461 views

Structure of the Wall Sheath in a Gas-Discharge Plasma for an Arbitrary Orientation of a Flat Probe Relative to the Electric Field in the Plasma

Murillo O., Mustafaev A., Sukhomlinov V.


We investigate the structure of the wall sheath of a gas discharge near a flat surface at a negative potential for high mean electron energy. It is shown that in the conditions where the mean energy of ions in the plasma is much lower than the mean electron energy, the parameters of the wall sheath weakly depend on the mutual orientation of the normal to the surface and the electric field in the plasma for an arbitrary ratio of the Debye radius to the ion mean free path relative to the resonant charge exchange process. It is found that for inert gases (He, Ar) for ratio E/P of the electric field to pressure exceeding 10 V/(cm Torr) in the plasma, the disregard of ionization in the perturbed wall sheath can lead to substantial errors in the calculation of its parameters. It is shown that the ionization leads to an increase in the electric field in the wall sheath and, as a consequence, to an increase in the mean velocity of ions at the boundary between the quasi-neutral presheath and the part of the perturbed wall sheath in which quasi-neutrality is substantially violated. The parameters of the wall sheath where quasi-neutrality is significantly violated depend on the ionization rate much less strongly than the corresponding parameters of the quasi-neutral presheath. We have determined the relation for concentration of charged particles in the unperturbed plasma from the ion saturation current considering the actual ion energy distribution function in the plasma as well as ionization in the presheath and the part of the perturbed wall sheath in which quasi-neutrality is violated significantly.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1462-1472
pages 1462-1472 views

Simulation of an Ultrahigh-Pressure Short-Arc Xenon Discharge Plasma

Timofeev N., Sukhomlinov V., Zissis G., Mukharaeva I., Mikhailov D., Dupuis P.


We have studied a high- (ultrahigh-) pressure short-arc discharge in xenon with thoriated tungsten cathodes. A system of equations formulated based on earlier experimental data indicating possible emission of cathode material (thorium) into the discharge gap has made it possible to determine the electric field strength, plasma temperature, and concentration of thorium atoms as well as thorium and xenon ions in the plasma. The problem has been solved for a model discharge between planar electrodes. The results indicate the key role of thorium atoms in the cathode region. Thorium atoms determine the ionization balance and other electrokinetic properties of plasma. Emission of thorium atoms reduces the plasma temperature at the cathode, which turns out to be noticeably lower than the plasma temperature near the anode; this is a new result that agrees with experimental data. Other electrokinetic characteristics of the plasma (in particular, charged particle concentration and electric field strength) are also in good agreement with the experiment.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1473-1479
pages 1473-1479 views

Solid State

The Effect of Equal Channel Angular Extrusion and Hydrostatic Pressure on the Elastic and Microplastic Properties of a Cu–0.2 wt % Zr Alloy

Kardashev B., Betekhtin V., Narykova M., Kadomtsev A., Amosova O.


The effect of severe plastic deformation and the subsequent impact of high hydrostatic pressure on the elastic and microplastic properties of Cu–0.2 wt % Zr alloy has been studied and analyzed. The influence of nanoporosity, which is formed in the process of equal-channel angular pressing and is fixed by applying hydrostatic pressure, has been evaluated.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1480-1483
pages 1480-1483 views

Magnetic Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Compacted Nanopowders

Timofeev A., Kostishin V., Makeev D., Chitanov D.


The magnetic characteristics of compact BaFe12O19 powders have been studied by magnetic force microscopy and magnetometry methods. Powders have been obtained by a chemical method. Compaction-induced magnetic anisotropy of the “easy magnetic plane” type has been found. The nature of anisotropy has been discussed.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1484-1487
pages 1484-1487 views

The Role of Transition Metals in Crystallization of Amorphous Al–Ni–Co–Yb Alloys

Rusanov B., Sidorov V., Svec P., Svec P., Janickovic D.


Al86Ni4Co4Yb6 and Al86Ni6Co2Yb6 metallic ribbons have been obtained by a standard planar flow method. According to X-ray diffraction data, the ribbons are amorphous. Their crystallization kinetics at different heating rates and resistivity has been determined. These alloys remain amorphous in a wide range of compositions, and the crystallization process depends significantly on transition metal concentration.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1488-1491
pages 1488-1491 views

Physical Science of Materials

Effect of Conductivity Type and Doping Level of Silicon Crystals on the Size of Formed Pore Channels during Anodic Etching in Hydrofluoric Acid Solutions

Zegrya G., Ulin V., Zegrya A., Ulin N., Mikhailov Y.


In this paper, we discuss causes of the multidirectional effect of changes in the concentrations of free charge carriers in silicon crystals of p- and n-type conductivity on the transverse dimensions of pores formed as a result of anodic etching in hydrofluoric acid solutions, as well as the effect of anodic current density on pore size. The observed dependences are explained based on the concepts of electrochemical pore formation in semiconductor crystals as self-organizing cooperative processes accompanied by the injection of electrons from the chemical reaction region at the pore advancement front. Differences in the size of pores forming at the same current density in crystals differing in type and concentration of free charge carriers are associated with the effective temperature of the front of the cooperative chemical reaction at the bottom of germinating pores. This temperature, in turn, correlates with the power density of thermal energy released in the near-surface region of the etching crystal, either due to recombination processes for a p-type semiconductor or direct or indirect energy transfer from hot electrons to lattice vibrations in the case of a n-type semiconductor. The characteristic relaxation times of injected nonequilibrium electrons were calculated depending on the concentrations of the majority charge carriers in silicon crystals of both types of conductivity and the corresponding thicknesses of the regions of relaxation energy release. The revealed patterns of concentration changes in the power density of heat release in the near-frontal region of etching silicon crystals of p- and n-type conductivity are in good agreement with observed changes in the size of germinating pores.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1492-1500
pages 1492-1500 views

Structural Interpretation of Variation in Properties of Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites near the Nanofiller Percolation Threshold

Kozlov G., Dolbin I.


The structure of the nanofiller in the polymer matrix of polymer/carbon nanotube nanocomposites can be characterized by the dimension of the nanofiller network, which is a direct indicator of its aggregation level. The formation process of such a network is considered as a result of interaction of the matrix polymer and a carbon nanotube; which allows us to determine its dimension with the help of fractal analysis. It is found that the dimension of the carbon nanotube network changes both qualitatively and quantitatively at their percolation threshold, reflecting different aggregation levels. This dimension uniquely determines the degree of reinforcement of such nanocomposites and their structural state as a system.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1501-1505
pages 1501-1505 views

Solid State Electronics

Electronic and Optical Properties of GaAlAs/GaAs Thin Films

Umirzakov B., Donaev S., Mustafaeva N.


It has been shown that the formation of GaAlAs nanofilms on a GaAs surface leads to an increase in the emission coefficient of true secondary electrons and in the quantum yield of photoelectrons, which can be accounted for by the difference of the escape depth of true secondary electrons for GaAs and GaAlAs.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1506-1508
pages 1506-1508 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Examination of the Capabilities of Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy in Fabrication of Thin InAs/GaSb Layers

Levin R., Pushnyi B., Fedorov I., Usikova A., Nevedomskii V., Bazhenov N., Mynbaev K., Pavlov N., Zegrya G.


The capabilities of metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) in fabrication of structures with thin (1–2 nm) alternating InAs/GaSb layers on a GaSb substrate are studied. The characteristics of these structures were examined using transmission electron microscopy and methods of photo- and electroluminescence. It was found that two GaInAsSb solid solutions of different compositions were formed in the active regions of structures in the given growth conditions. The fabricated system was characterized by an emission wavelength of 4.96 μm at a temperature of 77 K. The results reveal new opportunities for bandgap engineering of semiconductor structures based on InAs/GaSb, which are designed for optoelectronic devices operating in the infrared range, provided by MOVPE.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1509-1514
pages 1509-1514 views


Theory of a Strip Antenna Located at a Plane Interface of a Uniaxial Magnetic Metamaterial and an Isotropic Medium

Zaboronkova T., Zaitseva A., Kudrin A., Yurasova N.


Electrodynamic characteristics of an antenna in the form of an infinitesimally thin, perfectly conducting narrow strip located at a plane interface of a uniaxial magnetic metamaterial and an isotropic magnetodielectric medium are studied. The antenna is placed perpendicular to the anisotropy axis of the metamaterial and excited by a time-harmonic external voltage. Singular integral equations for the antenna current are derived for an infinitely long conducting strip. The solutions to such equations are used to find and analyze the current distribution and input impedance of the antenna. Conditions for applicability of an approximate transmission line method for determining the antenna characteristics are established. Within the framework of this method, the obtained results are generalized to the case of a strip antenna with finite length.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1515-1522
pages 1515-1522 views

Defect Mode in Microwave Waveguide Bragg Structures with Metal Pins

Usanov D., Skripal’ A., Posadskii V., Tyazhlov V., Baikin A.


A waveguide Bragg structure containing equidistant cylindrical pins that are galvanically coupled to a wide wall of the waveguide is used to implement frequency response functions characterized by the presence of a band gap. Characteristics of a defect mode of the microwave photonic crystal with a pin element as a defect with an nipin structure with controlled conductivity placed in the capacitive gap are experimentally studied and calculated. Controlled reflectance of a microwave signal with a dynamic range of greater than 50 dB is obtained at the frequency of the defect mode.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1523-1526
pages 1523-1526 views


Variation of the Crystal Structure on Si(111) Surface Induced by Ion Bombardment and Subsequent Annealing

Nimatov S., Umirzakov B., Khudaikulov F., Rumi D.


Modification of Si(111) surface due to ion bombardment and subsequent annealing has been studied. It has been found that annealing following bombardment with 0.3- to 1.0-keV ions causes a multilayer metal silicide coating to form on the surface. It has also been established that work function φ of Si(111) variously depends on dose at different energies of types of ions.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1527-1529
pages 1527-1529 views

Physical Electronics

Ten Approaches to Define the Field Emission Area

Popov E., Kolosko A., Chumak M., Filippov S.


The emission area is one of the main parameters of field emission systems. A variety of formal determination techniques for the emission area is studied. Using the model hemisphere-on-cylindrical-post constructed with the COMSOL Multiphysics software package, the relation between well-known estimates of the emission area is shown. The corresponding fractions of the emission currents are computed. It is demonstrated that the formal emission area (the ratio of the total current to the current density at the vertex) ensures approximately 75% of the emission current. The effect of abnormal behavior on the effective emission area is obtained (cutoff from the trend line of the current–voltage characteristics) for varying voltage level in standard Fowler–Nordheim coordinates. An experimental assessment of the area with application of modified Fowler–Nordheim coordinates ln(I/U2–η/6) vs 1/U is proposed. The method is applied for analysis of field emission data of the multipoint nanocomposite emitter with carbon nanotubes.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1530-1540
pages 1530-1540 views

Emissivity of Laser-Activated Pd–Ba Alloy

Donaev S., Umirzakov B., Mustafaeva N.


Comparative analysis of the influence of temperature and laser activation on the secondary electron emission coefficient and work function (eφ) in Pd–Ba alloy (1.5 at % Ba) has been conducted. The optimum density of laser radiation has been shown to roughly equal 2 J/cm2. Reasons why the emission efficiency of Pd–Ba alloy decreases after long-term heating have been found.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1541-1543
pages 1541-1543 views

Experimental Instruments and Technique

Study of the Diffusion Coefficient in Thin Articles Made of Porous Materials

Belyaev V., Mishchenko S., Belyaev P.


A novel method of studying mass transfer processes in porous media has been considered. The method allows one to carry out operation monitoring of the diffusivity in thin articles without destruction of them and in the absence of preliminary calibration of the equipment used to measure the diffusant concentration. The method has provided an increase in the accuracy of measuring sought characteristics of the mass-transfer due to the possibility of selecting measured parameters that enter the calculation equation at sections of the static characteristic of a converter with high sensitivity and noise immunity.

Technical Physics. 2019;64(10):1544-1547
pages 1544-1547 views

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