Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 62, № 10 (2017)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Yu. N. Denisyuk’s ideas in the development of holographic methods of obtaining and projection of images

Ganzherli N.


The main investigations carried out by Yuri Nikolaevich Denisyuk at the Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been presented. His investigations were aimed at developing methods of recording and projecting three-dimensional images in order to reduce the volume of information contained in the images for use in optical computers, optical interconnections, and displays.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1449-1455
pages 1449-1455 views

Simulation of the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid with small particles by molecular dynamics methods

Rudyak V., Krasnolutskii S.


The thermal conductivity of nanoliquids has been simulated by molecular dynamics method. We consider nanofluids based on argon with aluminum and zinc particles with sizes of 1–4 nm. The volume concentration of nanoparticles is varied from 1 to 5%. The dependence of the thermal conductivity on the volume concentration of nanoparticles has been analyzed. It has been shown that the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid cannot be described by classical theories. In particular, it depends on the particle size and increases with it. However, it has been established that the thermal conductivity of nanofluids with small particles can even be lower than that of the carrier fluid. The behavior of the correlation functions responsible for the thermal conductivity has been studied systematically, and the reason for the increase in the thermal conductivity of nanofluid has been explained qualitatively.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1456-1465
pages 1456-1465 views

Modeling of magnetic field perturbations in electrophysical devices due to the steel reinforcement of buildings

Amoskov V., Bazarov A., Belyakov V., Gapionok E., Kaparkova M., Kukhtin V., Lamzin E., Lyublin B., Ovsyannikov D., Sytchevsky S.


We have proposed an effective method for modeling the steel reinforcement in the buildings for electrophysical devices to take into account the magnetic field perturbation caused by the magnetization of bars. The reinforcement lattice has been represented by one or several layers of a homogeneous isotropic material with preliminarily calculated equivalent (averaged) magnetic properties. Examples of calculating these magnetic properties have been considered using a simplified analytic approach, as well as by the numerical simulation of the magnetic field in a 3D cell of a periodic reinforcement lattice. The efficiency of the method has been demonstrated based on an important practical example of simulating the perturbation of a uniform magnetic field caused by the reinforced slab. The results have been compared with the simulation data based on different approaches.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1466-1472
pages 1466-1472 views

Photon electrodynamics and photon structure as a bunch of one of many possible states of electromagnetic field

Laptukhov A.


Fundamental laws of conservation are used to show that electromagnetic field is generally represented (even in vacuum at ρ = 0 and j = 0) using four vectors D, E, B, and H with different equations of state (material equations) that are linear for electromagnetic waves and nonlinear for photons and particles. An equation that describes different states of electromagnetic field (i.e., different but not arbitrary relationships of field vectors E, H, D, and B) is derived. It is shown that electromagnetic wave and photon are different states of electromagnetic field that exhibit different dependences of energy density on field vectors. Partial analytical solutions are obtained for a photon (spatially localized bunch of electromagnetic field energy) that propagates at a velocity of light along a single (as distinct from electromagnetic wave) direction.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1473-1481
pages 1473-1481 views

Shape of the surface of a vertical liquid bridge between two parallel solid planes taking into account the gravity force for small Bond numbers

Galaktionov E., Galaktionova N., Tropp E.


A variational formulation has given the problem of the shape of the lateral surface of a small vertical liquid θ bridge between two parallel solid surfaces that take into account the gravity force in the axisymmetric case. An algorithm has been constructed for the iterative solution of the problem for small Bond numbers. The dependence of the number of solutions on the liquid bridge height has been analyzed.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1482-1489
pages 1482-1489 views

Gases and Liquids

Simulations of dynamic resistive evaporation in a vacuum

Kazanskiy N., Kolpakov V., Krichevskiy S., Podlipnov V.


The model of dynamic resistive evaporation in vacuum has been considered, and the model takes into account the structural peculiarities of the corresponding evaporator. In the model, the dependences to determine the time of material heating up to evaporation temperature as well as dynamic characteristics of the evaporation have been obtained. It has been shown that the obtained characteristics are nonharmonic and periodically repeated. The adequacy of the developed model to the physical model has been corroborated. It has been found that the discrepancy between the experimental and calculated time characteristics of shutter movement is not higher than 5%. The recommendations for using the suggested model to fabricate of thin films of multicomponent materials via thermal evaporation have been considered.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1490-1495
pages 1490-1495 views

Deflagration-to-detonation transition in spiral channels

Golovastov S., Mikushkin A., Golub V.


The deflagration-to-detonation transition in hydrogen–air mixtures that fill spiral channels has been studied. A spiral channel has been produced in a cylindrical detonation tube with a twisted ribbon inside. The gas mixture has been ignited by means of a spark gap switch. The predetonation distance versus the twisted ribbon configuration and molar ratio between the gas mixture components has been determined. A pulling force exerted by the detonation tube after a single event of hydrogen–air mixture burnout has been found for four configurations of the twisted ribbon. Conditions under which the use of a spiral tube can be more effective (increase the pulling force) have been formulated.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1496-1499
pages 1496-1499 views

Single bubble of an electronegative gas in transformer oil in the presence of an electric field

Gadzhiev M., Tyuftyaev A., Il’ichev M.


The influence of the electric field on a single air bubble in transformer oil has been studied. It has been shown that, depending on its size, the bubble may initiate breakdown. The sizes of air and sulfur hexafluoride bubbles at which breakdown will not be observed have been estimated based on the condition for the avalanche-to-streamer transition.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1500-1504
pages 1500-1504 views


Correlation of the neutron yield from the plasma focus upon variations in the magnetic field energy of the discharge circuit

Ablesimov V., Dolin Y., Kalinychev A., Tsibikov Z.


The relation between neutron yield Y and magnetic field energy variations ΔW in the discharge circuit has been studied for a Mather-type plasma-focus camera. The activation technique (activation of silver isotopes) has been used to measure the integral yield of DD neutrons from the source. The time dependence of the neutron yield has been recorded by scintillation detectors. For the device used in the investigations, the neutron yield exhibits a linear dependence on variations in the magnetic field energy ΔW in the discharge circuit at the instant of neutron generation. It is also found that this dependence is related to the initial deuteron pressure in the discharge chamber.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1505-1508
pages 1505-1508 views

Solid State

Self-healing effect of spallation damageability

Buravova S.


The self-healing effect has been found in a study of the microstructure of the bands of localized deformation. It has been shown that interstitial elements (O, C) and the particles of a doping phase migrate to the zone of growing spallation damageability from the matrix material. When considering the wave pattern of the process of localization, it has been ascertained that the formation of bands of localized deformation is accompanied by the process of reverberation which is characterized by the formation of periodically repeated compression–extension cycles. A weak attenuation of the reverberation has led to an increase in the duration of the deformation pulse of the sample by two to three orders of magnitude compared with the time of the initial compression pulse.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1509-1515
pages 1509-1515 views

Peculiarities of thermal processes during current overloading in multilayer HTSC conductors

Malginov V., Malginov A., Fleishman L., Rakitin A.


We have conducted a detailed study of the transition of multilayer HTSC conductors intended for use in electrical equipment from the superconducting to resistive state and from the resistive to normal state when the current passing through them exceeds the critical value. The conditions that stimulate an increase in the thermal breakdown current in multilayer HTSC ribbons have been derived based on an analysis of the thermal state of an HTSC ribbon under current overloading, maximal heating temperature, and its transverse gradient during transition of the HTSC ribbon to the normal state have been estimated using experimental data on the resistance of the normal region and the superconductivity recovery time.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1516-1524
pages 1516-1524 views

Nonlinear dynamics of deformation bands in aluminum–magnesium alloy in the creep test

Shibkov A., Zheltov M., Gasanov M., Zolotov A.


Various types of plastic instabilities that emerge in intermittent creep have been studied experimentally for AlMg6 aluminum–magnesium alloy. It has been shown that intermittent creep exhibits threshold dynamics. The deformation step on the creep curve of amplitude is ~1–6% and begins when the rate of the preceding continuous creep attains a certain critical value. In the course of evolution of the step, the strain rate varies in the interval that spans more than two orders of magnitude, and transitions occur between different dynamic regimes of type A and B characterized by different stress drop regularity levels in the force response. Nonlinear aspects of the deformation behavior of the alloy in the intermittent creep conditions are considered.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1525-1532
pages 1525-1532 views

Mechanism and dynamics of the disintegration calcite shock waves

Shcherbakov I., Vettegren’ V., Mamalimov R.


Luminescence spectra associated with calcite disintegration under the action of an electric-discharge-induced shock wave and under friction have been obtained. It has been found that, in these cases, the destruction mechanisms differ. Under the action of the wave, the crystal lattice of calcite decomposes into positively charged calcium, carbon, and oxygen ions. During friction, calcite disintegrates due to microcrack accumulation. The fraction of the volume that decomposes into ions depends on the electrical discharge energy. The percentage of decomposed calcite exceeds 60% when the energy is roughly equal to 80 J and is no higher than several fractions of a percent when the energy equals 0.2 J. In the latter case, disintegration localizes at grain boundaries, as follows from the time-resolved luminescence study (a time resolution of 2 ns).

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1533-1537
pages 1533-1537 views

Physical Science of Materials

Formation of nickel magnetic nanoparticles and modification of nickel phthalocyanine matrix by sodium doping

Kolpacheva N., Avramenko M., Avakyan L., Zubavichus Y., Mirzakhanyan A., Manukyan A., Sharoyan E., Bugaev L.


Data for the vapor-phase doping (300°C) of nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc) by sodium taken in different concentrations (x), as well as structural analysis data for Nax = 0.2NiPc, Nax = 1NiPc, and Nax = 3NiPc samples, have been reported. The structure of the samples and their atomic configuration versus the doping level have been studied by transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering, X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The structural parameters of Ni–N, Ni–C, and Ni–Ni bonds have been determined, and it has been found that, at a low level of doping by sodium, local structural distortions are observed in some molecules of the NiPc matrix near nickel atoms. The fraction of these molecules grows as the doping level rises from x = 0.2 to x = 1.0. It has been shown that doping changes the oscillation mode of light atoms, which indicates a rise in the electron concentration on five- and six-membered rings. At a high level of sodium doping (x = 3.0), nickel nanoparticles with a mean size of 20 nm and molecule decomposition products have been observed in the NiPc matrix. It has been found that the fraction of nickel atoms in the Nax = 3NiPc nanoparticles as estimated from EXAFS data is sufficient for the room-temperature magnetic properties of the samples to persist for a long time.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1538-1544
pages 1538-1544 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Heterostructures with InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots doped with transition elements: II. Study of the circularly polarized luminescence

Dorokhin M., Zaitsev S., Rykov A., Zdoroveyshchev A., Malysheva E., Danilov Y., Zubkov V., Frolov D., Yakovlev G., Kudrin A.


Optical and transport properties of the heterostructure with the InAs/GaAs quantum dots doped with manganese or chromium atoms in the course of growth using metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) are analyzed. Circularly polarized luminescence was obtained due to doping of quantum dots with the Mn or Cr atoms. The sign of the degree of circular polarization was found to depend on the dopant. The effect is interpreted using specific features of the radiative recombination in quantum dots in the presence of resident electrons and holes.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1545-1550
pages 1545-1550 views


Optical ray paths in a quasi-periodic waveguide or a multipass cavity with smoothly varying properties

Mat’ev V.


Ray paths in a quasi-periodic optical system (waveguide of cavity) with smoothly varying properties have been constructed along the ray path. The ray-transfer matrix is constructed for a large number of ray paths; it has been shown that the conventional stability condition (the modulus of the ray-transfer matrix trace for a ray path is smaller than two) does not ensure the boundedness of the beam path after a large number of paths.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1551-1561
pages 1551-1561 views


Gyrotron generation of broadband chaotic radiation under overlapping of high- and low-frequency resonances

Rozental’ R., Ginzburg N., Sergeev A., Zotova I., Fedotov A., Tarakanov V.


Significant (up to 10%) broadening of the band of noise-like radiation in gyrotrons is possible due to specific tuning of gyrofrequency relative to the critical frequency of the working mode when the high- and low-frequency cyclotron resonances are substantially separated at the given translation and transverse velocities of electrons. The generation bands at the resonances are overlapped under operation above the threshold. The analysis with allowance for finiteness of the electron transit time in the interaction space and, hence, different slopes of the dispersion characteristics of electron beam and wave is critically important for correct investigation of the generation regimes in the framework of the average approach. The results are verified using direct 3D particle-in-cell simulation of the chaotic generation regimes of the gyrotron generation in the 8-mm-wavelength range.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1562-1568
pages 1562-1568 views

Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Acceptance and transmission of a quadrupole mass filter with a prefilter

Almazov V., Konenkov N.


We have proposed an analytical model of a quadrupole mass filter with an additional rf quadrupole (prefilter) at its entry, which is based on the model of a transient field in the region between the edges of the mass filter electrodes and the prefilter electrodes. The characteristics of the complex mass filter have been investigated by the methods of phase space dynamics. In the presence of the entrance prefilter, instead of the entrance diaphragm, the y acceptance increases by 1.5 times relative to the x acceptance. Upon an increase in the ion residence time in the fringing field, the y acceptance contour exhibits the tendency to rotation on the phase plane, while the x acceptance contour is broadened in the x coordinate. The transmission function increases and oscillates upon an increase in the ion residence time in the fringing field. The result of numerical experiment using the SIMION 8 software differs from the result of analytical calculation by 14% for the x acceptance and by 35% for the y acceptance.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1569-1577
pages 1569-1577 views

Physical Electronics

Instability of a tubular electron beam moving over a dielectric cylinder

Averkov Y., Prokopenko Y., Yakovenko V.


The mechanism of interactions between the eigenwaves of a dielectric cylinder and a nonrelativistic tubular electron beam moving over its surface has been considered theoretically. A dispersion relation for the coupled waves of beam electrons and the dielectric cylinder has been derived. The conditions for coupled wave instability have been formulated and an expression for instability increments has been found. It follows from the dispersion relation and the expression for the increments that electric waves with high azimuthal indices are excited most effectively at a narrow gap between the beam and cylinder.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1578-1584
pages 1578-1584 views

Influence of electron saturation of Tamm levels on the field-emission properties of silicon crystals

Yafarov R.


It has been shown that the plasma-chemical modification of the morphology and composition of the surface phase influences the emissivity of silicon crystals. It has been found that the saturation of Tamm states with electrons during the preparation of atomically clean silicon surfaces, along with stabilizing passivation of surface atoms in a highly ionized microwave plasma using Halon 14, decreases a threshold electric field at which field emission begins more than twofold and increases the maximal density of the field emission current by more than an order of magnitude compared with wafers covered by native oxide or subjected to ion physical etching in argon. Physicochemical mechanisms responsible for the modification of the silicon surface and the field-emission properties of silicon have been considered.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1585-1591
pages 1585-1591 views

Thermostable ferroelectric capacitors based on graded films of barium strontium titanate

Tumarkin A., Razumov S., Volpyas V., Gagarin A., Odinets A., Zlygostov M., Sapego E.


The influence of the pressure of working gas during the ion–plasma sputtering on properties of deposited ferroelectric barium strontium titanate coatings has been experimentally studied. Variations in the of pressure of the working gas during deposition allows the component composition of the deposited layer to be changed, which leads to the diffusion of the phase transition and the improvement of temperature stability of properties of ferroelectric film. The gradation of layers has an impact on the temperature of the dielectric permittivity maximum, the shape of the dependence of the capacity on temperature, and the capacitance–voltage characteristics of the capacitor structures.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1592-1598
pages 1592-1598 views

Short Communications

Optical Hilbert diagnostics of convective structures and phase transition in a horizontal layer of supercooled water

Arbuzov V., Arbuzov E., Berdnikov V., Dubnishchev Y., Melekhina O.


Methods of Hilbert optics are used to visualize evolution of convective structures and wave front of crystallization in a horizontal layer of supercooled water bounded by thermally stabilized plane surfaces. Measured phase velocities and shapes of the crystallization front approximated with the aid of the Bezier curves are presented. The spatiotemporal quasi-periodicity of the phase-velocity field can be related to oscillatory modes of the crystallization front as a dynamic surface of the water–ice interphase transition.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1599-1601
pages 1599-1601 views

NMR studies of the sedimentation of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in a magnetic fluid

D’yachenko S., Kondrashkova I., Zhernovoi A.


A method has been proposed for studying the sedimentation of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in a magnetic fluid from the rate of decrease in its magnetization measured by the NMR technique. The dependence of the rate of variations in the magnetization of the magnetic fluid over time on the concentration of the stabilizer is investigated. A colloidal aqueous solution of magnetite nanoparticles with varying concentrations of the sodium oleate stabilizer was used as the magnetic fluid. It has been found that the ratio of the mass concentrations of the stabilizer and magnetite in a stable magnetic fluid must satisfy the condition C ≥ 0.7, which corresponds to the formation of a double layer of stabilizer on the surface of magnetite nanoparticles.

Technical Physics. 2017;62(10):1602-1604
pages 1602-1604 views

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