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Vol 63, No 2 (2018)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Interactions between the Euler, Helmholtz, and Rayleigh Instabilities

Il’gamov M.A.


The static bending of a thin plate that separates two liquids with different densities and velocities has been considered under the assumption that the liquids and the midsurface of the plate are incompressible. Wavelengths in this simple model are small compared to the sizes of the plate and liquid-filled spaces. Static interaction between the Euler, Helmholtz, and Rayleigh instabilities as a function of the compression force acting on the plate normally to the contact boundary has been studied. The ranges of the corresponding parameters have been found for the cases when the flatness of the plate and contact boundaries becomes stable and unstable.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):155-159
pages 155-159 views

High-Frequency Asymptotic Behavior of the Spectral Energy Distribution of Equilibrium Radiation in a Degenerate Electron Plasma

Bobrov V.B.


It has been shown that the asymptotic behavior of the spectral energy distribution of equilibrium radiation in a degenerate electron plasma in the range of high frequencies basically differs from the Planck formula in view of the power-law decrease with increasing frequency. In this case, the inclusion of the intrinsic magnetic moment of electrons plays a decisive role.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):160-166
pages 160-166 views

Gases and Liquids

Multipoint Ignition of a Gas Mixture by a Microwave Subcritical Discharge with an Extended Streamer Structure

Aleksandrov K.V., Busleev N.I., Grachev L.P., Esakov I.I., Ravaev A.A.


The results of experimental studies on using an electrical discharge with an extended streamer structure in a quasioptical microwave beam in the multipoint ignition of a propane–air mixture have been reported. The pulsed microwave discharge was initiated at the interior surface of a quartz tube that was filled with the mentioned flammable mixture and introduced into a microwave beam with a subbreakdown initial field. Gas breakdown was initiated by an electromagnetic vibrator. The dependence of the type of discharge on the microwave field strength was examined, the lower concentration threshold of ignition of the propane–air mixture by the studied discharge was determined, and the dynamics of combustion of the flammable mixture with local and multipoint ignition were compared.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):167-171
pages 167-171 views


Charged Particle Distribution near the Shock Front in a Glow Discharge

Baryshnikov A.S., Basargin I.V., Bezverkhnii N.O., Bobashev S.V., Monakhov N.A., Popov P.A., Sakharov V.A., Chistyakova M.V.


The charged particle distribution near the front of a shock wave propagating in the glow discharge plasma has been investigated. It has been found that the ion concentration before the front varies nonmonotonically. Behind the shock front, the charged particle concentration varies smoothly in contrast to the neutral component density.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):172-174
pages 172-174 views

Solid State

Energy Characteristics of Small Metal Clusters Containing Vacancies

Reva V.I., Pogosov V.V.


Self-consistent calculations of spatial distributions of electrons, potentials, and energies of dissociation, cohesion, vacancy formation, and electron attachment, as well as the ionization potential of solid AlN, NaN clusters (N ≥ 254), and clusters containing a vacancy (N ≥ 12) have been performed using a model of stable jellium. The contribution of a monovacancy to the energy of the cluster, the size dependences of the characteristics, and their asymptotic forms have been considered. The calculations have been performed on the SKIT-3 cluster at the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Rpeak = 7.4 Tflops).

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):175-185
pages 175-185 views

Influence of the ΔE Effect on the Field Dependence of the Magnetoelectric Effect in the Region of Electromechanical Resonance

Laletin V.M., Filippov D.A.


The influence of the ΔE effect on the field dependence of the resonant magnetoelectric effect in bulk composite materials with a composition of ferrite nickel spinel–lead zirconate titanate has been investigated in the electromechanical resonance region. It has been shown that the field dependence of the effect is determined not only by the magnetic-field dependence of the piezomagnetic coefficient, but also by the field dependence of the Young modulus. The dependence of the resonance frequency of the effect on the bias field has been analyzed.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):186-189
pages 186-189 views

Magnetoelectric Effect in Gallium Arsenide–Nickel–Tin–Nickel Multilayer Structures

Filippov D.A., Tikhonov A.A., Laletin V.M., Firsova T.O., Manicheva I.N.


Experimental data have been presented for the magnetoelectric effect in nickel–tin–nickel multilayer structures grown on a GaAs substrate by cathodic electrodeposition. The method of fabricating these structures has been described, and the frequency dependence of the effect has been demonstrated. It has been shown that tin used as an intermediate layer reduces mechanical stresses due to the phase mismatch at the Ni–GaAs interface and, thus, makes it possible to grow good structures with a 70-μm-thick Ni layer. The grown structures offer good adhesion between layers and a high Q factor.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):190-192
pages 190-192 views

Enhancement of Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties and Macroscopic Relaxation of Charge and Field Response in 0–3 Ceramic-Pore Composites: Theory and Experiment

Radchenko G.S., Skrylev A.V., Malykhin A.Y., Panich A.A.


In this work, we have theoretically and experimentally described the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of ceramic-based lead zirconate–titanate composites that have a 0–3 bond. Based on the proposed model, the frequency dependences of the dielectric and piezoelectric response have been determined theoretically and experimentally. The influence of the Maxwell–Wagner relaxation and the effective parameter approximation on the physical properties of disordered objects of statistical mixture have been studied. The distribution functions of the times of intercomponent relaxation in the piezoceramic–pores composite system and the concentration dependences of the effective field responses have been determined. The theoretical and experimental results obtained have been compared.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):193-199
pages 193-199 views

Physical Science of Materials

Study of Diffusion Bonding of 45 Steel through the Compacted Nickel Powder Layer

Zeer G.M., Zelenkova E.G., Temnykh V.I., Tokmin A.M., Shubin A.A., Koroleva Y.P., Mikheev A.A.


The microstructure of the transition zone and powder spacer, the concentration distribution of chemical elements over the width of the diffusion-bonded joint, and microhardness of 45 steel–compacted Ni powder spacer–45 steel layered composites formed by diffusion bonding have been investigated. It has been shown that the relative spacer thickness χ < 0.06 is optimal for obtaining a high-quality joint has been formed under a compacting pressure of 500 MPa. The solid-state diffusion bonding is accompanied by sintering the nickel powder spacer and the formation of the transition zone between the spacer and steel. The transition zone consists of solid solution of nickel in the α-Fe phase and ordered solid solution of iron in nickel (FeNi3).

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):200-205
pages 200-205 views

Influence of Cobalt on the Adhesion Strength of Polycrystalline Diamond Coatings on WC–Co Hard Alloys

Linnik S.A., Gaidaichuk A.V., Okhotnikov V.V.


The influence of cobalt on the phase composition and adhesion strength of polycrystalline diamond coatings has been studied using scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray microanalysis. The coatings have been deposited on WC–Co hard alloy substrates in glow discharge plasma. It has been found that the catalytic amorphization of carbon only takes place during the direct synthesis of the diamond coating, when the cobalt vapor pressure over the substrate is high and the cobalt-related degradation of the synthesized diamond is absent.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):206-210
pages 206-210 views

Influence of the Rotation Frequency of a Disk Substrate Holder on the Crystal Structure Characteristics of MOCVD-Grown GaAs Layers

Boldyrevskii P.B., Filatov D.O., Kazantseva I.A., Revin M.V., Smotrin D.S., Yunin P.A.


The influence of the rotation frequency of a disk substrate holder on the growth mechanism and crystal structure characteristics of MOCVD-grown GaAs layers has been studied. In the frequency range of 0–400 rpm, variations have been observed in the growth mechanism and rate, as well as of crystal perfection.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):211-215
pages 211-215 views

Thermal Oxidation of a Carbon Condensate Formed in High-Frequency Carbon and Carbon–Nickel Plasma Flow

Churilov G.N., Nikolaev N.S., Cherepakhin A.V., Dudnik A.I., Tomashevich E.V., Trenikhin M.V., Bulina N.G.


We have reported on the comparative characteristics of thermal oxidation of a carbon condensate prepared by high-frequency arc evaporation of graphite rods and a rod with a hollow center filled with nickel powder. In the latter case, along with different forms of nanodisperse carbon, nickel particles with nickel core–carbon shell structures are formed. It has been found that the processes of the thermal oxidation of carbon condensates with and without nickel differ significantly. Nickel particles with the carbon shell exhibit catalytic properties with respect to the oxidation of nanosized carbon structures. A noticeable difference between the temperatures of the end of the oxidation process for various carbon nanoparticles and nickel particles with the carbon shell has been established. The study is aimed at investigations of the effect of nickel nanoparticles on the dynamics of carbon condensate oxidation upon heating in the argon–oxygen flow.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):216-219
pages 216-219 views

Solid State Electronics

Relation of Giant Thermo-EMF, Magnetothermo-EMF, Magnetoresistance, and Magnetization to Magnetic Impurity States in Manganites Nd(1–x)SrxMnO3 and Sm(1–x)SrxMnO3

Koroleva L.I., Batashev I.K., Morozov A.S., Balbashov A.M., Szymczak H., Slawska-Waniew A.


Thermo-EMF, magnetothermo-EMF, magnetoresistance, and magnetization of single-crystal samples of Nd(1–x)SrxMnO3 and Sm(1–x)SrxMnO3 with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3 have been studied experimentally. A sharp increase in the thermo-EMF and giant magnetothermo-EMF and magnetoresistance has been observed near the Curie point TC in compounds with 0.15 ≤ x ≤ 0.3. At the same time, no peculiarities have been found in compositions with x = 0. Since compounds with x > 0 consist of ferromagnetic clusters of the ferron type that reside in an antiferromagnetic A-type matrix, this means that the sharp increase in the thermo-EMF near TC is caused by ferrons. Indeed, the disappearance of ferrons due to a magnetic field or heating above TC leads to an abrupt decrease in the thermo-EMF. Therefore, thermo-EMF in alloyed magnetic semiconductors has been determined by the impurity concentration and the sample volume.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):220-225
pages 220-225 views

InAsSbP Photodiodes for 2.6–2.8-μm Wavelengths

Il’inskaya N.D., Karandashev S.A., Lavrov A.A., Matveev B.A., Remennyi M.A., Stus’ N.M., Usikova A.A.


Research data for photovoltaic, IV, and CV characteristics of InAsSbP/InAs heterostructure photodiodes that operate at room temperature in the wavelength range 2.6–2.8 μm have been reported. Based on these data and available publications, conclusions have been drawn about the prospects for using these photodiodes in a number of applications.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):226-229
pages 226-229 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Device for Increasing the Magnetic Flux Pinning in Granular Nanocomposites Based on the High-Temperature Superconducting Ceramic

Karpov I.V., Ushakov A.V., Lepeshev A.A., Fedorov L.Y., Dorozhkina E.A., Karpova O.N., Shaikhadinov A.A., Demin V.G.


A device for modifying the granular high-temperature superconducting ceramics in the plasma of a low-pressure arc discharge has been considered. The particular features of the design and operational principle of this device have been described. The device made it possible to combine the synthesis of that play a role of additional pinning centers and simultaneous deposition of these nanoparticles on microgranules in a single processing cycle. The experimental results on the effect of additional pinning centers on an increase in the critical current thanks to the formation of self-assembled structures in the form of whiskers have been considered.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):230-234
pages 230-234 views

Analytical Model of Atomic Layer Deposition of Films on 3D Structures with High Aspect Ratios

Fadeev A.V., Myakon’kikh A.V., Rudenko K.V.


A theoretical model has been suggested that makes it possible to predict the profile of a film deposited on the walls of a high aspect ratio structure (trench) by atomic layer deposition versus the deposition parameters. In addition, the model allows one to calculate the optimal time of precursor doping that provides the conformal coating of the trench walls. The deposition of films with different thicknesses has been described by an approximant that includes two asymptotical deposition conditions with different relationships between the precursor molecule sticking coefficient and aspect ratio of the trench.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):235-242
pages 235-242 views


Electrical and Optical Properties of Cu2Zn(Fe,Mn)SnS4 Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis

Orletskii I.G., Mar’yanchuk P.D., Solovan M.N., Maistruk E.V., Kozyarskii D.P.


We have analyzed the electrical and optical properties of Cu2ZnSnS4, Cu2FeSnS4, and Cu2MnSnS4 films with the p-type electrical conductivity, which were prepared by spray pyrolysis at temperature TS = 290°C using 0.1 M aqueous solutions of salts CuCl2 · 2H2O, ZnCl2 · 2H2O, MnCl2 · 2H2O, FeCl3 · 6H2O, SnCl4 · 5H2O, and (NH2)CS. The energy parameters have been determined from analyzing the electrophysical properties of the films using the model of energy barriers at grain boundaries in polycrystalline materials, and the thickness of intercrystallite boundaries has been estimated. The extent of the influence of the hole concentration p0 in the bulk of crystallites and height Eb of the energy barriers between grains on the electrical conductivity has been determined. The optical bandgap width for thin Cu2Zn(Fe,Mn)SnS4 films has been calculated based on analyzing the spectral dependences of the absorption coefficient.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):243-249
pages 243-249 views

Prospects for Practical Applications of a Discharge Chemical HF Laser as a Coherent Source for IR Holography

Fedotov O.G., Fomin V.M.


Preliminary experimental results on recording of phase and amplitude holograms using the radiation of electric-discharge HF lasers are presented, and prospects for applications of such lasers in diagnostics of various objects are discussed. It is shown that lasers with homogeneous working medium may generate coherent radiation with a coherence length of greater than 6 m in the absence of mode selection. Methods for control of spatial distribution of electron concentration in excimer and discharge chemical HF (DF) lasers and distributions of the main combustible components are considered. Deposition of holographic identification marks on artworks is studied.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):250-256
pages 250-256 views

Effect of Longitudinal Magnetic Field on the Spread of Erosion Laser Plasma in Vacuum and Generation of Plasma Magnetic Fields

Chumakov A.N., Chekan P.V.


Dynamics of erosion laser plasma in vacuum and generation of magnetic field by moving plasma (in particular, in the presence of external static magnetic field oriented along the direction of plasma motion) are experimentally studied. Radial confinement of the spread of plasma, a decrease in the electrification of target upon plasma formation, and an increase in the induction of the plasma magnetic field by a factor of 10–15 are revealed at an induction of the external magnetic field of about 0.35 T. Dependences of the induction of the plasma magnetic field on the power density of the laser radiation are determined for the above regimes.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):257-259
pages 257-259 views

Holographic Subsurface Radar Technique for Nondestructive Testing of Dielectric Structures

Ivashov S.I., Bugaev A.S., Zhuravlev A.V., Razevig V.V., Chizh M.A., Ivashov A.I.


Holographic subsurface radar method is compared with the conventional technology of impulse radars. Basic relationships needed for the reconstruction of complex microwave holograms are presented. Possible applications of the proposed technology are discussed. Diagnostics of polyurethane foam coatings of spacecrafts is used as an example of the efficiency of holographic subsurface radars. Results of reconstruction of complex and amplitude microwave holograms are compared. It is demonstrated that the image quality that results from reconstruction of complex microwave holograms is higher than the image quality obtained with the aid of amplitude holograms.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):260-267
pages 260-267 views


Electrodynamic Characteristics of Horn Microwave Antennas Made of Graphene-Containing Carbon-Composite Materials

Dugin N.A., Zaboronkova T.M., Myasnikov E.N., Belyaev G.R.


Electrodynamic characteristics of the L-and C-range horn antennas made of carbon-composite materials with graphene-containing binding substance are studied. The main attention is paid to the polarization characteristics of the L-range antennas with a polarization unit based on a circular waveguide that generates elliptically polarized radiation.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):268-273
pages 268-273 views

Physical Electronics

Field-Emission Staggered Structure Based on Diamond–Graphite Clusters

Davidovich M.V., Yafarov R.K.


We have proposed and designed a vacuum field-emission triode structure with high-resistivity semiconducting or insulating micrometer-size right parallelepipeds deposited in the staggered order on the conducting substrate (cathode), as well as a structure with a nanofilm on the cathode, which is formed by evaporated diamond–graphite clusters. It has been shown theoretically and experimentally that the emissivity of these structures is much higher than that of an uncoated cathode.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):274-284
pages 274-284 views

Biomedical Physics

Effect of Shock Waves Generated by Pulsed Electric Discharges in Water on Yeast Cells and Virus Particles

Girdyuk A.E., Gorshkov A.N., Egorov V.V., Kolikov V.A., Snetov V.N., Shneerson G.A.


The aim of this study is to determine the optimal parameters of the electric pulses and shock waves generated by them for the soft destruction of the virus and yeast envelopes with no changes in the structure of antigenic surface albumin and in the cell morphology in order to use them to produce antivirus vaccines and in biotechnology. The pulse electric discharges in water have been studied for different values of amplitude, pulse duration and the rate of the rise in the current. A mathematical model has been developed to estimate the optimal parameters of pulsed electric charges and shock waves for the complete destruction of the yeast cell envelopes and virus particles at a minimum of pulses.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):285-290
pages 285-290 views

Possibilities of Using Combined Optical and AFM Investigations of Albumin

Buzoverya M.E., Shishpor I.V., Shcherbak Y.P.


The results of a complex study of 10% aqueous solution of human serum albumin using methods of optical and atomic force microscopy have been presented. The fine structure of main structures of albumin facies (vitreous matrix and concretions) has been revealed and some observed structural effects have been interpreted from the viewpoint of polymer materials science.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):291-296
pages 291-296 views

Modified Method for Reconstructing the Image from Projections in Magnetic Resonance Tomography

Baruzdin S.A.


A method for reconstructing the image from projections in magnetic resonance tomography using an excitation pulse with a linear frequency modulation has been considered. The shape of the spin echo envelope coincides with the projection of the spin density onto the direction of the axis along which the magnetic field gradient is applied. The spin echo excitation by a sinc pulse and a pulse with a linear frequency modulation has been simulated. The former pulse excites the required cross section of a 3D object, while the latter pulse has made it possible to form the spin echo envelope, which coincides in shape with the projection of the spin density of nuclei onto the direction of the gradient. The set of the projections onto different directions of the gradient has made it possible to reconstruct the 2D image of a section.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):297-302
pages 297-302 views

Possible Mechanism of Infrared Radiation Reception: The Role of the Temperature Factor

Yachnev I.L., Penniyaynen V.A., Podzorova S.A., Rogachevskii I.V., Krylov B.V.


The role of the temperature factor in the mechanism of reception of the CO2 laser low-power infrared (IR) radiation (λ = 10.6 μm) by a sensory neuron membrane has been studied. Organotypic embryonic tissue culture has been used to measure and estimate the temperature of a sensory ganglia monolayer exposed to radiation at different energy densities. The effects of tissue exposure to low-power IR radiation have been investigated. It has been found that inhibition of tissue growth by radiation of low energy density (10–14–10–10 J/cm2) is replaced by tissue growth (10–7–10–4 J/cm2), and again followed by inhibition in the range of 0.1–6 J/cm2. A statistically significant specific reaction to nonthermal radiation has been detected at the radiation power density of 3 × 10–10 J/cm2, which is due to activation of the Na+,K+-ATPase transducer function. The mechanisms of interaction of IR radiation with embryonic nerve tissue have been considered. Low-power IR radiation with the wavelength of 10.6 μm has been demonstrated to specifically activate a novel signal transducer function of the sodium pump, which controls the reception of nonthermal IR radiation in the energy density range of 10–14 to 10–10 J/cm2.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):303-306
pages 303-306 views

Short Communications

Magnetic Field Gain in Vortex Pinning at Fractal Interfaces of Clusters of High-Temperature Superconductors

Vasyutin M.A., Kuz’michev N.D., Shilkin D.A.


The effect of the fractality of the cluster interfaces in the normal phase of a copper-oxide high-temperature superconductor YBCO on the magnetic creep has been studied. The model of a magnetic field dependence of voltage induced by the flux creep for different transport currents has been suggested. The experimental dependences have been approximated using an exponent-hyperbolic function with a current parameter. The empiric magnetic field dependence of the fractal dimensionality of the interfaces of YBCO clusters has been registered. The magnitudes of the magnetic field intensity and fractal dimensionality at which the vortices start to penetrate the granules of the samples have been determined. The connective index of paths of the vortex quench at the percolation threshold has been calculated.

Technical Physics. 2018;63(2):307-309
pages 307-309 views

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