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Vol 61, No 12 (2016)

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Modeling the propagation of electromagnetic waves over the surface of the human body

Vendik I.B., Vendik O.G., Kirillov V.V., Pleskachev V.V., Tural’chuk P.A.


The results of modeling and an experimental study of electromagnetic (EM) waves in microwave range propagating along the surface of the human body have been presented. The parameters of wave propagation, such as the attenuation and phase velocity, have also been investigated. The calculation of the propagation of EM waves by the numerical method FDTD (finite difference time domain), as well as the use of the analytical model of the propagation of the EM wave along flat and curved surfaces has been fulfilled. An experimental study on a human body has been conducted. It has been shown that creeping waves are slow and exhibit a noticeable dispersion, while the surface waves are dispersionless and propagate at the speed of light in free space. A comparison of the results of numerical simulation, analytical calculation, and experimental investigations at a frequency of 2.55 GHz has been carried out.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1765-1775
pages 1765-1775 views

Drag current in a quantum superlattice during propagation of a high-intensity bichromatic electromagnetic wave

Nosaeva T.A., Syrodoev G.A.


We study the effect of electron drag in a semiconductor superlattice during intraband absorption of a biharmonic electromagnetic wave in a process accompanied by the emission (absorption) of a phonon. The problem has been solved in the second order of perturbation theory. The effective interaction Hamiltonian method makes it possible to take into account the multiphoton nature of the electromagnetic wave absorption. With increasing field, the current increases and attains a peak value, after which it decreases in an oscillatory manner due to the ionization stabilization effect.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1776-1780
pages 1776-1780 views

Approximate expressions that describe the profiles of sessile and pendent drops for the cases of small Bond numbers and strong wetting

Galaktionov E.V., Galaktionova N.E., Tropp E.A.


Variational formulations of the problems of sessile and pendent drops are given taking into account the force of gravity in the axially symmetric case. Approximate expressions that describe the surface profiles of these drops by the asymptotic method for small Bond numbers have been obtained by the linearization method in the case of strong wetting.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1781-1788
pages 1781-1788 views

Atomic and Molecular Physics

Mechanical model of carbon dioxide vibrational spectrum

Aldoshin G.T., Yakovlev S.P.


Classical dynamics methods have been used to study the nonlinear vibrations of a CO2 molecule. Consideration includes not only the anharmonicity valence angle, which enables one to explain the Fermi resonance, but also the physical nonlinearity of the force field (stiffness and softness of springs). In the farthest neighbor approximation (with regard to oxygen–oxygen interaction), a set of nonlinear differential equations in the Lagrangian form has been derived. Their analytical solution has been derived using the method of invariant normalization. The occurrence of a strange attractor has been discovered by numerical simulation. Recommendations for the selection of initial conditions are given that take into account the possibility of regular beatings that change into to chaotic beatings.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1789-1796
pages 1789-1796 views

Gases and Liquids

Effect of longitudinal electric field on capillary instability of a thin axisymmetric layer of liquid dielectric coating a dielectric fiber

Korovin V.M.


The flow of a viscous dielectric liquid surrounded with a gas is investigated in the process of capillary disintegration of a thin axisymmetric liquid layer on an undeformable cylindrical dielectric fiber in a uniform electric field is investigated. An asymptotic analysis of the system of equations and hydrodynamic boundary conditions written with allowance for surface ponderomotive forces is carried out for the case when the average thickness of the layer is much smaller than the radius of the fiber cross section. The problem of the transition of the liquid configuration from the state of a stationary cylindrical layer to the hydrodynamic state in the form of a regular sequence of drops is formulated. In this formulation, a nonlinear parabolic equation that describes the evolution of the local thickness of the layer on the time interval to the instant of drop formation is derived. The effect of the key parameters on the capillary instability is analyzed based on the linearized version of the resultant equation and the linearized electrostatic problem of calculating the field perturbations.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1797-1805
pages 1797-1805 views

Calculations of the flow resistance and heat emission of a sphere in the laminar and high-turbulent gas flows

Simakov N.N.


An early drag crisis can occur at high turbulence of incoming gas flow to a sphere. To study the influence of a crisis on heat transfer from a sphere to gas, a numerical experiment was carried out in which the free gas flow around a sphere with a temperature lower than the sphere temperature was simulated for two cases. The flow was laminar in the first case and highly turbulent in the second case. To take into account turbulence, the kinematic coefficient of turbulent viscosity with a value, which is much higher (up to 2000 times) than that for physical viscosity, was introduced. The results of calculations show that the early drag crisis occurs at Reynolds numbers of about 100 and results in considerable (by four to seven times) decrease in the hydrodynamic force and sphere drag coefficient Cd. The early drag crisis is also accompanied by the crisis of heat transfer from a sphere to gas with a decrease in Nusselt numbers Nu by three to six times.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1806-1812
pages 1806-1812 views

Construction of intermediate regions for a generalized van der Waals gas

Blokhin A.M., Goldin A.Y.


An approach to constructing two-phase state regions for real gases, the state of which is described by the modified van der Waals equation in the form proposed by R.L. Fogel’son and E.R. Likhachev, has been discussed.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1813-1820
pages 1813-1820 views

Deposition of diamond structures from interacting gas jets

Emel’yanov A.A., Rebrov A.K., Yudin I.B.


We have reported on the results of experiments on the gas-jet synthesis of diamond from methane and hydrogen flows for various mixing conditions. An original method of separate feed of gas jet has been proposed, which makes it possible to attain a high growth rate for the diamond phase. The synthesis of diamond structures in gas-jet deposition has been studied for separate feeds of two flows (hydrogen and the mixture of hydrogen with methane) in two versions, i.e., with a lateral feed of the methane-containing mixture and axisymmetric feed. Experiments were performed under the following conditions: the temperature of the surface (activating hydrogen) 2400 K, a substrate temperature of 900–1300 K, pressure in the deposition chamber 2 × 102 Pa, gas mixture fluxes (relative to hydrogen) 1500 ncm3/min, CH4 concentration in H2 of 0.1–0.7%, and the distance from the substrate to the reactor 10 mm. In the case of a separate feed of the methanecontaining gas and hydrogen, a deposition rate of 20 μm/h was attained. In the case of an axisymmetric separate feed of the gases, a single crystal with a mass of 0.6 mg was grown, which corresponded to the deposition rate of approximately 200 μm/h.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1821-1824
pages 1821-1824 views

Solid State

Interaction of stress waves in solids and accompanying electric field

Bivin Y.K.


The formation of electrically charged zones during the interaction of strain waves in an initially electroneutral plastic is considered. Experiments were performed on a vinyl plastic rod. The waves were excited by an impact by a bullet in the form a shorter organic glass or vinyl plastic rod against the end the rod. The experimental results have been compared with the proposed mathematical description.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1825-1829
pages 1825-1829 views

Phase transformation α → ε in meteoritic Fe–Ni alloy under shock-wave loading

Muftakhetdinova R.F., Grokhovsky V.I., Kozlov E.A., Khomskaya I.V., Yakovlev G.A.


We have studied microstructural deformation-induced changes and phase transformations in the material of the Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite (IIAB) after loading by spherically converging shock waves. The results obtained by the method of electron backscatter diffraction, as well as the data of local chemical analysis unambiguously indicate the presence of regions experiencing polymorphic α → ε and ε → α transitions in the loaded sample.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1830-1834
pages 1830-1834 views

The Langevin formula for describing the magnetization curve of a magnetic liquid

D’yachenko S.V., Zhernovoi A.I.


It has been shown that, at the initial stage of the magnetization curve, the magnetic susceptibility of magnetic liquid determined as χ = Mμ0/B (M is the magnetization, B is the magnetic induction in a sample) obeys the Curie law, and the magnetic susceptibility determined as χ = M/H (H is the magnetic field intensity in a sample) obeys the Curie–Weiss law. Since the Curie law is a particular case of the Langevin dependence, it is assumed that an experimental magnetization curve is described by the Langevin formula with a Langevin parameter ξ = PB/kT, where P is the magnetic moment of a particle and T is the temperature. Experimental verification has shown that, at parameter ξ, the mean relative deviation between the values of M measured and calculated by the Langevin formula is 5%. This deviation can be accounted for by the influence of dispersion of the magnetic moments of nanoparticles.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1835-1837
pages 1835-1837 views

Solid State Electronics

Recombination in converters of β-radiation energy to electrical energy

Abanin I.E., Amelichev V.V., Bulyarskii S.V., Lakalin A.V.


β-to-electric energy converters based on high-ohmic silicon, as well as processes that provide a high conversion efficiency, have been studied. It has been shown that the conversion efficiency is related to recombination in the space-charge region of converters at low levels of injection. A technique for determining the parameters of recombination centers that is built on new conversion algorithms has been developed. These algorithms make it possible to change the monotonic (and exponential as a whole) current–voltage characteristic of the device to a singular curve and find the parameters of recombination centers. These parameters have been calculated in a wide temperature range. Regions in the temperature–forward bias coordinates have been revealed in which recombination fluxes are captured by a recombination center, which influences the saturation current of the current–voltage characteristic and the conversion efficiency.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1838-1843
pages 1838-1843 views

Solar radiation concentrators paired with multijunction photoelectric converters in ground-based solar power plants (part I)

Ulanov M.V., Davidyuk N.Y., Sadchikov N.A., Ionova E.A.


We have developed a method for determining parameters of radiation concentrator in solar power plants. To estimate the efficiency of concentrators in the form of Fresnel lenses in setups with three-junction photoelectric converters, the concept of the efficiency of the concentrator–photoelectric converter pair has been introduced. We have proposed a method for calculating the refracting profile of concentrators taking into account the dispersion relation for the refractive index and its variations with temperature for the material of the refracting profile of the concentrator (Wacker RT604 silicone compound). The results of calculation make it possible to achieve the maximal efficiency of the concentrator–photoelectric converter pair in the presence of chromatic aberrations in the optical system of solar radiation concentration.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1844-1851
pages 1844-1851 views

Physics of Nanostructures

Effect of uniform magnetic and electric fields on microstructure and substructure characteristics of combustion products of aluminum nanopowder in air

Il’in A.P., Mostovshchikov A.V., Pak A.Y.


We have analyzed the effect of constant electric and magnetic fields on the micro- and substructure characteristics of the combustion products of aluminum nanopowder in air. It has been found that the combustion of aluminum nanopowder in a magnetic field leads to the formation of single crystals of the hexagonal habitus, while the combustion in an electric field results in the formation of faceted crystallites with layered morphology. The fields noticeably affect the crystal lattice parameters of aluminum oxide and nitride (reduce the coherent scattering regions in aluminum nitride and increase such regions in aluminum γ-oxide). At the same time, the displacement of atoms relative to the equilibrium position becomes noticeably smaller for all crystal phases under the action of the fields (except for aluminum nitride in a magnetic field). These results have been explained by the orienting and stabilizing actions of the fields on the combustion products of aluminum nanopowder in air.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1852-1855
pages 1852-1855 views

Electric-arc synthesis of soot with high content of higher fullerenes in parallel arc

Dutlov A.E., Nekrasov V.M., Sergeev A.G., Bubnov V.P., Kareev I.E.


Soot with a relatively high content of higher fullerenes (C76, C78, C80, C82, C84, C86, etc.) is synthesized in a parallel arc upon evaporation of pure carbon electrodes. The content of higher fullerenes in soot extract amounts to 13.8 wt % when two electrodes are simultaneously burnt in electric-arc reactor. Such a content is comparable with the content obtained upon evaporation of composite graphite electrodes with potassium carbonate impurity.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1856-1860
pages 1856-1860 views

Fabrication of composite based on GeSi with Ag nanoparticles using ion implantation

Batalov R.I., Vorobev V.V., Nuzhdin V.I., Valeev V.F., Bayazitov R.M., Lyadov N.M., Osin Y.N., Stepanov A.L.


Comparative analysis of the structural and optical properties of composite layers fabricated with the aid of implantation of single-crystalline silicon (c-Si) using Ge+ (40 keV/1 × 1017 ions/cm2) and Ag+ (30 keV/1.5 × 1017 ions/cm2) ions and sequential irradiation using Ge+ and Ag+ ions is presented. The implantation of the Ge+ ions leads to the formation of Ge: Si fine-grain amorphous surface layer with a thickness of 60 nm and a grain size of 20–40 nm. The implantation of c-Si using Ag+ ions results in the formation of submicron porous amorphous a-Si structure with a thickness of about 50 nm containing ion-synthesized Ag nanoparticles. The penetration of the Ag+ ions in the Ge: Si layer stimulates the formation of pores with Ag nanoparticles with more uniform size distribution. The reflection spectra of the implanted Ag: Si and Ag: GeSi layers exhibit a sharp decrease in the intensity in the UV (220–420 nm) spectral interval relative to the intensity of c-Si by more than 50% owing to the amorphization and structuring of surface. The formation of Ag nanoparticles in the implanted layers gives rise to a selective band of the plasmon resonance at a wavelength of about 820 nm in the optical spectra. Technological methods for fabrication of a composite based on GeSi with Ag nanoparticles are demonstrated in practice.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1861-1867
pages 1861-1867 views


Possibility of adjusting the photoluminescence spectrum of Ca scheelites to the emission spectrum of incandescent lamps: [nCaWO4–(1–n)CaMoO4]: Eu3+ solid solutions

Bakovets V.V., Zolotova E.S., Antonova O.V., Korol’kov I.V., Yushina I.V.


The specific features of the photoluminescence of [nCaWO4–(1–n)CaMoO4]:Eu3+ solid solutions with the scheelite structure are examined using X-ray phase analysis and photoluminescence, Raman scattering, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The studied features are associated with a change in the long- and short-range orders of the crystal lattice upon variations in the composition of solutions in the range n = 0–1.0 (with a pitch of 0.2) at a concentration of red photoluminescence activator Eu3+ of 2 mol %. The mechanism of the modification of photoluminescence of solid solutions upon variations in their composition has been discussed. Anomalies in the variations in parameters of the crystal lattice, its short-range order, and luminescence spectra have been observed in the transition from pure compounds CaMoO4:Eu3+ and CaWO4:Eu3+ to solutions; the concentration of Eu3+ ions in the centrosymmetric localization increases (decreases) in the transition from the molybdate (tungstate). It has been demonstrated that the spectral radiant emittance of solid solution [0.4CaWO4–0.6CaMoO4]:Eu3+ (2 mol %) is the closest to that of an incandescent lamp.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1868-1875
pages 1868-1875 views

Two-photon confocal microscopy in the study of the volume characteristics of semiconductors

Kalinushkin V.P., Uvarov O.V.


Zn–Se crystals are used to analyze prospects for application of two-photon confocal microscopy in the study of plane and volume interband and impurity luminescence in semiconductors. Such maps can be formed with a depth step and planar spatial resolution of several micrometers at distances of up to 1 mm from the surface. The method is used to detect luminescence-active inhomogeneities in crystals and study their structure and luminescence characteristics. Prospects for the application of the two-photon confocal microscopy in the study of direct-band-semiconductors and materials of the fourth group are discussed.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1876-1879
pages 1876-1879 views


Microwave radiation absorbers based on corrugated composites with carbon fibers

Bychanok D.S., Plyushch A.O., Gorokhov G.V., Bychanok U.S., Kuzhir P.P., Maksimenko S.A.


A complex analysis of the dependence of the absorption coefficient of polymer composites with nonmagnetic carbon inclusions on the real and imaginary parts of the complex permittivity, as well as on the material thickness is performed in frequency range 26–37 GHz. The composites containing 0.2 wt % of carbon fibers have been obtained. It has been experimentally found that the corrugation of the composite surface substantially increases the absorbability (from 63 to 92% at a frequency of 30 GHz and a thickness of 4.50 mm) upon a decrease in the sample mass (by 28%). A method has been proposed for calculating the absorptance of corrugated composites in the microwave range.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1880-1884
pages 1880-1884 views

Electromagnetic radiation from linearly and nonlinearly oscillating charge drops

Grigor’ev A.I., Shiryaeva S.O.


It has been shown that analytic calculations of the intensity of electromagnetic radiation from an oscillating charged drop in the approximation linear in the oscillation amplitude (small parameter is on the order of 0.1) give only the quadrupole component of the total radiation. The dipole component can only be obtained in calculations using higher-order approximations. Nevertheless, the intensity of the dipole radiation turns out to be substantially higher (by 14–15 orders of magnitude). This is because the decomposition of radiation from a system of charges into multipole components (differing even in the rates of decrease in the potential with the distance) is carried out using the expansion in a substantially smaller parameter, viz., the ratio of the size of the emitting system (in our case, a drop of radius ~10 μm) to the distance to the point of observation in the wave zone of the emission of radiation (emitted wavelength) of 100–1000 m. As a result, this second small parameter is on the order of 10–7 to 10–8. On the other hand, in accordance with the field theory, the ratio of intensities of quadrupole and dipole radiations is proportional to the squared ratio of the hydrodynamic velocity of the oscillating surface of a charged drop to the velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic signal in vacuum (velocity of light), which yields a ratio of 10–14 to 10–15.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1885-1890
pages 1885-1890 views

Short Communications

Limiting shear stress and monotonic properties of liquid water

Gorshkov A.I.


Publications in scientific journals in which the authors attempt to experimentally prove that water, the most widespread substance on the Earth, is not a completely classical liquid, have become more frequent recently. This means, first, that water behaves as a solid at very low shear stress, i.e., does not flow, and, second, that the temperature dependences of its different properties are non-monotonic, i.e., possess singularities. We are aware of several such publications [1–5].

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1891-1893
pages 1891-1893 views

Effect of thermal cycling on structure and properties of Ni–Mn–In-based alloys

Kaletina Y.V., Efimova E.D., Gerasimov E.G., Kaletin A.Y.


The results of investigations of the structure and properties of ternary alloys Ni47–xMn42 + xIn11 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) after thermal cycling are presented. It has been shown that multiple cycles of heating and deep cooling result in a change in the shape of grain boundaries and an increase in microhardness. Thermal cycling does not cause any significant changes in the magnetic susceptibility of the investigated alloys.

Technical Physics. 2016;61(12):1894-1897
pages 1894-1897 views

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