Electrophysics, Electron and Ion Beams, Physics of Accelerators

Issue Title File
Vol 64, No 4 (2019) Ion-Optical System of an Ion Source with Energy Focusing in the Formed Beam PDF
Samsonova N.S., Gall’ N.R., Gall’ L.N., Averin I.A., Berdnikov A.S., Masyukevich S.V.
Vol 64, No 4 (2019) A Way of Increasing Maximum Permissible Short-Circuit Surge Currents in Electrical Contacts PDF
Chalyi A.M., Dmitriev V.A., Pavleino M.A., Pavleino O.M., Safonov M.S.
Vol 63, No 12 (2018) Decomposition of Aromatic Compounds Relevant to Organic Electronics under Exposure to Low-Energy Electrons PDF
Muftakhov M.V., Khatymov R.V., Tuktarov R.F.
Vol 63, No 12 (2018) In Situ Modification and Analysis of the Composition and Crystal Structure of a Silicon Target by Ion-Beam Methods PDF
Balakshin Y.V., Shemukhin A.A., Nazarov A.V., Kozhemiako A.V., Chernysh V.S.
Vol 63, No 12 (2018) Synthesis of Electron-Optical Systems with Compression of Sheet Beam for Terahertz TWTs PDF
Burtsev A.A., Danilushkin A.V., Sinitsyn N.I.
Vol 63, No 11 (2018) Application of the Donkin Formula in the Theory of Electrostatic Prisms PDF
Golikov Y.K., Berdnikov A.S., Antonov A.S., Krasnova N.K., Solov’ev K.V.
Vol 63, No 11 (2018) Axially Symmetric Energy Analyzer Based on the Electrostatic Decapole-Cylindrical Field PDF
Kambarova Z.T., Trubitsyn A.A., Saulebekov A.O.
Vol 63, No 10 (2018) Generation of High-Intensity Aluminum-Ion Beams at Low Energy PDF
Ryabchikov A.I., Shevelev A.E., Anan’in P.S., Sivin D.O.
Vol 63, No 8 (2018) Cascade Transformer Based on the Volume Coil for Power Transmission under High Voltage PDF
Denisov A.P., Parkhomchuk V.V., Reva V.B., Put’makov A.A., Li J., Mao L.J., Tang M.T., Zhao H., Ma X.M., Yang X.D.
Vol 63, No 7 (2018) Generation and Fragmentation of Phthalide Derivative Negative Ions PDF
Asfandiarov N.L., Pshenichnyuk S.A., Rakhmeev R.G., Lachinov A.N., Kraikin V.A.
Vol 63, No 7 (2018) Conical Mirror Energy-Analyzer PDF
Baranova L.A.
Vol 63, No 7 (2018) Electrostatic Spectrograph for Different Ranges of Simultaneously Recorded Energies with a Discrete Combined External Electrode PDF
Fishkova T.Y.
Vol 63, No 7 (2018) Effect of Temporal Current Modulation on the Tracking Force Acting on a Relativistic Electron Beam in an Ohmic Plasma Channel PDF
Kolesnikov E.K., Manuilov A.S., Petrov V.S.
Vol 63, No 7 (2018) Effect of Multiple Scattering of a Relativistic Electron Beam in a Gas–Plasma Medium on the Dynamics of the Resistive Hose Instability PDF
Kolesnikov E.K., Manuilov A.S., Petrov V.S.
Vol 63, No 6 (2018) High-Efficiency Electron Source with a Hollow Cathode in Technologies of Thin Film Deposition and Surface Treatment under Forevacuum Pressures PDF
Shchukin V.G., Konstantinov V.O., Morozov V.S.
Vol 63, No 5 (2018) Leading Edge Erosion of a Low-Energy Beam Injected into a Gas in a Magnetic Field PDF
Grigor’ev V.P., Zvigintsev I.L.
Vol 63, No 5 (2018) Content and Isotope Ratios of Noble Gases in Congelation Ice of Lake Vostok PDF
Chetverikov Y.O., Aruev N.N., Bulat S.A., Gruzdov K.A., Ezhov V.F., Jean-Baptiste P., Kamenskii I.L., Lipenkov V.Y., Prasolov E.M., Solovei V.A., Tyukal’tsev R.V., Fedichkin I.L.
Vol 63, No 4 (2018) Simulation of a Radio-Frequency Photogun for the Generation of Ultrashort Beams PDF
Nikiforov D.A., Levichev A.E., Barnyakov A.M., Andrianov A.V., Samoilov S.L.
Vol 63, No 4 (2018) Synthesis of Electrode Configurations that Conserve Fringing Electric Field Homogeneity in Euler Terms PDF
Golikov Y.K., Berdnikov A.S., Antonov A.S., Krasnova N.K., Solov’ev K.V.
Vol 63, No 4 (2018) Simulation of Non-Uniform Electron Beams in the Gyrotron Electron-Optical System PDF
Louksha O.I., Trofimov P.A.
Vol 63, No 1 (2018) The Calculation of the Tracking Force in the Evolution of the Resistive Hose Instability of a Relativistic Electron Beam PDF
Kolesnikov E.K., Manuilov A.S., Petrov V.S.
Vol 63, No 1 (2018) Frequency Dispersion of the Impedance of Capacitor Structures with Asymmetrically Connected Electrodes PDF
Emel’yanov O.A., Ivanov I.O.
Vol 63, No 1 (2018) Electrostatic Spectrograph with a Wide Range of Simultaneously Recorded Energies Composed of Two Coaxial Electrodes with Closed End Faces and a Discrete Combined External Electrode PDF
Fishkova T.Y.
Vol 62, No 12 (2017) Effect of External Longitudinal Electric Field on Tracking Force upon the Interaction of a Relativistic Electron Beam with the Ion Channel in the Ion Focusing Regime PDF
Kolesnikov E.K., Manuilov A.S.
Vol 62, No 11 (2017) Simulation of the dynamics of resistive hose instability of a relativistic electron beam propagating in a resistive plasma channel with arbitrary conductivity PDF
Kolesnikov E.K., Manuilov A.S., Petrov V.S.
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