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Vol 63, No 1 (2018)


Atomistic Simulation of Interfaces in Materials of Solid State Ionics

Ivanov-Schitz A.K., Mazo G.N.


The possibilities of describing correctly interfaces of different types in solids within a computer experiment using molecular statics simulation, molecular dynamics simulation, and quantum chemical calculations are discussed. Heterophase boundaries of various types, including grain boundaries and solid electrolyte‒solid electrolyte and ionic conductor‒electrode material interfaces, are considered. Specific microstructural features and mechanisms of the ion transport in real heterophase structures (cationic conductor‒metal anode and anionic conductor‒cathode) existing in solid state ionics devices (such as solid-state batteries and fuel cells) are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):1-25
pages 1-25 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Study of the Solution Stability in the Analysis of Polydisperse Systems by Small-Angle Scattering

Kryukova A.E., Konarev P.V., Volkov V.V.


The stability of the solution to the problem of restoring the volume size distribution of nanoparticles for theoretical small-angle scattering data sets calculated within six different models has been investigated. The influence of the data noise level on the deviation of the found solution from the specified theoretical model is analyzed. Recommendations on the optimal search scheme of size distributions for complex polydisperse systems are given.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):26-31
pages 26-31 views

Crystal Chemistry

On Quantitative Estimation of the Degree of Similarity of Coordination Polyhedra

Somov N.V., Andreev P.V.


A new method for quantitative description of the degree of similarity of coordination polyhedra has been proposed. The results of studying the five-coordination polyhedra of the antimony and bismuth complexes, in which the nearest coordination environment of metals consists of only oxygen and carbon atoms, have been presented.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):32-36
pages 32-36 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Structural Analysis of Sr3NbFe3Si2O14 Single Crystal from the Langasite Family and Finding of Negative Thermal Expansion in the Range of 83–110 K

Dudka A.P., Balbashov A.M.


Iron-containing Sr3NbFe3Si2O14 single crystals from the langasite family, which are interesting for researchers due to their magnetic ordering at TN = 26 K, have been grown by the floating zone melting method. Accurate X-ray diffraction analysis is performed at 293 and 90.5 K using the data collected on a CCD diffractometer. To compensate for systematic errors, two data sets are collected at each temperature. The structure is refined based on averaged data set: sp. gr. P321, Z = 1, sin θ/λ ≤ 1.35 Å–1; a = 8.2609(4) Å, c = 5.1313(3) Å at 293 K and a = 8.2344(6) Å, c = 5.1243(6) Å at 90.5 K; the agreement factors are R/wR = 1.18/1.03% and Δρmin/Δρmax =–0.57/0.25 e/Å3 for 3583 independent reflections at 293 K and R/wR = 1.18/1.13% and Δρmin/Δρmax =–0.54/0.23 e/Å3 for 3638 reflections at 90.5 K. Negative thermal expansion in the direction of the cell c axis is revealed in the range of 83–110 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):37-44
pages 37-44 views

Defect Structures of La1 – ySryF3 – y, La1 – yBayF3 – y, and Nd1 – yCayF3 – y (y = 0.05, 0.10) Nonstoichiometric Tysonite Phases

Chernaya T.S., Verin I.A., Khrykina O.N., Bolotina N.B.


Characteristic features of defect structures of La1 – ySryF3 – y, La1 – yBayF3 – y, and Nd1 – yCayF3 – y (y = 0.05, 0.10) nonstoichiometric phases of different compositions are determined from X-ray diffraction data. Interest in subtle details of their structure is determined by the possibility of ion transport over fluorine vacancies and by a strong compositional dependence of the ionic conductivity. The La0.95Sr0.05F2.95, La0.95Ba0.05F2.95, and Nd0.95Ca0.05F2.95 phases, as well as the La0.9Ba0.1F2.9 phase, crystallize as β-LaF3 (sp. gr. P3̅c1, Z = 6). The La0.9Sr0.1F2.9 and Nd0.9Ca0.1F2.9 phases lose their superstructure and are described by a cell whose volume is three times smaller (sp. gr. P63/mmc, Z = 2). Defects of crystal structure R1 – yMyF3 – y are not exhausted by vacancies in fluorine positions. All crystals with a “large” cell are twinned according to the merohedral twin law. The majority of atomic positions in models with a “small” cell are split by group symmetry elements and are occupied statistically.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):45-51
pages 45-51 views

Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Topology–Symmetry Analysis of a New Modification of NaIn[IO3]4

Belokoneva E.L., Karamysheva A.S., Dimitrova O.V., Volkov A.S.


Crystals of new iodate NaIn[IO3]4 were prepared by the hydrothermal synthesis. The unit cell parameters are a = 7.2672(2) Å, b = 15.2572(6) Å, c = 15.0208(6) Å, β = 101.517(3)°, sp. gr. P21/c. The formula was determined during the structure determination and refinement of a twinned crystal based on a set of reflections from the atomic planes of the major individual. The refinement with anisotropic displacement parameters was performed for both twin components to the final R factor of 0.050. The In and Na atoms are in octahedral coordination formed by oxygen atoms. The oxygen octahedra are arranged into columns by sharing edges, and the columns are connected by isolated umbrella-like [IO3] groups to form layers. The new structure is most similar to the isoformular iodate NaIn[IO3]4, which crystallizes in the same sp. gr. P21/c and is structurally similar, but has a twice smaller unit cell and is characterized by another direction of the monoclinic axis. The structural similarity and difference between the two phases were studied by topologysymmetry analysis. The formation of these phases is related to different combinations of identical one-dimensional infinite chains of octahedra.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Structures of Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium Salts of Succinic Acid

Loginov S.V., Dain I.A., Rybakov V.B., Ofitserov E.N., Gordeev D.A., Storozhenko P.A.


Succinic acid salts-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium succinate (C6H16NO3)2+ C4H4O42−(monoclinic crystals, sp. gr. P21/c, Z = 4) and tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium hydrogen succinate (C6H16NO3)+C4H5O4 (monoclinic crystals, sp. gr. P21/c, Z = 4)—were synthesized and structurally characterized. The specific features of the three-dimensional structures of tris(2-hydroxyethyl)ammonium salts of succinic acid are considered. The role of interionic electrostatic interactions in the structure stabilization and the formation of products of composition 1: 1 and 1: 2 derived from succinic acid is discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):58-64
pages 58-64 views

Synthesis and Molecular Structures of (3-Hydroxy, 3-Chloro, 3-Arylamino)-N-acetyl-3-arylaminotropones

Tkachev V.V., Sayapin Y.A., Gusakov E.A., Kolodina A.A., Dorogan I.V., Shilov G.V., Aldoshin S.M., Minkin V.I.


The structures of 5,7-di(tert-butyl)-2-(5,8-dimethyl-4-piperidinoquinolin-2-yl)-3-hydroxytropone, 5,7-di(tert-butyl)-3-chloro-2-(5,8-dimethyl-4-piperidinoquinolin-2-yl)tropone, 5,7-di(tert-butyl)- 3-(3,5-dimethylphenylamino)-2-(5,8-dimethyl-4-piperidinoquinolin-2-yl)tropone, and 3-(N-acetyl-3,5- dimethylphenylamino)-5,7-di(tert-butyl)-2-(5,8-dimethyl-4-piperidinoquinolin-2-yl)tropone were determined by X-ray diffraction. These compounds were synthesized through a series of transformations, including the nucleophilic substitution of the chlorine atom by piperidine in the starting 5,7-di(tert-butyl)-2-(4- chloroquinolin-2-yl)-3-hydroxytropone followed by the three-step functionalization of the 3-position in 3-hydroxytropone. The nature of dynamic processes in a solution of N-acetyl-3-arylaminotropone associated with the rotation of the N-acetyl group was revealed by the PCM/PBE0/6-31G(d,p) method.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):65-73
pages 65-73 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Discovery of Selective Inhibitors of Imidazoleglycerol-Phosphate Dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Virtual Screening

Podshivalov D., Mandzhieva Y.B., Sidorov-Biryukov D.D., Timofeev V.I., Kuranova I.P.


Bacterial imidazoleglycerol-phosphate dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (HisB-Mt) is a convenient target for the discovery of selective inhibitors as potential antituberculosis drugs. The virtual screening was performed to find compounds suitable for the design of selective inhibitors of HisB-Mt. The positions of four ligands, which were selected based on the docking scoring function and docked to the activesite region of the enzyme, were refined by molecular dynamics simulation. The nearest environment of the ligands was determined. These compounds selectively bind to functionally essential active-site residues, thus blocking access of substrates to the active site of the enzyme, and can be used as lead compounds for the design of selective inhibitors of HisB-M.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Nanohematite from Ferruginous Quartzites of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly According to Transmission Electron Microscopy Data

Zhukhlistov A.P., Novikov V.M.


Transmission electron microscopy study of ferruginous quartzite (jaspilites) from the Lebedinsky field of Kursk magnetic anomaly has revealed for the first time hematite nanoformations (about 10 nm in size), sp. gr. R3̅, which coexist with hematite, sp. gr. Rc, in the same crystallographic orientation or manifest themselves as individual nanoinclusions in the substrate of poorly crystallized magnetite. On the assumption that, in correspondence with the energy-dispersive X-ray analysis data, octahedral sites in the hematite structure can be occupied by only Fe cations, several structural models are proposed explain the hematite symmetry lowering to R3̅.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Structure of Relaxor Ferroelectric (1 – 2х)BiScO3 · хPbTiO3 · хPbMg0.33Nb0.67O3 with х = 0.42 in the Polarized and Depolarized States

Sirotinkin V.P., Bush A.A., Spitsin A.I., Segalla A.G.


An X-ray diffraction study of ceramic samples of relaxor ferroelectric (1 – 2х)BiScO3 · хPbTiO3 · хPbMg0.33Nb0.67O3 with х = 0.42 in the polarized and depolarized states has been performed. It is established by Rietveld method that in both cases samples contain two perovskite-like phases, which are solid solutions. One of them has cubic symmetry. The second phase is characterized by the polar tetragonal sp. gr. P4mm in the polarized state and the monoclinic noncentrosymmetric sp. gr. Cm in the depolarized state.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Study of the Reactivity of Ni Nanotubes in Media with Different рН

Kalkabay G., Kozlovskiy A.L., Ibragimova M.A., Shlimas D.I., Zdorovets M.V., Borgekov D.B., Tikhonov A.V.


Nickel nanotubes have been synthesized by electrochemical deposition, and their reactivity in aggressive media has been investigated. Kinetic curves of the variation in the atomic ratio between Ni and O in the nanotube crystal structure as a function of the medium acidity are built.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):90-95
pages 90-95 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Anisotropy of the Mechanical Properties of TbF3 Crystals

Karimov D.N., Lisovenko D.S., Sizova N.L., Sobolev B.P.


TbF3 (sp. gr. Pnma) crystals up to 40 mm in diameter have been grown from melt by a Bridgman technique. The anisotropy of their mechanical properties is studied for the first time. the technical elasticity constants are calculated, and room-temperature values of Vickers microhardness for the (010) and (100) planes are measured. The shape of indentation impressions is found to correlate with Young’s modulus anisotropy for TbF3 crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):96-103
pages 96-103 views

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Structure and Ion Transport in the Ce1 – xGdxO2 – δ|YSZ Heterosystem

Galin M.Z., Ivanov-Schitz A.K., Mazo G.N.


Molecular dynamics simulation has been used to develop a realistic atomistic model of two-layer Ce1 – xGdxO2 – δ|YSZ heterosystem. It is shown that Ce1 – xGdxO2 – δ and YSZ layers (about 15 and 16 Å thick, respectively) retain their crystal structure on the whole. The main structural distortions are found to occur near the Ce1 – xGdxO2 – δ|YSZ geometric interface, within a narrow interfacial region of few angstroms thick. Both the generalized diffusion characteristics of the system as a whole and the oxygen diffusion coefficients in the layers are calculated, and the diffusion activation energies are determined.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):104-110
pages 104-110 views

Investigation of the Thermal Conductivity of Tungstate Crystals

Popov P.A., Skrobov S.A., Zharikov E.V., Lis D.A., Subbotin K.A., Ivleva L.I., Shlegel’ V.N., Kosmyna M.B., Shekhovtsov A.N.


Thermal conductivities of MWO4 (M = Ca, Cd, or Ba), NaGd(WO4)2:1 at % Er, NaGd(WO4)2:2 at % Yb, and NaLa0.5Gd0.5(WO4)2:2 at % Nd single crystals have been experimentally investigated in the temperature range of 50–300 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):111-116
pages 111-116 views

Surface and Thin Films

Electro-Optic Effect in Thin Films of a Dielectric and a Ferroelectric with Subwavelength Aluminum Grating

Blinov L.M., Lazarev V.V., Yudin S.G., Artemov V.V., Palto S.P., Gorkunov M.V.


The electro-optic effect in three nanoscale heterostructures, in each of which a thin layer of dielectric or ferroelectric material is inserted between two planar metal electrodes, has been studied. Each structure has one aluminum layer, containing a subwavelength grating with a period of 400 nm, contacting with either the glass substrate or air. The light transmission spectra of structures with subwavelength grating contain characteristic plasmon dips. Short external-voltage pulses affect the change in the refractive index of the corresponding active layer. Significant values of these changes may be useful for designing optical modulators.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):117-120
pages 117-120 views


Nanostructured Crystals of Fluorite Phases Sr1 – xRxF2 + x and Their Ordering: 12. Influence of Structural Ordering on the Fluorine-Ion Conductivity of Sr0.667R0.333F2.333 Alloys (R = Tb or Tm) at Their Annealing

Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Sul’yanova E.A., Sobolev B.P.


The ionic conductivity of Sr0.667R0.333F2.333 alloys (rational Sr2RF7 compositions) in SrF2RF3 systems (R = Tb or Tm), prepared by spontaneous crystallization, has been investigated for the “as-grown” state and after annealing in CF4 at 900 ± 20°C for 96 h. As-grown samples of both compositions, prepared by fast (200°C/min) melt crystallization, exhibit partial (nonequilibrium) ordering, which increases from Tb to Tm. Annealing of Sr0.667R0.333F2.333 alloys yields strong ordering (equilibrium for the annealing temperatures) of the fluorite structure (CaF2 type, sp. gr. Fmm, Z = 4) at the formation of t-Sr2RF7 tetragonal compound (sp. gr. I4/m, Z = 30). It is established that ordering of the alloy fluorite structure reduces the fluorine-ion conductivity. After the annealing, the conductivity of Sr0.667R0.333F2.333 alloys with the initial (nonequilibrium) ordering stage of t-Sr2RF7 phases with almost complete (equilibrium) ordering decreases by a factor of 3–4.5.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):121-126
pages 121-126 views

Synthesis and Electrical Properties of a Fluorite-Like Nd5Mo3O16 Compound with Partial Substitution of Molybdenum by Tungsten, Niobium, or Vanadium

Voronkova V.I., Kharitonova E.P., Orlova E.I.


The phase formation of Nd5Mo3 – xWxO16.5, Nd5Mo3 – xNbxO16.5 – х/2, and Nd5Mo3 – xVxO16.5 – х/2 solid solutions based on a fluorite-like Nd5Mo3O16.5 compound (mixed conductor with interstitial oxygen conductivity) has been studied. The electrical conductivity of doped compounds obeys the Arrhenius law and, at a low impurity content, is as high as 0.03–0.08 S/cm at 800°C. Substitution of Mo6+ cations by V5+ and Nb5+ cations reduces the interstitial oxygen content, which causes a decrease in the solid-solution electrical conductivity by 1–2 orders of magnitude and a decrease in the cubic unit-cell parameter. A wide diffuse anomaly with a maximum of about 1500–4000 has been observed in the temperature dependence of the permittivity for all single-crystal and polycrystalline samples in the range of 300–900°C.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):127-131
pages 127-131 views

Study of the Radiation Resistance of Endohedral Fullerenes of Rare-Earth Elements and Their Water-Soluble Derivatives

Dubovskii I.M., Lebedev V.T., Shilin V.A., Szhogina A.A., Suyasova M.V., Sedov V.P.


Endohedral metallofullerenes Me@C2n (n = 30–50), their hydroxylated derivatives Me@C2n(OH)38–40 (Me = Tm, Ho, Eu, Sm, Co), and fullerenol С60(OH)38 have been synthesized The radiation resistance of these structures under irradiation in reactor by thermal and fast neutron fluxes in the fluence range of 1018–1019 cm–2 (cadmium ratio of ~10) has been analyzed. Endofullerenols are shown to be more stable in comparison with initial endohedral fullerenes; the molecules containing Eu and Sm (atoms characterized by the largest slow-neutron absorption cross section) turned out to be most stable. The mechanism of the formation of secondary Eu and Sm endofullerenols is discussed taking into account the neutron capture and emission of γ quanta by excited nuclei, which acquire the recoil energy.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):132-138
pages 132-138 views

Crystal Growth

Growth from Solution, Structure, and Optical Properties of Single-Crystal para-Quaterphenyl Films

Postnikov V.A., Sorokina N.I., Alekseeva O.A., Grebenev V.V., Lyasnikova M.S., Borshchev O.V., Surin N.M., Svidchenko E.A., Ponomarenko S.A., Voloshin A.E.


Samples of single-crystal para-quaterphenyl films up to 8 mm long and 50 μm thick have been obtained for the first time by the solvent‒antisolvent growth method. The films have been grown both on the liquid–air interface and in the solution bulk. The morphology, surface quality, and thickness of crystal films have been investigated by the optical, laser confocal, and atomic force microscopies. The structure of the para-quaterphenyl single crystal at room temperature has been refined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The formation and growth mechanisms of crystal films on the liquid–air interface have been discussed. The opticalabsorption and photoluminescence spectra of the solutions and crystal samples have been investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):139-148
pages 139-148 views

Implementation of Temperature-Controlled Method of Protein Crystallization in Microgravity

Safronov V.V., Chernyshev B.V., Dutyshev I.N., Strelov V.I., Zakharov B.G., Bezbakh I.Z.


An experimental scientific equipment for implementing temperature-controlled protein crystallization in capillaries under microgravity has been developed, fabricated, and tested. This crystallization method, providing on-line separate control of crystal growth both in the stage of nucleation of crystals and during their further growth, requires small amounts of protein solution. The equipment has been tested on board of Foton-M4 spacecraft (growth of lysozyme protein crystals of high structural quality in microgravity) using a cyclogram developed in ground-based experiments. The results obtained have demonstrated efficiency and importance of the developed equipment and method for growing biomacromolecular crystals of high-structural quality.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(1):149-153
pages 149-153 views

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