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Vol 61, No 2 (2016)

Surface and Thin Films

Model of the radial distribution function of pores in a layer of porous aluminum oxide

Cherkas N.L., Cherkas S.L.


An empirical formula is derived to describe the quasi-periodic structure of a layer of porous aluminum oxide obtained by anodization. The formula accounts for two mechanisms of the transition from the ordered state (2D crystal) to the amorphous state. The first mechanism infers that vacancy-type defects arise, but the crystal lattice remains undestroyed. The second mechanism describes the lattice destruction. The radial distribution function of the pores in porous aluminum oxide is obtained using the Bessel transform. Comparison with a real sample is performed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):285-290
pages 285-290 views

Crystal Growth

Peculiarities of the behavior of the W–Al2O3 system in a controlled reducing atmosphere

Kostomarov D.V.


The W–Al2O3 system at T = 2400 K and standard pressure (controlled Ar + H2 atmosphere) has been calculated by stochastic simulation. It is shown that the presence of hydrogen leads to the formation of aluminum hydrides, hydrogen oxides, and aluminum hydroxides; the compounds from the two latter groups (except for water) can interact directly with tungsten. The main chemical reactions occurring in the system are determined, based on which a conclusion about the cyclic character of the processes is drawn. Some recommendations on the composition and pressure of controlled atmosphere for growing sapphire crystals are given.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):308-314
pages 308-314 views

Elemental analysis of mixed K2NixCo1–x(SO4)2 ∙ 6H2O crystals

Vasilyeva N.A., Nuzhdin D.S., Faddeev M.A., Grebenev V.V., Lykov V.A., Voloshin A.E.


Mixed K2NixCo(1–x)(SO4)2 ∙ 6H2O crystals have been grown by spontaneous crystallization and lowering the solution temperature. The samples have been studied by atomic emission spectroscopy and electron probe X-ray microanalysis. A large difference between the contents of isomorphic components in different crystal growth sectors is revealed. The dependence of the crystal composition on the mother liquor composition is plotted. The component distribution along the crystal growth direction is analyzed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):304-307
pages 304-307 views

Evolution of the structural and superconducting properties of FeSe crystals upon long-term storage

Gorina J.I., Kaljuzhnaia G.A., Golubkov M.V., Rodin V.V., Romanova T.A., Sentjurina N.N., Chernook S.G.


A comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the structural and superconducting properties of FeSe crystals stored in air for several years has been performed. It is established that the structure and phase composition of the samples remained invariable, while the superconducting parameters significantly degraded. These changes may be due to the stress relaxation or redistribution of defects in the samples.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):315-319
pages 315-319 views

Evolution of ammonium metavanadate crystals in polyvinyl alcohol films

Ostroushko A.A., Zubarev A.Y., Grzhegorzhevskii K.V.


The formation processes, morphological features, and evolution of ammonium metavanadate crystals in polyvinyl alcohol films have been studied. These crystals have unusual shapes. The aforementioned processes are simulated.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):320-326
pages 320-326 views

Modeling the distribution of Ga and Sb impurities in Ge‒Si single crystals grown by double feeding of the melt: Growth conditions for homogeneous single crystals

Aghamaliyev Z.A., Islamzade E.M., Azhdarov G.K.


Mathematical modeling of the distribution of Ga and Sb impurities in homogeneous (with respect to the content of the main components) single crystals of Ge–Si alloys, grown by double feeding of the melt, has been performed in the Pfann approximation. It is shown that the axial gradient of impurity concentration in Ge–Si crystals can be controlled in wide limits by changing the ratio of crystallization rate and the rates of feeding of the melt by silicon and germanium rods. The conditions for growing alloy single crystals, homogeneous both with respect to the content of the main components and to the impurity concentration distribution, have been determined.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):327-330
pages 327-330 views

Morphological stability of sapphire crystallization front

Baranov V.V., Nizhankovskyi S.V.


The main factors and specificity of growth conditions for sapphire and Ti:sapphire crystals, which affect the morphological stability of the crystal–melt interface, have been investigated with allowance for the concentration and radiative melt supercooling. It is shown that the critical sapphire growth rate is determined to a great extent by the optical transparency of the melt and the mixing conditions near the crystallization front.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):331-335
pages 331-335 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

Glide planes symmetry in the organization of some sulfide structures

Borisov S.V., Magarill S.A., Pervukhina N.V.


The role of glide planes in the organization of structures is shown based on a crystallographic analysis of the monoclinic structures of TlAs3S5 and Tl2(As,Sb)3S13 sulfides. In the first structure, cations and anions form systems (with identical geometries) of two face-centered sublattices, linked by the c plane, with the effect of unified “two-dimensional” (2D) ordering. The second structure, exhibiting signs of order–disorder (OD) type, is interpreted as a superposition of two noncentrosymmetric components with independent cation and anion sublattices, which, however, also form a regular 2D order due to the n plane. The stabilizing role of Tl cations in the geometry of cation matrices is indicated.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):153-158
pages 153-158 views

Theory of the formation of P4132(P4332)-phase spinels

Talanov V.M., Talanov M.V., Shirokov V.B.


A group-theoretical, thermodynamic, and structural study of the formation of P4132(P4332) spinel modification has been performed. In particular, the occurrence of unique hyper-kagome atomic order is analyzed. The critical order parameter inducing a phase transition is established. It is shown that the calculated structure of the low-symmetry P4132(P4332) phase is formed as a result of displacements of atoms of all types and due to the cation and anion ordering. The problem of the occurrence of unique hyper-kagome atomic order in the structures of P4132(P4332) spinel modifications is considered theoretically. It is proven within the Landau theory of phase transitions that the P4132(P4332) phase can be formed from the high-symmetry Fd3m phase with an ideal spinel structure only as a result of first-order phase transition. Therefore, the formation of hyper-kagome sublattice in the P4132(P4332) phase is accompanied by a significant transformation of the spinel structure.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):159-169
pages 159-169 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Fast ultrasonic wavelength tuning in X-ray experiment

Blagov A.E., Pisarevskii Y.V., Koval’chuk M.V.


A method of tuning (scanning) X-ray beam wavelength based on modulation of the lattice parameter of X-ray optical crystal by an ultrasonic standing wave excited in it has been proposed and experimentally implemented. The double-crystal antiparallel scheme of X-ray diffraction, in which an ultrasonic wave is excited in the second crystal, is used in the experiment. The profile of characteristic line kα1 of an X-ray tube with a molybdenum anode is recorded using both the proposed tuning scheme and conventional mechanical rotation of crystal. The results obtained by both techniques are in good agreement.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):170-172
pages 170-172 views

Study of the amorphization of surface silicon layers implanted by low-energy helium ions

Lomov A.A., Myakon’kikh A.V., Oreshko A.P., Shemukhin A.A.


The structural changes in surface layers of Si(001) substrates subjected to plasma-immersion implantation by (2–5)-keV helium ions to a dose of D = 6 × 1015–5 × 1017 cm–2 have been studied by highresolution X-ray diffraction, Rutherford backscattering, and spectral ellipsometry. It is found that the joint application of these methods makes it possible to determine the density depth distribution ρ(z) in an implanted layer, its phase state, and elemental composition. Treatment of silicon substrates in helium plasma to doses of 6 × 1016 cm–2 leads to the formation of a 20- to 30-nm-thick amorphized surface layer with a density close to the silicon density. An increase in the helium dose causes the formation of an internal porous layer.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):173-180
pages 173-180 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Structural features of single crystals of LuB12 upon a transition to the cage-glass phase

Bolotina N.B., Verin I.A., Shitsevalova N.Y., Filippov V.B., Sluchanko N.E.


The unit-cell parameters of dodecaboride LuB12, which undergoes a transition to the cage-glass phase, have been determined for the first time in the temperature range of 50–75 K by X-ray diffraction, and the single-crystal structure of this compound is established at 50 K. Nonlinear changes in the unit-cell parameters correspond to anomalies in the physical properties near the glass-transition temperature T* ~ 50–70 K. This compound has cubic symmetry at room temperature, and it is reduced to tetragonal symmetry at lower temperatures. Based on the X-ray diffraction data and relying on the physical properties of the crystals, the structure model, in which a small part (~15%) of Lu atoms are displaced from the 2a sites at the centers of the B24 cuboctahedra to the 16n sites of sp. gr. I4/mmm, seems preferable.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):181-186
pages 181-186 views

Accurate structural study of langasite-family Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 crystal

Dudka A.P.


An accurate X-ray diffraction study of Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystal has been performed using two datasets obtained on a diffractometer equipped with a CCD area detector (a = 8.1056(2) Å, c = 4.9800(1) Å, sp. gr. P321, Z = 1, R/wR = 0.486/0.488%). A model structure is determined which is characterized by a high degree of reproducibility of structural parameters. Each site in Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 is occupied by atoms of only one type. Nevertheless, its structural feature is asymmetric disordering of sites of Ca, Ta, Ga, and two out of three oxygen atoms occupying special and general sites. A transition of some part of Ca atoms (~3%) from 3e sites on the twofold symmetry axis to general 6g sites is revealed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):187-192
pages 187-192 views

Structural investigation of cooperite (PtS) crystals

Rozhdestvina V.I., Udovenko A.A., Rubanov S.V., Mudrovskaya N.V.


The single-crystal structure of cooperite, a natural platinum sulfide PtS, is studied by X-ray diffraction supported by high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy and X-ray spectrum microanalysis. It is found that, in addition to the main reflections corresponding to the known tetragonal cell (a = 3.47 and c = 6.11 Å; space group P42/mmc), many weak reflections with intensities I ≤ 60σ(I) are clearly observed. These reflections fit the tetragonal cell (space group I4/mmm) with doubled parameters. In structures with small (P42/mmc) and large (I4/mmm) cells, the S atoms occupy statistically two special positions. It is shown that the chemical composition of the cooperite crystals deviates from the stoichiometric composition: sulfur-deficient specimens predominate.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):193-202
pages 193-202 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and the crystal and molecular structure of the silver(I)–germanium(IV) polymeric complex with citrate anions {[Ag2Ge(HCit)2(H2O)2] ∙ 2H2O}n

Sergienko V.S., Martsinko E.E., Seifullina I.I., Churakov A.V., Chebanenko E.A.


The synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of compound {[Ag2Ge(НCit)2(H2O)2] ∙ 2H2O}n, where H4Cit is the citric acid, are performed. In the polymeric structure, the НCit3– ligand fulfils the tetradentate chelate–μ4-bridging (3Ag, Ge) function (tridentate with respect to Ge and Ag atoms). The Ge atom is octahedrally coordinated by six O atoms of two HCit3–ligands. The coordination polyhedron of the Ag atom is an irregular five-vertex polyhedron [four O atoms of four HCit3– ligands and the О(Н2О) atom]. An extended system of О–Н···О hydrogen bonds connects complex molecules into a supramolecular 3D-framework.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):203-208
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Synthesis and the crystal and molecular structure of the Sn(IV)–Nd(III) coordination polymer based on the tartaric acid [NdSn2{H(Tart)3} · 12H2O]n

Sergienko V.S., Chebanenko E.A., Seifullina I.I., Churakov A.V., Martsinko E.E.


The polymeric heterometallic [NdSn2{H(Tart)3} ∙ 12H2O]n (I) compound, where H4Tart is the tartaric acid, is synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, and IR spectroscopy. The structural elements of crystal I, namely, polymeric [{Nd(H2O)6}(μ3-HnTart4–n) {Sn(μ2-HnTart4–n)}2} (n = 0, 1) complex molecules and crystallization water molecules, are connected by an extended hydrogen-bond system.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):209-215
pages 209-215 views

Synthesis, structure, and properties of nickel complexes with nitrilotris(methylenephosphonic acid) [Ni(H2O)3N(CH2PO3H)3] and Na4[Ni(H2O)N(CH2PO3)3] ∙ 11H2O

Fedotova I.V., Somov N.V., Chausov F.F., Zakirova R.M.


Nitrilotris(methylenephosphonato)triaquanickel and tetrasodium nitrilotris(methylenephosphonato) aquanickelate undecahydrate were synthesized and characterized. The crystal of [Ni(H2O)3N(CH2PO3H)3] is composed of linear coordination polymers and belongs to sp. gr. P21/c, Z = 4, a = 9.17120(10) Å, b = 16.05700(10) Å, c = 9.70890(10) Å, β = 115.830(2)°. The Ni atom is in an octahedral coordination formed by two oxygen atoms of one phosphonate ligand, one oxygen atom of another ligand molecule, and three water molecules in a meridional configuration. The crystal of Na4[Ni(H2O)N(CH2PO3)3] ∙ 11H2O has an island dimeric chelate structure and belongs to sp. gr. С2/c, Z = 8, a = 18.7152(2) Å, b = 12.05510(10) Å, c = 21.1266(2) Å, β = 104.4960(10)°. The Ni atom has a slightly distorted octahedral coordination involving one nitrogen atom and closes three five-membered N–C–P–O–Ni rings sharing the Ni–N bond.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):216-224
pages 216-224 views

Synthesis, characterization, and crystal structure of 5,5″-Difluoro-1H,1″H-[3,3′:3′,3″-terindol]-2′(1′H)-one

Sharma S., Banerjee B., Brahmachari G., Kant R., Gupta V.K.


The new indole derivative, 5,5′′-Difluoro-1H,1′′H-[3,3′:3′,3′′-terindol]-2′(1′H)-one C24H15F2N3O, is synthesized in 87% yield, and its crystal structure is determined by X-ray structure analysis. The crystals are monoclinic, sp. gr. P21/n, a = 15.4563(7), b = 10.8340(6), c = 16.4718(6) Å, β = 102.403(4)°, Z = 4. Bicyclic indole moieties form dihedral angle of 61.92(5)° with each other; the oxindole ring is twisted with respect to them at angles of 85.70(5)° and 75.62(5)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by N–H···O and C–H···O hydrogen bonds involving both the DMSO solvent molecules. In addition, one C–H···π interaction is observed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):225-229
pages 225-229 views

Crystal structure of 2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1-(5-thioxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)ethenyl]benzamide : N,N-dimethylformamide (1 : 1)

Sharma P., Subbulakshmi K.N., Narayana B., Sarojini B.K., Kant R.


The title compound, 2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1-(5-thioxo-4,5-dihydro-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)ethenyl] benzamide:N,N-dimethylformamide (1: 1), (C15H11N3O2S2 · C3H7NO), was synthesized, and its structure was established by spectral analysis and X-ray diffraction studies. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n with a = 10.8714(7), b = 9.0497(5), c = 19.8347(13) Å, β = 91.093(5)°, Z = 4. The crystal structure is stabilized by N–H···S, C–H···O and N–H···O hydrogen bonds. The π···π interactions are also observed between the rings.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):230-233
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A facile approach towards synthesis, characterization, single crystal structure, and DFT study of 5-bromosalicylalcohol

Rastogi R., Tarannum N., Butcher R.J.


5-Bromosalicylalcohol was prepared by the interaction of NaBH4 and 5-bromosalicylaldehyde. The use of sodium borohydride makes the reaction easy, facile, economic and does not require any toxic catalyst. The compound is characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, TEM and ESI-mass spectra. Crystal structure is determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. Quantum mechanical calculations of geometries, energies and thermodynamic parameters are carried out using density functional theory (DFT/B3LYP) method with 6-311G(d,p) basis set. The optimized geometrical parameters obtained by B3LYP method show good agreement with experimental data.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):234-238
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Molecular and crystal structure of 2-{(E)-[(4-Methylphenyl)imino]methyl}-4-nitrophenol: A redetermination

Kaynar N.K., Tanak H., Şahin S., Dege N., Ağar E., Yavuz M.


The crystal structure of the title compound, C14H12N2O3, was recently determined as a mixture of its neutral (OH containing) and zwitterionic (NH containing) forms, in a 0.60 (4): 0.40 (4) ratio using the X-ray determination. In this study, the title compound has been characterized by FT-IR and X-ray diffraction. The redetermination showed that the title compound has only enol (OH) form because of lack of the NH stretching vibration in FT-IR spectrum. In addition, the molecular structure and tautomerism of the title compound have been discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):239-242
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Synthesis, structural characterization, and DFT calculations of 3-buthyl-4-(3-methyl-3-mesitylcyclobut-1-yl)-1,3-thiazole-2(3H)-thione

Şen B., Barim E., Kirilmis C., Aygün M.


The title compound, C21H29NS2, has been synthesized and its crystal structure has been determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. Crystals are monoclinic, a = 11.4923(8), b = 13.1842(7), c = 14.6583(8) Å, β = 109.983(6)°, sp. gr. P21/c, Z = 4. Mesityl and thiazole groups are in cis positions with respect to the cyclobutane ring. The cyclobutane ring is puckered, with a dihedral angle of 26.6(2)° between the two three-atom planes. The crystal structure involves one weak intermolecular C–H···S hydrogen-bond. The molecular geometry was also optimized using density functional theory (DFT/B3LYP) method with the 6-311G(d, p) basis set in ground state. Geometric parameters (bond lengths, bond angles and torsion angles) and vibrational assignments have been calculated theoretically and compared with the experimental data.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):243-248
pages 243-248 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Three-dimensional structure of E. Coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase at 0.99 Å resolution

Timofeev V.I., Abramchik Y.A., Zhukhlistova N.E., Muravieva T.I., Esipov R.S., Kuranova I.P.


Purine nucleoside phosphorylases (PNPs) catalyze the reversible phosphorolysis of nucleosides and are key enzymes involved in nucleotide metabolism. They are essential for normal cell function and can catalyze the transglycosylation. Crystals of E. coli PNP were grown in microgravity by the capillary counterdiffusion method through a gel layer. The three-dimensional structure of the enzyme was determined by the molecular-replacement method at 0.99 Å resolution. The structural features are considered, and the structure of E. coli PNP is compared with the structures of the free enzyme and its complexes with purine base derivatives established earlier. A comparison of the environment of the purine base in the complex of PNP with formycin A and of the pyrimidine base in the complex of uridine phosphorylase with thymidine revealed the main structural features of the base-binding sites. Coordinates of the atomic model determined with high accuracy were deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB_ID: 4RJ2).

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):249-257
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Real Structure of Crystals

Bidomain structures formed in lithium niobate and lithium tantalate single crystals by light annealing

Kubasov I.V., Kislyuk A.M., Bykov A.S., Malinkovich M.D., Zhukov R.N., Kiselev D.A., Ksenich S.V., Temirov A.A., Timushkin N.G., Parkhomenko Y.N.


The bidomain structures produced by light external heating in z-cut lithium niobate and lithium tantalate single crystals are formed and studied. Interdomain regions about 200 and 40 μm wide in, respectively, LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 bidomain crystals are visualized and studied by optical microscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy. Extended chains and lines of domains in the form of thin layers with a width less than 10 μm in volume, which penetrate the interdomain region and spread over distances of up to 1 mm, are found.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):258-262
pages 258-262 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Phase diagram of the system of (1–х)BiFeO3–xPbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 solid solutions at room temperature

Shilkina L.A., Pavlenko A.V., Reznitchenko L.A., Verbenko I.A.


Experimental samples of solid solutions of the (1–x)BiFeO3–xPbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 1.00, Δx = 0.025–0.05) system have been prepared according to the conventional ceramic technology. Their structural and dielectric characteristics have been studied. A phase diagram of the system at room temperature has been plotted taking into account the crystallochemical specificity, spatial inhomogeneity, and structural imperfection of the samples. This diagram is characterized by the presence of solid substitutional and interstitial solutions; the formation of concentration ranges with a dominant role of BiFeO3 and PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3; the presence of five single-phase regions, two regions of coexistence of phase states, and three morphotropic regions; and the formation of six regions with a constant experimental unit-cell volume. Correlations between the structural characteristics and dielectric properties of the ceramics under study have been established.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):263-269
pages 263-269 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Ionic conductivity of ScF3 single crystals (ReO3 type)

Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Grebenev V.V., Sobolev B.P.


Electrical conductivity σ of ScF3 single crystals (sp. gr. \(Pm\overline 3 m\), ReO3 structure type) has been studied by impedance spectroscopy and compared with the electrical conductivity of rare earth HoF3 (β-YF3 type) and LaF3 (tysonite type) trifluorides. ScF3 crystals obtained by Bridgman directional solidification have ionic conductivity σ = 4 × 10–8 S/cm at 673 K. It is smaller than the σ values for LaF3 (sp. gr. \(P\overline 3 c1\)) and HoF3 (sp. gr. Pnma) single crystals by a factor of 104–105. The low conductivity of ScF3 crystals is due to the weak coordinating ability (coordination number CN = 6) and low electronic polarizability (αcat = 1.1 Å3) of Sc3+ ions. Mobile VF+ vacancies and less mobile interstitial Vi- ions (defects are formed according to the Frenkel mechanism) are involved in the ion transport. HoF3 and LaF3 single crystals have a high coordinating ability (CN = 9 for Ho3+ and CN = 11 for La3+) and a high electronic polarizability of cations (αcat = 1.6–1.9 Å3 for Ho3+ and αcat = 2.2 Å3 for La3+). Only mobile VF+ vacancies (defects are formed according to the Schottky mechanism) are involved in ion transport.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):270-274
pages 270-274 views

Point defects and dichroism in langasite and langatate crystals

Kozlova N.S., Busanov O.A., Zabelina E.V., Kozlova A.P., Bykova M.B.


The hypotheses about the nature of color centers in langasite family crystals that are discussed in the literature are analyzed. Optical transmission spectra in the wavelength range of 200–800 nm are recorded for langasite and langatate crystals grown in atmospheres of argon and argon mixed with oxygen in different concentrations, both in the initial state and after isothermal annealings at 1000°C in nitrogen, in air, or in vacuum. Dichroism is observed in langasite and langatate crystals, and spectral dependences of the degrees of dichroism are plotted.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):275-284
pages 275-284 views


Nanocomposites based on thermoplastic elastomers with functional basis of nano titanium dioxide

Yulovskaya V.D., Kuz’micheva G.M., Klechkovskaya V.V., Orekhov A.S., Zubavichus Y.V., Domoroshchina E.N., Shegay A.V.


Nanocomposites based on a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) (low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and 1,2-polybutadiene in a ratio of 60/40) with functional titanium dioxide nanoparticles of different nature, TiO2/TPE, have been prepared and investigated by a complex of methods (X-ray diffraction analysis using X-ray and synchrotron radiation beams, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy). The morphology of the composites is found to be somewhat different, depending on the TiO2 characteristics. It is revealed that nanocomposites with cellular or porous structures containing nano-TiO2 aggregates with a large specific surface and large sizes of crystallites and nanoparticles exhibit the best deformation‒strength and fatigue properties and stability to the effect of active media under conditions of ozone and vapor‒air aging.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):291-298
pages 291-298 views

Structure characterization of MHEMT heterostructure elements with In0.4Ga0.6As quantum well grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrate using reciprocal space mapping

Aleshin A.N., Bugaev A.S., Ermakova M.A., Ruban O.A.


The crystallographic parameters of elements of a metamorphic high-electron-mobility transistor (MHEMT) heterostructure with In0.4Ga0.6As quantum well are determined using reciprocal space mapping. The heterostructure has been grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) on the vicinal surface of a GaAs substrate with a deviation angle of 2° from the (001) plane. The structure consists of a metamorphic step-graded buffer (composed of six layers, including an inverse step), a high-temperature buffer of constant composition, and active high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) layers. The InAs content in the metamorphic buffer layers varies from 0.1 to 0.48. Reciprocal space mapping has been performed for the 004 and 224 reflections (the latter in glancing exit geometry). Based on map processing, the lateral and vertical lattice parameters of InxGa1–xAs ternary solid solutions of variable composition have been determined. The degree of layer lattice relaxation and the compressive stress are found within the linear elasticity theory. The high-temperature buffer layer of constant composition (on which active MHEMT layers are directly formed) is shown to have the highest (close to 100%) degree of relaxation in comparison with all other heterostructure layers and a minimum compressive stress.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(2):299-303
pages 299-303 views

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