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Том 48, № 8 (2019)


Effect of the Phase Composition and Local Crystal Structure on the Transport Properties of the ZrO2–Y2O3 and ZrO2–Gd2O3 Solid Solutions

Agarkova E., Ryabochkina P., Myzina V., Milovich F., Lomonova E., Larina N., Kuritsyna I., Kulebyakin A., Volkova T., Bublik V., Borik M., Tabachkova N.


The results of investigating the crystal structure, ionic conductivity, and local structure of the (ZrO2)1 –x(Gd2O3)x and (ZrO2)1 –x(Y2O3)x (x = 0.04, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, and 0.14) solid solutions are reported. The crystals are grown by directional crystallization of the melt in a cold container. The phase composition of the crystals is investigated by X-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy. The transport characteristics are studied by impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range of 400 to 900°C. The local crystal structure is examined by optical spectroscopy. Eu3+ ions were used as a spectroscopic probe. The study of the local structure of the ZrO2–Y2O3 and ZrO2–Gd2O3 solid solutions revealed the features in the formation of optical centers, which reflect the character of localization of oxygen vacancies in the crystal lattice depending on the stabilizing oxide concentration. It is established that the local crystal environment of Eu3+ ions in the (ZrO2)1 –x(Y2O3)x and (ZrO2)1 –x(Gd2O3)x solid solutions is determined by the stabilizing oxide concentration and is practically independent of the stabilizing oxide type (Y2O3 or Gd2O3). The maximum conductivity at a temperature of 900°C is observed in the crystals with 10 mol % of Gd2O3 and 8 mol % of Y2O3. These compositions correspond to the t'' phase and are close to the interface between the cubic and tetragonal phase regions. It is found that in the ZrO2–Y2O3 system the highly symmetric phase is stabilized at a lower stabilizing oxide concentration than in the ZrO2–Gd2O3 system. The analysis of the data obtained makes it possible to conclude that, in this composition range, the concentration dependence of the ionic conductivity is mainly affected by the phase composition rather than the character of the localization of oxygen vacancies in the crystal lattice.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):523-530
pages 523-530 views

Peculiarities of the Crystal Structure and Texture of Isotropic and Anisotropic Polycrystalline Hexagonal Ferrites BaFe12O19 Synthesized by Radiation-Thermal Sintering

Isaev I., Bryazgin A., Korobeynikov M., Mihaylenko M., Kalinyuk M., Belokon’ E., Korovushkin V., Alekseev A., Ostafijchuk B., Mokljak V., Nalogin A., Kostishin V., Shcherbakov S., Salogub D.


In this work the crystal structure and texture of isotropic and anisotropic polycrystalline hexagonal ferrites BaFe12O19 obtained by the method of radiation-thermal sintering (RTS) is studied using X-ray diffraction and X-ray phase analysis. Crude blanks of both isotropic and anisotropic hexaferrites are obtained by the standard method of ceramic technology from the same raw material (Fe2O3 and BaCO3 of the analytical grade brand) and on the same equipment with the only difference being that the anisotropic blanks were pressed in the magnetic field H = 10 kOe. For sintering raw billets, a linear electron accelerator ILU-6 (electron energy Ee = 2.5 MeV) is used (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences). The samples are sintered in air for one hour at 1200, 1250, 1300, and 1350°C. It is shown for the first time that high-quality single-phase isotropic and anisotropic hexaferrites BaFe12O19 can be obtained from raw blanks of a ferritized charge using the RTS technology. The properties of the crystal structure and texture of the obtained objects of the research are described. It is established for the first time that the dependence of the pref.orient.o1 predominant orientation of the crystal texture parameter on the degree of the magnetic texture f in polycrystalline hexagonal barium ferrites of type M is described by the expression pref.orient.o1 = –0.005f + 0.6886.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):531-544
pages 531-544 views

Features of the Manifestation of Surface Electrochemical Processes in Ferroelectric Crystals with Low-Temperature Phase Transitions

Kozlova N., Zabelina E., Bykova M., Kozlova A.


The short-circuit current flow in crystals with the low-temperature phase transitions including Rochelle salt NaKC4H4O6 · 4H2O and triglycine sulfate (CH2 · NH2 · COOH)3 · H2SO4 is investigated. The experiments are conducted on polar cut samples without preliminary polarization with the symmetric indium conducting coatings. The short-circuit currents remaining for a fairly a long time and the current decay with time are observed at room temperature on all the samples. The temperature dependences of the short-circuit currents in the temperature ranges of 16 to 45°С for Rochelle salt and 16–110°С for triglycine sulfate are obtained. The short-circuit currents are observed in these crystals both in the ferroelectric and paraphase. It is shown that, upon heating in the ferroelectric phase, the total short-circuit current is determined by competing processes: the pyroelectric currents and electrochemical decomposition currents. In the paraphase, the short-circuit currents are the electrochemical self-decomposition currents. Based on the experimental results obtained, it is demonstrated that the short-circuit current flow through the polar cut samples of Rochelle salt and triglycine sulfate crystals is induced by the intrinsic emf caused by the electrochemical self-decomposition of the opposite surfaces of the sample polar cuts when in contact with the conducting coatings due to the anisotropy of these surfaces. A model of the electrochemical self-decomposition in such crystals is proposed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):545-552
pages 545-552 views

Inverse-Coefficient Problem of Heat Transfer in Layered Nanostructures

Abgaryan K., Noskov R., Reviznikov D.


The rapid development of electronics is leading to the creation and use of small electronic components, including nanoelements of a complex layered structure. The search for effective methods for cooling electronic systems dictates the need for the development of methods for the numerical analysis of heat transfer in nanostructures. A characteristic feature of the energy transfer in such systems is the dominant role of contact thermal resistance at interlayer interfaces. Since the contact resistance depends on a number of factors associated with the manufacturing technology of heterostructures, it is of great importance to determine the corresponding coefficients from the results of temperature measurements. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of reconstructing the thermal resistance coefficients at the interfaces between layers by solving the inverse problem of heat transfer. The complex of algorithms includes two major blocks: a block for solving the direct heat transfer problem in a layered nanostructure and an optimization block for solving the inverse problem. The direct problem is formulated in an algebraic (finite difference) form under the assumption of a constant temperature within each layer due to their small thickness. The inverse problem is solved in the extreme formulation and optimized using zero-order methods that do not require calculating the derivatives of the optimized function. As a basic optimization algorithm, the Nelder–Mead method is used in combination with random restarts to search for the global minimum. The results of identifying the contact thermal resistance coefficients obtained in the context of a quasi-real experiment are presented. The accuracy of the solution of the identification problem is estimated as a function of the number of layers in the heterostructure and the measurement error. The results are planned to be used in the new technique of multiscale modeling of thermal regimes of the electronic component base of the microwave range, when identifying the thermal conductivity coefficients of the heterostructure.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):553-558
pages 553-558 views

Calculation of Heat Transfer in Nanosized Heterostructures

Abgaryan K., Kolbin I.


We calculate the temperature regime in nanosized AlAs/GaAs binary heterostructures. When modeling the heat transfer in nanocomposites, it is important to take into account that heat dissipation in multilayer structures with the size of layers of the order of the mean free path of the energy carriers (phonons and electrons) occurs not in the lattice but at the boundaries (interfaces) of the layers. In this regard, the use of classical numerical models based on the Fourier law is limited, causing significant errors. To obtain more accurate results, we use a model in which the heat distribution is assumed to be constant inside the layer, and the temperature changes stepwise at the boundaries of the layers. A hybrid approach is used for these calculations: the finite-difference method with an implicit time approximation scheme and a mesh-free model based on a set of radial-basis functions for the spatial approximation. The parameters of the bases are calculated by solving the systems of linear algebraic equations. In this case, only the weights of neuroelements with fixed centers and widths are chosen. As approximators, the set of frequently used basis functions is considered. To increase the speed of the calculations, the algorithm is parallelized. The computation time is evaluated to assess the performance gain with the use of the parallel implementation of the method.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):559-563
pages 559-563 views

The Effect of Technological Factors on the Characteristics of Ohmic Contacts of the Power AlGaN/GaN/SiC-HEMT

Enisherlova K., Medvedev B., Temper E., Korneev V.


The effect of the microrelief, dislocation structure, and other defects of epitaxial layers in the source and drain regions of a Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor (НЕМТ) on the parameters of the formed ohmic contacts is discussed. The investigations are carried out directly on the chips of power microwave transistors manufactured on the GaN/AlGaN/GaN/SiC heterostructures. The ohmic fired contacts are formed with the use of Ti–Al–Mo–Au and Ti–Al–Ni–Au compositions. The microrelief of the surface on the interface of the fired contact/AlGaN and the defects formed on it is investigated in order to estimate the structural features of the contact areas. It is found that the resistance of the source and drain regions are determined to a considerable extent by the microstructure of the surface on the boundary. The formation of the conductive layer in AlGaN under an ohmic fired contact is shown by the experiments. The possibility of the formation of a new type of structural defect with a high aspect ratio in the contact and active areas of the devices at the formation of ohmic fired contacts is demonstrated. It is shown that the existence of high densities of such defects results in an increase of the leakage currents of the devices.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):564-575
pages 564-575 views

Prediction of Potential Barrier at Crystallite Boundaries in Poly- and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors

Ilin A., Gololobov V., Forsh E., Forsh P., Kashkarov P.


The distribution of the potential and the parameters of the potential barrier for electrons in semiconductor crystallite is numerically calculated. The calculations are made in a spherical crystallite with uniformly distributed surface states and uniformly distributed donors. It is considered in the calculations that the surface charge is screened both by the ionized donors and on free electrons; the contibution of free electrons should not be neglected in semiconductors with a high concentration of free electrons. It is demonstrated that the height of the potential barrier depends non-monotonically on the concentration of the donors in the crystallite. Moreover, in the curve of the height of the potential barrier as a function of the concentration of the donors, it is possible to highlight two segments corresponding to the cases of the complete and partial depletion of the crystallite. The height of the potential barrier increases with the concentration of the donors in the first segment and decreases in the second segment. It is established that the height of the potential barrier increases with the increase in the concentration of the surface states. The possibility of the existence of surface potential barriers in nano- and polycrystalline metal-oxide semiconductors, which are applied as a sensitive layer of gas sensors, is estimated. It is concluded that if the crystallite radius in metal-oxide semiconductors does not exceed 10 nm the sensor’s sensitivity to gas could hardly be attributed to the usual barrier model. It is demonstrated that shape of crystallite and the contribution of free electrons to screening of surface charge have to be taken into account to calculation of width of potential barrier.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):576-581
pages 576-581 views

The Influence of Substitution with Aluminum on the Field of Effective Magnetic Anisotropy and the Degree of Magnetic Texture of Anisotropic Polycrystalline Hexagonal Ferrites of Barium and Strontium for Substrates of Microstrip Devices of Microwave Electronics

Shcherbakov S., Nalogin A., Kostishin V., Alekseev A., Belokon E., Isaev I.


This article discusses the influence of substitution with Al3+ ions on the field of the effective magnetic anisotropy HAeff and the degree of magnetic texture f of anisotropic polycrystalline hexagonal ferrites of barium and strontium. Sample batches are produced by ceramic technology, the texture is formed by compaction in a magnetic field. The preparation of test objects is described in detail. Batches of barium hexaferrites with an ion concentration of Al3+ 0.9, 1.4, 2.5, and 2.6 f.u. and batches of strontium hexaferrites with a concentration of 0.1 f.u. are synthesized. It is demonstrated that the applied procedure makes it possible to obtain barium and strontium hexaferrites with HAeff = 19–35 kE and f = 80–83%. The mentioned values of HAeff and f are sufficient for the production of substrates for microstrip UHV devices of the millimeter wave band. For the first time, it is detected that the degree of the magnetic texture of polycrystalline barium hexaferrites increases with the concentration of Al3+ ions; in addition, a moderate magnetic texture (5.5–5.8%) is observed in isotropic strontium hexaferrites. The experimental results are discussed. The formation mechanism of the magnetic texture in the considered hexaferrites during synthesis is proposed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):582-588
pages 582-588 views

Electrical Performance Improvement of Lead-Acid Battery under the Impact of Micro Carbon Additives

Kuzmenko A., Grechushnikov E., Kharseev V., Salnikov A.


The features and changes in the microstructure of the electrode material of the negative electrode of the lead–acid starter accumulator battery appearing on the addition of two different specimens of carbon carbon black and hybrid carbon, are investigated. The X-ray phase analysis and the scanning electron microscopy analysis are conducted. It is established that using carbon black or hybrid carbon as an additive to the material of the negative electrode influences its structure causing changes in the processes of its impregnation and formation. Based on the structural analysis, a qualitative description, according to which hybrid carbon increases the dispersity of the negative active mass and impedes the diffusion of sulfate-ions, is proposed. The standard tests were conducted by intensive cycling in the partial state of charge lead–acid starter batteries in the charge–discharge mode. The batteries were manufactured using negative plates with additives of technical or hybrid carbon. The influence of each type of carbon additive on the electrical characteristics of the starter batteries is determined. It is shown that the additive of hybrid carbon increases the service life of starter batteries under operation in the partial state of the charge. This additive increases the charge acceptance on average by 9% and the deep discharge stability of the battery. The capacity loss after deep discharge is less than 4.4% if hybrid carbon is used as an additive and 7.2% in the case of carbon black.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):589-598
pages 589-598 views

Evaluation of Intellectual Property Objects in the Nanoindustry Field

Kozhitov L., Kiselev B., Raykova T., Popkova A., Kostishin V., Muratov D., Yakushko E., Kosushkin V., Bebenin V.


The recently developed nanomaterials and their production technologies as intellectual property objects (IPOs) are considered. The role of the informational-analytical system of NUST MISiS “Intellectual Property: Protection and Commercialization” in the legal protection and commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activity is shown. One of the lines of activity of NUST MISiS is the fabrication of new nanomaterials and technologies for their production. For the purpose of commercializing new nanomaterials and their production technologies in NUST MISiS, the preliminary feasibility studies on individual projects were developed, the market value of IPOs was calculated, including their registration on the balance sheet of an institute of higher education for subsequent sale to potential investors. Students–economists take part in the development of feasibility studies and evaluation of the market value of new nanomaterials (as IPOs). This makes it possible based on using the institute of higher education internal capacity without additional funding to prepare the feasibility study of projects and evaluate the market value of IPOs, that is of the interest in the subject for potential investors. The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches in the evaluation of IPOs are considered. As an example of an IPO, in the field of nanoindustry, the development of a new technology for the synthesis of FeCo/C nanocomposite is discussed. The use of an FeCo/C metal–carbon nanocomposite is analyzed and the choice of the design solution for the nanocomposite production technology is justified. A feasibility study of the FeCo/C nanocomposite production project is undertaken and the market value of the developed technology is evaluated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2019;48(8):599-612
pages 599-612 views

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