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Том 46, № 2 (2017)


CVD-growth of CNT with the use of catalutic Ct–Me–N–O thin films incorporated in the technology

Gromov D., Bulyarskii S., Dubkov S., Pavlov A., Skorik S., Trifonov A., Shulyat’ev A., Shaman Y., Kitsyuk E., Dudin A., Sirotina A., Gavrilov S.


The process of the formation of carbon nanotube arrays on Ct–Me–N catalytic alloys of low nickel content (10–20 at %) by chemical vapor deposition, where Ct is a catalytic metal from the group of Ni, Co, Fe, and Pd, and Me is a transition metal of group IV–VII of the periodic table, was investigated. It is shown that CNT grow effectively when the alloy contains Ti, V, Cr, Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta. The addition of nitrogen and oxygen to the alloy’s composition gives rise to a buildup of oxynitrides, expelling of the catalyst, and formation of its clusters on the surface. The replacement of metals in the alloy has an effect on the diameter of the CNT. Moreover, the alloy films 10–500 nm thick can be used for the CNT growth, which is responsible for high degree of homogeneity and the repeatability of the process. CNT growth was not observed when the alloy contained W and Re.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):75-81
pages 75-81 views

Optimization of the synthesis of carbon nanotubes to improve the efficiency of chemical posttreatments of the prepared material

Pavlov A., Sysa A., Shaman Y., Bazarova M., Gavrilin I., Polokhin A.


We report the experimental results that allow optimizing the synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition. The optimal composition of a catalyst and technique for its fabrication are found. The role of the hydrogen contained in the gas mixture is studied. The poured density of the synthesized material was decreased by 25% and the efficiency of the process almost doubled.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Formation and study of thin-film lithium-ion batteries using CNT/silicon composite material as an anode

Kitsyuk E., Kulova T., Pavlov A., Skundin A.


An approach to the formation of new composite material of the anode electrode for lithium-ion batteries composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) synthesized on a substrate coated with a silicon layer has been studied. The dependence of the cyclicity and specific capacity of such a material on the geometric parameters of a CNT array has been studied. Using a CNT/silicon composite, the battery prototypes have been assembled and their characteristics and behavior during prolonged storage have been studied.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):88-94
pages 88-94 views

Magnetization of permalloy films

Tikhonov R., Cheremisinov A.


In this paper, we investigate the magnetic properties of the permalloy films prepared by local electrochemical deposition from a chloride electrolyte. The dependence of magnetization on the deposition mode, as well as on the composition and geometry of the local deposition, is analyzed. It is found that the magnetization of multielement concentrators makes it possible to extend the range of the magnetic field before reaching saturation. Using permalloy films with different Fe concentrations allows one to control the characteristics of magnetization. Permalloy films used to fabricate magnetic field concentrators improve the sensitivity of magnetic semiconductor microsystems.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):95-104
pages 95-104 views

Gas-phase etching of SiO2 layers in an HF/C2H5OH mixture

Rudakov G.


This paper describes a technique for dry etching SiO2 layers in MEMS technologies without the moving elements sticking. Etching the sacrificial SiO2 in anhydrous HF (hydrofluoric acid in the gas phase) allows avoiding the subsequent complex operations of cleaning and drying, which are mandatory in the case of liquid etching. Using the HF/C2H5OH anhydrous mixture under low pressures makes it possible to prevent water condensation, which is due to etching in HF vapor, and allows one to employ gas-phase etching in surface MEMS technologies. The mechanisms and physicochemical processes taking place when etching thermal SiO2 are discussed. The rate of etching thermal SiO2 films is investigated at temperatures ranging from 30 to 50°С and under chamber pressures ranging from 10 to 20 kPa.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):105-108
pages 105-108 views

Element base of quantum informatics I. Qubits of a quantum computer based on single atoms in optical traps

Ryabtsev I., Beterov I., Yakshina E., Tretyakov D., Entin V., Neizvestny I., Latyshev A., Aseev A.


A brief overview of the current state of the experimental research on the development of the element base of quantum computers with qubits based on single neutral atoms trapped in optical traps. The requirements for qubits, peculiarities of single neutral atoms as qubits, methods for the quantum register development and for the implementation of single-qubit quantum logic operations in the laser and microwave fields, and two-qubit operations through the dipole–dipole interaction after a short laser excitation of atoms to the Rydberg states are discussed. The results of the experiments on the observation of the interaction of two Rydberg atoms at a Förster resonance controlled by the dc and radio-frequency electric field are presented.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):109-120
pages 109-120 views

Element base of quantum informatics II: Quantum communications with single photons

Ryabtsev I., Tretyakov D., Kolyako A., Pleshkov A., Entin V., Neizvestny I., Latyshev A., Aseev A.


Quantum cryptography can provide almost complete security of the data transmitted in optical telecommunication systems by single photons based on the laws of quantum mechanics. The paper presents a brief overview of the element base and experimental investigations in the field of quantum cryptography and data transmission by single photons in atmospheric and optical fiber quantum communication lines. Two experimental setups for the single-photon quantum key distribution in the atmospheric and optical fiber quantum channels are described. The results of the quantum key distribution experiments performed on them are given.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):121-130
pages 121-130 views

Modeling thermoelectric generators using the ANSYS software platform: Methodology, practical applications, and prospects

Korotkov A., Loboda V., Makarov S., Feldhoff A.


We present a review of modeling techniques of thermoelectric generators (TEGs) with the use of the finite element method based on the software of the ANSYS Workbench platform. Comparative analysis of different models and with the experiment is presented. The development direction of methods for studying the properties of promising TEGs, including generators based on MEMS technology, as well as segmented and coaxial types, is discussed. It has been shown that an important step in the design is to calculate the geometric parameters of the thermoelements (TEs) carried out with the help of numerical methods for solving the optimization problem by the criterion of maximizing the power output. The use of modeling techniques makes it possible to determine the activation modes of TEGs, operating temperature range, load resistance, and the output power.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):131-138
pages 131-138 views

Simulation of the potential distribution in an inhomogeneously doped workspace of a double-gate SOI CMOS nanotransistor

Masal’skii N.


One possible approach to the analytical solution of the 2D Poisson equation for potential in the workspace of a double-gate CMOS nanotransistor with a silicon-on-insulator structure with an inhomogeneously doped workspace as a Gaussian function is discussed. Based on the numerical solutions of the Poisson equation, the dependences of a number of major doping electrophysical characteristics, such as the potential distribution in the workspace, threshold voltage, and subthreshold current under different technological parameters on the dopant profile, are analyzed. For the selected topological standards, the optimization of the dopant profile parameters gives an additional opportunity to control the main characteristics, along with the thickness of the workspace and the thickness of the gated oxide of the front shutter, which is important in the analysis of the applicability of nanotransistor structures. The physical limitations to optimize the electrophysical characteristics, and in particular, the effective suppression of the short channel effects, are considered. The simulation results are in good accordance with the modeled data obtained using a commercially available for 2D simulation of the transistor structures ATLASTM software package.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(2):139-148
pages 139-148 views

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