Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 47, № 8 (2018)


Low Dose Rate Effects in Silicon-Based Devices and Integrated Circuits: A Review

Tapero K.


The total ionizing dose effects in silicon-based semiconductor devices (SDs) and integrated circuits (ICs) under conditions of low dose rate irradiation typical of space applications are surveyed. The mechanism of radiation-induced charge buildup in the dielectric of MOS structures and at the semiconductor/dielectric interface is considered. In addition, the nature of defects in the Si/SiO2 structure responsible for these processes is analyzed. The specific features of annealing the charge trapped in a dielectric during irradiation and also of interface traps (surface states, SSs) are shown. The peculiarities of the degradation of MOS and bipolar devices are considered for low dose rate irradiation conditions typical of space applications. It is shown that under low dose rate irradiation, MOS devices are prone to time-dependent effects which are determined by the kinetics of charge buildup and annealing in the Si/SiO2 structure, whereas bipolar devices may be susceptible to true dose rate effects. The main experimental methods of modeling low dose rate effects during accelerated tests of silicon devices and integrated circuits are surveyed. The necessity of using fundamentally different experimental approaches in modeling the time-dependent effects in MOS devices and the true dose rate effects in bipolar devices and integrated circuits is demonstrated.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):539-552
pages 539-552 views

Polysilicon Market Development and Production Technologies

Mitin V., Kokh A.


The paper considers the current state and prospects for the development of the production of the main material, polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon), used in micro and power electronics and photovoltaics. The dynamics of the polysilicon market dynamics are analyzed. It is noted that the growth in the output of polysilicon is determined by the growing needs of photovoltaics and the global trend towards renewable power generation. It is expected that polysilicon production will grow at a rate faster than 10–15% per annum. For the intensive development of photovoltaics, an important role is played by the development level of polysilicon technology and the availability of this material for the large-scale production of highly efficient solar cells. The main technology used in the industry based on the Siemens process is forecast to remain dominant in the long term. OOO Kremniitechnoprom is developing a state-of-the-art polysilicon production facility based on the original developments and modernization of the Siemens process, which is planned to be implemented in Russia involving leading specialists and enterprises from Germany (SPSC GmbH, GEC GmbH). The new enterprise ensures the maximum production safety, despite the potential risks inherent in the technology, primarily through the guarantee of the performance of modern hardware and process flow schemes, the reliability of the equipment and design solutions, and an emergency protection system. Toxic waste will be processed into safe substances and the end products will be sold. The enterprise will be optimized by key indicators for competitive production, such as the product price, production volume, specific capital investment, and current unit costs.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):553-558
pages 553-558 views

Studying Phase Equilibria in the Zn–Se–Fe Ternary System for Laser Applications

Zykova M., Krolevetskaya V., Mozhevitina E., Gavrishchuk E., Avetistov I.


The theoretical and experimental analysis of phase equilibria in the Zn–Se–Fe ternary system is carried out with the use of X-ray diffraction analysis and inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Information is acquired on monovariant equilibria in isothermal sections at temperatures of 730, 814, and 1073 K and also on the solubility of iron under conditions of bi- and monovariant equilibria at 1073 K. The phase composition of samples in the Zn–Se–Fe system synthesized at different temperatures and different total compositions is determined. The reliability of theoretically plotted isothermal sections in the ТХY projection of the PTХY diagram for the Zn–Se–Fe ternary system is confirmed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):559-565
pages 559-565 views

Study of the Plastic Formation in the Production of Thermoelectric Material Based on Bismuth Telluride

Bogomolov D., Bublik V., Verezub N., Prostomolotov A., Tabachkova N.


We carry out an experimental-theoretical study of the process of the equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) to obtain a bismuth-telluride-based thermoelectric (TE) material. A brief review of the mathematical modeling of the ECAP process is given, and the effect of the design features and temperature of ECAP regimes on the formation of plastic is studied. The results of calculations of the thermally stressed state of the samples at different stages of the ECAP process are presented. The calculations for the ECAP process are carried out using the Lagrange finite element mesh. During the calculation, the mesh is adjusted to the geometry of the die, becoming rarer or finer depending on the magnitude of the plastic deformation to satisfy the specified calculation accuracy and the convergence of the iterative process. We discuss the results of an experimental study of the structure and properties of the samples obtained with the help of ECAP using various methods (X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy). The TE characteristics of the obtained materials are measured by the Harman method. Comparative methodological calculations of the ECAP process for a bismuth-telluride-based TE material with a change in the parameters determining the formation of grains are performed (the critical plastic deformation as a function of temperature and the power-law dependence of the rate of this deformation). This allowed us to adjust the design model of the ECAP process using the grain size measurements in the TE material. The results of the calculation of the process of grain formation at different temperatures of plastic molding are presented and compared with the experimental data. The practical result of this research is the improved geometry of the die punch and the validated technological regimes of plastic deformation, which allowed obtaining samples with high TE efficiency values.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):566-574
pages 566-574 views

Methods for Studying Materials and Structures in Electronics as Applied to the Development of Medicinal Endoprostheses of Titanium with Enhanced Fibroinegration Efficiency

Malinkovich M., Cherkesov I., Temirov A., Molchanov S., Shaikhaliev A., Polisan A., Ivanov S., Kiselev D., Parkhomenko Y.


Titanium alloys approved for clinical use in Russia are widely used in traumatology, maxillofacial surgery, and stomatology, mainly for manufacturing various endoprostheses and dental implants, i.e., structures to be introduced and installed into the bone and soft tissues of the human organism, capable of both biointegration and bioadaptation in the tissues of the human organism. In the field of medicinal material science, particularly, in designing structures for medicinal use based on titanium and its alloys and also various coatings on the surface of such structures, the modern methods and instruments developed for the electronic industry are being widely used. The methods designed for investigating materials and structures in electronics are employed in medicinal technology and particularly in the development of titanium implants. This makes it possible to develop the fundamentals for the technology of preparing the optimal microrelief on the surface of titanic endoprostheses intended for engrafting in soft tissues (i.e., fibrointegrable) and covered by bioactive coatings of titanium dioxide (TiO2) with the anatase structure obtained by atomic-layer deposition. The research is aimed at revealing the optimal surface treatment of such endoprostheses in order to achieve improved fibrointegration properties for using them in maxillofacial surgery. It is shown that the strong adhesion and fibrointegration between the titanium endoprosthesis and the connective tissue are achieved at the average surface roughness of (4–8) × 102 nm, the root-mean-square roughness of (5 × 102–1 × 103) nm, a profile height of (3–6) × 103 nm, and a thickness of the bioactive coatings of the order of magnitude of 10 nm.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):575-582
pages 575-582 views

Optimization Problems of Nanosized Semiconductor Heterostructures

Abgaryan K.


A new approach is presented that allows solving optimization problems of nanosized semiconductor heterostructures. We have formulated and solved the problem of determining the optimal doping of a barrier layer consisting of a number of sublayers, which provides a preset concentration of electrons in the conduction channel of semiconductor heterostructures. To solve the problem, effective optimization algorithms based on gradient methods are developed. As an example, an Al0.25GaN/GaN heterostructure with a total barrier layer thickness of 30 nm is considered. The results obtained in the numerical experiment are consistent with the modern trend towards the transition from a homogeneous doping profile to a planar δ-doping in field-effect transistor manufacturing technologies. The developed technique of mathematical simulation and optimization can be used in field-effect transistor manufacturing technologies. The approaches presented in the work create the conditions for the automated design of such structures.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):583-588
pages 583-588 views

Electromagnetic and Mechanical Properties of the Nanocomposites of Polyacrylonitrile/Carbon Nanotubes

Kozhitov L., Shadrinov A., Muratov D., Korovin E., Popkova A.


Films of carbon-polymer nanocomposite polyacrylonitrile/single-wall carbon nanotubes (PAN/SWCNTs) with various filler concentrations varying from 0.5 to 30 wt % are synthesized. It is found that use of fillers as the SWCNTs in a polymer composite based on PAN significantly influences the mechanical properties of the polymer; in particular the tensile strength increases. Studying the electrophysical properties shows that the electric conductivity increases by two orders of magnitude due to the degree of percolation and by 7 orders of magnitude in comparison with pure PAN, on introducing SWCNT fillers ranging from 0.5 to 30 wt %. Thermal analyses of the nanocomposite are carried out and they show that the thermal stability of the samples increases and the weight losses decrease at an increase of the SWCNT concentration. The dielectric capacitivity and the coefficients of reflection, transfer, and absorption in the terahertz range are measured. It is found that the coefficient of reflection nonlinearly depends on the concentration of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The minimum reflection coefficient of 0.55 per unit values is observed at the concentration of 0.5 wt %, whereas materials with an SWCNT concentration of more than 5 wt % show almost the same reflection coefficient at s sufficiently low transfer coefficient.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):589-597
pages 589-597 views

Dislocation Structure of Epitaxial Layers of AlGaN/GaN/α-Al2O3 Heterostructures Containing a GaN Layer Doped with Carbon and Iron

Rusak T., Enisherlova K., Lutzau A., Saraykin V., Korneev V.


The aim of this work is to study the effect that the process of iron and carbon doping of a GaN epitaxial layer on sapphire can influence (affects) on the features of growth of epitaxial films and their dislocation structure. The following research methods are used in the study: secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), selective chemical etching of spherical sections, and single-crystal diffractometry. It is shown that carbon doping of a GaN epitaxial layer during growth can lead to a significant decrease in the dislocation density of the epitaxial layers. It is also demonstrated that, for samples doped with iron, a decrease in the number of short dislocations in the bulk of the structure is characteristic; however, a large number of extended dislocations are generated, encouraging iron diffusion into the working regions of the heterostructures, which is confirmed by the iron depth distribution of the layers, measured by the SIMS method.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):598-607
pages 598-607 views

Formation of Charge Pumps in the Structure of Photoelectric Converters

Starkov V., Gusev V., Kulakovskaya N., Gosteva E., Parkhomenko Y.


The results of the further development of the original charge-pumping concept in the structure of photoelectric converters are considered. Charge pumps arise due to the formation of spatial defect-impurity complexes. The formation of charge pumps leads to a change in the transport mechanism of photo-induced carriers through the solar cell base. The technological process of nonthermal, or cold photonic annealing is proposed for the first time. This process involves the use of standard equipment for photonic annealing. The effect of nonthermal photonic annealing is achieved using the original photo-mask (removable photo-template). The photo-template provides an annealing mode using several light sources and thermal insulation of the processed wafer. The process is called local photonic annealing. Due to its efficiency and simplicity the process does not require significant industrial investments. The results of experimental studies to increase the short-circuit current and maximum power of solar cells using local photon annealing are presented. The experiments are carried out with solar cells fabricated by various manufacturers.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):608-612
pages 608-612 views

Experimental Support of the Magnetron Nickel Oxide Cathode Fabrication Process

Kuchina I., Polushin N., Zakharova E., Li I., Petrov V., Kapustin V., Ledentsova N.


This work is an experimental justification of the choice of the temperature and time modes designed for the heat treatment of real magnetrons, the end result of which is the initial decomposition of barium carbonate into barium oxide. We experimentally determine the temperatures of polymorphic transitions in barium carbonate and the temperature of the dissociation of barium carbonate in different atmospheres (air, argon, carbon dioxide, and vacuum) for the physical modeling of the processes occurring in pumped magnetrons. The phase composition of a test barium carbonate specimen is determined at room temperature by X-ray phase analysis (XPA) on a diffractometer before and after heating. The effect of the temperature and time of isothermal exposure on the phase composition is experimentally investigated on a high-temperature diffractometer. Using a derivatograph, we analyze the chemical and physicochemical processes that occur in the samples during heating. The enthalpy of polymorphic transitions and the activation energy of dissociation are evaluated. Quantitative data are presented that characterize the kinetics of phase transitions for various heat treatment modes and demonstrate the temperature ranges of the existence of different phases. It is shown that reducing the heating rate and increasing the time of heating interruptions slow down the transition of BaCO3 into BaO. It is established that the powder is sintered when heating barium carbonate.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):613-618
pages 613-618 views

Modeling the Energy Structure of a GaN pin Junction

Manyakhin F., Mokretsova L.


The second-order differential equation, which includes the density distribution function of a mobile charge in a compensated layer of the GaN diode pin junction is derived. The equation is solved numerically using the MathCad software. The electric field at the interface between the doped and compensated layers is calculated under the assumption of the concentration of electrons diffused into the compensated layer being much higher than the concentration of the immobile compensated impurity ions. Electrons from the heavily doped layer diffuse into the compensated layer and leave positively charged donor impurity ions there. The electric field ε induced between the layers of mobile electrons and ions compensates the diffusion flow by the drift flow. The charged layers of mobile carriers screen the external electric field. Based on the solution of the differential equation, diagrams of the electric field and potential distribution in the GaN pin junction’s space charge region (SCR) are built taking into account the effect of free carriers. It is shown that in the nonexponential portion of the I–V characteristic, the drift field is induced in the compensated layer, which limits the growth of the forward current.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):619-623
pages 619-623 views

On the Nature of the Effective Surface Charge Transformation on InAs Crystals during Anodic Oxide Layer Growth

Artamonov A., Astakhov V., Warlashov I., Gindin P., Evstafieva N., Mitasov P., Miroshnikova I.


The dynamics of fluorine atoms distribution over the thickness of the grown anodic oxide layers and the effective surface charge on InAs crystals under these layers are investigated. Anodic oxidation is performed in an alkaline electrolyte to which a fluorochemical component in the galvanostatic mode is added at the anode current densities of 0.05 and 0.5 mA cm–2. The layer’s thickness changes by 32–51 nm by setting a final voltage of 15 to 25 V on the electrodes during the growth. The layer’s thickness and refractive index are measured by an ellipsometric technique and the distribution of the thickness of fluorine atoms is measured by photoelectron spectroscopy combined with ion etching. Simultaneously, MIS structures are fabricated from the grown layers and their capacitance–voltage characteristics are calculated to determine the effective surface charge and density of the surface states at different layer thicknesses. The main results of the investigations are that, with regardless of anodic current, density the grown layers are compacted, the fluorine atoms distribution profile shifts toward InAs, and the positive effective surface charge gradually decreases from 3.6 × 1011 to 2.0 × 1011 cm–2 at densities of the surface states of (6–7) × 1011 eV–1 cm–2 in all cases. It is concluded based on comparison of the obtained data with the theoretical concepts on the charge structure of MIS structures that the built-in charge is gradually removed from the interface with InAs during the anodic oxide layer’s growth, which explains the observed decrease in the effective surface charge when the layer’s thickness increases. This result indicates, that the layer’s growth rate is faster than rate of the built-in layer charge shifting toward InAs.

Russian Microelectronics. 2018;47(8):624-627
pages 624-627 views

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