
Issue Title File
Vol 45, No 7 (2019) Climate Change and the Current Status of Biota in Russian Waters of the Far Eastern Seas PDF
Shuntov V.P., Ivanov O.A.
Vol 45, No 7 (2019) More on the Factors that Limit the Abundance of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp., Family Salmonidae) during the Ocean Phase of Their Life History PDF
Shuntov V.P., Temnykh O.S., Naydenko S.V.
Vol 45, No 7 (2019) The Dynamics, Structure, and Drivers of Fish Catches in the Russian Federation (2005–2017) PDF
Samoylenko V.V.
Vol 45, No 7 (2019) Intraspecies Groups of the Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Salmonidae) of the Amur River and Their Distribution within the Basin PDF
Zolotukhin S.F.
Vol 45, No 7 (2019) Integrated Monitoring of Escapement of Pacific Salmon Spawners to the Kamchatka River in Real-Time Mode PDF
Fadeev E.S., Shevlyakov E.A., Feldman M.G.
Vol 45, No 7 (2019) The First Experience of Cage Farming of Hatchery-Reared Juvenile Scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, off the Eastern Coast of Primorsky Krai PDF
Gavrilova G.S., Sukhin I.Y., Turabzhanova I.S.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) Dinoflagellate Cysts of the Genus Alexandrium Halim, 1960 (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) in Recent Sediments from the Northwestern Pacific Ocean PDF
Orlova T.Y., Morozova T.V.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) The First Data on the Structure of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems of the Emperor Chain Seamounts: Indicator Taxa, Landscapes, and Biogeography PDF
Dautova T.N., Galkin S.V., Tabachnik K.R., Minin K.V., Kireev P.A., Moskovtseva A.V., Adrianov A.V.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) The Transposons of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius Agassiz, 1863: In Silico Versus In Vitro PDF
Lebedev E.E., Ostromyshenskii D.I., Solovyeva A.I., Turenko A.S., Drozdov A.L., Podgornaya O.I., Adonin L.S.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) The Effect of Metabolites from the Brown Alga Saccharina cichorioides (Miyabe) on the Feeding Habits, Fertilization, and Embryonic Development of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius A. Agassiz, 1863 PDF
Kiseleva M.I., Zvyagintsev N.V., Ermakova S.P., Zvyagintseva T.N.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) The Catalase Activity of the Red Alga Ceramium virgatum Roth, 1797 as a Marker of the Quality of the Marine Environment Based on the Example of the Coastal Zone of Southwestern Crimea PDF
Shakhmatova O.A., Kovardakov S.A.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) Genetic Differentiation of the Resident and Anadromous Sockeye Salmon Populations of the Kamchatka Peninsula: An Evolutionary Scenario for the Origin of the Resident Sockeye Salmon in Lake Kronotskoye PDF
Zhivotovsky L.A., Pavlov S.D., Kovalev M.Y., Parensky V.A., Ponomareva E.V., Mel’nikova M.N., Mineeva T.V., Senchukova A.L., Rakitskaya T.A., Rubtsova G.A., Afanasyev K.I.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) Distribution Patterns of nirS-Encoding and nirK-Encoding Denitrifiers in the Surface Sediment of the Pearl River Estuary PDF
Shi R., Huang H., Qi Z., Han T.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) Evaluation of Suitable Reference Genes for Normalization of RT-qPCR in Echiura (Urechis unicinctus) during Developmental Process PDF
Wei M., Lu L., Wang Q., Kong D., Zhang T., Qin Z., Zhang Z.
Vol 45, No 6 (2019) Mixotrophic Cultivation of Dunaliella salina on Crude Glycerol Obtained from Calcinated Fatty Acid Production Process PDF
Sohrabi D., Jazini M.H., Shariati M.
Vol 45, No 4 (2019) Identification and Characterization of a Novel Quadruple-Domain Galectin from the Hong Kong Oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis PDF
Changhua Xian ., Chen J., Luo Y., Lu Y., Chen Q., Deng X., Yu Z.
Vol 45, No 4 (2019) The Seasonal Growth Dynamics of Fucus distichus subsp. evanescens (C. Agardh) H.T. Powell, 1957 (Phaeophyceae: Fucales) in the Avacha Bay (Southeastern Kamchatka) PDF
Kashutin A.N., Klimova A.V., Klochkova N.G.
Vol 45, No 4 (2019) The Influence of Secretory Products of Morula Cells on Phagocytes of the Holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix (Djakonov et Baranova, 1958) (Sclerodactylidae: Dendrochirotida) PDF
Ulanova O.A., Dolmatova L.S.
Vol 45, No 4 (2019) The Sperm Ultrastructure and Some Reproductive Characteristics of the Chemosymbiotic Bivalve Calyptogena pacifica Dall, 1891 (Vesicomyidae: Pliocardiinae) PDF
Drozdov A.L., Krylova E.M., Kudryavtsev A.A., Galkin S.V., Tyurin S.A.
Vol 45, No 4 (2019) Wnt and Frizzled Genes in Echinoderms PDF
Girich A.S., Boyko A.V.
Vol 45, No 4 (2019) Use of Satellite Data for the Estimation of the Specific Growth Rate of Phytoplankton in the Surface Layer of the Black Sea PDF
Finenko Z.Z., Kovalyova I.V., Suslin V.V.
Vol 44, No 7 (2018) Current Data on the Taxonomic Composition and Distribution of the Trawl Macrozoobenthos in Russian Waters of the Sea of Japan PDF
Kolpakov N.V., Korneichuk I.A., Nadtochy V.A.
Vol 44, No 7 (2018) Fish Resources in Near-Bottom Biotopes of the Shelf and the Upper Edge of the Continental Slope in the Northwestern Bering Sea PDF
Savin A.B.
Vol 44, No 7 (2018) A Decrease in the Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) Abundance in the Sakhalin–Kuril Region under the Effects of Extreme Environmental Factors PDF
Kaev A.M.
Vol 44, No 7 (2018) The Characteristics of the Amur Sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, Spawners from a Warm-Water Cage Farm during Long-Term Exploitation PDF
Rachek E.I., Amvrosov D.Y.
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