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Vol 45, No 7 (2019)


Climate Change and the Current Status of Biota in Russian Waters of the Far Eastern Seas

Shuntov V.P., Ivanov O.A.


This article continues the discussion about the limiting influence of climate conditions on the dynamics of Pacific salmon abundance and on the status of biological resources in the Far Eastern seas. The conclusion that the multifactor impacts of climatic and hydrological conditions on populations and communities cannot be described only by climatic indices and sea surface temperature anomalies in the cold season is substantiated. A comparison of bioresource stocks between various regions of the Far Eastern seas shows a positive effect of modern global warming on the condition and sustainability of the fisheries resource base.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(7):495-510
pages 495-510 views

More on the Factors that Limit the Abundance of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp., Family Salmonidae) during the Ocean Phase of Their Life History

Shuntov V.P., Temnykh O.S., Naydenko S.V.


Two different viewpoints on the factors that limit the abundance of Pacific salmon in the sea and ocean phases of their life history are compared. According to traditional notions, food resources in sea and ocean epipelagic biotopes are limited and there is a severe competition for food between different species of the genus Oncorhynchus, which is particularly exhibited by the pink salmon O. gorbuscha. This results in a reduced abundance and worsening of some biological parameters of both pink and other salmon species. Negative anomalies of sea surface temperature, which decrease the food supply for these fish, are also traditionally considered as a factor that seriously restricts the salmon distribution in the marine life-history phase. A different point of view was expressed in the 1980s by the authors at TINRO-Center, based on comprehensive ecosystem studies of the Far Eastern seas and the North Pacific. According to this view, the food resources in the extensive salmon feeding range are not strictly limited and salmon play a secondary role in trophic webs within the subarctic epipelagic layer. The conclusion that salmon is a stenothermic fish was not confirmed, particularly for the cold-water conditions (salmon are found in the northern Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, with its harsh Arctic conditions, even in winter). New data obtained in 2018 support the latter viewpoint: in that year, the biomass of Russian salmon reached the historical maximum, primarily due to pink salmon, and the Russian catch of Pacific salmon was absolutely record-breaking, 677 900 t.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(7):511-524
pages 511-524 views

The Dynamics, Structure, and Drivers of Fish Catches in the Russian Federation (2005–2017)

Samoylenko V.V.


The long-term series of data on fish catches obtained in the fishery industry of Russia allow objective evaluation of the dynamics of the development of the industry in general, as well as assessment of the statistical characteristics of production. The results of an analysis of catches for 2005–2017 are used to determine the general trends in the development of fisheries for each of the fishery basins and to identify growth rate and structure of catches from inland and marine waters, which are required to prepare and implement various programs, strategies, and forecasts. Based on the studied quantitative parameters of catches, a chain of formation of a catch with flow rates is constructed and its practical application to solve various applied problems is demonstrated.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(7):525-535
pages 525-535 views

Intraspecies Groups of the Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Salmonidae) of the Amur River and Their Distribution within the Basin

Zolotukhin S.F.


The chum salmon in the Amur River basin is represented by two races, that is, summer-run and fall-run races. In the summer-run race, one population is known to use a specific type of spawning grounds. The fall-run race includes three populations with different types of spawning grounds. These four populations correspond to four eco-geographical groups separated reproductively by geographical boundaries of the geomorphological zones, as well as temporally and ecologically. In China, chum salmon has not been recorded from the spawning grounds of the Amur basin for already more than 50 years. In the Russian Federation, 100% of summer-run chum salmon spawn completely at parafluvial springs in late July and August; 77.1% of fall-run chum spawn at orthofluvial springs in September–November; 20.4% of fall-run chum spawn in the downstream part of the spawning range at parafluvial springs in September; and 2.5% of fall-run chum spawn in lakes near the Amur River mouth at orthofluvial springs in October and November.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(7):536-545
pages 536-545 views

Integrated Monitoring of Escapement of Pacific Salmon Spawners to the Kamchatka River in Real-Time Mode

Fadeev E.S., Shevlyakov E.A., Feldman M.G.


A method for rapid quantification of escapement of Pacific salmon spawners into the Kamchatka River catchment basin and the mathematical models for assessment of Pacific salmon spawners, escapement through a river cross section have been developed based on data from the integrated monitoring of their escapement dynamics including aerial observations, hydroacoustic surveys, and test drift-net sampling, as well as using data on the biological characteristics of spawners. These data allowed retrospective qualitative and quantitative assessment of levels of escapement of sockeye, chum, and coho salmon spawners to their spawning grounds; the current fishing efficiency in the river was evaluated. The escapement of sockeye salmon has been evaluated as being at the level of its medium reproduction success. To achieve the conditions that would provide the highest level of reproduction of Kamchatka sockeye salmon populations, the regulation of fishing should focus on a reference level of approximately 850 000 spawners. This level is achievable in case of the systematic overcrowding of the existing reproduction centers and the involvement of the populations that previously lost their importance in the process. The level of escapement of chum and coho salmon spawners in the study period can be evaluated as medium and high. A method of test Chinook salmon catches to obtain a general estimate of escapement of this species prior to the beginning of the fishing season has been developed and implemented.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(7):546-559
pages 546-559 views

The First Experience of Cage Farming of Hatchery-Reared Juvenile Scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, off the Eastern Coast of Primorsky Krai

Gavrilova G.S., Sukhin I.Y., Turabzhanova I.S.


The characteristics of the farming of hatchery-reared juvenile Yesso scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, in suspended net cages off the eastern coast of Primorsky Krai are studied. The work was conducted at a farm located northeast of Moryak-Rybolov Bay during the first 10 days of November 2018. The values of survival and growth rates of scallops on collectors and grow-out cages were determined. The survival rate of the Yesso scallop spat after being transported from Shandong Province, China and seeded in suspended cages was 85%, which is consistent with the regional standard. A high mortality rate of juvenile scallops (56–90%) was recorded in September–November. The mean size (shell height) of hatchery-reared spat in the cages in November did not differ from that of spat on collectors in southern Primorsky Krai. In the waters near Moryak-Rybolov Bay, the growth rate of scallops was somewhat lower than in southern Primorsky Krai but, nevertheless, higher than in Vladimir Bay and Aniva Bay. The mean body weight of scallop spat in November was 1.5 ± 0.1 g. The possible causes of the increased mortality rate of the bivalves and the solutions of the problem are discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(7):560-567
pages 560-567 views

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