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Vol 45, No 6 (2019)


Dinoflagellate Cysts of the Genus Alexandrium Halim, 1960 (Dinophyceae: Gonyaulacales) in Recent Sediments from the Northwestern Pacific Ocean

Orlova T.Y., Morozova T.V.


This paper summarizes information on the resting cysts of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium Halim, 1960 from the northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Chukchi Sea. Species of the genus Alexandrium, which are known as producers of paralytic toxins, cause large-scale algal blooms that pose a serious threat to marine coastal ecosystems and human health. Data are presented on the diversity, abundance, and distribution of Alexandrium spp. cysts in the Far Eastern seas of Russia and adjacent waters. The possible role of resting cysts in initiating toxic blooms of Alexandrium spp. is discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):397-407
pages 397-407 views

The First Data on the Structure of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems of the Emperor Chain Seamounts: Indicator Taxa, Landscapes, and Biogeography

Dautova T.N., Galkin S.V., Tabachnik K.R., Minin K.V., Kireev P.A., Moskovtseva A.V., Adrianov A.V.


The first comprehensive study of the deep-sea ecosystems of the Emperor Chain seamounts (the northwestern Pacific Ocean) was conducted in July–August 2019 by A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, FEB RAS. The expedition, using a remote-operated underwater vehicle Comanche 18, was aimed at the study of distribution of typical underwater landscapes and key taxa of Octocorallia corals and Hexactinellida sponges in the vulnerable marine ecosystem of the seamounts. New data on the macrobenthos biodiversity and biogeographic characteristics of deep-sea corals and sponges, which are the dominant animals in the studied area, are presented. The survey has shown changes of the coral fauna in the latitudinal direction and obtained new data on the biogeographic boundary in the area of the Emperor Chain seamounts.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):408-417
pages 408-417 views

The Transposons of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius Agassiz, 1863: In Silico Versus In Vitro

Lebedev E.E., Ostromyshenskii D.I., Solovyeva A.I., Turenko A.S., Drozdov A.L., Podgornaya O.I., Adonin L.S.


The sequenced genome data from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were used to identify transposons (TEs, transposable elements) and test for the presence of some of them in the genome of the sea urchin S. intermedius. The known TEs of S. purpuratus from the RepBase repeats database were used to calculate the primers and identify the corresponding TEs in the S. intermedius transcriptome. High-coverage TE sequences from the S. intermedius transcriptome were assembled based on comparison with the annotated TEs of the S. purpuratus genome. TEs with an insufficient number of reading frames in the transcriptome were beyond the analysis. The approach applied in the present study was successful: out of the 100 assembled TEs of S. intermedius, 92 corresponding TEs in the S. intermedius genome were identified using the calculated primer pairs. The TE sequences calculated by in silico methods are present in the S. intermedius genome and can be useful in further research.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):418-424
pages 418-424 views

The Effect of Metabolites from the Brown Alga Saccharina cichorioides (Miyabe) on the Feeding Habits, Fertilization, and Embryonic Development of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius A. Agassiz, 1863

Kiseleva M.I., Zvyagintsev N.V., Ermakova S.P., Zvyagintseva T.N.


The substances contained in the aqueous–ethanol and aqueous extracts from freshly collected and destroyed brown algae Saccharina cichorioides in their second vegetation season and from excrement of the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus intermedius that had been fed these algae specimens were studied for effects on the digestive enzyme 1,3-β-D-glucanase, sperm, egg cells, and developing embryos of the sea urchin. The yield, composition, and structure of substances from fresh and destroyed S. cichorioides and from sea urchin excrement were analyzed. Sea urchins assimilated mannitol, proteins, and almost completely laminarans from destroyed thalli of S. cichorioides. The detection of activators of sea urchin 1,3-β-D-glucanase in the aqueous–ethanol extracts of destroyed algae and inhibitors of fertilization processes in the extracts of fresh algae is consistent with field observations. The biochemical study has shown that the digestion and reproduction processes in S. intermedius are controlled by metabolites of S. cichorioides to a significant extent.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):425-435
pages 425-435 views

The Catalase Activity of the Red Alga Ceramium virgatum Roth, 1797 as a Marker of the Quality of the Marine Environment Based on the Example of the Coastal Zone of Southwestern Crimea

Shakhmatova O.A., Kovardakov S.A.


This study determined the range of conditionally normal values of the catalase activity (СA) in the Black Sea red macroalga Ceramium virgatum. The level of CА in the alga corresponded to its conditionally normal functioning (26.79 ± 10.32 μg H2O2/(g wet weight min)). The minimum concentrations of hydrochemical parameters that correspond to the sensitivity threshold of CА in C. virgatum were found; these minimum values are 40 μM/L for organic nitrogen, 0.03 μM/L for nitrites, 0.3 μM/L for nitrates, 0.12 μM/L for inorganic phosphorus, and 0.47 μM/L for organic phosphorus.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):436-442
pages 436-442 views

Genetic Differentiation of the Resident and Anadromous Sockeye Salmon Populations of the Kamchatka Peninsula: An Evolutionary Scenario for the Origin of the Resident Sockeye Salmon in Lake Kronotskoye

Zhivotovsky L.A., Pavlov S.D., Kovalev M.Y., Parensky V.A., Ponomareva E.V., Mel’nikova M.N., Mineeva T.V., Senchukova A.L., Rakitskaya T.A., Rubtsova G.A., Afanasyev K.I.


The genetic differences between the sockeye salmon populations of the Kamchatka Peninsula were studied. The time of divergence between the resident sockeye salmon, which are reproductively isolated in Lake Kronotskoye, and the anadromous sockeye salmon is estimated using data on microsatellite markers. A weak unidirectional gene flow is observed from resident sockeye salmon into the population of anadromous sockeye salmon spawning in the Kronotskaya River, which is a channel of Lake Kronotskoye. The obtained point estimate of the time of divergence between the resident and anadromous sockeye forms (ca. 10 000 years) is consistent with the geological estimates for the time of formation of the modern Kronotsky lake–river drainage basin. The conclusion was made that the resident sockeye salmon of Lake Kronotskoye originated from the anadromous sockeye salmon of Lake Paleo-Kronotskoye and formed under the conditions of the reproductive isolation from other sockeye populations and the loss of connection with the sea. The necessity for conservation of the Kronotsky resident sockeye salmon, which implies prevention of its mixing with anadromous sockeye salmon, is discussed.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):443-452
pages 443-452 views

Distribution Patterns of nirS-Encoding and nirK-Encoding Denitrifiers in the Surface Sediment of the Pearl River Estuary

Shi R., Huang H., Qi Z., Han T.


The abundance and community structure of nirS-encoding and nirK-encoding denitrifiers inhabiting the sediment of the Pearl River Estuary was examined with quantitative PCR and high-throughput MiSeq sequencing. The results indicated that the low-oxygen condition (around 4 mg/L) of the Pearl River Estuary was the suitable environment for the denitrifying bacterial growth, and the abundances of nirS-encoding and nirK-encoding denitrifier were both highest in station P3, while the diversity and evenness were highest in stations P2 and P4, respectively. In addition, gene abundance and diversity of nirS was higher than nirK, which indicated that the denitrifying potential of nirS-encoding denitrifiers were significantly greater than that of nirK-encoding denitrifiers (p < 0.05). The most dominant nirS-encoding denitrifiers present in the sediment samples belonged to the phylum Proteobacteria, followed by Chloroflexi. However, the dominant classes of Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria showed obvious salinity heterogeneity along the Pearl River Estuary. Betaproteobacteria have a strong survival ability in oligohaline environments and Gammaproteobacteria were opposite. Additionally, the distribution of both Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria positively correlated with TOC and \({\text{NO}}_{2}^{ - }.\) For nirK-encoding denitrifiers, the distribution of cluster A and cluster C also showed salinity heterogeneity; the former favored oligohaline environments and the latter were opposite.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):453-463
pages 453-463 views

Evaluation of Suitable Reference Genes for Normalization of RT-qPCR in Echiura (Urechis unicinctus) during Developmental Process

Wei M., Lu L., Wang Q., Kong D., Zhang T., Qin Z., Zhang Z.


Reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is commonly used for gene expression analysis. Appropriate reference genes enable the accurate quantification of gene expression. In this study, expressional stability of seven candidate reference genes in embryos and larvae of the Echiura Urechis unicinctus were evaluated using four programs, geNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and ∆Ct method. The expressional stability was ATPase > eIF3 > EF-1-α > TUB > IDH > VDAC > ABL based on the comprehensive analysis, and the combination of ATPase, eIF3, and EF-1-α was predicted to be the most optimum choice for accurate gene quantification during the developmental process. Furthermore, we verified the competence of the candidate reference genes/combinations through evaluating the expression levels of TGF-β receptor 1 (TGFβR1) and SMAD4, and inspiringly found using either ATPase or eIF3 alone generated exactly similar results with that of using reference gene combinations. Therefore, we suggested that under certain circumstances, ATPase or eIF3 could be independently used as an alternative to quantify target gene expression in U. unicinctus during developmental process. This study provides important information for gene expression and function researches in Echiura or Annelida species.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):464-469
pages 464-469 views

Mixotrophic Cultivation of Dunaliella salina on Crude Glycerol Obtained from Calcinated Fatty Acid Production Process

Sohrabi D., Jazini M.H., Shariati M.


Dunaliella salina is a unicellular microalga with the potential of industrial applications. Commercial-scale cultivation of D. salina requires extensive efforts on cost reduction. This can be achieved by minimization of nutrient cost and maximization of specific growth rate and productivity. To this end, in this study, mixotrophic cultivation of D. salina on crude glycerol (by-product of calcinated-fatty acid (CaFA) production process) was investigated in shake flasks and the influences on protein, carotenoid and chlorophyll contents of the cells were studied. The highest maximum specific growth rate and biomass productivity was achieved by cultivation on 2.5 g/L crude glycerol. The protein content was more than two folds and the carotenoid content was more than 60% higher than that of autotrophic cultivation. Subsequently, continuous cultivation of D. salina on crude glycerol in a helical photobioreactor was performed at the dilution rate of 0.52/d. The biomass productivity of 2.3 × 106 cell/(mL d) was achieved which was more than 75% of the values for previously reported autotrophic cultivations. Conclusively, continuous cultivation of D. salina on by-product of CaFA production process could be a potential process technology for production of D. Salina.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):470-480
pages 470-480 views

Brief Communications

The Cell Composition of the Peripheral Blood and Some Hematopoietic Organs in the Antarctic Starry Skate Amblyraja georgiana (Norman, 1938) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) from the Scotia Sea

Gordeev I.I., Mikryakov D.V., Balabanova L.V., Mikryakov V.R.


The composition of leukocytes was studied in the peripheral blood and hematopoietic organs (kidneys and spleen) of the Antarctic starry skate Amblyraja georgiana (Norman, 1938). Cells of several types with different morphofunctional characteristics and structures were found in the blood smears: lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils, and blast cells. A leukogram analysis showed that the white blood of A. georgiana is of a lymphoid type. In the kidney and spleen, most cells are blast forms.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):481-485
pages 481-485 views

Cultivated Cells of Mytilus trossulus Gould, 1850: The Effect of Cold Stress

Odintsova N.A.


This study continues our previous work on the pathways of the death of marine invertebrate cells in response to cold stress. An analysis of changes in cells of the mussel Mytilus trossulus after cold stress that was carried out using various methods can be the key to revealing the mechanisms of adaptation of marine hydrobionts to changes in environmental conditions. Unfortunately, using tested apoptosis inhibitors, we could not produce either a decrease in apoptosis or an increase in cell viability in primary larval cell cultures of this bivalve mollusk after a freeze–thaw cycle. Apoptosis is probably rare in these cell cultures, or mollusks possess a more powerful anti-apoptotic system than that of mammals.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):486-490
pages 486-490 views

Isolation and Characterization of Ten Novel Microsatellite Loci in Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)

Ye Han ., Liu S., Wan J., Yan C., Li Z., Liu H., Zheng W.


Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) is an endangered species in China. The numbers of chum salmon have declined sharply in the wild, especially the population entering into the Tumen River (Jilin Province) which is the boundary river between China and North Korea. In order to solve the conflict between China and North Korea about the ownership of the population, we developed ten novel microsatellite loci for future studies of paternity identification.The result showed that the observed and expected heterozygosity ranges were 0.480–0.900 and 0.645–0.885, respectively. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.595 to 0.864, with a mean of 0.776.

Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 2019;45(6):491-493
pages 491-493 views

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