
Magnetic Method for Nondestructive Testing of Rebar in Concrete
Gobov Y., Mikhailov A., Smorodinskii Y.
Development prospects for nondestructive testing of heterogeneous nonmetallic materials by the parameters of electrical response to a shock action
Fursa T., Utsyn G., Dann D., Petrov M.
Reconstructing the Amplitudes of Radiation of a Defect Based on Acoustic Emission Signals at the Free Boundary of a Massive Body
Berkovich V., Builo S.
Estimating the strength of welded hull elements of a submersible based on the micromechanical model of temporal dependences of acoustic-emission parameters
Nosov V., Zelenskii N.
Improving Procedures for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing of Rails in Production
Dymkin G., Shelukhin A., Anisimov V.
Allowing for inhomogeneous anisotropy of a welded joint when reconstructing reflector images from echo signals received by an ultrasonic antenna array
Bazulin E.
Quality Control of Armor Fabric by Modeling Thermomechanical Processes under Projectile Impact
Kaledin V., Budadin O., Kozel’skaya S., Gileva A.
On the principles of optimizing the technologies of acoustic-emission strength control of industrial objects
Nosov V.
A nondestructive method and a tool for evaluating rigidity of porous sheet materials
Volkovas V., Petkevichius K., Mikalauskas R., Slavitskas S., Uldinskas E.
Electro-optical monitoring of the chromatic error of the polymeric coating of a galvanized strip
Varfolomeev I., Ershov E., Bogachev D.
Theoretical basics for inspection of conducting coatings in aircraft fuel tanks
Zhivonosnovskaya D., Skvortsov B., Samsonov A., Borminskii S.
An analytical magnetization model of a layered medium by point poles
Pechenkov A., Rigmant M., Shcherbinin V.
Acoustic-emission quality control of plastically deformed blanks
Nosov V.
Estimating the efficiency of two algorithms for segmentation of digital radiation images of test objects
Vorobeichikov S., Fokin V., Udod V., Temnik A.
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