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Vol 53, No 1 (2017)

Acoustic Methods

Generalized coefficients for measuring mechanical stresses in carbon and low-alloyed steels by the acoustoelasticity method

Pasmanik L.A., Smirnov V.A., Modestov V.S., Pivkov A.V., Kamyshev A.V., Makarov S.V.


It is shown that the microscopic material structure significantly affects the results of measuring mechanical stresses by the acoustoelasticity method. It is noted that the nonequiaxedness of the grain metal structure in steel flats leads to both the emergence of intrinsic acoustic anisotropy and the anisotropy of elastoacoustic coupling coefficients (EACC). Results of the research into connection between EACC and intrinsic acoustic anisotropy are presented for carbon and low-alloyed steels. The possibility of using generalized EACC values for determining mechanical stresses in high–acoustic-anisotropy materials of this class is substantiated. The results have made it possible to develop a mechanical-stress measurement technique that allows one to take measurements without running calibration tests on representative specimens of the test object.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):1-8
pages 1-8 views

Allowing for inhomogeneous anisotropy of a welded joint when reconstructing reflector images from echo signals received by an ultrasonic antenna array

Bazulin E.G.


In order to improve the quality of reflector images in welded joints, a modification of the C-SAFT algorithm has been proposed that allows for inhomogeneous anisotropic properties of a test object. Two algorithms have been considered for calculating the times of delay of propagation of a pulse along a ray, viz. a geometrical ray-construction algorithm and an algorithm based on the ray tube description. The geometrical algorithm proceeds from the assumption that an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium can be divided into a set of homogeneous anisotropic layers. Ray construction is performed with allowance for ray refraction on the boundaries of these layers. The geometrical algorithm makes it possible to allow for two types of waves, their conversion, and uneven boundaries of the domains in the test object. Special cases of ray propagation have been considered that demonstrate limitations of calculating delay times by geometrical tracing. The algorithm based on the ray tube description is more versatile and makes it possible to calculate not only the propagation time of a pulse along a ray in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium but also the pulse amplitude. The operability of the proposed approach has been demonstrated by numerical experiments on processing echo signals that have been calculated by the method of finite differences in a time domain.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):9-22
pages 9-22 views

Using antenna arrays for reference-free measurement of speed of ultrasound and thickness of concrete articles

Kachanov V.K., Sokolov I.V., Kontsov R.V., Sinitsyn A.A.


A reference-free method is considered for concurrent measurement of the speed of ultrasonic vibrations and the thickness of concrete constructional products with ultrasonic antenna arrays that use the “focusing to a plane” algorithm.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):23-31
pages 23-31 views

Advanced-reliability acoustic-emission transducers

Danyuk A.V., Rastegaev I.A., Merson D.L., Vinogradov A.


A design of an advanced-reliability piezoelectric transducer of acoustic emission (AE) is suggested. The advanced reliability is achieved by eliminating the main reasons that lead to failures; duplicating/backing the main operating systems; and imparting redundant or extended technical capabilities to the transducer design that make it possible to compensate for partial or complete performance loss of the antenna group. It is shown that given such a design approach, it is feasible to achieve technical characteristics that are stipulated for industrial acoustic-emission transducers. Theoretical estimates of transducer reliability are presented that show that a combination of backing of AE registration channels with different versions of their connection gives ample opportunities for governing the reliability of sensors during their usage/service life.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):32-38
pages 32-38 views

Acoustic investigations of the steel samples deformation during the tensile

Ivanova Y., Partalin T., Pashkuleva D.


The paper presents an experimental study of ultrasonic surface waves propagation in the low carbon steel specimens with different degree of degradation of microstructure and mechanical properties, subjected to tensile deformation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the dependence between microstructure, mechanical and acoustic properties and to find appropriate parameters for stress state evaluation. For identification of degradation and stress state we use ultrasonic Rayleigh waves (URW) velocity variation obtained by in-line and off-line measurements. The degradation is imitated by structural changes caused by heat treatment.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):39-50
pages 39-50 views

Electromagnetic Methods

Monitoring stressed state of pipelines by magnetic parameters of metal

Filinov V.V., Kuznetsov A.N., Arakelov P.G.


A method is described for assessing the residual life of pipelines and articles made of structural steels. Dependences between applied stresses and parameters of registered magnetic noises are shown. Criteria are suggested for assessing the in-service destruction of pipeline metal by its magnetic parameters.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views

Optical Methods

On the effect of the shape of a flaw on its detectability against noise background

Epifantsev B.N., Zhumazhanova S.S.


When switching to automatic output-quality testing systems, the aspiration for improving the detectability of insignificant deviations of the output parameters from the statutory ones necessitates the solution of a number of new problems. One of those is assessing the effect of the image-energy spectral density from an axisymmetric flaw on the reliability of its detection against background noise by both human and computer vision systems. Knowing this information is a necessary condition for developing new enhanced testing and evaluating techniques. Results are presented on the probabilities of false alarm and correct detection of axisymmetric circular or rectangular flaws depending on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the ratio of the flaw radius to the background-fluctuation correlation radius. It has been established that for small SNR, human vision is more effective than machine vision that implements the correlation detector algorithm and the Neyman–Pearson criterion.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):62-70
pages 62-70 views

Radiation Methods

Estimating the probability of flaw detection by modeling processes of image generation and interpretation

Kosarina E.I., Stepanov A.V.


A method for determining the probability of flaw detection by modeling optical images generated by X-ray nondestructive testing methods is described. Processes of formation of intrinsic noises in transducers have been studied. Normal distribution laws have been substantiated for the optical density in radiographic evaluation and the image brightness in fluoroscopic testing. Based on the image recognition theory, application of convolution in X-ray image interpretation has been justified and the accompanying change in the signal-to-noise ratio has been demonstrated. Dependence of flaw-detection probability on the shape and dimensions of test articles has been studied.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):71-79
pages 71-79 views

The Monte Carlo study of techniques for determining bremsstrahlung focal spots

Bespalov V.I., Sorokin V.B.


The Monte Carlo statistical modeling has been used to study the techniques for determining the size of bremsstrahlung focal spots in the approximation of a normal distribution of bremsstrahlung quanta over the target surface.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(1):80-88
pages 80-88 views

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