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Vol 53, No 6 (2017)

Acoustic Methods

Using coherence factor to improve the quality of reflector images in ultrasonic testing

Bazulin E.G.


When running ultrasonic testing, it is possible to analyze reflector images that have been restored by the method of digital focusing with an antenna (DFA). To improve the quality of the reflector images, one can use a coherence factor (CF) or a sign coherence factor (SCF) obtained from the calculated delay times instead of counting echo signals. The images obtained with the calculation of the coherence factor make it possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio and front resolution. It has been demonstrated by numerical and model experiments that reconstructing the CF- and SCF-images of reflectors is efficient when registering echo signals by both ordinary and thinned (TAA) antenna arrays, in which the distance between neighboring elements is much greater than the wavelength.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):401-414
pages 401-414 views

Detecting acoustic-emission signals with fiber-optic interference transducers

Bashkov O.V., Romashko R.V., Zaikov V.I., Panin S.V., Bezruk M.N., Khun K., Bashkov I.O.


Results of the analysis of acoustic-emission signals generated due to ultrasonic waves propagating in a polymer composite material and registered with piezoelectric and fiber-optic sensors are presented. The fiber-optic sensors were arranged into an adaptive interferometer based on using a dynamic hologram formed in a photorefractive crystal. Reducing the setpoint fading has made it possible to improve the noise immunity and sensitivity of the measurement system when using an adaptive interferometer on a photorefractive crystal. Optical fibers in the interferometer’s measurement system served as sensors of ultrasonic waves and were built into a polymer composite material when the sample was manufactured. The sample was a rectangular plate made of a multilayer fiberglass material. It has been discovered that the sensitivity of the adaptive interferometer makes it possible to detect acoustic- emission signals generated by a Hsu–Nielsen source. When determining the speed of sound in the polymer composite material, peculiarities of registering a group wave by fiber-optic sensors have been established that are due to the anisotropy of the medium the wave propagates in and the distributed character of sensor placement in the studied composite material. The wavelet transform has been used to separate the informative component of the wanted signal.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):415-421
pages 415-421 views

Studying the failure of a CFRP sample under static loading by the acoustic-emission and fractography methods

Stepanova L.N., Bataev V.A., Chernova V.V.


Relationship between the main informative parameters of acoustic-emission (AE) signals recorded during static loading of a CFRP sample and the process of material fracture has been investigated. Clusterization of AE signals by digitized shape has made it possible to locate a zone they originate from. Material was then cut out from this zone to prepare thin sections that were subjected to fractography. Fractography revealed fiber fracture, brittle cracking of the matrix, its exfoliation from the carbon fibers, etc.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):422-429
pages 422-429 views

Acoustic-emission inspection of flaws during laser bonding of articles made of VT20 titanium alloy

Fomin V.M., Serieznov A.N., Stepanova L.N., Orishich A.M., Kabanov S.I., Kanifadin K.V., Malikov A.G.


The acoustic-emission method for inspecting flaws that form during laser bonding with the use of a CO2 continuous-wave laser with a power of up to 8 kW and characteristics that can be preadjusted prior to welding is considered. The structure of acoustic-emission signals registered in a specimen’s flawed domain has been analyzed using the wavelet transform. It has been shown that the structural coefficients of the acoustic-emission signals localized in specimen’s flawed sections become identical over time.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):430-435
pages 430-435 views

Forecasting the strength of concrete during its hardening by the acoustic-emission method

Bardakov V.V., Sagaidak A.I.


Concrete structure formation has been studied by the acoustic-emission method. Using the results of the experimental research, a relationship has been revealed between the acoustic-emission data registered during the first 24 hours of hardening of a concrete composition and its strength at the age of 28 days. Informative parameters of acoustic-emission data have been determined that correlate with the strength of the concrete composition at the age of 28 days.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):436-443
pages 436-443 views

Stray field of a wedge placed in an external inhomogeneous magnetic field

Dyakin V.V., Kaibicheva S.L.


The problem of determining the stray field of an OZ-axis–infinite wedge with a constant magnetic permeability μ placed in a constant inhomogeneous magnetic field is considered. The problem statement is given, the properties of the solution are examined, and some examples are provided.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):444-452
pages 444-452 views

Active thermal testing of hyperthermoconductive panels

Simonova O.S., Chulkov A.O., Vavilov V.P., Suntsov S.B.


Application of active infrared thermography to assessing the internal structure and functioning of hyperthermoconductive panels used in on-board electronics is described. Effective thermal- diffusivity maps of hyperthermoconductive panels, obtained using the pulsed Parker method, are presented. The peculiarities of heat transfer in hyperthermoconductive panels are illustrated using experimental modeling in which a local thermal-load source is placed on the surface of hyperthermoconductive panels.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):453-456
pages 453-456 views

General Questions of Nondestructive Testing

Developing an integrated technique to evaluate crack formation in reinforced concrete under uniaxial compression

Fursa T.V., Petrov M.V., Dann D.D., Lykov A.E.


Regularities of changes in the parameters of acoustic and electromagnetic emission and of forced electric response from reinforced concrete under uniaxial compression have been studied. It has been established that the main diagnostic criteria of the onset of crack formation are the emergence of high-amplitude signals of acoustic and electromagnetic emission; considerable changes in the spectral composition of the electric signal; a decrease in the maximum coefficient of correlation between the spectra of signals registered at different stages of loading as compared with the spectrum of the signal prior to loading; and hopping shift of the frequency at which the maximum correlation coefficient is observed. On-line monitoring and periodic inspection can be used to assess the onset of crack-formation processes.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):457-463
pages 457-463 views

A nondestructive method and a tool for evaluating rigidity of porous sheet materials

Volkovas V., Petkevichius K., Mikalauskas R., Slavitskas S., Uldinskas E.


Moulded foam (MF) is proliferating on the market of porous materials. It consists of separate factions (of different shapes and sizes) of the previously produced and often used polyurethane foam that has been crushed into crumbs and bound together by fresh polyurethane foam. In terms of rigidity, such structure forms an inhomogeneous porous material (IPM). The technology of manufacturing such materials a priori implies the inhomogeneity of rigidity both in the sheet plane and between different sheets that are cut to a prescribed thickness from a pre-formed rectangular parallelepiped of the porous material. Being able to control the rigidity of inhomogeneous porous sheet materials is an important requirement for the future high-quality produce. The testing technique used for these purposes needs to be accurate enough, nondestructive, practically feasible, and not time-consuming. In this paper, moulded foam is used as an example to consider theoretical aspects of modeling the process of IPM formation as well as practical issues related to developing and researching a nondestructive technique and a tool for measuring the rigidity of porous sheet materials, to monitoring the measurement accuracy, and to testing the created prototype of such a device.

Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2017;53(6):464-474
pages 464-474 views

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