卷 19, 编号 1 (2014)


Extensive liver resection with preoperative regional chemotherapy for colorectal metastases in patients with high risk of blood loss

Lazarev A., Mamontov K., Kotelnikov A., Lubennikov V., Khays S.


Objective: to study influence of regional chemo- and biotherapy on intraoperative blood loss. Materials and methods: An analysis of 122 cases of extensive liver resection accompanied with regional chemotherapy in colorectal metastases patients has been performed. 69 (57%) of them had bilobar lesions, 58 (48%) - had multiple metastases, 27 (22%) - had been resected for extrahepatic metastases. Results: bevacizumab inclusion in preoperative regional chemotherapy did not lead to increase of intraoperative blood loss. Conclusion: Median intraoperative blood loss was 1200 ml in both groups. Up to 6 courses of preoperative antitumor therapy, regardless of route of drug introduction did not increase blood loss. Intraoperative blood loss increases from standard to extended liver resection. Resection of contralateral lobe metastases did not lead to statistically significant increase in blood loss as compared with standard operation.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Neurological aspects of surgical treatment in breast cancer patients

Obmanov I., Jarygin M., Shmyrev V., Nosenko E., Jarygin L.


Preservation of the intercostobrachial nerves (ICBN) during surgical operations in breast cancer patients is still controversial. Sixty women aged from 36 to 83 (63,1±11,9) were examined to identify the influence of preserving the ICBN. In 40 (66,7%) women ICBN were preserved, but in 20 (33,3%) ones - were transected. The clinical evaluation was performed at 14th day and at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Sensory loss, hands strength dynamometry, quality of life (QOL), lymphedema and depression were estimated in this study. Hypoesthesia, feeling pain and QOL had a significant statistical difference between the two groups. Postmastectomy lymphedema, hands strength and depression were statistically insignificant between the groups. Thus, preservation of the ICBN reduces the sensory changes, pain and improves the quality of life in women after breast cancer surgery.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):8-12
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Comparison of stereotactic techniques of irradiation in aged patients with early stages of non-small cell lung cancer

Anikeeva O., Tevs K., Pashkovskaya O., Samoylova E.


The results of 2 years survival after stereotactic radiation therapy for 117 patients with early-stages of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in patients with the age-related contraindications to surgery (with heavy cardiovascular diseases) were analyzed. We compare three treatment methods: 3D conformal radiotherapy in the free breathing - 39 patients (group 1); 3D dynamic conformal radiotherapy with active breath control - 42 patients (group 2), and high-hypofractionated stereotactic radiation therapy - 36 patients (3 group). Local control rate was highest in the group 3 - 85 %. Two year survival rate in groups 1, 2 and 3 reached 41%, 56% and 66 %, respectively. It was revealed that the results of high-dose hypofractionated radiation therapy for 2-year survival rates are comparable with surgery. Thus, the distant stereotactic conformal radiation therapy of NSCLC stages 1 and 2 with active breath control showed a higher efficiency without increasing the toxicity on the mediastinum, which has compromised heavy competing cardiovascular diseases. Also, the best long-term results of treatment were registered in a group of high-dose hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):13-19
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The treatment results of loco-regional recurrence of oral mucosa and the oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma

Zaderenko I., Drobyshev A., Azizyan R., Alieva S.


The study included 314 patients with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx after radical treatment. Patients were divided into groups depending on the timing - patients with early recurrence (n- 162), and late recurrence (n- 152), and depending on the type of treatment of recurrent tumors: conservative treatment group (n- 56 ), surgical (n- 235) and combined treatment group (n- 23). A comparative evaluation of the treatment effectiveness in these patients based on the results of treatment, survival rates, the frequency and severity of complications was performed. It was found that patients with late relapse have a better prognosis than patients with early relapse. Based on these data we can conclude that conservative therapy of recurrent tumors of the oral cavity if surgical treatment is impossible is effective, especially in cases of late recurrent tumors. Only the surgical or combined treatment may reach the five-year survival rate in patients with recurrent tumor, cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):20-25
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Densitometrical volume diagnostics of spherical formations in lungs with the use of artificial neuron

Konovalov V., Kolmogorov V., Lobanov M., Leonov S., Shayduk A.


Cancer, specific, nonspecific inflammatory and other pathological processes in lungs have similar lines in their visualization by multislice computed tomography methods. In order to improve the accuracy of the differential diagnosis of spherical formations in lungs by quantifying their internal structure with multislice computed tomography a newly developed method comprising sighting volume densitometry was used. 328 patients with primary cancer of a lung, pneumonia and infiltrative tuberculosis are surveyed. The set of densitometry parameters for differential diagnostics of diseases is defined. For paired division of diseases the nonlinear neuron was used. Sensitivity at division of the «primary cancer - infiltrative tuberculosis» made 91,1%, specificity - 88,6%, accuracy - 90,2%. Sensitivity at division of the «primary cancer - pneumonia» made 90,4%, specificity - 74,5%, accuracy - 84,2%. Sensitivity at division of the «infiltrative tuberculosis - pneumonia» made 79,5%, specificity - 80,8%, accuracy - 80,2%.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):25-31
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Evaluation of the laser therapy clinical efficacy in chronic vulval dystrophic diseases

Stambolieva A., Manukhin I., Bogatyrev V.


It has been found that copper vapour laser emission is a highly effective treatment of chronic degenerative diseases of the vulva (HDZV): squamous cell hyperplasia and sclerotic depriving vulva (SLV). Application of a copper vapor laser can reduce the clinical manifestations of these diseases and decrease the frequency of recurrences. The basis of pathogenesis-based treatment is normalization of hormonal status in patients with vulvar squamous cell hyperplasia (PRTs) and immunomodulatory effects, manifested by normalization of major subpopulations of immunocompetent cells relations, changes in the level of expression of receptors for interleukin-2 and transferrin on lymphocytes, increased levels of nonspecific resistance.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):32-36
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Pathomorphologi-cal and immune status features in patients with external urethral meatus polypus

Yakovlev A., Neymark A., Semenov D.


Представлены результаты исследования 150 пациенток с полипами наружного отверстия уретры в возрасте от 45 до 70 лет. Пациентки обследованы по предложенной схеме. После обследования на урогенитальную инфекцию методом культурального исследования и ПЦР пациентки поделены на две группы. 1-ю группу составили 90 женщин с полипами и выявленной урогенитальной инфекцией, во 2-ю группу вошли 60 пациенток с полипами уретры неинфекционной этиологии. Проведены исследование иммунной системы и патоморфологический анализ биоптатов полипа у пациенток обеих групп, что позволило выявить особенности течения данного заболевания.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Diagnostics of signet cell cancer gastric metastases in pleural and ascitic fluids with use of cytological method

Grigoruk O., Bazulina L., Sigitova E., Moskvina T., Stepanova A., Malikova L., Lopatin S., Dudarenko S., Lazarev A.


В статье оценены возможности верификации перстневидно-клеточного рака желудка в асцитической и плевральной жидкости с использованием цитологической диагностики у больных, проходивших лечение в КГБУЗ «Алтайский краевой онкологический диспансер». Дифференциальную диагностику перстневидных клеток опухоли в жидкости при световой микроскопии проводили с гистиоидными элементами и перстневидными клетками мезотелия, характерными для «застойных» плевритов и асцитов. Проблема дифференциальной диагностики легкорешаема с использованием иммуноцитохимической реакции на раково-эмбриональный и эпителиальный антигены, которая позволяет устанавливать принадлежность клеток к перстневидно-клеточному раку.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):40-44
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Coagulation and protein-synthetic functions features of liver during formation of acute cholangitis induced by tumor of pancreaticoduodenal zone

Kazantseva E., Shoikhet Y., Momot A., Fokeev S.


The study of coagulation features and protein-synthetic function of blood in patients with cancer of pancreatoduodenal zone, complicated by mechanical jaundice and acute cholangitis was carried out. There are 106 patients included in this work, blood samples was taken at admission (day 1), 3-5 and 7-10 days after operation. Characteristic of hemocoagulation activity was studied by measuring the activity of coagulation factors V and VII. Protein-forming liver function was taken into account by measuring the activity of coagulation factors V and VII, as well as the main physiological anticoagulants - antithrombin III and protein C. The leading cause of blood coagulability reduction in examined patients was a disorder of the vitamin K - dependent factors synthesis (for example, factor VII) with the moderate changes of factor V, antithrombin III and protein C in the course of the disease.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):44-47
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The role of international legal mechanisms of medicine circulation regulation in the delivery of effective cancer care

Malichenko V., Malichenko S., Yavisya A.


The present demographic situation, changing morbidity structure and the rapid spread of cancer in the world impose serious challenges to the world community, particularly in terms of ensuring access to safe and effective medicines for cancer treatment. The current situation calls for reform of the international legal mechanisms governing the circulation of medicines.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):48-53
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Gestational trophoblastic disease: classification and prognostic factors (part I)

Bistritskaya D., Tikhonovskaya M., Mescheryakova L., Kuznetsov V., Davidova I.


Major research studies on the current predictors of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) were not conducted in Russia. The prognostic value of new prognostic factors such as the level of beta - hCG in spinal fluid in patients with disseminated tumor, the level of placental lactogen (PL) in patients with GTD have not been studied. Until now, there is no earlier criterion of tumor resistance to conventional chemotherapy (parameters beta - HCG, tumor size, etc.). As a result, clinicians often plan GTD treatment of patients according to clinical stage, apply non-standard chemotherapy regimens, which contributes to the development of tumor resistance and significantly worsens the prognosis of the disease. Thus, timely diagnosis and proper staging of GTD, it is important to optimize treatment planning. Proper treatment at an early stage can cure the vast majority of patients, using high-efficiency and low-toxicity standard first line chemotherapy regimens without harm to the reproductive health of women and reduce their quality of life. Comprehensive study of predictors of GTD will allow better planning of treatment, identify early factors tumor resistance to conventional chemotherapy and to develop evidence-based recommendations for optimizing the treatment of patients with GTD.
Russian Journal of Oncology. 2014;19(1):54-56
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