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Acute cold stress (4°C, 4 hours) led to inhibition of the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) in stimulated cultures of peritoneal macrophages of the mouse. The effect of acute cold stress was not modified by the administration of naloxone. Chronic cold stress (4°C, 4 hours, 7 days) led to stimulation of ROS production by peritoneal macrophages of mice in the presence of zymosan. This effect is partially canceled by the administration of naloxone.

About the authors

I. L. Sharavyeva

ASO of Russia Federal state budgetary institution of science. Institute of ecology and genetics of microorganisms UR RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

S. V.1· Geyn

Perm state research university

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

S. P. Tendryakova

Perm state research university

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Sharavyeva I.L., Geyn S.V., Tendryakova S.P.

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