Correlation between quality of life indicators, peculiarities of diet and clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis

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Multiple sclerosis is one of the most important problems of neurology. Onset age of disease is young, and young people, which are able to work often become invalids. That is why multiple sclerosis is medical and social problem. Questions of epidemiology and quality of life of our patients with multiple sclerosis are modern questions of multiple sclerosis problem. Our scientific work is devoted to relation between indicators of quality of life and dietary factors, clinical peculiarities of disease. We received interesting results. We found, that among males most important for quality of life are physical functions and common condition of health. And emotial problems, reduction of social functions, reduction of vitality are most important for quality of life among females.

About the authors

M. Yu. Tatarinova

Russian State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

N. F. Smirnova

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow

A. N. Boyko

Russian State Medical University

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2000 Tatarinova M.Y., Smirnova N.F., Boyko A.N.

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