Vol XIV, No 1 (1907)

Original study arcticles

The effect of botulism toxin on the central nervous system, in comparison with the effect of some other nerve toxins

Osipov V.P.


In view of the fact that at present the doctrine of intoxication and autointoxication of the body is becoming more and more firmly established, as the causal factor of many nervous and mental diseases, the study of the effect of toxins on the nervous system is gaining more and more interest every day; this study has not only theoretical, but also important practical significance, since by causing a known disease with the help of this or that toxin, having studied the effect of the toxin on the body, we gain chances to develop an antitoxin, and, therefore, enrich the clinic with a new rational therapeutic agent; in addition, having a toxin, we can cause and study the clinical and pathological picture of the disease in animals at any given moment, which is especially valuable when studying the nature of rare diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):1-11
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A case of sudden death of an epileptic during sleep

Naumov F.A.


Often, epileptics die at the time of a pronounced seizure attack, especially in status epilepticus; otherwise they die either at the time of the attack, or immediately after it in an unconscious state, from completely random circumstances, which are sometimes completely impossible to prevent even with careful observation of the patient and which are fatal for the given subject. All cases of this kind are very instructive, indicating once again what kind of careful supervision epileptics require, even in the setting of special institutions, where they seem to be in the greatest safety from death due to lack of preventive measures or oversight on the part of the caring staff.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):12-29
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A case of severe Hyperemesis gravidarum, cured by verbal suggestion

Sholomovich A.S.


Despite the significant literature on the issue of "Hyperemesis gravidarum", until now the etiology, pathological anatomy and therapy of this serious disease remain almost completely unknown. - There is not even a strictly established symptomatology of suffering, as a result of which there is no exact basis for the diagnosis, and a complicating factor is the lack of a generally accepted, clear definition and the very concept of "Hyperemesis gravidarum". The disease itself, apparently, is not rare, although there are no exact data for judging about this. But deaths are undoubted as a result of this disease, which often takes two lives to the grave: one in the prime of life, the other barely emerging.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):30-46
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On the change in the conduction velocity in the nerve during the development of parabiosis

Polumordvinov D.V.


General nervous physiology still takes into account a kind of doctrine of the separation of the basic properties of nerves, according to which one of the properties can be changed without changing the other, such as, for example. destroy conduction while maintaining excitability.

In the development of this doctrine, a very significant role belongs to the small and simple experiment of Grungayen, who studied the stepwise effect of carbon dioxide on the excised frog nerve. Exposing a part of the nerve to the influence of carbon dioxide, Grungagen found that excitability in the anesthetized area dropped markedly, while, upon stimulation of the central end, contractions continued to be obtained at the same current strength.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):47-70
pages 47-70 views

About the Gürtle method

Fanstein B.


In 1889, in the 44th volume of the Pfluger Archive (Archiv für die gesammte Physiol.), An article by K. Gürtle appeared: “Research on the innervation of cerebral vessels”, in this article, in addition to the factual material regarding the state of cerebral vessels under various extreme conditions, the author presents and substantiates a new method of studying the cerebral circulation. This method consists of measuring blood pressure in the central and peripheral ends of the carotid artery and is named after the author, the Gürtle method.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):71-105
pages 71-105 views


Pierre Marie. Reconsideration of the question of aphasia: aphasia from 1861 to 1866; experience of historical criticism of the origin of Brock's teachings. Revision de la question de l'aphasie; l'apha-sie de 1861-ä 1866; essai de critique liisforique sur la genese de la doctrine de Broca. La semaine medicale No. 48, 1906.

Sholomovich A.S.


In a rather long and very detailed article, supplied with 8 figures and illustrations, the author sets out in detail the history and development of Brock's teachings about the specific role of the 3 frontal gyrus as the center of articulate speech. Pointing out that Brock's teachings are based on data from two autopsies Leborgne’a and Lelong’a, the author aims to “convince readers that neither of these 2 Brock’s observations allows us to examine the third frontal gyrus as the center of speech”.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):106-109
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Luig and Mongeri. (Constantinopel). Die Ätiologie uud die Behandlung der Puerperalpsychosen. „AUg. Leitschr. f. Psychiatrie “. LVII B. 2 & 3 H. 397 s

Skuridin I.


The author, who observed a fairly large number of puerperal psychoses in the Hopital international de la Paix in Constantinople, draws special attention to the fact that in all his cases of puerperal psychoses, an increase in t° (sometimes even up to 39.6 °C) was observed. The author subjected his patients to a thorough examination, wishing to find the cause of the ego of the fever; however, he was never able to ascertain even minor symptoms of diseases of the lungs, heart or abdominal organs.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):109-111
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Robert Jones (London). A case of Chorea and Pregnancy with Insauity. "The Journal of Mental Science". V. XLIX. No. 206. p. 486

Skuridin I.


The author gives a detailed description of the case of chorea and mental disorder that developed during the first pregnancy and gave a relapse during the second. The essence of the medical history is as follows: J.D. 21 years old, unmarried, servant. In the patient's family, there were no cases of insanity, alcoholism, or blood relations between parents: her father died of apoplexy, 2 brothers, of consumption. The patient herself was distinguished by good physical health, modesty and a lively and cheerful disposition.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):111-115
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E. Canton & J. Ingegnieros. Locura del embarazo (Folie gravidiqne). Buenos. Aires. Br. 1903

Skuridin I.


Dr. E. Nicoulau, in No. 2 Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 1906, sets out the contents of the pamphlet by prof. E. Canto`a, and Dr J. Ingegnieros in Buenos Aires. The authors point out the serious importance for a woman of the function of childbearing in the development of psychosis. All stages of this function can give rise to the development of various forms of mental disorder that make up the general group of "PUEU-.moral psychosis", this includes, therefore, the insanity of pregnant women, postpartum women, women in labor and breastfeeding, as well as menstrual insanity, since menstruation can be examined like childbirth in miniature.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):115-117
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Fere. Note sur I’influence de l’incontinence sexuelle pendant la gestation sur la descendence. "Archiv, de Neurolog". V. XIX. No. 112.1905

Skuridin I.


Fere describes a case of epilepsy in an 8-year-old boy that is interesting mainly from the etiological point of view.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):117-118
pages 117-118 views

A. Marie. — Eunuchisme et Erotisme (Nouvelle Icuno graphic de la Salpetridre. No. 5, 1906)

Zaitsev A.


The author cites a case of mental disorder of an erotic character, which he observed in Egypt, with corresponding deceptions of the senses. The case is about a 40-year-old eunuch who was completely castrated in early childhood.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):118-120
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Prof. Ѵ. Monakow. Aphasie und Diaschisis. Neurol. Centralblatt. 1906. No. 22.

Shapiro L.М.


Bearing in mind the insufficiency of the prevailing theory of aphasia to explain some clinical phenomena and the frequent inconsistency of the latter with the data of pathological studies, Monakow establishes a new concept - "diaschisis", a phenomenon that, in his opinion, can illuminate some features of the clinical course of aphasia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):120-121
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G. Marinesco et J. Minea. Recherches sur la regenere- scence de la moelle.—Nouv. Iconogr. de la Salpetriere 1906. № 5

Shapiro L.М.


Having outlined in some detail the results of the experimental studies of Stroebe, Fickler and Ramon-y-Cajal regarding the regeneration of the spinal cord and mentioning the work of Bielschowsky'aro concerning the pathological investigation of two cases of pulp glioma, the author describes the data he obtained in experiments on dogs and in the pathological study of two cases of traumatic spinal cord injury in humans.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):121-125
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I. Rabinski. Ma conception de l’hysterie et de Phypuo- tisme (pithiatisme). 1906

Markelov G.


Hysteria, according to the most common view, owes its character to a special complex of individual symptoms, of which none of them will be absolutely characteristic of themselves. They generally say that hysteria manifests itself in the form of two kinds of disorders, some are permanent, the so-called stigmata, and others are transient.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):126-131
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Prof. Mingazzini und dr. Polimanti. Über die physiologischen Folgen von succesiven Exstirpationen eines Stirn- loppens (regio praecruciata) und einer Kleinhirnhälfte. (Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie. 1906 November)

Markelov G.


Before starting to clarify the results of their observations, the authors give a brief outline of various views on the motor functions of the frontal lobe. Ferrier ascribes to the frontal lobe a retarding effect on the motor centers. Goltz points out that after extirpation of the frontal lobe, exactly the same phenomena occur as after operations on the parietal lobes (movement disorders, visual, etc.).

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):125-126
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And L. Schwartz. To the doctrine of degenerative and regenerative changes in the central nervous system. From Pathologic. office of the Institute Experim. medicine. Dissertation. 1906

Shevalov Е.


The author set himself the goal of tracing, using the latest research methods, changes in the central nervous system, mainly in cellular neurofibrils, which occur during degenerative processes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):131-136
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M. Ya.Droznes. The tasks of medicine in the fight against modern nervousness. Public sanatoriums for nervous patients. Odessa 1907

Rudnev V.


Following the example of Germany, it is necessary to arrange in Russia public sanatoriums for less wealthy nervous patients. Following Möbius's articles on this issue, a sanatorium “Haus Schönow” was set up near Berlin, partly with donations for this purpose, and partly with money received from members of the community to support this venture.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):137-137
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S. Korshun. Colony for the mentally ill "Eglfing" near Munich (Oberbayerische Heil und Pfleganstalt Eglfing). Kharkiv Medical. zhurn. 1907 Ns 1

Rudnev V.


An imposing institution recently built by the Bavarian State for 8 million marks on a plot of land worth 1 million marks. A picturesque town with a church, varied architecture of buildings, verandas, gardens. 87 buildings, of which 30 are hospital: workshops, theater, laundry, barnyard.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):138-138
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Society for Labor Aid in the Yaroslavl Province Report on the asylum of alcoholics for 1905 Compiled by doctor A.A. Golosov

Sholomovich A.


In the complex system of practical measures that are recommended to society for the fight against alcoholism, one of the important places is occupied by the so-called. shelters or shelters for acute alcoholics. Unfortunately, these shelters are extremely rare, and not only in the provinces, but also in St. Petersburg and Moscow, acute alcoholics find themselves from the street in the most barbaric conditions; quite often they are subjected to uniform torture — as, for example. a well-known rubbing of ears for sobering up, they are often robbed, beaten and finally end up in the disgusting, dirty, cold and earthly corners of the "bedbugs".

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):139-140
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Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume XIV, № 1 (1907)

Donskov N.A.


On January 9, he died in Leipzig, famous for his works on Basedow's disease, on the treatment of nervous diseases and the organization of hospitals for nervous diseases, on maternal neuritis, on the pathology of the cervical sympathetic nerve, etc. Popular scientific works also brought him great fame.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):143-151
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Письмо в редакцию

Letter to the editor. Volume XIV, № 1 (1907)


The Board of the Society of Russian Doctors in memory of N.I. Pirogov asks you to print the following statement in the next issue of your publication: The next Xth Pirogov Congress of Doctors is convened in Moscow on April 25-May 2, 1907.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(1):141-142
pages 141-142 views

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