A case of severe Hyperemesis gravidarum, cured by verbal suggestion


Despite the significant literature on the issue of "Hyperemesis gravidarum", until now the etiology, pathological anatomy and therapy of this serious disease remain almost completely unknown. - There is not even a strictly established symptomatology of suffering, as a result of which there is no exact basis for the diagnosis, and a complicating factor is the lack of a generally accepted, clear definition and the very concept of "Hyperemesis gravidarum". The disease itself, apparently, is not rare, although there are no exact data for judging about this. But deaths are undoubted as a result of this disease, which often takes two lives to the grave: one in the prime of life, the other barely emerging.

About the authors

Alexander S. Sholomovich

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 1907 Sholomovich A.S.

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