Vol XXII, No 3-4 (1915)


About dreams according to Hippocrates

Rudnev V.I.


In the works attributed to Hippocrates, there is a chapter devoted to dreams. It is interesting to get acquainted with the views of the ancient doctor. Both in the present time and in antiquity, dreams were given a well-known meaning and tried on the basis of them to judge the state of the organism; In this sense, dreams for the ancients had a medical meaning, and it was only necessary to be able to explain Dreams, or reasonably judge them, as Hippocrates said.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(3-4):341-349
pages 341-349 views

On the question of operative interventions in epilepsia partialis continua

Steinberg S.U.


For the first time, surgical intervention for epilepsia partialis continua with the aim of scooping up the affected center was applied in the Kazan clinic of nervous diseases in a year.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(3-4):350-354
pages 350-354 views

To uchebіyu about the internal detachable activity of the thyroid gland under normal and some pathological conditions

Osokin N.E.


Despite the fact that the thyroid gland was described by Wharton back in 1664, its biological role for the animal organism became clear only in the second half of the past century. Until that time, the most diverse representations existed about the significance of this organ.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(3-4):355-401
pages 355-401 views

Clinical casuistry of traumatic neurosis

Suhov A.A.


The current war is already reflected in the medical literature by a mass of observations, even at the present time making many additions to pathology and, especially, in relation to clinics of traumatic neurosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(3-4):403-423
pages 403-423 views

A brief review of the literature on nervous and mental illnesses in connection with the war

Osokin N.E., Lass S.A.


Dejerine and Mouzon (Revue neurolog. 1915. No. 17-18), when examining two patients with wounds to the skull in the area of ​​the sensitive zone of the cerebral cortex, note the special nature of the disorders observed at the same time. Therefore, it is possible to identify a sensitive cortical syndrome, which is characterized by almost complete preservation of tactile sensitivity, normal thermal and pain, with a significant change in the stereognostic feeling, the position of parts of the body. From changes in sensitivity with a disease of a visual hillock, the syndrome under consideration is distinguished by a partial disorder of sensitivity, while for diseases of a visual hillock, a change in all types of sensitivity is characteristic.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(3-4):424-463
pages 424-463 views

Chronicle and mixture, Volume XXII, No.3-4 (1915)

Editorial B.


In the first meeting of the Petrograd City Commission for the Fight against Alcoholism from the exchange of opinions, which was attended by a pharmacist, serving pharmacists, a medical inspector, etc.

Neurology Bulletin. 1915;XXII(3-4):464-469
pages 464-469 views

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