Vol XX, No 3 (1913)


On the issue of surgical treatment of cortical epilepsy (traumatic and non-traumatic)

Razumovskiy V.I.


One of the most important gains in the field of brain surgery is the operative treatment of epilepsy, which received the right of citizenship only in the last 2 decades. This improvement, accompanied by an undoubted success in a whole series of cases, forced to revise the very scholarship on epilepsy, to a known degree to modify its scientific theory. Let us give in the form of provisions some of the newest views.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):401-416
pages 401-416 views

On the question of the ways of conducting hair sensitivity

Osipov V.P.


The authors, who worked out the question of hair sensitivity, came to a very unanimous conclusion that hair sensitivity seems to be sui generis sensitivity, which occupies an independent place among other types of skin sensitivity.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):416-426
pages 416-426 views

On the question of the mechanism of dermographism on the back and back of the neck and about the diagnostic significance of it

Lapinskiy M.N.


Reported on May 15, 1913 in the Kiev Physico-Medical Society. The term “dermographism” was introduced for the first time in 1899 by French authors, Barthelemy, Lamy-Féré, who proposed in this way to call the ability of the skin to be colored when drawing a line on it with some kind of solid subject.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):427-474
pages 427-474 views

Ankylosis of 5 vertebrae in case of "lumbarity" of the spine

Rudnev V.I.


Since the publication of the first case of spinal stiffness in 1892 by Professor Bekhterev, enough time has passed, a whole literature on this issue has appeared, and both the clinical, pathological and microscopic picture, as well as the relation of the stiffness of the spine to the spondylose Mariehizomélium, have appeared.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):475-500
pages 475-500 views

Mutual substitution of the nervous system and internal secretion in the light of Mendelian principles of biological evolution

Tutyshkin P.P.


Each area of knowledge, as well as in public life and politics, has its own topical issues that attract universal attention, they can be compared with outbreak of epidemics, the causative agent of which is in the air.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):501-559
pages 501-559 views

To casuistic amyotrophy in tabes dorsalis

Arkhangelskaya E.N.


The question of the volume of amіotrophies observed in dorsal tabes has been of interest to clinicians since long ago. Marked back in the 30s (Cruveillier), they have long remained unknown in their origin.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):501-559
pages 501-559 views

Къ statistics of alcoholism

Aykhenvald L.I.


During the periods of hard trials and popular wages, the public initiative awakens for seething activity; everyone's attention is intensely concentrated around the ailment that threatens the well-being of the population.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):570-591
pages 570-591 views

On the issue of acute course and pathological anatomy of polyneuritic psychosis

Khoroshko V.K.


It is not the first time that I have to speak out on the issue of polyneuritis and polyneuritic psychosis. I had to touch on the field of pathological anatomy and ethiology of polyneuritis (bacterium coli), poisoning with carbon dioxide, to touch on the symptomatology of multiple neuritis (the phenomenon of constant hyperkinesis), and its pathogenesis, as well as to try to approach the apparatus experimentally and experimentally with

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):592-606
pages 592-606 views

To the question of the state of skin and tendon reflexes in Thomsen's disease (Myotonia congentia)

Kozhevnikov A.M.


The first indications in the literature on this disease refer to 1832, when Dr. Bell paid attention to him, and to 1866, when Leyden returned to him; but nevertheless it was Thomsen who first described it in detail, and it deservedly bears his name.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):607-613
pages 607-613 views

Radiation emanation and the nervous system

Brushtein S.A.


Over the past years, in the field of therapeutic knowledge, the greatest interest has aroused, no doubt, the emanation of radio. And although the main attention of researchers was paid to gouty and rheumatic diseases, there is already a sufficient number of indications in the literature regarding the influence of emanation on the nervous system, in general, and on nervous diseases, in particular.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):614-625
pages 614-625 views

A case of tuberculous meningitis under the guise of Korsakov's psychosis

Gutman L.G.


The case, which I will allow myself to report, is of twofold interest. On the one hand, he is interesting in diagnostics, on the other hand, his interest lies in a relatively rare mental picture, observed in this disease and known under the name of Korsakov's psychosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):626-637
pages 626-637 views

On the question of the termination of the part of the fibers of the ascending systems of the posterior columns of the spinal cord

Grinstein A.М.


In 1910, K. Goldstein described a system of fibers —fibrae arcuatae rediales — which are a direct continuation of the fibers of the posterior pillars.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):638-641
pages 638-641 views

On the question of operative intervention in traumatic spinal injury

Parin V.N.


In the question of the scope of surgical interventions for traumatic injuries of the spine, much remains unclear, in particular regarding the indication and time of production of the operation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):642-654
pages 642-654 views

Two cases of decompression sickness

Lapukhin V.D.


Patients whom I, with the permission of the Director of the Clinic of Nervous Diseases, Professor L.O.Darkshevich, I have the honor to introduce to the Society, suffer from diseases of the central nervous system due to the influence of air pressure, exceeding the atmospheric pressure.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):655-664
pages 655-664 views

A case of cranial amіotrophy

Lass S.


Prof. Monakow in his capital work on the pathology of the brain in the chapter on muscle atrophies of cranial origin, by the way, says (p. 618) that there are few such cases described in the literature, although this kind of atrophies are not encountered so often.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):665-672
pages 665-672 views

On the question of the innervation of the thyroid gland

Osokin N.E.


One of the most difficult and at the same time important problems of modern physiology is the issue of innervations of iron with internal secretions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):673-704
pages 673-704 views

About the application of hypnotic suggestions in epilepsy

Podyapolsky P.P.


I didn’t think about the reasons for the comparatively low success of the method of hypnotic suggestion in epilepsy, when the same method in the state of mind should give such quick and excellent results in other functional diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):705-747
pages 705-747 views

Dementia praecox paranoides

Noga-Nikolskaya A.G.


In 1908, Kölpin's work appeared in the literature under the title “about premature dementia and especially about his paranoid form” and thus this term first appeared, but the psychological study of this form of the disease was first submitted by V. I. Rudnev

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):748-762
pages 748-762 views

A case of "double athetosis"

Krol M.B.


The patient, whom I have the honor to introduce to you today, already in the second time in the course of his relatively short life — he is 16 years old — is the subject of scientific discussion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):763-777
pages 763-777 views

A Case of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis with Sensory Disorders

Protopopov C.I.


Patient K., 27 years old, was admitted to the Clinic of Nervous Diseases on September 7, 1912, the patient comes from an ordinary peasant family, family diseases in her family are not marked.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):778-793
pages 778-793 views

To scholarship on reflex and cerebral amіotrophies

Dzerzhinskiy V.


It would seem that after numerous and detailed works on this issue, it would be superfluous to draw the attention of readers to him, since there is a solid monograph by A. A. Kornilov and the dissertation of S. Margulis in Russian.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):794-843
pages 794-843 views

Paralysis of the lower extremities with increased skin so-called. protective reflexes

Favorskiy A.V.


If, in relation to tendon reflexes, we can consider at the present time the question sufficiently clarified in its main parts, then the same cannot be said about skin reflexes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):844-856
pages 844-856 views

Phenomenon of Waller degeneration in the posterior spinal roots, as a consequence of the overlapping of the anterior ones

Timashev N.К.


Studying the centrofugal dorsal root fibers and their cellular groups in the spinal cord, I had to perform two experiments with the re-cutting of the anterior roots.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):857-867
pages 857-867 views

Chronicles and mix

Donskov N.A.


Professor Wassermann has been appointed director of the Kaiser Wilheims Institute of Experimental Therapy in Dahlem’е. (Review of Psychiatry No. 3). - The Medical Council of the city of Moscow recognized it necessary to build the third Psychiatric Hospital for 1500 beds with its subsequent expansion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(3):867-869
pages 867-869 views

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