Mutual substitution of the nervous system and internal secretion in the light of Mendelian principles of biological evolution

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Each area of knowledge, as well as in public life and politics, has its own topical issues that attract universal attention, they can be compared with outbreak of epidemics, the causative agent of which is in the air.

About the authors

Petr P. Tutyshkin

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow


  1. Swale Vincent. Internal secretion and the ductless glands. London. 1912.
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  15. Полный перечень литературы о внутренней секреціи можно найти въ книгѣ prof. S. Vincent’a—„Internal secretion and the ductless glands“. London 1912.
  16. Рефераты работъ о внутренней секреціи см. Neurologisches Zentralblatt 1912, Nr. 3 и 1913, Nr. 3.

Copyright (c) 1913 Tutyshkin P.P.

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