Pathological changes in the central nervous system, caused by a lumbar puncture

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One of the most important purposes of scientific experiments performed by doctors on animals is to serve the interests of the clinic; it is a well-established fact, thanks to which modern medicine in general, and the clinic in particular, has been enriched with the greatest discoveries. Particularly important is the preliminary conduct of experiments on animals, when the clinic offers new means of treating diseases, which, for theoretical reasons, may turn out to be harmful to the human body; the use of such a means can be justified only in the case if the good results achieved by them cover its temporary harmful effect; but even under such conditions, the doctor should be aware of the unfavorable aspects of the action of the means used by him.

About the authors

V. P. Osipov

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

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2. Fig. I

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3. Fig. II

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Copyright (c) 1900 Osipov V.P.

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