Vol VII, No 1 (1899)

Original article

Muscular atrophies in craniocerebral suffering

Popov N.M.


On February 5th of this year, a patient came to our outpatient clinic with a complaint of severe headaches; these pains, which had lasted for about 2 months, at first appeared in him exclusively at night, and then did not stop during the day, although during the night they always took on a more cruel character. In the last time, an increase in headache was very often accompanied by vomiting and a feeling of goose bumps in the right extremities, in which the patient also began to suppress a clear decrease in strength, especially in the evening (during the day he was still in a state of some kind of work).

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):1-19
pages 1-19 views

About the influence of some gases on the absorption of methylene blue by the nerves and about the structure of nerve plexus

Rubashkin V.Y.


Who of the educated doctors and naturalists today does not know how abundant in the results and fruitful in the conclusions of the observations made in the course of these ten years with methylene blue. Injecting this wonderful reagent into the circulatory or lymphatic system of living, or just dead animals, or irrigating methylene blue tissue, which has not yet lost its vital properties, Ehrlich (1), Arnstein (2), Smirnov (3), Dogel (4) , M.D. Lavdovskiy (5), Retzius (6) and other authors found that methylene blue should be recognized as the best, one might say, the most sensitive reagent for detecting nerves and nerve plexus in various organs and tissues, not excluding the most nervous tissues such as the spinal cord and brain with their nodes and roots.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):20-48
pages 20-48 views

To the technique of painting Nissl`evsky bodies

Polumordvinov D.


In view of the growing interest presented by Nissl's bodies for researchers studying the physiological and pathological structure of nerve cells, I consider it useful to publish the coloring method I have developed. In addition to the simplicity of the technique and the demonstrativeness of the preparations obtained, the proposed method has the advantage of great constancy: to this I can add that the studies of the fresh nervous cells (my studies have not yet been published) reveal the complete identity of the pictures obtained in the volume and in other cases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):49-51
pages 49-51 views

To the morphology of the terminal nervous apparatus in the muscles of voluntary movement

Polumordvinov D.


According to the views prevailing at the present time, the muscles of voluntary movement do not have independent sensitive devices, and all the manifestations of muscle sensitivity, whether this latter is expressed in the form of pain sensitivity, or in the form of muscular feeling, are explained by the presence of tendon sensory nerve endings, internum , - in a word, in connective tissue and connective tissue formations, exposed to mechanical impact from the contracting muscles.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):52-58
pages 52-58 views

To the question of excitability of the cortex and epileptic seizures in lower animals

Lapinsky M.


By irritating the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, it is possible to cause seizures of epileptic seizures in many animals. Their seizure can consist of a prodromal period, clonic and tonic stages, and a subsequent coma. This typical seizure is extremely easy to get in a monkey. Without big difficulties, it can be reproduced in a dog, rabbit, cat, guinea pig, horse, donkey, rat, calf, goat and even a sheep. Attempts to induce convulsions in birds, irritating their large hemisphere, remained fruitless. Similarly, it was not possible to achieve epileptic seizures in fish, reptiles and amphibians.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):59-77
pages 59-77 views

Physiological and psychological basis of aesthetics

Smirnov A.I.


This essay will be devoted to the presentation of the aesthetic principles of painting, plastics and architecture. All these arts converge with each other mainly in the fact that they are the essence of visual art, that is, their works are perceived by the organ of vision and their aesthetic effects are given together with visual impressions. In the first issue, dedicated to the aesthetic principles of music, the general principles of grace and beauty were established and explained. We consider it not superfluous to formulate them again in a condensed form.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):78-121
pages 78-121 views

Changes in the craniocerebral circulation under the influence of calcium bromide

Gerver A.V.


At the present time, when the issue of cerebral circulation has taken on such vast dimensions, and its importance has become increasingly clear, an attempt to study the influence of various nervous (if I may put it this way) means on the circulation of blood in the brain is quite understandable.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):122-171
pages 122-171 views

On the results of research on the excitability of the posterior frontal lobe

Bekhterev V.


According to Ferrier, the area of ​​the anterior frontal lobe (P. praefrontalis), located in front of the line, mentally drawn perpendicular to the front end of s. praecentralis, does not give any motor phenomena in case of irritation, which is confirmed by Horsley and Beefor, as well as other authors. Between this area and the anterior central furrow together with the mental continuation of it to s. longitudinalis is the area, irritation of which causes, according to Ferrier, open eyes, dilated pupils and movement of the eyes and head in the opposite direction. Horsley and Beefor, with the help of weak minimal irritations, divided this area into three separate centers, from which the upper, located closer to the inner cleft of the brain, moves the head in the opposite direction, the middle moves the head and eyes to the opposite side and the lower one turns only the eyes in the opposite direction. It should be borne in mind that these centers altogether occupy an area much larger than one Ferrier center.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):172-176
pages 172-176 views


Prof. E. Kraepelin. Psychiatry. Textbook for students and doctors. Per. from the 5th German edition. 2 part. St. Petersburg. 1898. Price 5 rubles

Vorotynskiy B.I.


In the preface to the fifth (last) German edition of his manual, the author points out that in this edition his textbook has undergone significant and substantial changes, representing the last breakthrough transition from a symptomatological way of presenting a clinical study. In view of this, the author, when presenting, pays the main attention to the causes, course and outcome of mental disorders, pushing back into the background the meaning of external signs of mental illness. Since the Russian translation is delivered from the last German edition, it is likely to carry all the features of this edition, indicated by the author in the preface.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):177-178
pages 177-178 views

Prof. W. v. Bechterew. The conduction pathways in the brain and spinal cord. —Second, completely revised and greatly expanded edition. German by Richard Weinberg. Leipzig, 1899

Vorotynskiy B.I.


Not even two years have passed since the leadership of prof. V. M. Bekhterev appears already in the second edition in the German language. This fact seems to be very significant for Russian science and at the same time clearly testifies to the interest that neurology excites to itself at the present time. The appearance in such a short time of translation of the book by prof. Bekhterev's second edition is due to the undoubtedly large merits of his original work, which we have already had a chance to talk about. Now we can safely say that the leadership of prof. Ankylosing spondylitis is destined to be a reference book for every educated doctor. As far as we know, not a single translated manual of a Russian author abroad has ever used such success.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):178-179
pages 178-179 views

Prof. S. Chiriev. —Clinical notes from the nervous department of the Kiev military hospital. II. To the treatment of morbus Basedowii

Obraztsov V.


Having briefly touched on the main symptoms of Graves' disease and rejecting the current theory about the role of the thyroid gland in neutralizing the decay products of proteinaceous substances in the body, the author recommends the following treatment, which gave completely satisfactory results in his cases. In the evenings, or every other day, lubrication of the gland with one tincture and a compress; in a day faradization of the gland. Inside potassium iodide with sodium iodide and with an admixture of bromides. To regulate heart activity with tinct. convallariae majalis. From Migränin headache at 0, 75-1, 0 at night; in the evenings, warm baths at 35 ° C.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):179-180
pages 179-180 views

I.K.Shmukler. Children masturbation. Kiev. 1897 year

Sergeev L.A.


The author in his work, drawing attention to a serious and highly important issue of the general masturbation in children, examines the causes, symptoms, consequences and treatment of this pernicious disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):180-181
pages 180-181 views

A. I. Yushchenko. On the question of bed keeping mentally ill. (Russian. Medical Bulletin)

Greke V.


From the analysis of the work on bed rest, the author concluded that the authors who worked on this issue, not only do not pass to the same conclusion, but sometimes directly contradict each other, and tries to explain such a discrepancy by the fact that bed keeping by different authors is used far from unequal other conditions, as well as for various kinds of patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):181-182
pages 181-182 views

S. Sukhanov. Contribution to the study of changes undergone by dendritic extensions of nerve cells under the influence of narcotics. Extract from the Journal “la Cellule” t. XIV, 2nd fascicle

Yanishevskiy A.


The author exposed different animals to the action of ether, chloroform, alcohol and trional, and then studied the cortex of the dead from the action of these animal substances using the Golgi method.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):182-182
pages 182-182 views

S. Sukhanov. The pathological anatomy of the nerve cell in relation to varicose atrophy of the dendrites of the cerebral cortex. Extract from the Journal "La Cellule" t. XIV, 2nd fascicle

Yanishevskiy A.


In this article, the author has applied the Golgi method for studying changes in the cells of the cerebral cortex in case of poisoning with arsenic, in case of infection with canine rabies, in case of poisoning with teberculin and in thyroidectomy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):183-183
pages 183-183 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume VII, № 1 (1899)

Vorotynsky B.I.


From reliable sources, we can report that the State Council has allocated 9 million to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the construction of new District Hospitals for the mentally ill. This amount will go to the order of the Ministry for 1 million annually, starting from this year. As we have heard, the first hospitals will be built near Moscow, Yekaterinoslavl, Astrakhan, Tomsk and Riga.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):186-190
pages 186-190 views

Письмо в редакцию

Letter to the editor from Dr. Klyachkin

Osipov V.


In my work "Further research in the area of ​​the central endings of the X-th pair of cranial nerves", Dr. I do not agree with the author's conclusions about the central endings of the vagus nerve; this disagreement caused a protest on the part of the author, in the form of a letter to the editorial office of the "Neurological Bulletin", in which he insists on the correctness of his views; at the same time, it does not concern all the grounds that I have brought against his imprisonment; I will only touch on the area of ​​my work, which Dr. Klyachkin stops at, otherwise I would have to repeat everything in my article.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):184-185
pages 184-185 views

Annals of society

Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrov at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the appointment of November 15

Popov N.M.


Chaired by N. M. Popov, under secretary B. I. Vorotynsky; The following active members were present: K. A. Arnshtein, K. V. Voroshilov, D. A. Timofeev, L. A. Serguev, G. A. Klyachkin, N. N. Toporkov, V. S. Boldyrev. Guests: Dr. Pervushin, Kavorskiy, Mering, Dolgov and about 30 people of the public.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):190-191
pages 190-191 views

Report of the commission on the issue of alcoholism and the fight against him

Popov N.M., Dogel I.M., Vorotynskiy B.I., Levchatkin V.I.


The Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University, having received a proposal from the chairman of the commission, which is at the Biological Section of the Society for the Protection of Public Health in St. Petersburg, to take part in the development of the issue of alcoholism and the fight against him in the environment, the Commission decided to elect for this task included prof. I. M. Dogel, prof. H. M. Popov, priv. - doc. B. I. Vorotynskiy and Dr. V. I. Levchatkin. The elected committee reviewed the program worked out by the Society for the Protection of National Health and found it possible to give its conclusions on some issues.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):191-196
pages 191-196 views

Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1898

Vorotynsky B.I.


The Society hereby ends the seventh year of its existence.
In the reporting year 1898, the Society had 8 meetings; including 1 year, 1 emergency and 6 regular.

Neurology Bulletin. 1899;VII(1):197-202
pages 197-202 views

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