Vol VI, No 1 (1898)

Original article

About the connections of the cerebellum with the rest of the central nervous system

Telyatnik F.K.


Finishing this description of my preparations, I proceed to summarize the data obtained by me and compare them with the results obtained by other researchers. As for the anterior leg, disagreements between the authors exist both regarding the place of its beginning in the cerebellum, and regarding its intersection, as well as regarding the place of its ending.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):1-22
pages 1-22 views


Chizh V.F.


Karl Login, Latvian, peasant-farmer, 22 years old; the closest relatives of the patient are healthy; nothing is known about distant relatives. K.L. in childhood he endured scarlet fever, but generally enjoyed good health, studied well in the village school, lingering actively helped his father in village work; character was good-natured, apathetic, played the violin well and was considered a good musician. He led a correct lifestyle, did not drink and, as far as is known, did not have sexual intercourse. I got sick in December 1895; according to the opinion of the patient's brother, the disease developed as a result of two reasons; K.L. was a witness of how the worker got into the car and was taken out dead; this circumstance seemed to have made a heavy impression on K. L; the second reason: he wanted to get married, but the father did not allow this — the son must learn some trade, get a job and then get married. Around Christmas 1895 K.L. I was extremely apathetic, "quiet", slept a lot; sometimes complained about the feeling of pressure in the head and chest. At the end of January, he stopped talking, working and playing the violin, and slept almost all day long. The patient was used by a local doctor, but without any success; all manifestations of the disease progressively intensified. Before admission to the clinic, he almost continuously merged for two or three weeks, occasionally smiling: except for “yes” and “no”, he did not say a word. He himself went up to the table and ate, was clean; if he is taken somewhere, he resists. There was no deception of feelings, no inclination to destruction.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):23-32
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On the question of servants in psychiatric hospitals

Morozov M.S.


You can, of course, if you wish, you can bring a lot of facts testifying to the ill-treatment of the servants with the sick, but it is quite enough for us and this. If we add to the facts of rude treatment and beatings, there are still a lot of facts of poor performance of their duties, omissions, oversights, etc., then, of course, the unsatisfactory quality of the attitude of the servants in our psychiatric institutions will become obvious. If we pay attention to the numerical attitude of the servants to the sick in our hospitals and compare our Russian digital data with those in German hospitals, we will get an extra indication that the servants in our psychiatric hospitals are bad. According to the table I cite now, you see that in most of the named in it (in 17 out of 27) Russian hospitals the prevailing ratio is from 5 to 61/2 patients per servant, then there is a ratio of 4-41/2 patients per servant; the ratio of 7, 8, 9 patients to one servant is met literally in isolated cases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):33-70
pages 33-70 views

About the looped layer. Research by the method of rebirth

Lazurskiy A.F.


The most important conductor of sensitivity in the brain is, as is known, a system of fibers passing in the longitudinal direction through the entire brain stem and bearing the name of the loop layer. In view of the important physiological significance of this system, many anatomists have already worked on this issue, due to which the course of the loop layer now seems to have been largely studied; therefore, I will try to present it in the most brief outline, dwelling mainly on controversial or poorly developed aspects of the issue.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):71-91
pages 71-91 views

Research of the central beginnings and endings of the accessory nerve (N. accessorius Willisii)

Osipov V.P.


Starting at the end of the 16th century (Volcherus Goiter - 1573) and up to our time, about sixty authors studied the accessory nerve, partly dedicating special work to it, partly giving their views on the course and ending of this nerve in the textbooks of anatomy and histology published by them. Such persistence in the study of the accessory nerve is explained by the duality of its central beginnings and endings, that is, its origin both from the oblong and from the spinal cord. Already with a rough anatomical examination, it is clear that part of the roots emerging from the lower part of the medulla oblongata, not reaching the foramen jugulare of the skull, joins the nerve trunk, which runs along the lateral surface of the spinal cord and is formed by the connection of the roots emerging from the lateral brain. This common nerve trunk, emerging from the cranial cavity through the foram. jugulare and consisting of N. accessorius vagi and N. accessorius spinalis, received the name N. accessorius Willissi, named after Thomas’a Willis’a (1682) who described it. After exiting the foramen jugulare, the nerve gives a thin v-point (ramus internus — according to Heihendain’y) to the plexus ganglioformis n. vagi, and another, thick branch, is sent to the muscles (m. sternocleido-mastoideus). Thus, without the help of a microscope, a close connection between the XI and X pairs of cranial nerves is visible. To this, it must be added that the roots of the XI nerve, emerging from the lower sections of the medulla oblongata, produce the impression of the lower roots of the X nerve, and only their entry into the common trunk of the accessory nerve forces them to be referred to it. Heidenhain, using a physiological method, proved the connection between the accessory nerve and the vagus: he pulled out the accessory nerve in rabbits on the neck and after a few days after the operation did not receive the usual slowing of heartbeats with irritation of the vagus nerve; From this, the author concludes that the retarding heartbeat fibers of the vagus nerve receive an additional one through the ramus internus. Further, the author comes to the conclusion that the fibers of the accessory nerve, which delay the heartbeat, originate from the medulla oblongata. To confirm this view, Heidenhain cites experiments in which he, during artificial respiration of an animal, provided a cut of the medulla oblongata at the apex of the pen (calamus scriptorius) and below; with a slowdown of artificial respiration in the first case, a slowdown of the heartbeat was obtained, and in the second it did not work. Finally, in rabbits, after the accessory nerve was torn out, the laryngeal paralysis was as clearly expressed as after the X nerve was cut; food got into the respiratory tract, and the animals died from pneumonia, which usually began with the upper lobes).

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):118-138
pages 118-138 views

About ascending degenerations in the brainstem and descending in the spinal cord (after damage to the lateral part of the brain between the occipital foramen and atlant)

Sukhanov S.A.


Among the new ways of coloring the nervous tissue, which gave us a lot of new facts and partly contributing to the changes in our previous information about the course of fibers in the central nervous system, is the Marchi method, which is very common at the present time, due to its extreme convenience and simplicity in defining degeneration nerve fibers.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):92-117
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On the relationship between the value of the latent period and the height of the wave of tendon reflexes in the graphical research method

Borovikov I.V.


In the literature on the issue of tendon reflexes, as far as I know, with the exception of the works of Eulenburg and Féré, there are no indications and special works concerning the observation of the ratio between the size of the latent period, the height and length of the muscle. Apparently, these parts of the graphical depiction of reflexes should be in certain relations one to another, expressed approximately by the formula expressed by the mentioned scientists that the magnitude of the latent period and the magnitude of the reflex are inversely proportional.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):139-147
pages 139-147 views

Influence of music and color spectrum on the nervous system of humans and animals

Dogel I.


Several years ago, I published articles in Russian and German languages about the influence of music on humans and animals. Then, in 1897, I again published in Russian “The Influence of Music on Man and Animals”. In this 2nd edition there is a more detailed description of the structure of the auditory organ, the human larynx and the hearing aid of some animals; a few remarks about notation, about more well-known musical instruments, about the meaning of music in educational, medical and social relations.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):148-172
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On the application of the theory of dissociation of Arrhenius electrolyte solutions to electrophysiology

Chagovets V.


Some 150 years passed since the time when the idea was first expressed that the source of nervous power is electricity (Gausen, 1743). So much noise was overtaken in the past century by Mesmer's statements, which also explained how the special manifestation of electrical and magnetic forces, even more strengthened the faith, if not into identity, then) at least, into a close kinship of the energetic beginning of electricity. But, apart from abstract considerations, there was no direct evidence in support of these views in science. Only half a century later, after Gausen Galvani made his famous discovery that the muscles of a dissected frog's leg contract if the sciatic nerve and the lower part of it are connected with a metal conducting arc. Galvani, as is known, attributed this phenomenon to the presence of electrical forces generated in itself by the living tissue itself. But soon Volta arose against this view, who believed in this case the source of electricity not in the very tissues of the frog, but in the place of contact of the metal of the conducting arc with the liquid of living tissue. It was here that the beginning of that endless dispute was laid, which has been going on for a whole century and has not yet received a final solution, and which can be formulated as follows: does living protoplasm have independent sources of electric motor force, or does the electric phenomenon observed in living tissues only secondary results of the chemical or physical conditions that this tissue represents at a given moment, and do not have any direct connection with its functional activity? This question of enormous theoretical and practical interest, despite the mass of works of many outstanding scientists, has not yet received a satisfactory answer. Professor Biderman, in his extensive work on electrophysiology, which appeared last year, expresses himself on this matter as follows: the results of individual experiments and an almost complete lack of knowledge of the scope of their significance for the function of the underlying tissues. " (W. Biedermann. Elektrophysiologie. I. Abtheil. S. 273. Jena 1895).

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):173-188
pages 173-188 views


Prof. V.M.Bekhterev. Pathways of the spinal cord and brain. Guide to the study of internal connections of the brain. Part II. Fibers of the cerebellum, fibers of the cerebral hemispheres and a general overview of the conducting systems. Second edition, completely revised and significantly enlarged. With 255 figures in the textѣ. S.-Petersburg, 1898. Ts. 3 r. 50 k

Vorotynskiy B.


Having released the second part of The Pathways of the Brain, the venerable author has enriched Russian medical literature with a new major work on the anatomy of the central nervous system. In its present form, "The pathways of the spinal cord and the brain" are a complete guide containing a complete study of the internal connections of the brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):189-189
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Dr. A. Mercier. Sections from the central nervous system. -Translated from French. N. Vyrubova, with a preface by prof. V. M. Bekhterev. Published by K. L. Rikker. SPb. 1897. Price 1 r. 40 k

Vorotynskiy B.


The translation of Dr. Mercier's book is fully justified by the absence in Russian of such a manual, which is devoted to a detailed description of the complex microscopic technique in the study of the central nervous system. Such an essay, in which the most detailed information is collected and all the necessary indications related to the study of the nervous system are collected, seems to be very useful to have at hand for everyone involved in the microscopic anatomy of the brain, and for those who are just starting out, all such guidance is directly necessary, since they details concerning microscopic techniques, from the description and application of the related instruments to the manufacture and processing of the medium. If we keep in mind some of the important features of microscopic technique in the study of the central nervous system and if we take into account all the difficulty and complexity of this study, then it will become even more clear how such a guide is necessary for beginners.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):190-190
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S. Ramon Cajal. Nouvelles contributions à l’étude histologique de la rétine. Journal de l’Anatomie et de la Physiologie. XXXII année, 1896, № 5. Septembre—octobre. P. p. 481—543

Smirnov A.E.


In the development of rods and cones, the author notes 4 common and other main periods: the embryonic period, the period of unipolarity, the period of bipolarity and the period of the young state. The first period corresponds to the period of the germinal bodies of His and, to some extent, the period of mitosis, described, for example, by Koganeem and Shevich. The shape of the visual cells at this time is irregular, spherical. In newborn cats, rabbits and dogs, all these cells, apparently, have already passed this period, at least it is impossible to see mitosis at this time. In the second period, located in the beginning along the neighborhood with m. limit. externa, the cell stretches out and gives a long outgrowth, the end of which is the cell itself, gradually descending downward to the point at which it should be in adulthood. The body is ellipsoidal with a vertically standing long axis; but sometimes this form is changed through compression by the neighboring elements.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):191-200
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М. van Erp Taalman Kip. Acute Manie. — Allg. Zeitschr. für Psychiat. Bd. 54. pg. 119—135

Idelson G.


The work gives interesting proof for the teachings of Krayerlin, that there is no mania per se, and that mania is only a symptom of another mental illness or one of the phase-out periodical insanity. The author looked through the histories of the illness of 856 patients, among whom he found 107 cases of diagnosis "Mania" or "Mania acuta".

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):201-201
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Bratz. Zur Opiumbehandlung der Fpilepsie nach Flechsig. — Allg. Zeitschr, f. Psychiat. Bd. 54, pg. 208—220

Idelson G.


Opinions about the success rate of epilepsy treatment by the Flechsig method are different, in part even opposite. For 200 cases described, 8 deaths are noted, which should be partly attributed to the named method of treatment. The author used Flechsig's treatment in 43 patients and came to the following results.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):201-202
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А. van Gebuchten. L’anatomie fine de la cellule nerveuse. — Revue neurologique. № 18. 1897

Yanishevskiy A.


This article, which is a summary of the author's report at the international congress of doctors in Moscow, contains a description of the nerve cell in her deceased, active and pathological states.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):202-204
pages 202-204 views

H. Verger. Des troubles de la sensibilité dans les hémiplégies organiques d’origine cérébrale. — Archives cliniques de Bordeaux. 1897. № 10


The different types of sensitivity of the author of the refereed article are divided into simple and complex ones. To simple he refers to tactile, painful thermal and muscular feeling. He distinguishes between complex types of sensitivity: 1) The ability to localize the point of touch to the skin. 2) The ability to actively touch, which is composed of muscular feelings and feelings of touch and makes it possible to determine the object with the help of hands. 3) Sense of movement; its composition includes many different sensations, which during the movement of the penis are obtained from the skin, muscles, tendons, bag ligaments, and so on. Here you can distinguish: consciousness of active movements, consciousness of passive movements, determination of the position of a member in space and a sense of weight. 4) Consciousness of the existence of a member; it is composed of various feelings associated with this member. Having cited the histories of the illness of six patients with clinical diagnosis of organic craniocerebral hymiplegia, the author made the following conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):204-205
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Prof. P. I. Kovalevskiy. Migraine (Hemicrania). —Archive of psychiatry. 1897. T. XXX. Number 3


Migraine is a vasomotor neurosis that develops exclusively on inherited soil and serves as an expression of degeneration. Suffering has a particular preference for the female sex, being transmitted mainly through direct inheritance. In addition, migraine refers to a kind of nervous illness, in which a homogeneous inheritance is manifested with particular force, when migraine is present not only in these patients, but also in their parents and even grandparents. The disease can arise and not by identical transmission; In migraine, other neuroses and neuropsychoses can also be transformed: epilepsy, hysteria, neurasthenia and in general all psychoses of degeneration can be transmitted to offspring in the form of migraine. But a particularly prominent place in this series is occupied by epilepsy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):205-207
pages 205-207 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume V, № 1 (1898)

Vorotynskiy B.I.


On January 20 of this year, the Kazan City Duma considered the petition of the director of the Kazan District Hospital for the mentally ill on the concession of city land in the amount of 750 square meters. soot. in return for the hospital, which is to move away from the gardens of the hospital, a construction on this part of the road, as well as the sale of 25 acres of pasture land beyond the Kazanka River for the needs of the hospital. Both petitions of the director of the Asylum Duma were rejected. — Administrators of the hospital should perhaps assertively and energetically defend their interests, as there is a more general issue in connection with the disruption of the above-mentioned applications, which has long been raised and urgent, the question of the urgent and urgent need for the expansion of the all the while, it is very difficult for the sick.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):208-215
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Annals of society

The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol meeting on October 26

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. H. M. Popov, with secretary M. M. Maevsky; honorary members were present: K. A. Arnstein and I. M. Dogel; acting members: N. A. Mislavskiy, B. I. Vorotynskiy, V. I. Levchatkin, I. I. Naumov, L. A. Serguev, D. V. Polumordvinov; guests: Dr., Pervushin, Ostrovskiy, Vvedenskiy, Yanishevskiy, Kalyapin and about 50 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):215-216
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The chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the meeting on November 30

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. H. M. Popov, with secretary M. M. Maevsky; attended by: honorary members: K. A. Arnstein and I. M. Dogel; full members; K. V. Voroshilov, N. A. Mislavsky, N. A. Tolmachev, B. I. Vorotynskiy, V. I. Levchatkin, A. F. Teberg, V. V. Nikolaev, A. G. Klyachkin; guests: Dr. Arkanov, Vvedensky, Yanishevsky.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):216-218
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Report of the commission elected by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Kazan University to consider the fundamental issues developed by the Medical Council at the Kharkiv Provincial Zemsky Administration regarding the reorganization of the treatment and care of the mentally ill

Popov N.M., Vorotynskiy B.I., Levchatkin V.I., Naumov P.I.


The committee of 4 members at the meeting on October 22, 1897 examined the proposed questions and found it possible to express their next thoughts and conclusions on them.

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):218-219
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Report of the commission, elected by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University for consideration of the preliminary draft of the Charter of the Russian Union of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists

Popov N., Mislavskiy I., Vorotynskiy B., Naumov I., Skuridin P.


The committee elected by the Society in the composition of 5 persons at the date of October 12, 1897 examined the draft of the named Charter and found it necessary to make the following additions and changes concerning various paragraphs of the Charter and their editing; namely:
In § 2, paragraphs b) and k), it is advisable to combine together the following edition: “Assistance, as far as possible, in the publication of such scientific works, which, due to their vastness and size of publishing costs, could not have appeared in the light without the support of the Union, as well as independent publication of the original and translated monographs related to the field of neuropathology and psychiatry. "

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):219-220
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Report on the activities of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University for 1897

Vorotynsky B.I.


By this year, the Society begins the seventh year of its activity, which in the past year was expressed in the following. In 1897, the Society had 8 meetings; including 1 year, 1 emergency and 6 regular. In the next scientific posts, 14 messages were sent on the following subjects: 1) V.P. Kovalevskiy. The volume of changes in the nerve cells of the intervertebral nodes during irritation of the peripheral nerves. 2) M.M. Maevskiy. A case of epidemic insanity on religious grounds. 3) K. A. Arnstein. Remembrance of the volume by I. Kh. Akerblom. 4) V.I. Zhestkov. A case of hysterical aphasia. 5) N.E. Grinstein. To the innervations of the bladder. 6) N.N. Poroshin. The volume of changes in the automatic nerve nodes of the heart under the influence of chloroform. 7) N.M. Popov. A case of erythrophobia. 8) E.A. Genika. Folie à deux case. 9) H. M. Popov. To casuistic traumatic neuroses. 10) P.A.Mislavskiy. About bilateral conduction in nerves. 11) K.A. Arnstein. Experience in the taxonomy of nerve endings. 12) D.V. Polumordvinov. Method of coloring Nissl'evskih tel. 13) I.M.Dogel. About the influence of music on the nervous system of man and animals. 14) M. M. Maevskiy. Demonstration of the epileptic brain. In addition, in the last year of D.V. Polumordvinov uttered a rch under the title: "Our information about the processes that lie in the basis of the active state of the nerves".

Neurology Bulletin. 1898;VI(1):221-225
pages 221-225 views

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