Report on the activities of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan University for 1897

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By this year, the Society begins the seventh year of its activity, which in the past year was expressed in the following. In 1897, the Society had 8 meetings; including 1 year, 1 emergency and 6 regular. In the next scientific posts, 14 messages were sent on the following subjects: 1) V.P. Kovalevskiy. The volume of changes in the nerve cells of the intervertebral nodes during irritation of the peripheral nerves. 2) M.M. Maevskiy. A case of epidemic insanity on religious grounds. 3) K. A. Arnstein. Remembrance of the volume by I. Kh. Akerblom. 4) V.I. Zhestkov. A case of hysterical aphasia. 5) N.E. Grinstein. To the innervations of the bladder. 6) N.N. Poroshin. The volume of changes in the automatic nerve nodes of the heart under the influence of chloroform. 7) N.M. Popov. A case of erythrophobia. 8) E.A. Genika. Folie à deux case. 9) H. M. Popov. To casuistic traumatic neuroses. 10) P.A.Mislavskiy. About bilateral conduction in nerves. 11) K.A. Arnstein. Experience in the taxonomy of nerve endings. 12) D.V. Polumordvinov. Method of coloring Nissl'evskih tel. 13) I.M.Dogel. About the influence of music on the nervous system of man and animals. 14) M. M. Maevskiy. Demonstration of the epileptic brain. In addition, in the last year of D.V. Polumordvinov uttered a rch under the title: "Our information about the processes that lie in the basis of the active state of the nerves".

About the authors

B. I. Vorotynsky

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1898 Vorotynsky B.I.

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