Pathometric algorythm in multiple sclerosis differential diagnostics

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A significance of some immunological indices has been studied, used for differential diagnostics of multiple sclerosis and similar nervous system diseases. They had been studied on the basis of pathometric algorythm. 89 patients aged from 17 to 52 were examined which had been diagnosed for multiple sclerosis. In groups of comparison there were 34 patients with encephalomyelo-polyradiculoneuritis and 52 patients with noninflammatory neurologic disiases. The revealed difference in aminoregulation processes in subpopulation of cytotoxic lymphocytes and natural killers predecessors evidences their smaller functional activity and smaller participation in immunological processis in encephalomyelo-polyradiculoneuritis compared to that in multiple sclerosis. High discrimination properties of immunologic indices, chosen by pathometric algorythm are based on marker expression changes in lymphocyte membranes when performing test systems with monoamines. It has been most vividly shown in comparison between multiple sclerosis group and noninflammatory neurologic diseases group. Diagnostic tables have been developed, necessary for practical use as an additional clinico-laboratory method in multiple sclerosis diagnostics and in autoimmune character revealing in encephalomyelo-polyradiculoneuritis.

About the authors

S. V. Makarov

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Samara


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