Genetic defects in ion channels and neurological diseases in clinical, genetic and physiological aspects

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Since the 90s, mutations in genes encoding ion channel proteins have been described. These mutations are responsible for the development of a number of neurological diseases called canalopathies (CP) [30, 36]. It is of interest to study the clinical features of hereditary neurological diseases, the pathogenesis of which are genetic defects in ion channels, from a single angle of view, as well as an attempt to analyze the probable physiological processes underlying these diseases. This approach may be important for a new systematization of these diseases, usually belonging to different groups, and for the development of a modern strategy for their therapy.

About the authors

A. L. Zefirov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan

E. I. Bogdanov

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan

A. T. Zabbarova

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan

M. A. Mukhamedyarov

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan


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