To the question of the "Apraksii"

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In the question of cerebral localizations, the attention of a neuropathologist is especially attracted by those centers whose activity causes complexes of muscle movements aimed at performing expedient actions. Articulate speech can serve as such an ideal type of purposeful movement.

About the authors

V. N. Obraztsov

Novorossiysk University; Clinic of nervous diseases prof. N.M. Popova

Author for correspondence.

priv.-associate professor

Russian Federation, Novorossiysk; Odessa


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  9. Arnold Pick. Studien über motorische Apraxie. Wien und Leipzig. 1905.
  10. Kleist. Ueber Apraxie. Monats. f. Phych. ü Neurol. 1906 г. Онъ-же. Kartikale Apraxie. Jurn. f. Psych. 1907.
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  15. Никитинъ M. П. Объ апраксіи. Врач. Газет. 1909 № 49—50.
  16. Rose. Aphasia als Einleit. eines uräm. Anfalls. Цит. къ Семидалову.
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1 Perception diagram

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3. Fig. 2.

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4. Fig. 3. Scheme according to Liepmann-Lrol

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5. Fig. 4. Diagram of the study of the field of vision

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6. Fig. 5.

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7. Fig. 6.

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8. Fig. 7

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Copyright (c) 1911 Obraztsov V.N.

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