Clinical and functional characteristics of remission and rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia

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The aim of this study was to evaluate real social functioning of patients in remission of paranoid schizophrenia in the dynamics of treatment and rehabilitation measures.

Methods. Patients of the medical rehabilitation department were included in the transverse clinical and population study. Clinical scale evaluation was used, including PANSS, PSP.

Results. It was shown that patients with schizophrenia included in the program of therapeutic and rehabilitative measures, met clinical and functional criteria of remission. Negative symptomatology prevailed in the clinical picture and was more present in male patients. Individual negative symptoms were associated with the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Despite the generally comparable level of social functioning in patients of different sexes, functioning in different spheres is mediated by the gender factor. Factors associated with the social functioning of patients include employment, experience of own family and independent living. As a result of treatment and rehabilitation measures, there is a tendency to decrease the severity of positive and negative symptoms, a reliable decrease in the severity of depressive symptoms and an increase in the level of social functioning of patients.

Conclusions. The clinical and functional characteristics of schizophrenia remission are gender-specific. Differentiated assessment of patients’ social functioning should include professional and microsocial adaptation. The criteria for evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation measures in remission of schizophrenia include reduction of the severity of residual symptoms and increase in the level of social functioning of patients.

About the authors

Natalia N. Petrova

Saint Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 199034, St. Petersburg, University embankment, 7/9

Liubov V. Lugovskaia

Psychoneurological clinic №8

Russian Federation, 196143, St. Petersburg, Ordjonikidze str., 36


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The severity of psychopathological symptoms on the scale of positive and negative syndromes (PANSS) and the level of social functioning on the scale of personal and social functioning (PSP) in the dynamics of rehabilitation in patients of different genders

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